How to Keep Your Gold and Silver Safe at Home - Expert Tips from Private Security Consultant

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hi I'm marki Axley welcome back inside the vault we have a very special guest here with us today former London Metropolitan detective now private security consultant Chris Goddard is here to talk to us about keeping your precious metals safe at home a lot of you probably keep some gold and silver at your home or business not everybody wants to put it in secured storage so Chris is going to provide us with some detailed tips and information on how to keep your assets safe Chris welcome to inside the vault we're very happy to have you here with us you've done a lot of things in your policing career before you went into private consulting and can you tell our viewers or give them an idea about the types of cases you've worked on before absolutely I've worked on a wealth of investigations I was a career detective I think the pinnacle of my career was however for five years on a unit called the flying squad this says ace an elite unit that deals with armed robberies and Mystica to commercial robberies it deals with both after the fact investigations and before the fact in terms of covert surveillance following for want of a better word that word I was uses buddies following buddies around watching them plan watching them seek vulnerabilities are leading up to the commission of an offense so an interesting insight into sort of mentality over criminal and we would say things from cradle to grave so from the initial intelligence or the way through to conviction at court I wanted to start by asking you you mentioned you know you worked you followed criminals you profiled them you've arrested them you've interviewed them can you give us an idea when a criminal is picking a target to burglarize what are the kinds of things that they're looking for how are they planning this out I think we can take a broader scope first of all any criminal given their or whatever that particular line of work will be looking to exploit vulnerabilities whatever that vulnerability is just to come away from a burglary first of all part of my duties are large plus my duties was following cashing the armored car robberies around what we'd often find is they're either be fairly ad hoc they knew they wanted to do a robbery of a cache and transit van but they hadn't got a geographical location in mind they had got a particular target in mind that they would literally hunt around and often we would watch them watching the procedures and they would just be looking for something that they could exploit see if you think about that and bring that to your home what vulnerabilities have you got that could be exploited do you have a communal door that you since under leave open because the locks stick again it's fine no one ever walks nowhere it's such a pain opening a door or just leave it wedged open or later on the latch lift for small things like that which would be a vulnerability that they could exploit would it be safe to assume that they might also even watch you going to work every morning knowing your schedule or is it more ad hoc than that from your experience there's two different types of criminals oh this is probably why SS that's really simplify this there are those that will just exploit anything that comes to hand if they see a vulnerability they'll go for it on the reverse side of the are those that are more I don't let's give them credit but you've got to accept some professionalism and that they will look and they won't assess routines and again will they find a vulnerability in your routine so yeah it's almost due diligence on that part to have an understanding of what they're about to do how they can achieve it they want to achieve this they want the reward so it's entirely appropriate for them to try and assess to try and understand as much as they can so that they're effective so that they they achieve what they set out to do so then in a case like that where there is some pre-planning what could a private person do to prevent or make it more difficult for a criminal to take advantage of those weaknesses or those vulnerabilities let's let's concentrate on all our houses on a home the way I would look at your security and to improve your security is very simple steps Laz soken sink of concentric circles away from your house I think the first one is your social media is your social media open or is it private what exactly are you inadvertently advertising what are you showing it to people what items of wealth are you showing yourself you're regularly away from home with realing things that don't necessarily need to be revealed are you giving them a reason to be interested are you demonstrating that there's something that would be the reward in your property so then you look at the boundary of your house other places for them to hide other places where they're concealed no kicking down down the door and I know this because I've tried to kick about some dolls I'll have to get a bigger boy to kick down the door takes time it doesn't go down first time if you have given them a screen at the front of your house be a hetero be a wall you're masking them from passers-by you're affording them a little bit longer time to take that effort so the front boundary do you need a wall do you need something that totally up skills it can you keep on top of your hedgerow keep it trimmed so that there is the vantage point however on the sides and the rear yeah make it so it's difficult to climb make it so it's difficult to get through keep putting those obstacles in their way you're not building a fortress because that will then impact on your euro lifestyle I'm enjoying their environment yourself but just by simple simple steps you know I don't I don't mean to come over the side or the back but equally I want pluses by it and my neighbors to be able to see to see the front so beyond that boundary I should get to the building itself the actual self perimeter how good ear locks how good are your doors like a sail I've used the sledgehammers go through a door and there's got a point where you have to put it down and take some deep breaths and go again that is the absolute testament to good looks good door you don't want a daughter