Signs, Wonders, & Miracles - Morton Bustard

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pulpit right at the close of this year amen praise the name of the lord first corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of god now i don't want to get anybody bent out of shape but when i was a lad i've attuned my am radio to wheel in west virginia and every evening i would hear a man by the name of r.w schambach and this is kind of how he did it and i brother when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of god for i determine not to know anything among you save jesus christ and him crucified and i was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god aren't we glad to have superintendent cox in this house this morning i love that man i love his family father use us for your glory and all of god's people said in jesus name i got to get back to being myself would you give him about a 30-second hand clap you may be seated around 1937 my mother's brother earl we always called him uncle earl he began praying for his sister my mother's family to come to god before she was my mother this was way way back in the day and she and my father had married they had just a few kids and they were on a farm and kind of the upper part of the province of new brunswick the prayer did not happen overnight the prayer didn't happen in the first year as a matter of fact uncle earl prayed without ceasing for 20 years i've come to tell you to do not scratch one prayer off of your prayer list not one name off your prayer list pray without ceasing do not give up now abideth hope as long as they're alive there's there's hope as a friend of mine says a a living person is of no benefit to the devil because that means they can come back to god it doesn't matter how foolish and bad they're acting because it may just be an act maybe when you can't see them we're filled with they're filled with conviction and they feel the pulling of the holy ghost your home's gonna have breakthrough in jesus name give the lord a hand clap so around 1957 my family began to come to god and what a miraculous conversion my father and my mother and my siblings had in that time there was a revival sweeping eastern canada so much so that they told me that store shelves had tobacco that dried up sitting on them because men and women ceased to smoke it and and to it matter of fact people that used to frequent the jails were no longer having to spend the night or a week or a month or a year there that's what i call a move of god that's the prison reform we need when people are changed by the power of the holy ghost can you give him a hand in the house today there is a tremendous anointing in this second service god was with us in the first service but get ready this word is going to go forth and change your mind and change your heart and you are not going to be filled with the drears for the new year you're going to hit it running in the name of jesus praise the name of the lord miracle after miracle happened in that little area of eastern canada matter of fact new brunswick was called uh the the louisiana of of canada because of the pentecostal influence missionaries left that little area and went around the world literally the drost family comes from new brunswick canada and then i was born into this world into apostolic revival there you are george he's expecting a lot out of me this morning so i got to get with it we would go to church and not know what to expect i can tell you stories stacked on top of a story i can tell you about a little bungalow on the side of the road between mcnamee and dope town new brunswick right there on the left-hand side of that two that little two-lane road where a boy at the time if you pulled into the yard he would chase you like a dog on all fours he ate from a dish on the floor eugene garrett a man of faith a man of god laid hands on him he was either delivered from a demon or healed from some kind of a mental disease but he was completely set free and he lived a normal life i can tell you of a handkerchief being placed against a person's face and when it pulled away a skin cancer lay in it [Applause] and in our home the power of god began to move instead of drinking and smoking and arguing that little living room they told me became like a home cell meeting the power of god began to move and when my siblings had no teaching on spiritual gifts they were operating in spiritual gifts and prophetic words went forth that set the precedent for their lives that's what i was born into and i refuse any substitute other than red hot holy ghost revival fire with signs wonders and miracles and not too many years after my father came to god and i was born when i was a year and six months old he was back in the 1959 pontiac down the driveway to carry us all to church whoever was keeping an eye on me lost an eye on me because i ran out behind the bumper that big old heavy pontiac and it hit my chest i fell down the rear wheel started up my feet my legs my stomach my chest my head and crushed my body didn't have a broken bone in my body and i'm here today the youngest of 19 anointed of god appointed a god a prophet of the most high god and i have no regret in giving my life to this type of ministry and i will challenge you young people make yourself available to god because he's going to raise up a prophetic generation in this hour you may be by vocational