Simone Biles' record-smashing all around gold at 2019 Worlds | FULL BROADCAST | NBC Sports

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so far at these world championships simone biles has astonished performing two skills never before seen in women's gymnastics and leading the americans to a fifth straight world title her record-breaking 21st career world medal today the greatest gymnast ever competes for an unprecedented fifth world all-around crown nbc sports welcomes you to the world gymnastics championships presented by the olympic channel home of team usa the best gymnast in the world competing all week inside hans martin schleyer hall here in stuttgart germany and the final world gymnastics championships before the olympics in tokyo in 2020 today it's the women's all-around final and hi everybody terry gannon alongside tim daggett and nastia luken the opportunity doesn't come around often enough a chance to watch simone biles in an all-around final she hasn't lost one of these in more than six years nobody really expects her to lose today but she still has you guys on the edge of your seat because what she does is so spectacular and nasty maybe the toughest thing with her is coming up with the superlatives that we haven't used before it really is and you know i think what is so incredible is you know so often we try to measure greatness and what really defines that but what i have just loved all week long here in germany is seeing every other athlete on the floor stop to watch her they don't want to miss a single routine or a single skill and so many of those skills that we did see here in germany nobody in the world has ever done them and even the ones that try to do them nobody does them as well as she does yeah for me she is just awe inspiring i mean it's not just that she's the greatest of all time i've not talked to a person who challenges that notion usually there's always discussion disagreement but universally simone biles greatest of all time goes even beyond that all of sports really right now you could argue she carries her sport like no one else does out there but when you ask her about what's the most impressive thing from the week here at the world championships she points to the 16 year old from st paul minnesota suny lee who came in right behind her at the u.s national championships and her teammates were kind of worried about her nerves calming him down they don't really have to worry about that absolutely not she had a few mistakes one in the qualifying round of competition but not to worry she's still placed second behind simone bios qualifying into this all-around final had a mistake in the team final you know could have been just a slight case of nerves but i'm really looking forward to watching her out here today i think she is going to be phenomenal hey i'll tell you suny lee she is the second best gymnast in the entire world if she goes out there and does what she's capable of she'll get that silver medal simone of course will get the gold but uh it's a race for third in my opinion first year as a senior second best gymnast in the world that's a pretty big statement right talk about third who else should we watch today well for me i've really been impressed with angelina melnikova i have loved watching her she's kind of been the rock of the russian national team really just calm and cool pretty consistent so far here in germany that's not always been the case for her but she will definitely put up a challenge to get on that podium today another gymnast you gotta keep an eye out for is melanie dejesus de from france she is a glorious person to watch floats on the uneven bars has so many wonderful qualities just flexible strong quick and really makes you love to watch the sport of gymnastics it's going to be a great day they'll figure in but what's amazing is even those athletes say hey this is simone bile stage we are lucky to be here competing against her and watching her during the competition so our opportunity to watch simone biles in the women's all-around final as the world championships continue here in stuttgart back inside schleier hall here in stuttgart that moment when simone biles walks out and is announced here ronda nelly in attendance throughout the week cheering her on and also the other american in this women's all-around final suny lee her first year as a senior gymnast in center state second in qualifying as we check out those names simone of course qualified first melanie de jesus dos santos and then angelina melnikova the uting team he got a replacement there and tong xi jing from china that's a lot we'll talk more about that but these are the names that are going to figure prominently in a derwell also ellie black always from canada and don't forget the scores all reset so nothing carries over from the qualifying everybody with a chance to make a run at the podium including suny lee who's had so much to think about much more than just competition the last couple of months it was her dad john who fell off a ladder on august 4th while helping a friend trim branches off of a tree it was just a few days before she left for the u.s championships that was in doubt for a while but she went had a breakout performance and placed second silver medal right behind simone biles but her dad severely injured paralyzed from the chest down he's had a long stay in the hospital since and he has certainly been on her mind this week with more on that right now here is andrea joyce well terry there have been lots of exciting moments for team usa here in germany but perhaps the best news all week came from st paul minnesota after eight weeks in the hospital suny's dad john was released yesterday just in time to be home to watch this competition on tv i spoke to john on the phone last night and he told me that he is ecstatic and it is just awesome to be home surrounded by his family now there's lots of rehab and uncertainty ahead but what suny has done here has lifted his spirits immensely you could hear the pride and the emotion in his voice she's dedicated these championships to him and she told me after winning the team gold that he's always on her mind and while everyone else is amazed by her composure john told me he is not surprised in his words she is one strong tough little girl his message for her today the same as it's always been don't worry about me just go out there and have fun terry andrea thank you we certainly send out our best too in a full recovery it has been impressive to watch her focus compartmentalize uh and just shine at these world championships it really has and take away everything else that she is dealing with coming on to a world scene her first year as a senior athlete not to mention the year before the olympic games has truly been remarkable i i really think this is the start of her career you think about those that we've already mentioned melanie de jesus dos santos from france from martinique originally and last year sixth in the all-around at the world championships here she is a chance for the podium she definitely has a chance and you know she was not at her very best in the all-around finals in doha if she can put it all together i mean you'll see she is just wonderful to watch and really from start to finish you know we see in tim as you kind of talked about earlier the grace the power the beauty the artistry she really does have that whole package she's gonna do a very popular vault we'll see a bunch of them double twisting laid out your chanco [Applause] gorgeous oh that was spectacular really great rebound right off the table you know she did a great job in qualifying but in the team finals france actually stumbled quite a bit they were fourth in qualification had a rough day in team finals visibility sites ready to go on uneven bars so four rotations of course for apparatus and an afternoon of competition here in germany getting underway the 25 year old who was the world bronze medalist on uneven bars in 2018 and this is really where she shines been around for a long long time [Music] crowds have been crazy here in stuttgart beautiful combination right there looking for handstands and that was perfect transition down to the low and right back up again really nice a little off on that last release into the handstand recovered so well great start absolutely it really has been cool to see the german athletes out there