"Earth Angles" Morton Bustard BOTT 1999

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now give the Lord a hand clap because you're about to leave the runway we're fixing to get into orbit and move into the prophetic realm of the things of Almighty God a night of nights a year of years the new millennium worse on the threshold of it it's a monumental task but I've got news for you God's about the speaker prophetic word to you tonight and you're gonna go forth and do things that you never thought were possible this is the night to hear the prophetic word are you going to go with me tonight because I'm going to speak it anyhow I am drenched in the Spirit of God there is an artesian well loose within me and God wants to speak a word for the United Pentecost the church and we have been bought together here for such a time as this clap your hands under the Lord please be seated Ezekiel chapter 1 we're going to be very very brief in the ministering of the word probably 20 minutes because the Lord does have a word to speak here tonight hallelujah and by the way I'm that fanatic you heard about but I'm not backing off I'm gonna get more radical and fanatical I'm sold on this lock stock and barrel I've already been slaying bears and lions baby I've already been there and done that I'm spoiled on this blame it on the little lady in a hospital bed in New Brunswick Canada she's dying right now I would have blown her down here she was healthy enough to be here but she took me to see it and God put something in my heart and I am hungry for it and I have come to about 3000 hungry people that want this the general board wants this all the way up to the top they want this because we cannot do it without it would you praise them Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 4 and I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof is the color of amber and out of the mids of the fire also out of the midst of came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man and everyone had four faces and every one had four wings and their feet was straight feet and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the calves foot and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass and they had the hands of a man under the wings on their four sides and the head for and they poor had their faces and their wings the wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went they went everyone straight forward as for the likeness of their faces they had for the full day for had the face of a man and the face of a line on the right side and they four had the face of an ox on the left they four also had the face of an eagle Father speak your word in this house tonight I humbly ask and will give you all the praise and the glory now lay that Bible on the seat behind you or beside you and give the Lord a hand clap in the house tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise this holy night you may be seated I want to speak for a few moments on earth angel earth angels why don't you say that with me say earth angels praise the name of the Lord in 1885 a city was so changed after Mariah Woodward let her have a revival in that city that the police had absolutely nothing to do Amy Semple McPherson drove her gospel car in the Indianapolis Indiana when there was a ban of influenza over the city the night she drove in it was lifted John G Lake according to the government statistics between the years of 1915 to 1920 Spokane Washington was the healthiest city in the world the mayor of Spokane held a public commemoration to honor his efforts efforts Evan Roberts in September of 1904 Evan heard and Eve and was by the name of chef Joshua plead to God bend us bend us this young man left and prayed the prayer bend me bend me and then he began to pray 100,000 people in Wales and that revival was so far-reaching that the miners who were robust men but profane men who used to curse to the mules as they would pull the trams in and out of the mines the mules were so trained to that profanity when those men went back to the meeting house and got a touch of God in the hearts the Mules had to be retrained I tell you the Smith Wigglesworth told Lester Sumrall he said I will not get to see the greatest move of God knowing to mankind but he said Lester you will see it Lester Sumrall said at the turn of the century at Topeka Kansas and as news the street California but that wasn't it and then in the 50s and 60s you had the Great Dane Crusades a DW Byrnes you've been to some of those ambulances were emptied out almost hospital our entire hospitals were emptied out of their patients and then but Lester said that's not it at that in the 1970s you had the charismatic renewal Lester Sumrall said that was good but that is not it but he said what is happening in the world today is without a doubt the beginning of the greatest move of God knowing to man car Lester Sumrall died a few years ago I believe that wiglesworth was right I believe a summer was right we are on the brink of a brand new millennium but I am telling you that God has through his Providence has ordained for you to be here you weren't even planning on being here some of you but God made a way where there was no way in your desert place he gave you water from a rock and bread from heaven he put hose on your back and he opened doors so that you could be here let me tell you that before you were born before your mama pushed you out of her loins God knew that you were going to be here today furthermore he knew exactly the struggle you are going to be going through I've come to tell you that the pain you're going through his precious pain it's a going pain you're going into something wonderful it's no wonder you're going through what you're going through it you're about to become the artist people of God that have ever lived on the face of the earth let me make it abundantly clear I am NOT a great man of God but I'm a man of the Great God and I thank God for using my elders I had great respect for the pioneers of this movement but if you think for one millisecond I'm gonna sit back and just say God can use them but for some reason he can't use me you might not like this but your Jesus was a hillbilly and his disciples were hillbilly and if God can do something great in Galilee he can do it here in your town I don't care if you live in podunk bill and I don't care if your zip code is eat ie oh it doesn't matter if you're pastoring a handful God can use your place I don't care what your last name is or isn't I don't care whether is or