that's all right you can be a doctor who's holy ghost field and holy ghost lead you can be an elected official holy ghost filled and holy ghost of land i'm asking you to let god use you in this hour there's not a shortage of gifts he's looking for vessels to pour it into don't let any fear or insecurity hold you back if god can use me he can use anyone in this house i'll never forget the first time he began to use me in the gifts of the spirit i was in my upper teens i was overwhelmed i was humbled i wept profusely when god began to use me and i said this is all i want in life i thought i was going to be a paul the apostle and then i met my brown-haired brown eyed girl the only girl i dated yep 39 years of marriage that's what happens when you get married at 10 years of age well brothers and sisters we weren't far north but i'll tell you right now so the apostle paul he arrives in corinth to start that church on a second missionary journey and when he gets there this is his introduction i'm not coming to you with excellency of speech i'm not trying to be ostentatious or in louisiana terms i'm not trying to put on the dog i'm not trying to as the comedic team from the poa and i have to make sure chris is in his right frame of mind when i talk to him was not trying to awesomize them and i've been knowing have been known to mortify people he said when i come it won't be exhibiting the wisdom amen but in the power of the holy ghost i'm coming in dominion authority and power signs wonders and miracles will be known all through corinth and guess what that's exactly what happened because even though the church at corinth was carnal in many ways it did not lack in spiritual gifts ladies and gentlemen i am not condoning lack of spirituality but perfection is not the prerequisite and being used of god but passion is you're not going to be perfect and no one's going to prophesy imperfection we're going to prophesy in part but we're not going to stone you or judge you we're going to mentor you and school you and we're going to help you stay on the straight and narrow and hone that gift of god until you are just like a laser you can cut through the hardest thing the enemy can throw at anybody we have to let people grow up in god we can't expect perfection so why in the world does paul show up and he starts out with i'm not going to come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom is because there was a stop he made before he got to corinth on the second missionary journey and that stop was over in athens and athens at that time had a population of about 250 000 people and mars hill is the place where the high court was for all of greece it was the place where cases were adjudicated but they were not small cases this was even probably above the u.s supreme court it was the supreme of all supreme courts and that town was known for its philosophy philosophers and culture and the erudites and the academic it was teeming with academia and paul shows up but he's nobody's full i mean this dude has been around he's got skins on his wall he has an impressive pedigree and portfolio because he has sat at the feet of gamalia and he has learned so he is apt for the past so he engages them and perhaps the debate at time became impassioned and there was a little back and forth he with the epicureans and the stoics we could get into what they believe but that's just a whole other thing because some believe them pantheism some believe the no pleasure assembly than all pleasure it was just kind of a messed up place because mars hill and athens was was rampant with idolatry and there at mars hill at the aeropogous they even had an altar to the unknown god and so paul debates them he has a measure of success he must have been anointed of god to have the boldness to stand it takes more than education it takes inspiration and an action and so he demonstrated it and there was a measure of success two of the people in the usha upper echelon one man one woman came to god and followed god after that there were some who listened to him many scoffed and some said we'll hear the matter later then he goes on to corinth and he says what happened in mars hill it's not going to happen in corinth we are going to come in the demonstration and the power of the holy ghost can i just have about 10 to 15 minutes at the most i think that we can get this thing wrapped up here probably even quicker than we did in the morning session because you're ready to go ladies and gentlemen you are not going to enter 2021 happy because of the wisdom of men you have your degree this is an amazing church we have them from every walk of life we have entrepreneurs we have blue collar workers we have everybody in between you are an amazing church but you're not amazing because you're entrepreneurs you're not amazing because you that we have a wide strata you're amazing since the early 70s you've had an unbroken prayer chain and the pandemic could not take a single link out of the prayer chain you were red hot on fire for god but you know the reason why the poa is knowing you know the reason why that lady right there who preached on weepers and warriors has nearly a millions views on youtube i've been checking you out baby and that's the reason why this girl over here who sings with the choir had 27 million hits i mean this church has gone viral i'm going to mention those names because maybe if they