receiving so much love from the audience and this is the crowd that's turned out in full force all week i mean it was packed no matter what day of the week oh yeah at 10 o'clock in the morning exactly 100 000 spectators expected here at these championships so you see her right here she'll go right back up to the high bar the more you connect skills together the more bonus points you get she does three of them together we'll see hopefully suny lee who does four back to back to back to back santos 14.633 with that start yeah that is a very big number not not even eight tenths of a point in deduction and you know on vaulting this is the top group so they're seated all of the best athletes are right there the judges are primed to give the big scores to this rotation no question 16 years of age st paul minnesota suny lead same vault we just saw melanie do the double twist nicely done you know she injured had a fracture a slight fracture of her lower leg and because of that she was landing kind of awkwardly awkward with one foot slightly in front of the other she says she's a hundred percent now but still does that kind of telegraph telemark landing like they do in ski jumping and through the national championships with has had to deal with that the number four sites fourteen eight six six it's a good number and you see that difficulty that is the among among the very best in the world 6.4 16.4 maximum how about that dynamic together in that group two americans a young 16 year old who simone biles has talked about yep i'm gonna look out for her this week and now they're competing against absolutely and it goes both ways because you know suny looks up to simone so much both for advice and inspiration but just being able to be there on that competition floor with with her next to her is i'm sure a huge honor for her and now the most decorated female gymnast ever and most would say probably everybody would say the greatest ever first of four and they start on vault of course and you know she's gonna do the highest rated vault today in the competition has a maximum score of 16.0 but she has a bag a bag of tricks and one of them is a biles on ball which is a double twist off i don't believe she'll do that today really complicated though unbelievable [Applause] really great start just as you would exactly expect you know this is what we're going to be talking about all day long with simone is she does these extremely difficult skills and routines but she also does them so incredibly well everything looks so easy watch her legs look at her toes look at her knees everything's pinned together and then just one hop backwards probably going to be a 3 10 hop let's take a look from this angle right here you want to make sure you do not go out of these two lines they're tough to see from that angle the line is in though you can land on it it's just if you go over it i had thought it from one of the other views it looked very close but barely out of breath oh gosh yeah so you see that one-tenth deduction that penalty she did go over that line but no big deal here two americans off to that start we go over to uneven bars and the 2018 uneven bars world champ nina derwell from belgium the 19 year old and she is so great on this event from start to finish it doesn't and stop begin with just a gigantic release skill and then after that combine a bunch of skills together right here very nice here's the start of this combination oh that's named after her by the way right back up to the high bar beautiful [Applause] oh my wow you know what you're going to see over and over again and we'll see some gymnasts that aren't as smooth and as great as that right there but the very best in the world they're doing the hardest skills but what they do so well is they make it look [Applause] effortless this is the durwal she catches in a mixed grip and then goes right back down to the low bar now for being extra picky which you know the judges are doing her feet at times are just a little bit flex not there great but that was such a great start you know the so many of these events for these athletes you have to when where they are great you have to hit and that was that event for her if she wants a chance she needs to hit well and she did so over to vault lee she gia this happened a few moments ago very nice from china as we are underway in the women's all-around final back with a home team on balance beams sarah voss from germany 19 years of age a lot of things happening at these world championships obviously medals at stake but also qualifying for the olympic games three teams the united states russia and china qualified at the 2018 world championships another nine teams from here and germany was one of them we talked about this yesterday in the men's competition starting off on the palmer horse for the men always a little bit more nerve-wracking same thing here for the women starting off on the balance beam when you have extra adrenaline and nerves isn't always easy but she handled it extremely well and it's glad that one is out of her way very nice dismount two and a half twist just a slight little check at the end of that but tell you what great to compete at home too isn't it nastya pressure as well though fun of the home crowd wasn't expecting to compete in the all-around stepped in for an injured athlete tong xi jing also stepped in replaced the uting team which are allowed to do as a country if that athlete is ranked higher than one of those reserves who would go [Applause] the women's all-around final with a crowd into it and angelina melnikova from russia one of those top athletes in that group starting on vault she has just been really so consistent all around here all week long the qualifying round the team finals no major mistakes no falls keep that going here today she could find herself on the podium so you know it was it was okay in the air it was good just when she got to the landing perhaps piped her hips down a little bit and was forced to take a pretty big hot back there and you know as a coach it's like you see this kind of a landing and just go just take your time wait it out a little bit the vault's good a little bit of cross feet but watch there's a slide that's a three-tenths and that right there is very suspicious to me and i'm sure that judges it well it looks like another adjustment part of that silver medal the team event for the russians and also over on uneven bars to the uh kind of uh so it appears because her coach lifted her up there that she perhaps had a fall before that we're unfortunately coming in halfway through the routine due to the world feed here a little short on that handstand as well nice dismount though double front taking the host broadcasters pictures images throughout the week a kind who was 12th in qualifying yeah she really was a rock there but faltered a little bit in the team championships russia of course came home with a silver medal behind the united states the shocker was that china finished out of the medals and italy really got the job done it's an amazing moment when italy looked up and saw their name up there in the third spot sarah voss from germany thirteen eight six six and any time you get in an eight or better execution score on beam you are doing a lot of things right how about the number from el nikova fourteen four three three i think it's about right you know we've seen some better ones melanie the santos de jesus de santos had the highest score i believe for that vault thus far but tim as you mentioned you take a look at that execution score and it still was at a 9-0 or a little above a 9-0 so that's really great just over 12 for a climb above over the floor cynthia rodriguez from spain 24 years of age was 27th in qualifying the top 24 make it but of course you've got the two athlete per country rule in the us with grace mccallum in the top five she's not here that would have her as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a very nice routine not the toughest difficulty but certainly perform extremely well the bonus for her she was part of the team that qualifies spain to tokyo 2020 and said it was the best day of her life third time trying to qualify for the olympics and this time around is able to make it really it was a range of emotions for so many different countries for them obviously so much excitement here's a double backflip in a pike position the