isn't in your portfolio and your pedigree if God can use me God can use you Solomon had a throne and there was none like it in all of the land there's a spiritual place of authority that God has reserved for you and I can't sit on that throne and you can't sit on mine it's your throne but there were six steps that led up to the throne and on the left and the right Solomon carved lines at a stone you see if you want to get to that place you're going to be challenged on the left and challenged on the right that's why you're going through what you're going through right now young man you have not been forsaken you will be a posture to be used mightily of God you have seen in this the mighty God but when you finally throw in the towel and reach the place of blessing weakness then God will use you like he never could before because you'll see him as L said I great God Almighty I cited to use some facts from the past in the history of great revivals but let me tell you that we have we are living in an unprecedent i I'm gonna have to just slow down and watch the clock but just not get ahead of myself because one thing about the gifts if you don't watch out you're gonna get ahead of them and miss it completely and I do have a word to give here in a few moments but listen to me we are thinking about y2k the last thing we ought to be doing is getting distracted from our purpose in the earth going through a foxhole mentality if you want to get a few canned goods the bishop said it the other night I think that's wonderful but dear God we ought to be on the very front line because this will be a tool that will reach thousands of people hallelujah these four beasts had the face of a man they had wings and they had hands we're going to get two wings in a minute but if you want to be used of God you need a pair of hands and if you don't have hands you're useless hands to carry water I want to know where your too great to be a water boy do you want the puppets Mandal but are you with him for 20 years to pay and pray the price Jesus he'll delivery when he spoke the word and then he cuts them why in the world that he person he's trying to tell you it's not enough just to be able to speak words of faith you've got to have hands in touch because though you speak with tongues of men and of angels and have not the love of god you're a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal you need hands to touch you're gonna have the face of a man but also you're gonna have the face of an ox some of you came in here weak but God's about to put a new face on you and you're gonna have the face of an ox with the strength and power he's gonna give you the face of a lion you have been ruled by fear and fear has intimidated you and stepping out in the spirit listen to me until you died the fear of failure can't be used of God anyhow my ministry does not live or die on the strength of this one meeting I'll be back up again if I fall flat on my face that's how you learn that's how you grow and if you're not willing to make a mistake that can't grow hallelujah and I'll just tell you while I'm on this subject I'd much rather be the young person willing to get out of the boat and walk on the water and stumble and fall and me she's got the guts to get out I just don't want to be back in that boat window that gets to get out and walking to around the supernatural power of God Almighty he's gonna give you the pace of a lion not only will you have strength you're gonna have boldness like you have never had in the past you may have come in here with your ears laying back on the nape of your neck and but you're gonna leave it breathing out Holy Ghost pilot the back draft of an f-16 fighter jet because greater is He that is in you than he that's in the world lose the fear of land hands on the sick lose the fear of speaking for the word of God lose the fear of Pampas find the Word of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I have come the fish tonight I'm fishing for that hungry young man over hungry young lady who has come to because of the times frustrated and you want to be used by God I come to tell you that there's not a shortage of gifts there's a shortage of people who are willing to operate in the gifts of the Spirit hallelujah ah but here comes the wings has thou not no one has thou not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth is not faint nor weary there is no searching his understanding the youth and the young miss of Phaeton Paul but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and they shall mount up with wings as Eagles run and not be weary walk and not faint you're about to become Holy Ghost aviators you have been on this level for so long we have preached until our insides of burned inside out and we will always preach but beloved I'm telling you about a realm of the Spirit when you get in and you don't have to sweat you don't have to work it out when you get a good organ player good music an onion doesn't matter you can speak the Word of God and gotta perform miracles before your very eyes and then became the word you're preaching clap your hands under here now these four piece they had wings they had hands they had the face of a man the face of an ox the face of a line in the face of an eagle you see angels are good but vapery is restricted there is a chasm they cannot cross so you see God wants to use you because you can bridge two worlds you see I can't do you any good if I'm glorified right now if God suddenly takes me home I can't do you any good I've got to operate in the flesh and that means it won't be perfect but if you hang in there you'll get a word from God and I'm not condoning missing it in a moment I'm going to begin the minister and lay my neck on the chopping block in front of all of you that's how I grow don't worry about it that's how I grow I don't want to stay in this step I want to ascend to the place that God has prepared for me now okay let me break it down and break into the prophetic right now slowly and then we'll get into it and we'll see what happens here and I hope that you're not waiting just to see what happens I hope that you're really into this I know there's a hell I know there's a heaven I know there's a monumental past that is impossible Wrestler to accomplish in the flesh but what I'm preaching if you'll go forth in the power of God you will see your churches i prophesy that your churches will have unprecedented moves of God in order provoke us when we see denominational churches are praying by the hour enslaved by the power