google something i my name will come up and i'll go viral it's because of the power of the holy ghost because 70 some years ago a man and a woman walked into this town and said we're going to have revival and that man and woman they were ostracized even at a general conference some stood in the lobby and began to ostracize the man that was preached because he was too simple he was preaching that revival is the panacea the cure-all but i believe it i believe every word the man said i still believe that jesus can heal of anything i believe he can set free from any bondage i believe in the power of the holy ghost i believe in the five-fold ministry and the nine gifts of the spirit ladies and gentlemen we are not entering 2021 full of hope because of the md's and the phd's because as good and smart as they are some of them got it absolutely wrong we are full of hope because of god because something happened to us something happened to us we were changed by the power of the holy ghost come up out of that seat goodness sakes get that seat belt from around your waist get up out of that seat and praise him let the host of the lord praise him worship him today the lord created us a certain way the lord wired us a certain way and i'm all for personal development i am not anti-academia absolutely not you see way back in the day our ministers could not gain entrance into a seminary they were not permitted thank god they are now thank goodness i'm all for that my girls have been through college i'm trying to through osmosis in other ways go further but you have to understand i'm not using this as a crutch i am wired differently i have a passion for the supernatural i have a passion to be used of god because i don't believe that i'm number 19 just because of a mistake now maybe mom and dad didn't plan on having 19 but i believe that god said no there's going to be one more and i'm just of the opinion when that car nearly took me out it couldn't take me out because god said none of that young man is going to be raised up and be used of god i can't explain it to you how i was in my impressionable years but i would look at men like bill drost i listen to him talk and i lie watch them how he walked i gravitated to men and women of god and today i'm glad to have something very special in my hand 2007 the month of october a relative of c b dudley the bush whacker preacher from new brunswick canada i don't even know if a man had a ged he certainly didn't have a d men or a thd uh he he didn't have any of the aforementioned but he had faith in god and he had the gift of faith he could lay hands on a tree stop and that tree stuff i think could speak in tongues the man just walked with the power of god this is his bible would you give the lord a hand clap in the house something has happened in 2020 we are learning that we need more than wise men and women we thank god for medicine vaccines and therapeutics and regeneron and hydroxy protocol i'm going to say it out there they had to resend all the negative you thank god for all of that but ladies and gentlemen above hydroxy we need the holy ghost you won't get that from cvs your doctor is not going to give you that as a script but you can have the holy ghost here today you don't have to leave 2020 without the baptism of the holy ghost ladies and gentlemen i want to speak a word to my evangelists my colleagues in evangelism 2020 may have been a rough year for you but get ready you're going to enter a brand new phase a brand new season in 2021 i prophesy that you're gonna prosper in jesus name you're not gonna go off the field you're not gonna lack places to preach god is gonna open more doors for you because you have been weighed but you've been found faithful you're coming through with your faith in god let's give all of our evangels and the families a big hand clap of praise ladies and gentlemen let's send more missionaries than we've ever sent around this world ladies and gentlemen i refuse to buy into some of the denominational talk that we have witnessed the last of these super or the mega churches there'll be no more great revivals and no more large gatherings i don't know who wrote that but it wasn't the holy ghost in the last days he's going to pour out his spirit upon all flesh more are going to come to god in this midnight hour that have come to god up now we haven't witnessed anything yet ladies and gentlemen angels are going through the streets of america you might not see it but they're here the hand that god is resting upon this country the nations of this world are praying for the united states of america not to falter but to rise up as long as we stand as a friend of israel god's going to remember that you know what i remind god of i remind god that we're a friend of israel and you're a covenant god and it's not over yet in the name of jesus would you give him a hand clap help me out cam would you stand with me all over the [Music] house around 88 or 89 when pastor anthony mangan gave me the invitation to come and minister here for the first time early 20s kayla wasn't even a thought i don't think then marilyn i drove into your town and i almost canceled him i figured there's not a thing i can do with that church preached here almost every year for the last 30 some years thank you thank you for all of the great talent that come and go thank you for letting me base out of your church and preacher even on