judges are really looking for the landing your chest up and that was great right there we'll see other athletes that will do this much more difficult that's a double twist now to give it a little perspective simone bile's last pass also has a double flip twisted but it's got a double flip too she does a double twisting double somersault at the end which not many people can just do separately let alone at the end of their routine [Music] athletes waiting in that area which we have yet tonight 12.6 for rodriguez [Music] sit back down get some more camera time over to beam now julia steingruber the 25 year old from switzerland who has meddled at the world championships you see on vault 2017 2015 she was fifth in the in the final this last year's worlds with a knee injury and really thought about hanging up her grips at that point in time [Applause] so hard to deal with all of these injuries she's very well known nice combination siri she was the 2013 swiss female athlete of the year very difficult what makes that so hard is she actually does it with her legs straight a lot of gymnasts will do the tucked front but she does it in a piked position oh just about to say a good combination mix of dance and acro [Music] just a little shaky on every pretty much a balance check on every single skill so far but just the dismount [Music] julia steinkrober as we continue with the world championships and stuttgart the moment it's been quite a run for the american women in the all-around the world championships nine of the last 11 gold medals and tim's six in a row unbelievable just look at that there there are a couple of course aliyah mustafa one of the greats at vanessa ferrari who kind of got things rolling for italy but dominance absolute dominance and and not going to do it yet but you could add 2019 most likely although nina durwell on bars 15.2 which is the highest number that we have seen throughout the week and will be at least after the opening rotation very close to simone bioson well she will be she will be actually yeah the problem nina and everybody else will have to deal with is that simone can get 15s on every event yup 12.8 stein gruber some of the action taken place while we were away and athletes waiting for their numbers we've kind of mentioned we really do not love this area you know it's this new thing that gymnastics i guess is now doing in figure skating it's very common the piston cry of course but i've never heard that term but you know i think we're so used to going straight to whether it's your teammates or your coaches and hopefully celebrating or at least being there with them and you're kind of now secluded off by yourself now here in that corner you're thinking as an athlete as a spectator as an observer i kind of like isolate them and get their reaction all right over to floor in brooklyn moore's the 18 year old from ontario canada qualified 25th but again the two athlete per country rule and this routine is truly spectacular just absolutely art [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] wow you know as a younger gymnast she told us that she struggled a lot with the strength and the power aspect to the floor exercise so really focused on the choreography the grace the beauty and gosh has it paid off not going to see her in the event finals on floor the canadians actually made an inquiry on her score and eventually it was lowered and she missed the final absolutely and i don't know why because it she is as nasty as that just absolutely stunning she followed her older sister victoria into artistic component not a lot of people can dance like her but even if they could they don't because it is so exhausting to dance like this and do all the tumbling kudos to her so one rotation in the books here in the women's all-around final it is simone biles in the lead but here's the shock it's close long way to go though we'll continue from stuttgart germany in a moment [Music] so back with a look at the standings after one rotation in the women's all-around final simone biles on top but an excellent routine not even bars for nina durwell elizabeth seitz and then melanie de jesus dos santos ahead of the young teenager from minnesota suny lee el nikova also figured to be in the mix and have a chance at a spot on the podium by the end of the night so this top group started on fault over to uneven bars and simone biles is in everything every event this week this is the one though at which she hasn't won a gold medal and might be the lowest number in this women's all-around final yeah it could be but she did win a world medal last year on this event well a gold medal is what i'm saying she would love to do that she'll have that chance later in the week it's a busy week for simone and she and suny lee in that top group on uneven bars here in the women's all-around motto when we come back to stuttgart back in germany with the second rotation now underway balance beam and ellie black the 24 year old from nova scotia who won silver in the all-around at the world championships back in 2017. that of course was in montreal she decided to hang on after the rio olympic games because she wanted to do a worlds at home it went spectacularly really since then has just been phenomenal has put canada kind of on the map on the woman's side [Music] beautiful back layout and that's what she said you know when we got a chance to talk to her she said that her goal was really to do this for the next generation of canadian young gymnasts so they can kind of watch and see this is possible too for us to be out here with some of the best in the world and you know every time you ask her a question about her own career and her successes she always brings it right back around to the team that is what she's doing it for she says as she gets older it has become more and more important for her [Applause] [Applause] nice two and a half good power [Applause] top ten in qualifying she qualified ninth the effort on beam for ellie black kicking off this second rotation she is a rock it's unbelievable just everything is planned and done with precision so decorated won the all-around at the pan american games this summer at the last pan american games won the all-round and just a boatload of other medals as well nice job meanwhile over to hatomi hataketa from japan 19 years of age made her debut at worlds last year she finished six with the japanese team individual finals here nice ball really clean but she's going to do a one and a half twist on this laid out flip right here really clean like i said and a pretty good landing a little deep in that squat position if we're being picky few moments ago so we get the numbers right away 13.8 most of the gymnasts we've seen have been doing a 5.4 difficulty that's if you add an extra half turn ellie black and even 14 and you get the total for the all-around so far [Music] over to suny lee on uneven bars second rotation for this top group and she can really set herself apart and move i would say right behind simone with not a great routine for her just a typical one it starts off right here huge release move right off the top right back down to the low bar oh ooh oh my god unbelievable you know we've watched her in podium training we've watched her in the qualifications and the team finals and i've not yet seen her do something like this he's just way too far from the bar yeah never that that skill from high bar to low bar it's called a packed salto i've never seen her miss that skill you you have to factor in though she's doing it from i would say the most difficult skill being done in the world on uneven bars a neva where she keeps her body completely straight as she's flipping over the top bar but this is devastating for this young lady a full point off in deductions beautiful a little short on that last handstand just the dismount right here well such a great recovery for suny but unfortunately that is a huge mistake right there and as i was talking about earlier for nina that we just saw in the uneven bars this routine for suny right here is so critical for her to make because she has such a big advantage over so many of these other athletes she really could not afford to have such a huge mistake right here what a time for that to happen too was the best in that event at the u.s national championships georgia god went a moment ago from australia here on vault [Applause] great