Silver and Gold are going to Zero! did I make a mistake stacking all this metal?

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foreign good morning everybody it is a Savage stacker all right I have most of my vintage silver out here on the table some of this stuff is Geiger's out here blobfish it's not even in the screen real and we'll see him I don't think um a few pieces not out here that I have just tucked away a little deeper underneath a bunch of stuff I don't want to pull it all out it's more of a pain in the rear I got two more x8s and a 100 ounce uh Eagle hard bar and a few other things but this is this is bulk of it this is most of it right here all right so good morning everybody how you doing so I got a comment the other day of some guy came by in my channel and I get this a lot excuse me I get this a lot people come by and they watch two minutes of video and then they spew out a blanket statement of just garbage and I sometimes I don't even answer them back but sometimes I do and uh and this gentleman came by I'm going to call him a viewer not not a subscriber because I can almost guarantee that he did not subscribe to the channel and um the the comment was one day you stackers are gonna learn um that silver and Gold's just a rock it's just a mineral and it is going to zero you might as well melt all that down and make jewelry with it and I got to thinking to myself I said you know what okay first off if I made this all into jewelry I'd probably make 10 times the amount of money um for the work and uh and just based on jewelry price alone but I wouldn't do that right especially this right here this is my vintage stuff and it is expensive just the way it is and uh look at that Cascade refining the serial number right there is it's serial number and it's born on date and 12 18 1980 pretty cool but anyways these are fine just the way they are do not need to melt them down and make anything out of them and if I do that it would do it was shot anyways and uh well his comment made me think I'm like okay am I stacking too much metals like could silver and gold go to zero and in reality no it won't and I commented back saying hey you know what gold and Silver's been money and currency in this world for 6 000 Years it'll be here you know long before we got here to be here long after we leave here and one of the reasons why first off it's shiny we as humans like shiny things right and um but they have other properties to them you know and they say gold is you know you know a mineral from the Stars right how did it get here and all these things of uh you know there's tons of videos on on how Gold Dot to the Earth and um how it got embedded in Earth and it's super ancient super super old and um silver I don't know there's not as much information out there based on that but it's a mineral you know it's a metal it's something you get out of the earth and you got to refine and and and and make it into you know what it is here that we see today but what I do know is that silver and gold could not go to zero just based on how much money they spend scientists Drillers research fuel all the heavy equipment all the labor that goes into in the property just to get contracts to mine on properties and all that cost money and anything that costs money it has a value will always continue to hold that value it won't go below a certain amount and if it does well then the markets are broke it's it's it's we're in a bad spot now there are some companies out there I won't mention them that is mining Silver that is holding on to the a certain amount of silver until the price gets to a Target amount and the reason why is because you know at one point fuel you know diesel is over six dollars a gallon it was way up there 130 dollars a barrel it was just insane and when you were mining something and it cost twice as much as it did yesterday and then it pulls back a little bit you're probably going to want to hedge that in some way which means you're going to hold on to it until the value creeps back up and this costs money to get out of the ground to refine now a lot of cases they're going after lead and copper and other minerals and this is a secondary byproduct and they refine it down and separate it copper over here lit over here you know and uh silver over there a little bit it's a gold that they do get out of it over here and it's you know why your mind in the copper you might as well separate and get the silver out of it as well right there's no point and even lead today even the lead weights that go on your car that you can find for uh you know balancing your tires if you were to take those tons of them and melt them down you took a whole five gallon bucket or a dumpster full of those and melted them down in the in the crucibles and the in the cupel and you would end up with little beads of silver because there's still some silver left in it and so you get you know mixed minerals that have silver copper platinum gold and other other stuff inside one rock one specimen and so silver there's more abundance and you get it by getting you're already paying for the fuel for copper so it's not costing you too much more to just refine the uh the silver out of it so silver naturally because it has more in the ground and you know there's more areas to get it it's cheaper right which is weird to me in a way because the property is too silver or so much more useful for you know you know electricity connectivity and uh and and medical uses and just all kinds of other uses that silver has used that it's uh you know very reflective it holds heat it holds heat so if you were to hold this right here for a couple minutes in your hand right it will hold that heat longer than most most metals I think longer than All Metals if I took out an ice cube right now and set it on here even a cold one I could put one