will go in is it simple get some advice go to a locksmith get good locks it it will deter people they will stop it so let's take that one step further they've managed to penetrate the house okay people aren't home they're out at work having a night out with her friends they're in the house what are they thinking now they're like wow I'm here yeah that now they're now on the stage and regardless of pre-planning regardless of what's led to that point that's how it's going there's no two ways about it but they're not that cool speed is of essence they don't know who might be arriving mm-hm it could be entirely unrelated to their activity but there could be somebody arriving so they've got to be quick they've got to be prompt by the very nature of what they're doing they don't want to be sitting there too long so they'll be looking for the obvious things bedroom bathroom safes are things on open display are things readily available to go into the bar go into pockets are you giving them the opportunity to literally do the supermarket sweep right so again even once you're inside more layers can we conceal things can be hide things the things have to be readily available other things that we can move so they're not necessarily going down to the basement and into the boxes it's a Christmas decoration so they're not taking the time to go and say wow what if this guy thought about hiding the stuff unless they had insider information obviously there might be occasions when they are afforded a bit more time because they they're a short that you're not there that you're not likely to return they concealed by that big wall at the front so they are afforded a bit more time and they won't they will look you smoke then about insider information insider information in so much as someone has deliberately told them they've got this in their house and it's here equally there's loose lips an entirely innocent conversation I dealt with a firm of robbers who whilst ad-hoc in some respects also went to some degree of planning and they specialized in shops they did when he exchange now there's a particular shop that took some precautions of when they got to a certain amount of money they removed it from the tail removed it from the counter area and concealed it in Tupperware boxes not my first choice but not obvious quite good we don't know how it came out possibly only I think it is entirely for innocent conversation that floor was revealed on this particular little gang of criminals heard about it I'm presumed there would be an adequate amounts of money to make it worthwhile I'm not getting viable for them once it was hidden and so when they came into the shop armed with handguns one of them did not the tail ignored while I would consider the obvious areas I went straight to but it's a boil was I don't think there was a sinister element of its I think it was more casual conversation that quite a bit of information getting out and through networks and through conversations it's eventually reached the wrong is right and there thought that exploit it there is a happy ending to that we were behind them when they went through the door we arrested them at the getaway car the Tupperware box had picked up was their dinner they'll actually missed the cash and their speed in their haste and is kind of disappointing when you've worked on a savannahs job and you drag them out the car and they've stolen a curry and you're arresting someone for stealing a curry kind of Rowan's a little bit the glamour but it brings up another good point I wanted to ask you about going back to the house for a second the use of decoys yes it's it wasn't done on purpose in this case but there was two Tupperware containers at least in that location and and they picked the wrong one so would it be worthwhile maybe investing in some some things that look expensive that maybe you got at IKEA or Walmart absolutely you you're almost giving them the finishing line on you there it is you can go now already you don't have to carry on sir sure well done you've you found it yeah I wouldn't make it so obvious that it is the decoy but I would give them a little bit of so they like her feel and some credit that there for them they've done some work to achieve this but I think a decoy is you're giving them a reward you're giving them the reason to okay so yeah in in terms we haven't spoken about it yet it seems pretty obvious a lot of people have home security systems yes they've got a nice big badge it's a sticker posted right on the front of the house I've heard some people say that that gives a criminal more information about the type of security system that it might be or the vulnerabilities of that particular security system and I've you know I've heard the other side obviously you have to have a home security system it's just another deterrent what's your opinion on that um I think you've raised a tough there are pros and cons personally I would suggest it's a good thing you are demonstrating that we are actively engaged in protecting our property this is what we've got this is what you've got overcome go somewhere else mm-hmm we are difficult we are not worth your while or not one way of God right and that there's got to be a presumption on that part of that's monitored it's not just gonna blare out into the street that there is going to be a response a reaction to that I think you would particularly for those that are opportunistic there haven't been their homework haven't done the research I would think it's off-putting and this might sound silly but again I want to hear from your own experience you know you've you've met these people you have an understanding of their psychology what about a dog what about a you know a mid to large dog I know here living in the Caribbean that's a tactic that people use quite often they they get a dog unfortunately they chained them up outside sometimes but again it might scare some people off absolutely I've got the smallest dog which is fairly ridiculous rockin and here whoa I love me suddenly he'll alert me to anything but he barks and he barks and he barks he sounds a lot larger right but he's also making a noise he might be a pain and annoy your boy you're doing a search purely because he wants attention you have to bring in new toys he's he's another