vault great form in the air nice landing much lower difficulty than we know not even comparing to simone of course but to a lot of the other gymnasts out here and team australia had the dreaded 13th spot just finishing one placement away from qualifying a team so the number for god win and now suny lee waits for this number and i'll tell you what at this point in time for suny to get on that podium she needs help from some of the other top competitors they got to come off an event as well she got an even 15 in qualifying and that doesn't always compare exactly to what you're going to get that's almost two points lower yeah really really is a a huge error and it's just so uncharacteristic of her [Applause] so from one american to the next simone biles perhaps on her way to a fifth world all-around title with the lead after one rotation we talked a little bit earlier about how maybe this isn't her best event but then we took a look at the scores from the qualifying round of competition 14.733 here on the uneven bars and on balance beam 14.8 some people might get rattled they just saw their teammate kind of their younger friend stumble in probably the biggest meet of her life but not this woman right here simone biles just incredible consistency great combinations [Applause] here we go double twisting double back the height just takes your breath away doing the toughest stuff in the world and making it look like child's play like a kid swinging on the bars in a playground unbelievable [Music] so here's that dismount terry you said she flies so high look how much higher above the bar can't even quite tell on that angle as much as others but it is just incredible flies out of the camera she really does that's one of the examples of skills that she added to her repertoire after her dominating performance at the rio olympic games she just keeps getting better over to beam georgia villa from italy part of that bronze medal for italy which was such a stunner oh just being here live in this arena you could just feel the excitement and the energy and the emotion from team italy hangs on super difficult [Music] combination round up into that back with a pull oh my goodness the dreaded wolf turn [Applause] when they do it it looks so easy but you see just about the very best in the world during a training session though they'll have a clunky one and they'll come off the beam just like she did [Music] too bad she is part of the new generation for italy four new seniors a completely reworked team [Applause] here's that first skill that we saw round off backflip with a full twist just a tiny bit off but was able to kind of save it in the air that makes it so much more difficult doing it from the round off all right we get the score now 14 7 3 3 for simone biles the exact same score that she got qualified only 15 years old coming in just turned 16. during the world championships completing your first world championship qualified 7. the chinese gymnasts have just been so great on this event for years and years unfortunately struggled a little bit yeah in the team finals veteran actually came off the bars twice which was shocking of course china placing out of the nettles in fourth big deduction another one right there good but not great that's for sure so we'll continue in a moment at the world championships from germany [Music] tell that routine bars for now the number 13.366 after some problems yeah she had a lot of rough areas in that exercise so back to the uneven bars tong xi jing from china trying to do a little better than her teammate just did she's just 16 years old [Music] this was her best event in qualifying scored a 14.76 excuse me correct that china in the team competition had a lot of problems on this skill [Applause] one more into a nice release really great stop handstand position nasty i thought was good too a little bit if i again if i'm being super picky arch back in those handstands a tad bit but beautiful double a dismount got a 14-1-6 in qualifying a little bit of arch in the handstand but they're definitely looking for vertical position maybe a tenth of a point on each one of those nice transition right there for julius stein on floor exercise here's that dismount so you really are looking for your hips being completely stretched and open all the way around just like she did there that was gorgeous and sticks so which helps [Music] while we were away that effort on floor 13-6-3-3 for her so you see where she is overall 13th and simone biles who has the lead here going to go over to the balance beam and flavius arriva the 20 year old from rio de janeiro brazil who was eighth in the all-around at last year's world tsar in rio i mean this is one of those fun gymnasts to watch and credits much of her success recently to your dad and his work with her yeah unfortunately they just had a few injuries from some of their top athletes a lot of falls and mistakes in the qualifying round which left them out of qualifying for the olympic games which was just devastating all of them in tears but her performance in the qualification placed her high enough to earn her own birth as an all-around gymnast to tokyo such a great showing at the world championships last year in the team finals almost got onto that podium up until that last event came right down to the end and just a few mistakes at the end of that you know i think they actually were just a little shocked and surprised to to find themselves in contention for a medal they've never been there before nerves got the best of them unfortunately but this routine right here for flavia is is beautiful extremely difficult series right here three elements in a row [Applause] wow this is about as dead on as you can be on balance beam oh just a slight wobble there but that ring is that position in the air exactly what the judges are looking for and you see that so that's a variation of that ring leap one of the requirements is you've got to throw your head and shoulders back so you completely lose sight of the beam there's another one right there she just does it so well [Music] very daring element and that was great a few slight wobbles in the routine but when she is on that beam routine is not only is it just beautiful to watch but extremely difficult and she just does it all so well okay 14 5 3 3. so much better than lee who went right before her get a number for sariva in a moment but first over to that top group on uneven bars and angelina melnikova will be next [Music] she was fifth in the all-around last year at the world championships qualified fourth at the end of this final just scored slightly actually behind simone in the qualifying round has a one-tenth advantage in the difficulty score over simone and the way she gets all of that is she does things called inside stalter she'll scoot her feet in between her hands makes it much more difficult [Music] once again watch right here in between her hands very difficult she doesn't rotate that the way i would want her to do you know it's almost like she's waiting for the oh boy struggle there she seems to do that kind of on every single landing almost just want to hurry up and turn to the judges to avoid any extra steps or jumps [Music] you know and she got through that the first half of the routine was was beautiful unfortunately a few hesitations and here's that release move tim you were talking about you really want to try to get your shoulders rotated over the bar a little bit quicker and rotate it yeah you want to bring your arms to the bar the bar comes to her arms you got to grab the bar dismount full twisting double back [Music] part of that silver medal for the russian women but how about the russian man and what they've been able to accomplish here the gold medal and taking down china it was electric in here last night wasn't it i'll tell you you know we showed a graphic too they had never won as russia as russia let's arrive at 1403-3 better than qualifying she had a 13.7 there day one so back to balance beam elizabeth cites from germany she'll do a very popular but really tricky mount it's a leap off of the vaulting board called the switch lead [Applause] makes it look easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] great fight there she was pretty off and disguised it well these dance elements that we see just like that maybe don't look as hard as some of the tumbling skills but