this sunday it's not lost on me i want jesus more than anything i don't want a plateau i don't want a plateau i don't want to play it safe 2021 is almost completely booked and i'm about to start on 2022. i don't say that in braggadocia i say that in humility i got to do more i told that man tf tenney that i would mentor sometimes it's hard to mentor when you're the youngest of 19 and you're always taking yourself as a kid but i guess i'm not a kid anymore [Music] i know i look like that [Music] i got to give myself i've got to give myself the greatest anointing has not yet been experienced the greatest miracles have not yet been witnessed i'm ready for this thing to happen we have nothing hallelujah i don't want anyone looking around stare at me please i know i'm a little assertive that's me from back in the day i used to really do this a whole lot when ga was on that platform and tw barnes and tf tenney i may have to get her up here to exercise a little more authority i'm just having fun with you but if i have to i will and you're going to do what mama says because she's the one who pulls it out of me forgive me for taking too long can i just pause here for a second i'm going to give you a word in a second but before i do i was telling jonathan hey good at steakhouse and laugh yet a few days ago i said i'm lonely because i don't have a t.w barnes pulling it out of me i don't have a tf10 he's sitting at the cod he's pulling it out of me those men pulled it out of me and i don't mean that other people don't i'm just simply mean that they were brought into my life and they would pull it out of me i want you to do the same thing man i'm visiting way too much you came to my birthday party this morning i looked at a picture of you standing and pointing your finger and looking at me and you were pleading with me at my birthday party at our international headquarters some people call that our house that lady was in the holy ghost at my birthday party pleading with me and when i come here she'll plead with me sometimes because the time she'll walk over if you get a word you get up there i love that and you know i'm not ever going to take advantage of that i love that wish we had more of that you want to settle for the mundane go ahead if you want to be mediocre go ahead but if you're going to leave 20 forgive me for being too authoritative i don't mean to be this way but if you're going to leave 2020 and not keep the chains that god gave you in 2020 you're going to be foolish if you've had a new touch of god upon your life and you're not going to take that to the next level what is it going to take covet 20 to get your attention what's it going to take another lockdown i'm not trying to be cruel i'm just simply trying to tell you something i've had moments in my prayer chamber that i wouldn't swap with any other experience in my life heaven has come into my prayer chamber i have been in my church i don't want to sound i i don't i don't want to slip into the sensational it's just me it's just my thought it's just my thought there have been times in my prayer chamber i have heard the rush of angel wings they sounded like the engines on a 747 there are times i felt god pulled me into the vortex of the holy ghost and man would hurt me wailing before god and i would say if you want to keep me here all night that's all right with me and i would pray until my tongue went into many dialects [Music] i am ready to prophesy for 2021. the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our god [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoever occupies the office at 1600 pennsylvania avenue that will be decided but he who occupies the highest office in the universe has created all he rules everything he is god almighty for one touch he can heal every bone in your body he can heal you from your head to your toes right now raise your hands up we're supposed to have lunch how about i do it this way father use him in the gifts of god you might bring mrs right to him but before mrs wright shows up i want him to get something out of being at the right hand of this lady right here [Music] pour it on him god pour it out pour it on him god head to toe [Music] i'm not going to social distance i can't do that raise your hands up jesus told those 12 follow me and i'll make you i've come to tell you that you've been following and god's been making but the enemy still wants to try to bring something up and say look at this look at what it's gone it's gone god says the giftings that he has placed on you and deposited you are rising up in the name of jesus christ so as a man of god under the inspiration of the holy ghost i loose you in the name of jesus [Music] you are going to move into god's timing you are going to move into the now of god and you don't have enough wit and wisdom to open doors on your own but god is going to open doors in the name of jesus george man i'm watching that clock by the way that's nobody doing that but me that's that's me looking at the club george do you like to come in the pops prayer chamber yeah you like praying with pops sometimes pops anoints you this is what i do twice a day every day and when he's here at the prayer chamber i try to do it in person i do this and i do this over jack here's what i do it i say lord jesus i decree and declare that george white is blessed of god anointed to the god and loved of god and shall be used of