layer so yeah I would suggest a barking dog is again I'm gonna go somewhere else right this this is becoming increasingly difficult for me to achieve attracting too much attention absolutely it's attracting attention it's not a little helping may be quick I'm gonna go somewhere else so Chris coming back to precious metals because a lot of our viewers do own gold and silver you know when talking to investors who do store their assets at home a lot of them say you know I've got it under the bed the old it's under the mattress story some of them put it in the freezer in Tupperware and things like that or a little bit of midnight gardening out back if you personally had you know this one kilo gold bar which is pretty small easily to hide what would where would you store in your home I think you can get creative let's be honest we've all seen those Google lists that are weird and wonderful and quite imaginative I don't think there's anything in the end to that creativity take it away from where the obvious place would be the mattress that's that old saying you've got a few blob into the mattress take it away from I'm aware occasionally when it's been inside mints inside the freezer now if you're talking about layers I mean you're not gonna get many more layers than concealed in the freezer the freezer door then within there I would suggest just staying away from the obvious x marks the spot I'm being creative so in terms of x marks the spot you might think a home safe would be a big X for a burglar up in the bedroom maybe they find that in the closet there's got to be something interesting in there so I know you've you've done some work for four security companies that that distributes safes and things like that what can you tell us about safes and maybe some just practical tips around owning a safe or not absolutely so I think we started that with that's the X that's the big X it is a big X but a big secure bolted to the floor safe not one that can be carried off not one that two people could stumble off for themselves bolted to the floor make it big make sure it's rated get some advice shop around a safe is it it's the ultimate cupboard it's not straightforward as long as you're locking it as long as it's you are taking those precautions and a door is only as good as if it's locked if you're routinely leaving it open because you're in and out of it whatever reason and you just forget about it before you leave make sure it is make sure it is locked right but I would recommend a safe so absolutely fireproof strong right sturdy they're not kicking their way into that right and I've also in speaking to investors who have unfortunately had home robberies if they left it on the ground floor where the front door is it was actually dragged out they managed to tie it up to the back of a vehicle and drag it out but if let's say you had it in the basement on the second floor again it just removes one other possibility absolutely the burglars yeah this determination rather than dragging it out yeah that's some determination and then it's impossible right they're gonna have to write that off right they're not getting out with the builders worst case scenario the unthinkable happens you're at home you're sleeping you're here noise downstairs someone's in your house maybe more than one person maybe they have a gun maybe they don't what do you do if you're confronted by a burglar in your own home it is the absolute worst case scenario and it is fortunately very rare that a burglar or a team of burglars won't take that approach that that's a significant step up from just entering a property that's that's a new dimension so very very rare I don't want people to think of it that's similar happens frequently it's very rare but it could happen but whatever you've done their determination their efforts their knowledge their insight your first has got to be calling the emergency services calling the police Baird 9-1-1 chip one on in the UK calling the emergency services if then you are confronted there's no way of avoiding a confrontation that confrontation happens there might be deliberate on their part to get your compliance to achieve things to open things to point things out you have got to comply with that it's got to the point now where your safety is at risk you trying to reduce the risk every time beyond your personal safety that your family is now a race I would suggest compliance against speeding it up not trying to be clever I'm not trying to be difficult get them out get rid of them because like you said the heart their hearts are racing they might do something even if they're not necessarily Eicher yeah they might do something in the moment that's absolutely of it it's going to be a strange situation for everybody having arrested armed robbers some of whom were typical villains the fool who thought if you had to draw a villain you would draw them their hearts still racing it is a big thing to do I don't care who you are you're in that extra dimension now your heart is racing the Adrenaline's going as effects of adrenaline comply keep yourself safe do what they want get rid of them they don't want it to over there any longer than they need to nobody in that scenario once that to last very long get rid of them simple as that good advice Chris thanks so much for joining us at inside the vaults best of luck with your your security consulting business I know you do well thanks very much thanks for being with us today and we look forward to seeing you again on the next episode of inside the vault [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Strategic Wealth Preservation - SWP
Views: 275,840
Rating: 4.8384461 out of 5
Keywords: Offshore Storage, precious metals, metal, SWP, Strategic Wealth Preservation, gold, gold bars, gold coins, bullion, bars, management, finance, silver, silver coins, silver bullion, gold bullion, palladium, platinum, secure, invest, investment, vault, cold storage, offshore, Cayman Islands, gold stacking, silver stacking, deposit, safe, security, deposit box, segregated, travelling with gold, travelling with silver, storing gold, storing silver, offshore storage, catalytic converter, rhodium
Id: 7jPbsq9lKGY
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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