Effortless Unraid in 10 Minutes - Dedicated Server Datacenter Setup

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[Music] L hi there guys and welcome to another video now for those of you who follow my channel you may have seen when I made this backup server here a 13th gen Intel with 32 gigs of RAM well since making this server I've actually made another and that's this server here but to make this server I didn't even need to pick up a screwdriver in my hand or anything I did it all from my keyboard and no I don't mean a keyboard like that I mean my computer keyboard so a clue about how I did that if we look in the top right hand corner here it says data center server and if we look at the hardware here it's an i77700 yeah not the fastest CPU 4 cores 8 threads a pass Mark of 8,653 but this CPU was first seen years ago in quarter 4 of 2016 the max amount of ram this CPU can support is 64 gigs and there's 64 gigs installed in This Server so that's pretty cool now the model name just ignore that that's because I've named it myself through un raid but the motherboard underneath is the Fujitsu D 341 H2 now I couldn't find much about this I did find this on geekbench here a system with the same motherboard CPU and RAM this Fujitsu motherboard is designed for use really in desktops and workstations it's part of the Fujitsu extended lifestyle series which supports sixth and seventh gen Intel um the sky Lake and cabul Lake series but really who cares about the motherboard hay so looking at the storage here I've got this 6 tbte SATA hard drive here along with two 512 gig nvme ssds now sorry to talk about the motherboard again but if you noticed on the motherb board it only had one nvme slot so one has to assume that they're using a PCI adapter to get the second nvme in here so anyway why am i showing you my server in the data center well basically because I want to show you it's not really expensive to have a server in the data center and it's really actually quite easy to set up un raid there so what this video is going to be about is going to show you how you can really easily set up un raid in a data center in 10 minutes or less yes now yes that's a bold claim so the first thing you're going to need is you're going to need to rent a server I went and got one from hetner I found their prices really reasonable now I just want to say that this video is not in any way sponsored by hetner at all they're just the hosts that I chose for making this video for example just doing a quick search for cheap dedicated server at the top here we can see ovh cloud and well if we scroll down they've got a server here 32 gigs of RAM an E3 1231 V3 CPU which is four cores 8 threads and wow for 2 TB hard drives and that's for £16 a month so in US dollar about $20 a month with an unmetered 100 Meg connection if I click configure here it will tell me where the data center is where the server is located and if you look where the server is we can see this is located in Canada so basically you can see if you look around you can find cheap dedicated servers and it doesn't matter which host you choose except for one really important thing they must allow you to have a USB stick plugged into your server without that unraid won't boot so that's the only stipulation we must have so this host here ovh Cloud I've have no idea if they support that or not I've never used them myself and I did actually try and call them and find out but it was impossible to speak to a human being and I couldn't find out if they support that or not so yeah if you do decide to go with this company here then please find out first if they support USB flash drives to be connected to the servers if they do then let us all know tell us in the comments below because they do have some really competitive pricing it seems in fact if any of you guys out there know of any hosts where they're reasonably priced and we can use a USB stick with the server again please put it in the comments like I said earlier I chose hetner for my dedicated server you can add a USB flash drive to any of their servers Peter's data centers are located in Europe they have really good english- speaking support and so far I can't fault them they've been really good I use their server auction which is where they sell some of their older Hardware you can see here for €9 a month you get 64 gigs of RAM a sky Lake processor and two 250 gig hard drives now for an unraid server I wanted a little bit more than that so what I did is I came down here and I said I wanted a minimum of three drives and I wanted to have a drive of at least say 4 TB so you can see here for €36 a month that's about $36 you can get two ssds and a 4 TB hard drive now what I actually went for myself I bought this server an i77700 6 terab 2 512 gig nvmes and 64 gigs of RAM the data center it's in is in Finland and I got mine for around €39 a month now the deals that you can find here change all the time but one good thing about all of their servers is you get unlimited bandwidth so anyway before I start you can see that my server's already set up so what I'm going to do is I want to actually take a backup of This Server because in this video I'm I'm going to show you as well how we can easily restore from a flash backup should anything go wrong with our server and we need to restore it so whilst this backup is being created let's go back to the hetner server page again and I'm just going to show you here there's other servers you can get with more Modern Hardware from €39 a month this one here has got like an i5 13500 a 14 core CPU with 64 gigs of RAM and two ssds but for me I'd rather pay a little bit less have an older CPU and have a spinning rust hard drive as well for some bulk storage now obviously as I said earlier there's something extra we're going to need we're going to need our USB flash drive so I'll come to that how to actually order that in a moment so now obviously as I've already bought a server I'm going to log now into the control panel so to do that I'm just going to click onto here and I'm going to choose the robot option here and once here clicking on server on the side it shows a list of whatever servers you've got and there's mine there we can see the data center it's in and also its IP addresses but obviously I've blurred them out so I'm going to click onto my server here and we can see along this tab here there's various things that we can do but what I'm going to do is I'm going to click onto Hardware here and this is where we see the hardware that we've got in our server and next to that we can see addon on