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you're single you married your kids no yes single yes totally single if you're that everybody single alright well I send you here anything else ready no no not really we got it all alright yeah covered good luck I'm ready I don't know why oh I'm in there that's where their judges oh I'm about to go yeah why not yeah whoa you want to wait yeah I'm ready man I'm ready to go yeah hello hello hi how are you man man and what's your name my name is Andrew Finland Andrew and why are you here Andrew I'm here auditioning for American Idol should be fairly obvious right boy okay so like waiting around okay I think you know why I was asking the question what what brought you here to audition what brought me you to audition I don't think it's that interesting of a question actually but I think I drew yes I'm gonna just worry you now if you want to carry on being a smartass you can leave the room I'm not being a super either answer the questions okay leave okay no I'll answer the questions I'm gonna answer your questions I'm sorry first of all okay what are you gonna think I'm gonna sing House of the Rising Sun you know that song I'm just okay I do you are really pushing this no all right I'm just gonna sing it I'm sorry I didn't mean to push any buttons all right okay there is a house in New Orleans it's called the Rising Sun and it's been the ruin of many poor boy and God I know I'm one my mother was a tailor she sewed my new blue jeans my father was a gamblin man way down in New Orleans thank you are you angry am i angry very on edge tell us what happened what happened I just am on edge from waiting all day what just from waiting it's just so you know the thing is you want to be in the music business but you don't want to wait to get into American Idol that to me seems to be a problem as you know were you to have a badge no no I'm not reading it too far because you just told me that you're a little bit annoyed that you had to wait three hours to come in here and get your shot when there are people that would wait years to do so so I am now angry at you who I don't like at all well why are you doing no there's no problem at all I think that I don't know why you guys there's no problem you walked in mm-hm very sulky quite rude very aggressive and you've got very very bad energy oh man you do yes or no Andrew no I'm sorry Victoria no Randy wasn't good enough today dog no as I said yes you're kidding you kind of got to like except all I'm Simon you have an attitude but you're at least charming everybody searching for hero people need some water looker - Thank You Randy I don't think that you're a solo singer at all I think you design I don't feel that your solo singer I don't feel that you in the solo singer's voice and for you to tell me welcome to American Idol Smackdown you're not standing here being judged by people about how you sing you're not singing are you and for you to tell me that I need go to an audition where they lie to you thank you very much sorry so we have thank you very much I feel your breath upon my face no it's cool I got it today I'm gonna be singing tenderoni I want your love baby uh I think you I think of you a million times a day baby uh I cannot I cannot get you out stop Hey and maybe I'm crazy and it's always about you oh I know I'll belong to your own baby I need your love Oh giving it up gimme your love baby and night Oh give me thank you're gonna give me your love give me your love we're not gonna give you any love it's a terrible audition piƱon don't mean none I did go out then why are you here thing you don't mean nothing then why are you here because you don't leave no stone unturned then why are you here what do you know about music oh why are you here why am I here yeah where are you here I'm here to judge you so okay well I'm here to sing you don't know that we didn't I see singing that's the rule all right well I really don't care you don't know nothing about music I heard you do a demo I've notice well I wouldn't a little sound like you jitterbug why don't you get a job down in the port why get a job why a job in the pool but it's not water I will not stop until I am a household name when America sees this they're gonna forget about Taylor who carry underwear I mean Fantasia when but they will remember Ian bennardo that's gonna happen that's not my phone that's yours hello how are you what's your name my name is Ian Bernardo that's my name how old are you I am 25 years old mr. Cowell all right why are you here in to try out for American Idol like why else would I be an American Idol I'm here to be the next American Idol I thought that it would be a nice addition to my already long an impressive resume which is which is super star dancer singer and this is chinchilla and I'm wearing it specifically to show the world how wealthy I can be well you're not a superstar but you are a snake I'm a superstar now with respect even you're not a superstar but you may be a singer in the dance I am I figure I'm a dancer and I am a superstar you can ask my family you can ask my friend you can ask one of my therapist's I am therapist yeah I have to okay what are you gonna say Gloria okay Gloria you're always on the run now running after somebody you're gonna get them somehow I think you got to slow down before you start to blow it I think you're headed for a breakdown so be careful not to show it you really don't remember was it something that you said are the voices in your head calling Gloria Gloria don't you think you're fallen if everybody wants you why isn't anybody Quall and you don't have to answer leave them hanging on the line hey hey hey qualen Gloria Gloria how will you meet him on the main line I'm on the rebound okay okay Randy oh god dude I didn't know I'd say thank you didn't mean it that way three syllables Hollywood let me tell you what this was he and this was a very hammy bad audition for you as something you aspire to be which obviously isn't a singer and you it's bad it's not funny you're not good at anything and this is all your list yet okay it's just rubbish what do you think I'm going to say to you no correct goodbye
Channel: Matthew De Franco
Views: 16,597,143
Rating: 4.7916965 out of 5
Keywords: 2016-08-11, simon, cowell, cowwel, cowwell, funny, auditions, audition, bad, contestant, contestants, crazy, mental, america, americasgottalent, got, talent, britain, rude, idol, music, benardo, sarcastic, honest
Id: oieBKdueoGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2016
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