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as Amy Chow is next this routine is simply incredible this is her Forte and she has the most unusual skills in this routine it's just plain old meat and he's 18 years old from San Jose California remember she had a horrible crash on a balance beam headfirst the Olympic Trials got up and finished the routine that's the only reason she made it here boy not a mistake so far from this entire US team but the highlight still to come get ready for this dismount double twisting double somersault two flips two twists [Applause] the Americans are militants and the crowd loves it this truly is a team of superstars we've been reading all week long in the paper coaches from different countries saying they have no weakness certainly not right here two clips two twists incredibly difficult just the small hop on the landing Dominique Dawes in her second Olympic Games telegraphic the oldest member of the team [Applause] with a lot of experience and when this young lady hits this lies on her release moves I don't think I've ever seen anyone take this skill that you're about to see coming on mama high bar that's high as she performs it watch this right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they call her awesome Boston she is that you are so this young lady is first up for the USA she's typically we should tell you the United States biggest problem in the compulsories was on this piece of apparatus and typically John the Post I think if a man the voice goes up there doesn't just make it true but does a good routine it'll sell this new LC she has the nerves of the Olympic Games she has the fans screaming and she has the blurry music of the Romanians on for exercise to contend with l'amanda boy [Music] [Applause] first pick combination coming up right here this will set the stage she looks confident Amanda may not some of the more exciting elements that we're going to see later but as I said it's so so important to be [Applause] [Applause] and it's so easy to doubt yourself just a little bit and when you do you don't necessarily fall off but you have what's called a balance check and I don't think she's had one busbar Mantha's 19 she narrowly missed a berth on the Olympic team four years ago just the dismount [Applause] that's what they asked for she the one metal she has never worn around her neck is Olympic gold Shannon Miller balance beam [Applause] [Music] this US staff could not have prepared this team any better than they have you know they're at a training camp in North Carolina prior to these two started these Olympic Games and their training camp was in a Coliseum on a podium certainly a much better preparation than they had in Barcelona and then they topped off the week with an exhibition in front of 17,000 fans [Music] it's always been said that Shannon has toiled in the shadow first of kin zamesca at the 92 games and in his past year in the shadow of Dominique Moceanu but so far she has been the most solid competitor for the Americans purple serezha [Music] not even a waiver in this routine just the dismount [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very hot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes all her JC's shoulder there Russians bean Russians are chasing the American failure some points behind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] 16-year old JC Phelps [Music] check and Cheryl this American team just can't seem to do anything [Applause] Dominique Moceanu and I will tell you that if she nails this this place will come apart get ready to have some fun this is called Devil Went Down to Georgia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we just had another Russian fall on the beam for the first fall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is nothing stopping the Americans so Kerri Strug it is up to her if she can score nine point four nine three and to see her parents in the stands or better then she will win the team gold for the USA she's the last to go she's the only one who can do it she will also perform the same vault we just saw Moceanu sit down two in a row on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three Falls in a row for the Americans sherry that she is limping Carrie is hurt oh this could be this could be really bad news John struggie there Cary's truck is in trouble she just stumbled there she either turned her ankle fall short just like mochi ah no I I don't know the last time ten shrugs did something like that this is her event up until the vault here's the reaction of her parents up until the balls it looked like the Americans would be alive her first : 9.1 16 it's Trump scores big she will not only win the team goal that she will advance to the individual all around her teammate Moceanu will not she knows what to do she will go and she is ready [Applause] Kerri Strug is Hertz she is hurt they taught me saw her lick me after the first ball she is either twisted her ankle or or something once she hurt herself on the first ball probably the last thing she should have done was again but she did and [Applause] we've gotta find out if she's a nine seven one toe she has done it Kerri Strug has won the gold medal for the United States team and she bets it [Music] and the Americans they still don't know everyone you see here we've got a Dominique Moceanu everybody's on their feet there's there's trucks parents they've made it out of the medical facility let's take one more look absolutely brilliant she knew she was capable of standing this vault up this is her most she finished the Volvo John it's amazing you
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 549,093
Rating: 4.9211326 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Sports, Olympics, Magnificent Seven, Gymnastics, Atlanta 1996, Kerri Strug, Magnificent 7, Mag 7, 1996 magnificent 7, Amy Borden, Shannon Miller, Dominique Dawes, Amy Chow, Dominique Moceanu, Jaycie Phelps, kerri strug gold medal moment, kerri strug olympics, Kerri Strug vault, Devil Went Down to Georgia, Dominique Moceanu floor, Amy borden beam, Shannon Miller beam, Dominique Dawes bars, Amy Chow bars, Jaycie Phelps floor, 1996 gymnastics
Id: 78hf2wEAEBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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