Simon Cowell Can't Eat Cake on His 60th Birthday

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So Ellen. Yes, Simon. It's been a while. It's good to see you. Likewise. You are-- you've dropped some pounds, right? I have, yeah. What are you doing? Well, I was told-- I have a producer, who one of the producers who works with us on AGT. And he has a sort of a way of saying to me I look terrible, without saying I look terrible. So when he says things like get your haircut shorter, that means you look terrible, Simon. Sort yourself out. So I went to see this doctor in London, and we did some tests. And then a month later, he said you have the worst diet I've ever met from any patient. So I went OK, so out of the smoking, the drinking, the diet, what do I have to drop? He said, the diet. So I said, all right. I'm in. Following day. So you're still drinking and smoking. Yeah. What did you-- What's your diet now? It's pretty much all the things I loved I can't now eat. So no dairy, no sugar, no bread, no gluten. Just lots of lots of things. No red meat. Well, all those things are bad for you. So it's a good thing you dropped all those things. But that's fantastic that you are doing-- you're actually doing it. Because if you love those things, it's hard to drop things that you're addicted to eating every day. You know what? I got to be honest with you. It was easier than I thought. And part of the reason I did it was because Eric is five this year. So I realized that if I didn't sort myself out, physically, I wouldn't be able to catch up with him. Because the minute he goes-- he wakes up, for the minute he goes to sleep. You know, he is like their energy. You forget, five years old, it's phenomenal. I have a puppy. You know what I mean. And I have four. So I get it. That's the-- that's great that you're doing that though-- What is that picture? Have you not seen that picture? That's not one of the best I've ever seen. Do you know why we do these pictures? Because I actually don't like having my picture taken. And Lauren, my partner, everywhere we go, she says can we do a picture? So I said to Eric, I've got a good solution. Just stick your tongue out every time we do a picture. And we don't have to do so many pictures. But you're not sticking your tongue out there. I wasn't aware I was being photographed. That's really sweet. You seem very happy. I'm happy to see you. And so do you. Yeah. Thank you. I am. I'm very happy. So you're brilliant. You're a businessman. You're very successful in many, many ways. There-- there's a decision that you completely-- I'm trying to help you. Last time you were here, I saw that you weren't wearing a helmet when you were bicycling. I've been wearing it. No. I saw pictures of you not wearing it. Where's the picture? I saw a picture of you not wearing it. This is recently. That's your helmet. You're not wearing a helmet. Your helmet, if you remember, had real hair. That's your helmet. That is not-- The point is, all of you should be wearing helmets. Eric was wearing a helmet. But me and Lauren weren't, I will concede. Look, he's wearing a helmet. OK, so when you and Lauren-- --and so is Lauren, look. Lauren's wearing a hat. It's quite a hard one. So it's good. So when the two of you fall off, and you're unconscious he's wandering around by himself with a helmet on. That's what's going to happen. Where-- you got to wear a helmet. Alright, I'll do it. I mean, you've given up things in your diet. Good. I appreciate that. You want to talk about your birthday coming up? Do we have to? Yeah. OK. When is it. October 7? And you're going to be? 60. 60. [APPLAUSE] How do you feel about it? I feel actually great. The only thing is that I've never actually liked celebrating my birthday. So I said to Lauren, can we just make one agreement this year. We don't make like a big deal out of it, just do something quiet. No birthday cake. And I'll just get through it. Well you can't eat it anyway. Exactly, yeah. Yeah. But you should celebrate that. I mean, that is-- it's amazing. Because I'm 61, and when I turned 60, it's like you just-- you just really think that 60, when you're younger, is so old. And then you hit it, and you're like it is. You know? That's encouraging. All right. I'm going to try one more time. This is your birthday present. This is the last time I'm trying this. OK. All right. It's a hat, isn't it? Yep. [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] This is worse than the last one. Oh no, I can't. I can't. I'll wear the old one. That's backwards, by the way. OK. It looks just as bad. All right. You sure you don't want to wear that? Never. OK, well. 60-year-old Simon Cowell. Under here. Oh, great. The finale of AGT airs September 18 at 8:00.
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 3,017,951
Rating: 4.9145126 out of 5
Keywords: ellen, ellen degeneres, the ellen degeneres show, season 17, Simon Cowell, Cowell, Simon, birthday, 60 birthday, 60, Simon turning 60, Americas got talent, birthday cake, simon cowell interview, simon cowell ellen, simon cowell 60th birthday, simon cowell birthday, simon cowell weight loss, simon cowell skinny, simon cowell son, simon cowell girlfriend, simon cowell americas got talent, simon cowell agt, simon cowell diet, simon cowell judge
Id: a1OJkOa8gyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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