of these bars in the freezer for an hour set in here put an ice cube on it and it would just it would just melt it right away it just holds heat it's a very special metal and they use it for mirrors they use it for solar power they use it for so many different things these are for cell phone cars and wiring and and soldering and all these things gold not so much right they do make wire wire tipped you know gold and uh tip stuff they do use them in computers and other things but this got Ben I'm super bummed about that but it's super thin and um they use gold basically 90 of the time for money jewelry and um it's shiny it's Unique it's got its own color right the only thing that's really close to it is it's copper and it copper is so much greater looking in there so you know in brass but that's a you know that's a mix of metals to make that along with uh with uh bronze and um but when you got the pure pure stuff here Gold's very unique and got its own color and well it doesn't corrode I didn't stick this somewhere in salt or whatever around uh um you know certain gases and minerals and they will corrode quite quick right phosphorus and all that stuff so it will it will it will corrode it will get dark and that is a type of corrosion you are losing a certain amount of silver out of it gold on the other hand you could put it in the ocean and salt water for a million years and it's not going to do anything it might get a little you know dull looking but you spit on that thing wipe it a few times and boom it's right back it is it just doesn't corrode and it's very unique and there's not very much of it on Earth at all so when you take something that is very unique metals like these right here and you mine them and it costs x amount of dollars to mine those it's never going to go to zero for one it's precious metals and we treat it as so and we will probably continue forever treated as so is there other places out there to make money to invest in absolutely am I saying gold and silver is number one no but it's always going to be it's always going to be valuable because it's always been seen as valuable since the beginning of our time long before my time and it's going to continue to do that on and on and on and on now I remember back in the you know 20 years ago the gold and silver and coins and all that it was like an old man's game you know oh grandpa and his coins and stuff like that but nowadays A lot of people are open their eyes to metals and um it's getting around and when you see the markets and Banks and stuff fail people flock to metals right they don't do so when everything's going good which they should because the price is cheaper but they're using their money for investing and trying to make other money out of it right but when things start to fall they run to this stuff people run to it they run two gold and silver just got a bunch of emails last week talking about people having record sales more sales they made in the weekend than they've made in their whole you know business since they started their business got that email from like three different bullion companies and that means that because of the banking system the SB this uh Silicon Valley Bank and the signature bank and all the stuff that's going on and now they're saying what 180 someone I heard 180 and someone said 600 banks are looking at um you know that they're in potential trouble as well that depositors aren't going to be protected and people are leaving these small Banks and going to bigger Banks so they are protected but all this is going on and gold and silver takes back off again right and uh people are buying it and stuff when things get rough and no one knows what to do with money cash currency Fiat all those things they run to gold and silver so it's a safe haven for your for your you know your hard work your time your labor right it's it's a it's a way to protect yourself and Banks do it countries doing investors do it everyday people like you and I we flock to it and that is because we know it's a great store of wealth it's not going to make us a lot of money it's not an investment but it's a store of wealth you put money into it now 10 years from now whatever inflation brings the dollar to or brings it down to right this is going to still go up over time and it's going to you're still going to be able to buy the same amount of stuff you worked 10 years previous it's a good store of wealth hedge against inflation a great savings account it's not the all end-all thing you know it's not um and if you're an investor you know that you take your money out of gold and silver and you put it in the stocks and bonds and all these things and you invest your money to make money grow your wealth and when things get hairy and they get crazy and things start to fall apart they take that money they put it right back in this in their safe spot until things blow over and that's that's what people are doing right now so do I think that silver and gold can go to zero no I do not excuse me my mouth super dry it's never going to go to zero unless the idea of currency Supply Fiat changes unless the idea of a currency as a whole changes it's not going to zero you know if a dollar buys you a house again then yes gold would be probably worth 0.00017 right but a dollar does not buy you a house and so the inflation's ramping up so this stuff becomes an expensive very expensive at least it seems so if I would have spent twenty dollars on this 100 years ago whatever that twenty dollars bought me back then I would have that amount of money I'd probably have whatever it is two thousand dollars let's say two thousand dollars four thousand dollars would buy me the same amount of money the same amount of goods as I could have bought 100 years ago with that twenty dollar bill all right and that's the same thing with gold you know you