four inch wide balance beam they're they're pretty tricky yeah if i was coaching a gymnast on beam i don't think i would ever allow them or you know i would but i'd say i really don't like that double turn it's just too risky i'm right there with you [Music] [Applause] seems to me like everything's risky unbeaten she's got her family and friends here in the arena watching her mention all those surgeries he's had through the years since competing at her first world championships back in 2009 but also said every year i deal with problems with my feet it's just never ending yeah you know and the older you get it just it just wears you down there i don't think there's an athlete male or female here that isn't playing with some pain get the number there and she's 25 you can see mel nikov is number 13.9 besides his 25 that's not ancient but in gymnastics you've been around a while and that's long years well before oxana chuseovita [Applause] part of that top group and a top three qualifier uneven bars she's typically great on this event big release oh my gosh wow this is pretty amazing we've seen a number of the top contenders completely fall sunni a little before on uneven bars and now this what's that duty agnostic is so early in this routine well it you really just want to start over and obviously unfortunately you can't but it's tough to get back up there you only have 30 seconds to get up oh my and again word wow and you know that one right there though i would say that she probably was just so upset with missing the release earlier this is challenging but both hands were on the bars and maybe just was thinking either what happened earlier or what was coming down the pike two balls two full points plus points [Applause] fortunately we'll knock her chances off the podium 100 [Applause] great dismount double layout full twist and it's just so unfortunate because she is just such a stunning gymnast we talked about it since the top of the show but really does have it all when she is able to hit four routines in one day saw that image of the other gymnast too watching that and just couldn't believe it well the door is open you know she really had such a great chance to get on that podium second third place behind simone of course yeah she was so close last year and didn't do her absolute best but sites 13.233 as we continue here rounding out the second rotation of four that opening vault from simone miles she leads the way here in stuttgart at the world championships [Music] back here at the world gymnastics championships terry gannon nastia lucan tim daggett and andrea joyce and oh by the way simone biles has accomplished a few things in her career at the world's most decorated female gymnast in history with 21 medals and a chance to be the most decorated overall matali sherbo i'd be shocked if he doesn't do that 15 gold medals after that team goal so the top group over to the balance beam that's where we'll see simone biles next do we see the biles dismount i think she's so angry i know she's so angry because they really did a major injustice if you do a full twisting double back and you add a full to it the logic of the rule book says that it should be three tenths more they gave it only one tenth more citing that it was a a danger factor for other gymnasts so to kind of answer your question it's almost not worth it okay you know because it's so difficult especially at the end of your routine and if you're only gaining one tenth of a point which you know to be honest taking a look at the standing she doesn't even need that she did it once she got it named after her it's now forever in the code of points how about in the beam final in the beam final she might do it maybe but you know what she said coming into these world championships she wasn't really worried about the titles and and the medals what she wanted was to put her name on the sport and she said she was most excited about getting two more skills named after them after these championships it'll become official but she now has four skills that will bear the file's name unreal look at that more than a point the lead right now so she has extended that lead remember it was what three one hundredths of a point but you know i hope she i hope she proves us wrong and does it because it is just so phenomenal to watch that skill the athlete in her might just say you know what i'm going to go out there and i'm going to do this we'll see well she did it in the qualification and that's where she got it officially it'll be named after her then she did not do it in the team championships all right how about melanie de jesus dos santos what what must be going through her mind as she goes to beam now just devastation you know she coming into this competition she did so well in the qualifying ended up in third place behind simone and suny and now finds herself oh my god 16th place so this is warm-ups and that skill right there is where she has fallen two times at these world championships so here's that qualifying round of competition two backhand springs into a back layout tries to save it wasn't able to do it just a few days later goes up in the team finals the exact same skill off and like i said just moments ago in the warm-up fell off and the thing that's so bad about it i believe every time she fell off she fell to the same side which means that there's really kind of something funky going on if i'm coaching her i tell her you fall to the other side this next but i was just about to say do everything in your power to go the other way just get you caught up dj zusto santos 11933 almost three points lower than our qualifying on uneven bars so two beam and the third rotation as we get set for simone biles [Applause] talk about how difficult that dismount is at the end but really all the way up until that moment this routine is spectacular i agree nastia but i think it's easy for her and i i mean seriously big test here three in a row how can that be easy for anyone it's it is for her a long while she was doing a skill called the parani which is a front flip with a half turn she struggled on that quite a bit started doing it after she came back from her hiatus after the rio olympic games and quickly took it out of the routine so here we go does she do it i hope so because i'm a fan two flip-flops to a double-double nope just the full in we may never see it again terry because the fig did her such a wrong oh don't say that tim dagger don't go there one tenth that is just absolutely as nasty as said it's not worth it all right over the floor as we wait for that number and the athlete in second needed durawhile more than a point the difference between first and second behind but she has done a tremendous job she has long been known as an uneven bar specialist but she wants to be taken seriously in the all-around stage as well [Music] it's not mozart [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now everything but air guitar [Applause] very nice job you know about as well as she can do it she's not a powerhouse leg gymnast and unfortunately after this event she'll go to the vault where again not quite her strongest event started off so strong on the uneven bars where we'll see her later this week and the event finals as well as she goes for another gold there her opening tumbling pass a double back flip so again not as difficult we will see simone do that same double back flip and just add three twists to it easy as that nice combination tumbling pass though does it well has a good landing but tim as you mentioned you know she really has never been considered an all-around gymnast so to find herself sitting in in second place must be amazing for her 14-6 and change what do you think of that number well she i think it was about right she actually had a couple of little hiccups throughout and her dismount surprisingly wasn't great even though she didn't do you know the double-double it was great but not by simone biles standards lishi gia from china now on bean [Music] great extent oh my goodness trying to connect it into that back handspring just rushed a little bit the chinese do so many things well on balance beams really tricky here that was awesome handspring front we saw a teammate of hers struggle on that in the team competition what i find a little interesting when she goes for her leap elements right here it almost looks like her eye level is way