god george shall be healthy and prosperous i pray that you'll keep your heads around george protect his mind bot put your arms around pops i pray that you will protect and strengthen him in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is this is what i want to give him right here this is what i want to give him right here pops hey george before you were even a thought all right your mommy lolly and i drove 2 000 miles in 1985 with no credit card and we only had like three or four hundred dollars to her name and i had two pleases to preach stand beside lolly but it worked [Applause] so the man who was well apt and capable of debating with the philosophers the poets the erudites at mars hill the one who sat at the feet of gamalia from a cold dark dank vermin infested prison cell in philippi he says this in in chapter 3 verse 4 reading on down though i might also have confidence in the flesh if any man other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh i more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of israel of the tribe of benjamin and hebrew of the hebrews as touching the law of heresy concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness we're just in the law blameless but what things were gained to me those i counted loss for christ yea doubtless and i count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord for whom i have suffered the loss of all things can i pause before the last sentence it's going to cost you something you want to walk in this it's going to cost you something what kind of a mentor do you want do you want some wimp as a mentor who will never allow you to maximize your god-given potential jesus may have walked on water but he didn't walk on eggshells and neither do i get over yourself if you want the anointing count the cost [Music] [Applause] take up your cross don't be ashamed to say that you know him and do count them but done that i may win christ [Music] not a lot has changed in 31 years i was 125 pounds then 25 pounds heavier now went over to gus kaplan said i need clothes bad yep the mangan and the poa were very kind to me i got some new garments but i'm a little more broken but i'm a little more blessed there's an anointing that rests on me that i wouldn't trade anything for i'm going to pray for the sick here in a second but i feel the holy ghost here is there anybody in this house from george's age and younger all the way up if she still has passion in her 90s how about you does anybody here want to leave 20 21 20 20 with a greater anointing [Applause] we thank god for the wisdom of men we thank god for the covet 19 task force we thank god for dr fauci dr berks we thank god for dr atlas we thank god for the whole for the whole gang but we're going to need something else you're exactly right [Music] just a few days ago i got a text from mandeville louisiana pastor trentacos sent me a text when i was there the first sunday of december a couple weeks ago a young lady in her late 20s early 30s was standing to my left the lord gave me a word of knowledge about her spine she had been in a terrible wreck two years before that and even in her late 20s she felt like she was 90 years of age because of excruciating pain she was completely healed i have the doctor's x-rays on my phone right now she is completely healed [Applause] you want it nikki well get up there get up there raise your hands stop right there may the power of god overwhelm you may god touch you until your knees buckle under the weight of the glory may god touch you until it flows from the top of your head kurt you want it get on up there that little follows with you right but you're hungry for this keep an eye on them but come on up keep an eye please if you're hungry get up there and someone else will keep an eye on the law follow are you hungry for it place there for you you want it get on up there get on up there social distance [Applause] [Music] i see it happening over you right now i see the oil of the anointing start at the top of your head it flows from you all the way down to the soles of your feet young lady you are wrapped in the anointing of god you know that this thing can break every chain you know that this thing can heal memories that are very hurtful and painful from your teenage years but god has told me you have dwelt in darkness but even in your darkness he was light around you and you're gonna rise up in the name of jesus and these habits and these bondages that have literally tried to take your life you're here today [Applause] anybody else anybody else anybody else bring it up again in camp [Music] wait just a second a little bit softer god says god says that you do have talent but it's not the talent that has placed you where you're at it's the anointing of god god tells me that generations have converged upon you and there's another generation and you're a part of that mcgee generation is going to walk in dominion authority and power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ because i know your grandpa hallelujah raise your hands up in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth i speak anointing from the top of your head through your body to the souls of your feet i pray that god will divinely do something to you so he can do something great through you i pray that you will not leave 2020 without keeping the change i pray that everything god gave you i pray that every