and you can see here I've got a 16 gig USB stick and to order that when you buy one of their auction servers you have to order it after you've actually made the purchase you just come across here to support and open up a ticket here and ask them for their 16 gig USB stick and it's about $140 I think a month so it works out about $15 a year to have the USB stick so you just send them the message and to be honest I had a USB stick in my server within 15 minutes so once you've got your server all set up what we need to do is come across here to where it says rescue now when you have a new server the rescue system will be activated by default this is basically a minimalist operating system based off um Debian I think that boots over the network whenever you click activate rescue system so it's really nice anytime you need to do any work on your system you can activate the rescue system it gives you an SSH password here so I'm going to copy that and just paste it into notepad here so once the rescue systems been activated we should come across here to reset and click on to execute an automatic Hardware reset and this will reboot the server and it will boot back into the rescue system now we need to give it a minute or two to reboot and then we can just open up a terminal window as we're going to need to SSH in so I'm going to type SSH rout at and then the IP address of my server now obviously I'm going to blur this out and then I just need to add the password that was generated for this SSH session earlier and you can see we're straight into the rescue system now the rescue system you can actually install other images as well running the install image you can install things like you buntu Debian and that kind of thing onto the server if that's what you wanted to do but we're not here for that we're here to install un raid okay so let's clear the screen here and one thing I'm going to mention is if you're installing this and your data center doesn't have a rescue system like this just install either Debian or Ubuntu onto your server first because the script that I've made that will install on raay that we're going to use will run on either but I don't need to do that because the hets a rescue system is based off Debian so what we need to do now is go over to my GitHub so do a search for GitHub space invader 1 Click on to repositories and you're looking for the data center UNR installer click onto that and here we got the instructions of how to use it so it's really simple to use the first thing we need to do is just copy this command here so that's copied onto the clipboard so opening up a terminal window I'm going to paste the command in there and what this does is it downloads the script and makes it executable so the next thing we need to do do is basically run the script now if you're logged into a rescue system you'll be logged in as root and so you won't have pseudo installed so this will be the command that we need here now if you're logged into a Ubuntu system then you're probably going to need to run sudu bashed to run the script with elevated privileges so let's go back to the terminal window and paste that in okay so first it checks for the necessary dependencies they're all there and now we're into the unraid Flash creat so we got three options here we can choose an unraid Branch we got stable which I recommend you installing stable not next we've got next which is kind of RC versions when they're available and the bottom option here is to upload and restore from a backup so that's why I took my backup earlier because I want to better do that after wiping This Server clean with the fresh install of unraid I can come back here and then I can restore so anyway we're going to go for the stable version here so I'm going to enter one and then the script will look and see which are the latest versions available and as I've making this video the latest stable version is 6.1210 so I'm going to select one because I want that one so we can see I've chosen 6.1210 and now it's asking which flash drive that I want to install it on obviously this server's only got one flash drive in so there's only one listed here if you had multiple flash drives they'll all be listed here and just make sure you install it on the correct one so I'm going to just type one here and then we get a warning saying that all the data will be wiped and erased and whether we want to continue or not so yes obviously I want to continue and so now it's wiping the drive formatting it correctly downloading un raid it's completed it's extracting it now and now it's going to copy the files over to the flash drive and now we'll see here that it's ready to make the drive bootable now we can see here it's telling me how my server's currently booted so my server's currently booted in legacy mode so I don't know if this server will actually be able to boot in EFI mode so here I'm not going to permit UEFI boot I'm just going to put no for here but if you saw here it said that you were booted in UEFI then you'd want to permit UEFI boot as that's how your server would be expecting to boot anyway because I'm in legacy mode at the moment I'm going to choose no okay and so unraid is all installed on my flash drive in the data center nothing else to do we can close this window now let's go back to the hetner page and I'm going to go back to reset here and now I'm going to execute another Hardware reset for this to b a boot up onto the unraid flash drive now there's one caveat here is your server may not be automatically set to boot from the flash drive I found mine was and I didn't need to do anything but if yours isn't you could contact the data center through a support ticket and ask them if they can set that for you or what you can do is you can rent a KVM um there's no cost I believe up to an hour you just book it in and then you can use a KVM over the internet and you can adjust the BIOS settings yourself and set the boot order that way like I said I didn't have to do it it was already set to boot from a flash drive so let's reboot I'm going to send the so whilst it's rebooting now we want to go across here to the firewall and here on the firewall you can see my incoming rules here at the moment I've only got SSH allowed now when you first buy your server everything's open I just applied an SSH template here for me to be a to connect by SSH but what we're going to need to do is connect to obviously the unraid web guey which runs on Port 80 so I'm going to add a rule here I'm just going to call it 80 and set for ipv4 TCP Port 80 and we're going to have that