Simple environment modeling and texturing in Maya

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hi friends today we're going to learn simple and web and design in yeah so first we dig a plane and I'm going to increase the subdivision birth and height from here about 40 maybe 50 then I go to mash to sculpting tools and his curve tool the shortcut is control one I am going to the settings obscure to fine so here is the brush of two I can increase the size of brush from here I can control the size of brush by pressing B and left we can also address the stamp from here on this tool I am going to s-curve my environment so be careful so you can see I am giving the tails [Music] and creating Hills I'm planning to create here some hills and they were like structure here so by using this brush pulling my mash we can push the mash also by pressing control and working like that so I'm gonna create here a water body they were like solution by pressing control push it down camera angle is very important in this exercise so this is the first look of my scene I am going to create another Blaine water body let me access that selecting edges and select this edge shuttered back now we'll go into that sure it's texture or environment so right click and assign you what email select Lambert go to material attributes find here color attributes image inch further from here but in this case I don't want to change the color I want to go to file option and thick factor plastics to show the texture so you can see here the fractal is combination of the Dirk's black/white three so we may exist here the settings also do I should go down and balance that is we may change these colors to get our output so I'm going to change our gain first restructured like this offset also for better result I have to apply balm mapping also so right click and material attributes go to bump mapping and pick a fractal money so you can see the punk value is too high so we may adjust this up here of that button so zero through five we apply the texture to water body selected and I click assign your material ocean shader this time we apply ocean [Music] so this is our C we may add some trees also there by default trees from here go to generate back cat brush trees here and we may add any three share we want I want to add this tree tree there right click then applied left to selected is true let me add some so guys this is the environment hope you enjoy thanks for watching times
Channel: design ash
Views: 61,596
Rating: 4.9033151 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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