past the beam looking almost into the crowd normally you kind of look down on the beam yeah that's wild isn't it i don't think i've ever seen or noticed that with anybody else [Music] whoa third rotation underway simone biles on top of the road [Music] in case you haven't heard beginning july 24 2020 the olympic games return live from tokyo on nbc and by the way today is the 55th anniversary of the last opening ceremony held in tokyo october 10 1964. many of these athletes will be heading there next year trying to win a world title though right now it's you think about the standings and simone biles solidly in first place but after that it's pretty wide open it is and there's a whole bunch of gymnasts that are in contention 13-7 lee nina durwell has been in second through the rotations but that difference between first and second has widened and a number of people with what they have left have a chance it'll widen some more terry tong xi jing from china really tricky mount gorgeous another very hard element she'll repeat it but all on the beam beautiful oh a lot of gymnasts attempt that but very few do it as well as the chinese keeping their body board straight many people close their hips makes it much easier not the chinese oh a little bit of an error such a simple i know skill just a back handspring i was just about to say i am so looking forward to a perfectly hit balance beam routine here the entire chinese delegation they can take your breath away on this event and when they do it's almost like every single element when they hit it perfectly it it's like it should be the tutorial for each of those skills it is just technically so precise and beautiful it was okay the dismount you know it's they changed the rule recently you're allowed to do a double full which is only a c valued skill that gives you three tenths of a point it's just a little too easy and and the thing that kind of makes me burn a little bit it's the easiest thing she did in her routine she took a big step on it there's those ring leaps that we were talking about earlier from flavia good to see some smiles after a tough team finals competition for china teenage enthusiasm coming out at the end of that brooklyn moors from canada over on uneven bars next i struggled a little bit on this event earlier in the week [Music] a little leg separation there on that pax alto and none of the elements are put together one after another she's capable of doing some of them but not quite comfortable at this point in time [Music] a nice release skill you don't see that very often anymore and that was a great routine for brooklyn you know not as difficult as so many of these other athletes on the uneven bars [Music] so you see that release move see her trying to spot that bar to catch it so just for some perspective her maximum score in qualifying was at 15-0 nina derwell 16.5 and simone i believe right around a six 6.2 maybe [Applause] how different the lights are we've talked a little bit about it but the athletes have commented when you walk it's a theatrical lighting uh situation here and and it has made things difficult for some effort oh yeah some of the athletes have told us that they really do not like it especially on events like the balance beam you can actually sometimes see your shadow a few feet away from under the beam and that can really throw you off even right here on that image you see the shadow of the beam on both sides elnika one of those who certainly has a chance to be on that podium wasn't as perfect as she could have been on the last event on even bars but certainly good enough to keep her in this race bit of a delay as they wait for that number multiple numbers as a matter of fact to get started 13 266. so as as tim you were mentioning you see that difficulty score of 4.9 simone has a 6.2 so i think i just heard them say that an inquiry was put in for this score they thought that the starting score was too low and i believe they have raised it i don't know if it's official yet it can be a risky thing because they have lowered some after inquiries as well they lowered for brooklyn moors on floor and they lowered for cara acre on beam the really sad thing was kara aker had already qualified for the beam finals when they inquired they lowered it by four tenths from five eight to five four knocked her out i think the most unfortunate part of that was she was in the beam final as you mentioned and they were the last subdivision to go they could have not done that and she would have found herself in the final see the comparison between the two at the top of the standings and simone extending that lead and she'll do that even more so on the final event floor for her it's amazing i mean there's so many amazing things about her but she steps away for a year and a half comes back do you think that she's even a little surprised that she has continued to get better and do new things not just hold it at that level well i think and that's you know something that she told us was even these two new elements that she did here for the first time the triple twisting double back on floor and a double twisting double back on beam when her coach laurent lindy told her that you are going to compete these skills or at least try them she goes are you kidding me you're right no chance i can do them and here she is doing them here on a world stage that was the end of that uneven bar routine for naomi visser there at the end but i you know so many 22 is not ancient obviously but again goes back she feels she often says i'm getting old i've been around a while to hold it at a certain level is a big challenge for most athletes she keeps taking it beyond that yeah but she did say that it's 99 for sure that this will be her last world championships ever i don't know if it's going to be a reality but that's her plan at this point go to tokyo [Applause] meanwhile alice cansella a few moments ago from england qualified 15th [Applause] and a good ball but really not the same rebound an explosion off the table we've seen from some of the other gymnasts just doesn't have as good of a body position when her arms reach back to the table instead of maintaining an open shoulder angle she actually pulls her arms down which lowers her center of gravity fourteen two six six enceladus competed at the last couple of world championships hasn't made it to the event finals tong xi jing 14.6 her number and smiles all around there angelina elnikova you know in the school the scores have just been taking really forever this entire week feels like she's been waiting for an hour and a half and that's the worst feeling in the world especially on the balance beam you're already so nervous you just want to get up there on the beam and beam is where all of the major conferences have occurred [Music] really nice pretty much a carbon copy she did that in the team finals quite get her shoulders all the way around not full twisting back handspring now she also struggles with this wolf turn i saw her in training one day and it she was exasperated in recent years she has really struggled to get the scores that she thought she deserved she used to do a lot of those ring leaps where you have to throw your head and your shoulders back and every competition the judges were saying no not good enough she we reworked the routine it's a much better one for her and that was a great routine [Applause] at an important time exactly well to get through balance beam that that's big nice double pike somersault good open of the body a little bit bent over but my book that should be no deduction at all now over to floor where that top group will go next for the final rotation but we see flavia sariva from rio she has a wild mount a double laid out somersault is really difficult to do but watch the skill immediately prior to it she'll instead of do a back handspring she'll do what's called a whip back so it's a flip in the air to a double laid out somersault right here [Music] stays in bounds there [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't help but smile affectionately known back home as flavinia small stature she's grown since the rio games though always really been a fan favorite too starting and even before rio but in rio the crowd of course that home crowd went so wild for her there's that pass i was talking about to do a whip back in front of that double somersault in a stretched