accepted so what this will do is allow us to log into the unraid serers web guy from the IP address of the server now I'm only going to leave this open for a little time if you wanted to at home if you had a static IP address you could just put your IP address in here and then that would be the only IP address allowed to connect to this port I'm going to delete this shortly because I'll be installing tail scale on my server but for now we need to be able to get in Via Port 80 for the initial setup so I'm going to scroll down and click on to save so this takes about 30 seconds to a minute for the firewall rules to be applied okay and we can see that's been successful so what I'm going to do now is copy my IP address again it's blurred but just copy your IP address by clicking on the button here and I'm going to open up a new tab and I'm going to paste the IP address into the tab okay so here we are unraid is running in the data center and yes getting it running took under 10 minutes yeah I know what you're going to say actually buying the server and going through that probably takes longer but the actual setup 10 minutes to get to this part so as this is a fresh install of unraid it's asking me to create a password which I'm going to do now now if you're going to leave your server exposed with p8 I advise not to but if you do then make sure you do a really complex password because it will be exposed to the Internet so for now I'm going to start the 30-day free trial and register the license later okay so I'm going to confirm this and so here's my lovely unraid server in the data center so now to choose what to do with the drives so we've got these drives here 6 terab and two 512s now what I'm going to do personally is I'm going to not have any parity well I don't have enough hard drives really anyway for that in the array so I'm going to set this drive here as just dis one but what I want to do personally I want to have this as ZFS and I'm going to have it as ZFS encrypted I want all my drives encrypted especially as they're in the data center um if a drive goes wrong or I ever kind of walk away from this server I don't really have to worry about the data because it's going to be encrypted also I'm going to put compression on um ZFS with compression is going to get me a little bit more out of that 6 terb than if I didn't have the compression on so I'm going to click apply and done so I don't need to have so many slots here it's just a little bit confusing let's pop that down to three now I'm going to add two pool devices I could go ahead and make a mirror but what I want to do is I'm going to have one of those nvmes for Docker and one for VMS so the first pull yeah it can be called cache and I will add that and choose the first nend vme again ZFS and ZFS encrypted with compression and the second pool let's just call this VMS and the second end vme there file system type of course ZFS compression on and let's click apply right so all the drives are going to be encrypted so I'm going to put in my encryption pass phrase here so let's start up the unraid array and format the drives right so the server's all up and running if we look at the dashboard here good thing to see all the drives pass the smart test that's pretty cool it' be interesting I reckon to see how much use these drives have had this 6 tbte I wouldn't be surprised if it's like really really old so it's a 4y- old drive it's pretty old it's had a lot of wear but if it goes wrong they'll replace it so not really too much of a worry I guess and let's have a look at the nvmes and this one here is 2 years 9 months so not quite as old and let's have a look at this one here oh this one's pretty new that's quite nice 5 months old so I'd imagine this one had a failure at some point and they had to swap it for a new Drive okay so I'm going to go to settings now and have a look at the network settings so the IP address of the server is the one IP address that the host has given me now bridging is enabled here but because we only have one IP address and nothing else that can be given out to the server then bridging can actually be a bit of a problem and to look at that let's go across to the VM manager here and go to the Advan mode now we can see here the default Network source is is br0 so this is the bridge on that default IP address that we've got normally this would be fine because it would be coming from our router and would' just be given another IP on DHCP but because in the data center they only give you one IP well you're not going to get any other IP addresses so for our VMS we want to change the default Network to virbr0 this is basically an internal networ work that qmu creates so then when we create a VM using this we just get an internal IP address and if we need to connect to the internet from the VM that works because it's nated with the main IP address of the unraid server which is our one IP so by changing this I can run VMS easily on the data center unraid server now for Docker we don't actually need to change anything if we look here the custom Docker network type is ipv l that's absolutely fine so nothing to change here but let's actually customize the server now I definitely don't want the name of tower I need something cooler than that so I'm going to stop the array here go to settings and where is it identification and call it something a bit more cooler um what to call it though Well the description can be data center server so as I've been watching recently Andromeda I'm going to call a server that and I know you guys who know more about Andromeda than me will say that's not the name of the ship it should be called Andromeda ascendant but that's too long I'm going to call it just Andromeda okay so with the server name changed I can start back up the array okay so the first thing I'm going to install is going to be tail scale first let's get the ca plugin in and I like the actual plug-in as opposed to container now there's a proper tutorial coming about setting up tail scale um pretty soon but basically it's really easy you just sign into tail scale and it adds to the machine with its own IP address okay so I'm successfully joined okay so there just one thing I'm going to do go to settings here here and then across to advanced settings and I'm going to enable use tail scale DNS settings here okay so there's my tail scale IP I'm going to copy that and now paste that in so now I can actually unblur my IP address because we're now logging in on that tail scale one okay so log back in So now because we've got this new IP I can go back now