Silicon Valley: S4E2 - Hilarious Scene

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5.6 chat sessions per user times $16,000 21 billion dollars I mean how is that even fucking possible I mean I knew Ganesh was going to fuck this all up but honestly this couldn't get any better What's with his shirt? Oh I was wrong This just got better which is all your fault Richard this is your company before it was mine. What are you talking about Dinesh? I specifically reminded you to port over the terms of service from the platform right and and I asked if you've done it and you said you had okay I checked the POS box when we submitted to the App Store but then I didn't end up doing it all right but then when we caught fire the last thing I wanted to do was to bogger users the legal bullshit you know. I mean nobody reads that stuff anyway. Well, first of all everyone reads the Terms of Service and secondly they would have given us legal cover from exactly this. Every sound is $16000 FUUUUUCK All right, allright don't think about that just think about how to solve this MASSIVE, MASSIVE problem quickly; quick as you can Wait, we could shut down. No, no, no. Not when we're this close to signing a term sheet In case all of you gents have forgotten I'm on the hook for a half-a-million clam boughs for this Hell we can't stay online we're racking up more fines. Technically this is a corporation so whatever they fine you they'll really only be able to collect what the company's worth which at this point is basically nothing That's right I'm just a CEO I'm not personally liable. Although.. Although what? Well when you lied to me about adding Terms of Service, it would be argued you violated your fiduciary duty to the company rendering you personally liable I mean the FTC brought it to trial I could be compelled to testify against you. Jared I trusted you. Trust has nothing to do with it, but thanks for making that official So I could be personally liable for 21 billion dollars. Yeah most likely. I know in the fable I Piper led all the children into darkness but now we're doing it. So what do you want to do? I'm gonna throw up again. 'm gonna watch this.
Channel: Ahnaf An Nafee
Views: 811,452
Rating: 4.4423928 out of 5
Id: OOrHf__sxY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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