take that 20 bill you buy an ounce of gold in 1925 right you take an ounce of gold and take a 20 bill that twenty dollar bill today would still be a 20 bill but that ounce of gold today will be worth two thousand dollars so whatever the buying power of that 20 bill was 1925 that gold coin will still have the same value in buying power today for that twenty dollar bill would not it's you're gonna get a bag of groceries if that if that depends if you buy steak or not if you buy steak well you're just gonna walk out with one steak in your hand but if you buy eggs and milk and beans and rice and all that a couple vegetables a bag of groceries so no I don't think that gold and silver are going to zero anytime soon and if it is that means the whole idea of a currency or a fiat currency has has changed in our minds and um I don't think that's going to happen now I think this guy was a Bitcoin guy I think that uh um I think I've seen him leave another comment on a friend of mine's Channel and how he was talking about how oh Bitcoin is the only way you need to be but bitcoin's got its problems too you know this is decentralized currency which is a great step in the right direction but do I think that it's it's not God's problems no it's got some major problems and they are attacking it like crazy right now taxing you and all these things like I I've been locked out of my my uh my uh Bitcoin wallet for since 2017. so I've watched it go from 300 to 1200 back to 300 and and it wants to bounce all over the place and I've tried to get it out I've called people I've I've done the whole deal and tried to get that money out of there and they're like hey man you should have remembered your account because that's the only way you can get in it it's in the blockchain now buddy and I'm like okay whatever so I just laugh I just watch it and go up and down left and right and sideways and all this stuff like you can't do nothing with it you know that to me is not safe I I'm not going to lose the password for this I know the password for this it's called master lock key buddy right I know the password for that I'm not going to lose it okay I got all of my vintage stuff here and um I hope I answered a little bit about that guy was saying I don't think it's going to go to zero I don't think it's just a rock and a mineral which it is but we valued it for six thousand years we're going to Value it for six thousand more there's no it's a tier one asset gold is a tier one asset it doesn't become a tier one asset because it's worth nothing you know it's valuable governments and countries and they all flock to it in a time of hardship they store this and they spend millions of dollars on making security bunkers and and and places to store it vaults and just they don't spend that much money on doing that for some that's worthless you just don't and um countries all right now governments right now are stockpiling gold like crazy look at the thing that's going on with the Briggs Nations that's that's a thing but it's a thing it's gold is definitely um money and very valuable and it makes moves it can move mountains you gotta move mountains to get it but once you get it it's got buying dollar and it always will and silver it's a little brother it's the change this is the 100 bill this is the you know 25 cents right that's that's how it is that's the way it is it's the way it's going to remain now another thing that I thought about was um what makes this different than this why is copper which is just as cool looking like look at that if that was worth twenty dollars an ounce would I cherish this just as much as this probably I probably would this is this is a this is in pounds not ounces so I mean this is a lot worth very much money right there there was a lot less of this in the ground it might be more valuable but there's a lot of it's abundance of it a big abundance of it and that's why this is more valuable and they spend just as much money on this fuel the labor the cost all the stuff to get it out of the ground and this is a secondary so they take that out as well because this that little bit of silver they get out of it while they're mining copper is probably they're that's probably how they're clearing their books that's probably what they're profiting on because there's the profit margins out there are slim people money and Mining every day because silver and gold needs to be higher they should be higher should be higher with a price of inflation with fuel labor costs and housing and living and all that they got to pay those miners more and they make pretty good money and it's not matching what the price of silver is right now or gold really I mean I think these should both easily be doubled I think this should easily be around four thousand dollars an ounce and then the silver should be easily forty to fifty dollars an hour it's easy like that's I think that's where it should be will it get there who knows I'm not going to be one of those guys to tell you that but anyways this video has been very long and it's taken me four tries to get this because I just kept rambling on and the other ones but um this is some of my vintage stuff right here love my vintage silver it's about 90 of it and I got some more but it's too hard to get out but anyways Puck Push pause check it all out it's pretty cool wh Foster it's my grill bar right there look at that and this all right thank you everybody for coming by it is a Savage deck remember to hit that Bell icon to get updated on my latest videos please rate comment and subscribe Savage tracker is over and out
Channel: Savage Stacker
Views: 41,947
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Id: sL7BKvXS5ow
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Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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