to the heter firewall here and I can disable the rule where we're foring Port 80 so I'm just going to delete the rule cuz we don't need it anymore and with that done the server's nice and secure so that's an unraid server all set up in the data center now yep there's nothing on it at the moment no VMS no containers and you might be thinking well what's the point in having an unraid server in the data center well you could set up a seed box you could run jelly Flex or mvy from there it can be a backup location and something I'm going to do I'm going to set up something called airs SATs TV what's that you might ask well basically the easiest way to explain it is it kind of lets you have your own TV channel now I own all of the Stargate series Atlantis sg1 Etc and I've ripped all of those discs onto my server at home but what I'm going to do is I'm going to upload that series onto the data center server once I've uploaded it there I'm going to configure the airat T TV to give me a dedicated TV Channel my own personal one that just plays Random episodes of Stargate so it's different so kind of Plex and MB because I'm not actually choosing what episode I play and it's just running all of the time I might turn it on I don't know on a Wednesday evening and it will already be halfway through an episode and as time goes on I might put different sci-fi shows on there as well but that's something I thought would be quite cool to do and because it's not running on my own server at home it's it's not wearing down my hard drives and it's not costing me any electricity anyway if you guys can think of anything you want me to actually try out on the data center server or you got any good ideas what I can use it for then please let me know in the comments below now before we wrap up let's just have a look at restoring a backup of the unraid flash drive onto the data center server okay so what happens if the flash drive fails in the data center and we need to restore from a flash backup well that's what we're going to look at now so obviously if the flash backup fails well we're going to need to have to restore it but how do we easily get our flash backup image across onto the server well that's pretty easy what we need to do is we are going to need a Dropbox account now I'm sorry this is the only cloud service that I've put into the system at the moment the reason being is it's a lot easier to convert a dropbo link into a direct download link than it is from something like Google Drive Google Drive requires a special package called G down which you can't actually install into a rescue system because it's managed by the host but with Dropbox you can sign up for a free 2 GB account which is fine for what we need so what I'm going to do is I'm going to upload my flash drive backup and once it's uploaded you'll get a window like this saying it's too big to load that doesn't matter all it means is it can't preview it in a preview window we don't care about that so what we need to do now is we need to make a sharable link for this file so to do that I'm going to click on to share here and by default anyone with the link can view the file so I'm going to click create and copy link and so the link is now copied onto my clipboard so it's time for notepad again and I'm going to paste that here so we've got the URL of our un raid flash drive backup so now let's go back across to the heter control panel and it's time to boot into the rescue system again so let's activate that and we've got a new SSH password so let's pop that back into notepad and now let's reset and boot into the rescue system okay so I'm logged back into the rescue system through SSH now and again I'm going to go back to GitHub copy the command to download the script and run the script again so this time I'm going to choose nine to upload and restore from backup now here it's going to ask us how we want to provide the backup file link I uploaded to Dropbox so I'm going to choose one but we could enter a direct URL if you've got any other way of uploading a zip file where it's a direct download then you could choose the second option but much easier to use dropbox so I'm going to choose one so now it's asking for the public link so let's go to notepad and copy the link and paste it in so what you can see is it validated the link and it's converted it into a direct download link so now again as before we just select the flash drive and yes we know we're going to overwrite it and again it's wiping all the data it's downloading our backup from Dropbox okay so it's completed the download now it's going to copy everything to the flash drive and make it bootable just as before again I'm going to select no here and the flash drive is now restored and I can reboot back into un ra now before I forget I don't want to leave the file here so I'm going to delete it and I'm going to go into deleted files and I'm going to permanently delete that okay so it's no longer in Dropbox so that's cool so let's reboot the server so there we are straight in and let's log in and as my drives are encrypted as expected the array hasn't started up yet but there we are straight into the restored server awesome okay guys well that wraps things up and brings us to the end of the video now I really hope you enjoyed this video and you found it interesting a little bit different setting up un raid in the data center and if you want to watch something a little bit different again well I've just uploaded another video at the same time as this one where with a laser cutter I build a death star wall in my studio office so if that interests you check that out as well so thanks very much everyone for watching I'd really appreciate you hitting the like button if you like the video thanks very much if you do that and if you're not already a subscriber of the channel then please hit the Subscribe button and subscribe to the channel now I want to give a really big thank you to all of my patrons and supporters out there thank you so much guys for all of your support I really wouldn't be to make these videos if it wasn't for you guys and if you want to join these great bunch of people and help support the channel then please see the links in the description below anyway guys it's getting late here and it's time for me to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day I hope it's good and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 10,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ss5kulPlI1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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