anointing that you felt i pray that the alone time with god will bless you in the name of jesus christ i pray the anointing all over the poa i pray the anointing all over the poa in the name of jesus love where are you george come over here seth come over here hallelujah keep your hands up please i can't give anyone a gift i would never force my will upon a grandchild that lord god i pray from the terrible side and the bastard side that the anointing of god will look at the little fella hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i will speak the word over you i feel it is of the holy ghost that i spoke over tf20 before god plucked him from this world to eternity you're gonna maintain your sharp mind your synapses and your neurons will remain intact you will read retain and recall in the name of jesus christ god strengthens your body in the name of jesus hallelujah and god's going to keep these generals around until somebody's whose heart is full of passion who wants that mental war than they want anything in this world [Music] raise your hands up from the from the base of your neck right here right around that cerebral stem right there because it's not just bone the cerebral stem tells me that there's there's nerve related issues from the stem of your neck down to your spine and every point in between you shall walk upright in the anointing of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ alexander shall be your base there's nothing wrong with being bi-vocational you will stay under the covering of this pastor of the man of god of this church but god will let you go in return go and return in the name of jesus christ grow with it grow with it in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah anybody who needs a healing please raise your hand [Music] i'm going to start here but i'm going to work my way around digestive problems like diversity license but also crohn's and other issues with the core of the body raise your hands up be loose young lady right there in the name of jesus christ be loosed be loose be loosed by the power of the living god be loosed jesus thing be loosed anyone else be loosed by the power of the living god be loosed anyone who is concerned uh there's talk of a biopsy maybe the biopsy has occurred and you're waiting for the results but anyone who has any condition honor in your body that a biopsy would come into play and you have a question mark in your mind raise your hands up because jesus is touching you right now in the name of jesus christ be loosed [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] so [Music] it's all right if we break into a course of speaking in tongues right now it's all right if we break it into a course speak it in tongues [Music] every sickness and disease i command it to come out of your bodies [Music] any affliction i command it to come out of your bodies even now in the name of jesus christ i'm watching that clock but you cannot when when the gift of knowledge is beginning you just can't put on the brakes i'd like to i like to pray for severe headaches like my grand headaches severe headaches raise your hands up in the name of jesus christ somebody real close to me needs to get their hands up and i see that hand but someone was oh i absolutely sister diane i vicariously pray for you right now in the name of jesus be healed be loosed in the name of jesus christ oh you you just had an adjustment in your spine as well in the name of jesus christ there it goes in jesus name anyone else with them i know that's general but that's what i got to do because time is really of the essence be loose from it now be loose from it now be loose from them now be loose from them now in the name of jesus christ now i'm a seer and i do not exp i do not understand why i see certain things i've never said this in 39 years but i saw you you it's like you were swimming but you were swimming through 2020 and you were trying to stay afloat you were trying not to sink you were coming up for air and you felt like you almost suffocated spiritually but god says he has sustained you in the name of jesus christ loose by the power of the living god let the glory of god loose her in the name of jesus i'll tell you what's happening today the revival flyer fires are lit and ignited for 2021. this church is moving into the next year revival in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a piece out of that bible [Music] i don't think he'll ever go back in but i'll take it home with me in closing bring it up a little more kim [Music] inhale it inhale this inhale this air pull your mask down under your nose and inhale this air get this no no no i'm serious what's in the if a virus can be in the atmosphere that's invisible so can the holy ghost pull the mask under your nose i'm not being sarcastic i'm not trying to be crazy just pull the mask under your nose you because your nose is what god breathes breath into adam through that's your filtration system but don't worry about a pathogen or an allergen inhale this atmosphere because you're impaling peace and your inhaling power and healing and hope for 2021 get it inside of you fill your lungs up you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Alexandria
Views: 6,984
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Id: K7qr8cUNgCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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