position just a small error here very much a veteran right there she may look little but she's a pro she could have easily just put that foot back down and it would have been out of bounds and just great to see her having such a a great day after a devastating day of competition for team brazil not qualifying to the olympic games as a team all right manikava and even 14 so overall behind durwell tong xi jing who is a replacement here in this all-around with high numbers sariva and that's amazing she is in second position and she was an add-on right yeah i mean not expecting to be there talking about xi jinx [Music] and tong a late add-on for replacement withdrawal teammate elizabeth sites now floor exercise but it is simone biles with that lead still obviously that's a 1.3 and change this is another one of her best events very powerful vaulter also shows that off extremely well on floor speaking of which that's where simone miles will be next and she might only have a 1.3 lead but when you compare her last event floor exercise to the rest of the field it'll greatly increase i don't know what was that what was that look yeah so i think you and tim you maybe mentioned this a little bit but the dismount she did i mean don't get me wrong it was still great because it was of course performed by simone bios but it just wasn't as high and if the rotation in the air she just seemed like she wasn't as comfortable the landing not as great as we've seen her do so a little her standards are high yeah a little further off to the side than she typically is also which really limits the power as well 13-9 a change for sariva she tries to better her eighth place last year currently in seventh and now this crowd here in germany getting ready for elizabeth seitz [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a routine the crowd was looking forward to they loved it coaches did too spent some time this week here in germany packed house throughout the qualifying and the actual women's team men's team and now this all around we got oktoberfest going on right now too it is packed around these areas nice tumbling run there an arabian double front double back in a pike position they really are and this crowd is amazing literally lifting them up to their best performances ever they're feeling the passion and they're showing excellence in action completely incredible to watch i don't know if i really ever competed in a big competition like this on on home turf did you tim well kind of for me i went to school at ucla and yeah the 84 olympics were there so yeah i guess i guess yes oh yeah it was fun that qualifies yeah the olympics i would say big competition 13-3 for sights they loved it here [Music] it is an interesting dynamic though because you you get excited but you do feel a lot of pressure they're counting on you they sure are and they can cheer loud or they can go the other way team sports i played one of them you go on the road sometimes you feel less pressure and more motivated to silence the crowd back to suny league at the end of that's not leashy gia that is sunni lee and she did stay up remember the problems she had that we showed you earlier so there wasn't a fall this time around yeah i'm so happy that that worked out for because she actually does that element really well the reason she sometimes falls on is because she's so aggressive and really bounces over the floor and ellie black really difficult first and second tumbling runs both combinations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] she says occasionally people will ask her why are you still going you've done so much in gymnastics she says i've got a passion for it i love the sport why would i stop combination pass right here a front full to a triple twist and what the judges are looking for making sure your feet get all the way around three complete rotations and then another tricky one two and a half twisting layout into a double pike very hard to fit all of that into one 44x40 so as we take you to break you can report suny lee's score on being 13.833 into sixth place before ellie black gets her number for that floor exercise [Music] heading into the final rotation and what figures to be the fifth world all-around gold medal for simone biles think back to last year in that largest margin of victory under the current system 1.693 she wasn't even sharp she was disappointed by what she did at the world championships last year looking to this final rotation she's up by 1.3 looking for gold again here in germany back with a look at the standings going into the final rotation so simone bile is expected to wrap this up look at the fight for second and third place a replacement here in the all around tong xi jing wasn't supposed to be here in for the uting team and she might win the silver nina durwal trying to give belgium their first women's world all-around medal mel nikova factored in from the start she's right there and suny lee a little more than a point from the podium right now guys yeah but you know angelina melnikova she actually goes to an event where she can get a pretty big number whereas both of the chinese were in the low 12s in qualification so that top group will be on floor and it's lee shigea from china who will go first [Music] very close the line is in on floor so no deduction [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it was performed very well the only thing it lacks is the bigger tumbling that brings in the higher maximum potential score she scored only a 12.6 in the qualifying and had a max score of 14.5 simone biles max score on floor exercise 16 points you're gonna keep doing this aren't you well it's just you know both of the chinese have done a phenomenal job but they are going to their weakest event and some of the other athletes angelina melnikova she's going to an event where she can get a 14. she can't yep and you've got another gymnast from china coming up next and it's the person i mentioned a moment ago tong xi jing who has a chance remarkably to step in as a replacement in metal but really so far for both of the gymnasts from china a great day of competition just so much better than we saw in the team final it was uncharacteristic really the falls that we saw china has been you know just so tremendous for decades on bars and beam and that's where they faltered it was shocking to see it all unfold i had china second to the u.s before the competition began and they didn't even get a medal for behind italy last world medal in the women's all-around for china was back in 2011 so it's been a while there another thing about this is it comes down to the funnel and you look at the standings could be the first time simone biles wins the all-around without another american on the podium and that really that's a shocking thing for me but especially how it is panned out you know with suny lee falling on an event she's pristine on saw the number for lee and now tong xi jing the 16 year old with a great opportunity it comes down to this what she does on floor in second place after three rotations thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow what a fabulous day for this young lady a great competition as we've mentioned over and over again she is a replacement athlete you got to go back in time to 1992 tatiana gutsu from the unified team at that point in time replaced rosa galieva and ended up winning the goal over shannon millen who i shannon miller who i thought should have won it won't happen here today over simone biles but she can certainly find herself on the podium in the qualifying round as you mentioned him a little bit of a lower score had only a 12.86 [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's why you hear this from the crowd she deserves it fabulous hearing it again they've gotten used to doing that coming down to the final athletes the top ones looking for medals here at the world championships back on floor angelina melnikova looking for a medal 13.6 the number for that floor routine a moment ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she would need a big number fourteen point five six seven past tongue xi ji yeah she scored a 14.1 in qualifying and that is a very tall number that's a simone bile like number we'll see unlikely though over to ellie black on vault [Applause] oh boy and that is a new reaching down as if she's injured she typically does a