How to model 3D Mountain terrain in Maya ( full HI-LOW workflow )

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[Music] hey guys welcome back well today we're going to be working in Maya 2018 and we're gonna be trading in mountain terrain okay let's jump in here we go alright guys were in my twenty eighteen as you can see and I received a lot of questions about environment modeling okay so I decided to do this video on how to create a mountain terrain and that said let's get started okay so we're gonna go to our modeling tab we're gonna create a polygon plane and we're gonna hit hard we're gonna scale that up until we roughly have the size of our grid here now we're gonna do is we're gonna use a displacement map meaning that we're gonna project a displacement map on this plane to create our mountain terrain meaning that this plane here has to have a very high poly count okay so we're gonna hit ctrl a to empty attribute editor and we can go to the poly plane one tab and instead of having ten by ten subdivisions we're gonna bump that way up to a thousand okay so thousand euros well yeah very high that's fine if your system cannot do that because it's a bit too much you need to lower that obviously but you know if he can try and do a thousand by a thousand alright okay so now that we have that what we need to do is go to the sculpting menu and basically we're gonna use a brush so I'm going to take this guy on the left and we're gonna use our brush and we're gonna use a stamp that we need to download which is the displacement map okay but before we do that when I move my mouse over the grid or over the the plane here you see it turns into a circle and by holding down B and left-click and dragging you can make that bigger or smaller like this okay so let's double-click on our tool here on the Left we're gonna double click on that I'm just gonna bring that in here and a couple of things here that we can do we can go in we can change the size of our brush so we can go down make it smaller or we can go up there you go the strength you can do that as well so if I were to sculpt on this you see that effect if I bump up that strength they do much more than that I said ctrl Z to go back we don't want any of that but what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this stamp function down here and that's gonna be for our displacement map right so let's get that first so we're gonna jump to Google there we are and let's just type in mountain displacement map there you go now we're gonna go to images and we're looking for an image that is black and white and we need to kind of choose which one we want to use so let's see what we've got here this looks a pretty cool so we're gonna use this we're gonna right-click and go to save image as and we'll just save that under desktop here and that's what we're gonna use okay now let's jump back into your Maya there we are and we're gonna go to our stamp here you use stamp we're gonna click on import and we're gonna go to our desktop and I'm gonna like this guy right there so that's now loaded and now we're gonna take our brush and we're gonna pull that up I need to do that once but you can already see the effect here okay let me just turn on ambient occlusion so you can see it better let's just hit control Z and go back there we go and I'm going to turn on immune occlusion and then we're gonna put our mouse in the middle here and I'm gonna pull that up once and let go okay now let's see that looks fine by me it's actually very nice and what we'll do is we'll go in I'll just and minimize this guy and I'll put in a quick light source so you can see what's going on we're gonna go to a suicide don't like alright pretty awesome train right now the thing is this is a way to a high poly to be practical so we're gonna do is we're gonna select the sky and we're gonna go up to edit delete by type history and then we're gonna go to file we're gonna export selection and let's call this mountain high poly obj right so we're gonna export that as an obj to a desktop there we go and then we're gonna go in to ZBrush right guys here we are so we're gonna go to import we're gonna go to our desktop we're gonna select our mountain high poly we're gonna load that in let's give it a sec like I said it's quite high poly left-click and drag hold down shift there you go I'm gonna click edit I'm gonna click make polymesh3d and we're ready to rock and roll there you have it okay I'm gonna hit P on my keyboard to get the perspective view so it doesn't look that weird and there you go and this is gonna be our high poly all right so I'm gonna go to my sub tool here you can see this is our high poly so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate this guy I'm just gonna turn the little hue I think off right there and then I'm gonna rename this guy and we'll call this one low poly alright now it's not actually low poly just yet but we have it selected so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to geometry hangman and we're gonna go to our zremesher right there now let's start somewhere around the range of 4 okay we're simply gonna hit reassure and I'm gonna make sure this guy's turned on this might take a while and there you go this is our low poly I'll just make sure we can see the poly count this is a pretty low poly and kind of depending on what you want you can go up or down so let's see we're at 7000 we can bump it up a little bit so let's do maybe somewhere around 6 ok we'll give that another go alright then let's see if that is its skull than that let's see if we can live with that I think when we project our high poly on this guy we're good ok so it's seven thousand for a complete environment it's not too bad so we have that we're gonna do is we're gonna go to our z plugin we're gonna go to or a UV master and I'm gonna unwrap all to make sure that this is UV to go to UV plugin again flatten it so we can see and that's not a surprise alright go back and I'm flatten and then we're gonna export these guys okay so we're gonna go back to our sub tool here now first I'm gonna take my low poly and I'm gonna go to export and we'll just call this mountain low poly as an obj save that we're gonna go to our high poly here and go to explore mountain high poly yep fine say that out and now that we have these two a high poly and a low poly that's you vide we can go into substance painter okay here we go all right guys here we are so we're gonna go to file we're gonna go to new and I'm gonna leave this at PB I'm at a rough I'm gonna select my low poly and there it is let's see we'll set map size to 4k I'm gonna hit okay right here and there you have our low poly like that and then we're gonna do is you're gonna go in we're gonna bake textures so we're gonna click on this guy we're gonna go in and hit this little button right there so we can open that up and load or a high poly for the bake this one right there and we're gonna set that map size to 4k as well okay all looks good so we're gonna bake the initial sets now I'm just gonna turn this idea off so we'll get less errors during the bake but here we go well they have it guys I think it turned out quite well let's not paint on that there we go and as you can see it turned out perfect so this is a quick and easy way to create a terrain without too much hassle and make it look at very realistic ok so that's it guys hopefully it was helpful if you got any questions as always let me know and thank you very much for watching see you guys next time bye well thanks for watching them before you go please hit that MH button to subscribe ok see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: MH Tutorials, the Modeling Hub
Views: 64,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, blender, zbrush, keyshot, tutorial, mike, hermes, 3d, virtual, augmented, channel, youtube, How to model 3D Mountain terrain in Maya ( full HI-LOW workflow ), mike hermes, mh tutorials, how to model mountain terrain in maya, maya modeling tutorial, learning how to model in 3d, becoming a better 3d artist, game development, terrain development, displacement maps, displacement based terrain, becoming a better game artist, dogwood gaming, environmental modeling, model an environment
Id: zSau-jee3Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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