Silicon Valley - Gilfoyle vs HR [Part 1]

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so Melanie will take on all of Jarrod's marketing duties Gwen will cover bizdev and that should take care of it does this can to you I can see it okay great okay back to work Bertram while I have you you don't have me Richard's just tasked me with streamlining productivity and balancing headcount can you explain to me why you have no one working under you just seems odd considering that the agile board is showing that you have a massive backlog you're new here so I'll forgive the patronizing tone I'm more concerned with being right than being fast and I don't like dealing with people to wit are we done oh you're that guy what guy exactly the brooding arrogant guy who refuses to take orders self-taught coder who looks down on anyone who's taken a class you're probably an atheist or something more contrarian you claim to be an anarcho-capitalist but you work here and pay taxes you've probably read half of Neal Stephenson's crypt a nomicon and it's about 50/50 whether you own a snake it's golf right no it's a snake I finished crypt anomic on and you easily could have just looked in my file I didn't need to I'm assigning you five coders inadvisable noted I'll send them over first thing tomorrow if you're going to throw five randoms under me at least let me pick my team fair enough good mr. Gill well yes ma'am is this your new team it is five people as you requested that man over there Ken isn't even coffee guy barista yes and Joyce was watering the plants Mona was working security dan and George they were painting the lobby until today which reminds me they all need to change their LinkedIn status to play caters of middle management I'll be honest this is sort of a first and here you thought I was just that guy you know mr. guilfoyle you're right you're not that guy because at the seven companies I've helped take public every other that guy accepted their limitations took on a team and managed to get their work done some of them are now billionaires none of them would have gotten into a dick-measuring contest with HR when they were two weeks behind so lucky us I guess your unique phrase dick-measuring contest I thought it was a contest to see who could you measure the most dicks but it isn't is it guilfoyle mr. guilfoyle you wanted to see me before I left yes Tracy I did I wanted you to be here when I push my entire backlog of code you finished all of it in just 24 hours I did all by myself I'll take that apology now mr. guilfoyle you said that I had to choose you said I could have it fast or I could have it right but I just got it fast and right and all I had to do was threaten your manhood by assigning you other coders it worked in seven other companies and it obviously worked here Rebecca schedule now why would I be sorry about that I respect your skills thank you see you in the morning
Channel: ReShow
Views: 3,327,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hbo, silicon valley, gilfoyle, hr, team, coders
Id: HkFztAgK-8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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