vault that lands facing forwards when you do a vault that is facing towards the table your ankles can take a huge shock [Applause] this is upgraded from what we saw yeah very low landing that i feel her pain i felt it i know you have two nastia many times a lot of forces going into the ground [Applause] being carried off helped off now that's too bad yeah mainstay on that team and the leader as malnikova waits and stares at that screen waiting so while up 14.066 so she's not going to catch tong xi jing but solidly into second place and remember some moan vials still to come so this is the gold medal is one thing but the metal situation certainly up for grabs here yeah winning an all-around metal that is a gigantic accomplishment it's really what everybody starts out as you do have some athletes that later on in life decide to specialize in a place but [Applause] ellie black the number as she fights back tears into third at this point meanwhile nina durwell was less than seven tenths of a point behind tongshi jig she needs 13.96 to go into podium position passing mel nikova her maximum starting score though is very low it's at 14.6 most of the other athletes are doing much higher vaults than this [Applause] oh and a big big hop so most likely won't make that podium but as we mentioned earlier and that uneven bar routine that we saw from the start was just so great and she is going to try to win another gold medal in that event later this week but just what a great day for her unbelievable finding herself in second place halfway through the all-around competition never once really considered an all-around gymnast being a position to do what belgium hasn't done a women's all-around world medal they've got a men's but that was back in 1905. nice body position just doesn't have the dynamics the power that's necessary that was a yorchenko with a full twist we've seen a lot of double fulls we've seen other vaults that start as high as 6-0 in this competition remember what she needs 13.967 to pass mel nikova the way they've been judging at this world there's no way they're gonna give it that nope 13-6 but that's a great score a 9.0 execution huge hot back on that landing and she's got to be happy with the way that she finished four strong events need to be okay it's a formality we put it up there because you always do it officially but simone biles at some point it's not about the numbers or even the titles it is about watching and enjoying and admiring what she does out here [Music] and you know her coach laurent landy he has said right from the beginning when he started coaching her after her hiatus that she competes with only one person in the world and that's the greatest of all time herself suny lee would need 14.968 to get on the podium that's higher than simone bile's qualifying score so unlikely not only got a 14.2 in the qualifying round just so disappointing after that fall on the uneven bars but recovered so well unfortunately we didn't see the whole routine on the balance beam but as we were told made that skill that she fell on twice already here in germany and made the whole routine saw the dismount we did take the host podcaster's images [Music] here so suny lee as you heard from andrea her dad out of the hospital and watching back at home and we send our best to him in his recovery the entire family paying attention to what she's doing here in stuttgart it comes down to this on floor for her not impossible but highly improbable has a maximum starting score of 15.7 she'll have to do the routine of a [Music] [Applause] lifetime [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so well what a great routine you know that she is just going back to that bar routine wishing she could redo it but i'll tell you i think that's the best i've ever seen her look double twisting double beautiful double layout just really great stuff and what an emergence their first year as a senior gymnast in here among the best in the world has all the ingredients quick and cat-like in the air on that double-double watch this double layout keeps her body nice and extended pretty good body position as she lands you see him on beam you they also have a lot of value on floor i think i always i say this every single time around not my favorite skill but as you said tim it's it's worth so much it's hard for some for athletes not to do that skill but you know what a great week so far for her has had multiple mistakes here but overall her first world championships her first year as a senior you have to think that she's now looking ahead obviously the uneven bar finals but also next year the olympic games now just gaining the experience that she got here in the seventh place and it's a clean slate the floor is hers the stage belongs to simone biles look at that in first place at the moment malnikova right behind in what would be the bronze medal the physician states of america she called last year at world championships that experienced a disaster even though it was her largest margin of victory this could surpass it the scores have so far and she won a medal in every single event six of them in doha her move the new one the biles two on floor triple twisting double right here [Applause] and that's the other biles [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well she's got another one that's for sure wow she may only be four foot eight but here on this stage with the entire world watching she stands taller than anyone ever has or ever will gotten used to that celebratory kiss and eventually the hugs from everybody else on her way to a fifth all-around title [Applause] unbelievable i mean her mouth this is that triple double one of two bio skills on floor just has way too much power on it has a 310 step back and both feet out of bounds so that'll be another three tenths it's just incredible though [Music] she does the hardest stuff in the world harder than anybody else can do and she has overpowered almost every single one of the passes it's mind blowing a double twisting double back i think i said this earlier not many people can do this just by itself at the end of the dismount has too much power and goes out of bounds again there aren't many moments like that coming down to the final athlete everybody watching every gymnast standing and watching not sitting but standing as simone miles takes that stage at the end i don't think this is going to be a gigantic number by her standards but it certainly will be enough to bring home that title 14.4 58.999 2.1 the margin just keeps growing that margin and it could have been a lot bigger her 16th world championship gold medal 22nd world medal in all one more at a time the all-time record man or woman already the most decorated female gymnast everybody in all including the 16 year old so the final standing simone viles wins the gold medal once again tong xi jing how about that stepping in as a replacement and winning the silver and angelina melnika able to capture the bronze medal guys yeah no a great competition i'm really happy for tang she was able to go out and kind of redeem china after falling off the podium into fourth place in the team suny lee ending up in eighth place so the largest margin of victory under the current scoring system 2.1 for simone biles take it all in and we're going to have a chance to watch her throughout the week as a matter of fact she has not done yet but the men's all-around final tomorrow olympic channel and then nbc ascent and the apparatus finals kick in saturday team and all-around finals on saturday on nbc you can check that out what is taking place and what will take place take you all the way through sunday that final day here at the world gymnastics championship simone biles a gold medalist once again the women's all-around final in the books back with you tomorrow once again for the men's all-around live tomorrow morning 10 a.m on olympic channel home of team usa until then for nasty lieutenant tim daggett and andrea joyce i'm terry gannon so long for now everybody from stuttgart [Music] germany you
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 349,582
Rating: 4.7801871 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Sports, Olympics
Id: L9G8tgTQXXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 58sec (6658 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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