Silicon Valley - AI Gilfoyle debugging code

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[Music] Oh [Music] gotcha get in my merry night sub Piper sir Owen doing valiant battle with the authentication service yes good oh and for thee Becky my queen I'll go with cashless payments Rusty's pricing keeps tripping us up okay how so well this morning he decided everyone at Russ fest should be a billionaire so every dollar someone puts into their account will now be worth 1 billion Russ bucks swoons so what like a sandwich will be worse 15 billion responses something 14 billion nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine Russ bucks and ninety nine Russ cents because he thought that would sound cheaper it's kind of scaring up the interface but the whole AT&T deal is riding on this right we'll get there good okay excellent well uh code like the wind milady oh good friar Gabriel how does that fair it's gone what do you mean gone for some reason guilfoyle deleted the whole thing you see Nancy go what yeah oil yes Richard I'm aware the drone dispatching code has been deleted and I'm working very hard to restore the right version whoa whoa I'm coming Dave just told me that the ticketing module got deleted ticketing - that's problematic I'll get on that next what the is going on based on the amount of work left to do in the number of hours left before the festival I decided to task son of Anton to use machine learning to debug some of our code what are you kidding me you gave your AI permission to overwrite code in the internal file system were you gonna tell me about this no I thought that was the company policy these days okay well you're eight I just failed epically that's unclear it's possible the son of Anton decided that the most efficient way to get rid of all the bugs was to get rid of all the software which is technically and statistically correct but artificial neural nets are sort of a black box so we'll never know for sure a Richard did you order meat like a bunch of meat like 4000 pounds of meat interesting I put son of Anton on finding us cheap hamburgers for lunch it looks like the reward function was a little under specified okay from now on son of Anton is banned just write code like a normal human being please hey guilfoyle so i've been thinking about your AI and its many deficits i think son of Anton's issue might be how its handling reward uncertainty your issue may be insecurity masked by false bravado and unisex cologne off it's not unisex
Channel: ReShow
Views: 3,269,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hbo, silicon valley, richard, gilfoyle, ai, dinesh, pied piper
Id: ySDX02WD0og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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