of God why don't we put this Jesus name message on the floor in the arena and see them they will not stand I'm not the least bit upset that a magazine wrote an article about us and some of you can't handle the face you want to rejoice you told me you can do nothing against the truth before the truth let's prove it to see if the name will stand a few years ago the Lord spoke to me in a prophetic dream about the United Pentecostal church and let me tell you it's not over yet I've weathered some storms and there's going to be more storms but I have hung fire to be here for this night and let me just tell you one thing we've had great preaching we've had great preaching but one thing if maybe you guys don't feel it but we ought to get rid of the feeling that I have to do this and I have to do that and yes if you're anointed you cannot out do the anointing you can't out do the anointing that's not a mark toward anybody that is probably just something I personally have been feeling but we need to come and wait upon God and make room for the things of God but God spoke and said I'm gonna send a prophetic ministry to this movement and I'm gonna challenge them in living and in giving and I want to speak on the behalf of the Evangelist listen to me God has placed you in the body of Christ I want you to act like God go forth in miracles signs and wonders the gift of faith and the gift of healing and act like God I want you to speak like daughter I want God to put in you the spirit of utterance and I want you to prophesy speak in tongues the worst kinds of tongues and now God wants you to think like him the word of wisdom the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits and now it is time for the restoration of the fivefold ministry apostles prophets evangelists pastors and majors hahaha Khatana bhai under aha 1111 Shikata BCD please listen to me I bet that's not me being rude or me being cocky I'm just telling you to be seated because I've got a I've got a few minutes to get up here and do something and I want to just flow into it and let me teach you don't ever administer in the gift for personal affirmation if you need that you're not willing to be you're not gonna be using the gifts of the Spirit it's one thing the preaching of people Amen on you and hallelujah and so forth but when you're operating the gifts baby it's a one man up there in front of everybody that's why you ought to practice outside on the street before you bring it in here get yourself a mentor that believes in the things of God that will be a prayer cover over you and that will provoke you to be greatly used by God I want to be the Martin Luther of the 20th century and take the gifts of the Spirit from the fivefold ministry throw them up to the entire body of Christ and liberate this great army for the kingdom of God praise them tonight ah hush God praise God praise God let's just slow it down some stay on your organ with me mark and give me just a little bit of that minstrel play and will prophesy a hundred over I love them with all my heart my soul and my strength and all that is within me Allah bhai your neighbor who shook it huh hello where's your partner at stand up raise your hands for the Lord shall speak a word unto thy spirit the fear should not dominate the anymore so the enemy has laid his hand upon thee and left a mark and a scar on thee from the past but behold I the Lord shall lift it off of the wind I do you shall step through a brand new door for the Lord shall say thou shalt not be the handmaid all my life is thou may have supposed for I am releasing you tonight you're walking forth out of intimidation the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth raise your hand up Shannon I pray for this young lady three or four times in Blytheville Arkansas God gave her a miracle when the first times I went there but the other night laying on our bus I saw in the spirit what looked to be the very lower parts of her legs and the skeletal part the very bone Father in the name of Jesus Christ I speak a word of the Lord that the healing shall be fulfilled saith the Lord tell him praise God praise God now let me explain why I'm doing this openly if your motive is thinking that this is cool you have missed it by a thousand miles I thank you people that were up all night praying for me and I thank God for a superintendent that has been very kind to me I ought to just slow down right now I can prophesy any moment but I'll just slow down just for a moment to tell you that this is very costly to do this it's that there's going to be some arrows and so forth and I'll tell you why I'm doing this because I want my calling to the United Pentecostal church is to be a witness of the prophetic ministry the supernatural things of God and if I do this one-on-one you can't learn it didn't hear me if I do this over in the corner one-on-one you can't learn it so I have to do this here but the Jeff Arnold raise your hands to the Lord for the Lord would speak a word unto thee and say Dow I'm not alone for I am afraid to the premise and a brother to the brother --less I even am a father to the fatherless and the enemy that has brought an onslaught against you shall be rebuked he has come in but he shall leave mother Jesse Williams in spite of the demographics of your town gods shall bring the windows of heaven over your church and open them up and I see plans I see a financial blessings I do see construction and God is going to let you reap a harvest in that town that shall be planted and rooted in the town in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I shall tell you another high in another hurry under the heart okay I gotta go crank it up mark I've gotta go I come against fear in the name of Jesus Christ that would try to attack every young person in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I curse it now in the name of Jesus in place of fear we bring boldness there in the name of Jesus Christ every intimidating Spirit we resisting we rebuke it i liberate that young man that young woman i liberate the path to go forth and have Holy Ghost revival in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth okay okay okay if you're here and I know I prayed for this before and you have to understand there is no way to zero in here tonight because I get lost in this and I have to keep I'm getting drunk I am intentionally being from getting lost in this tonight and being very selective but if the dead list lied to you about cancer in your throat put your hands up right now here comes a healing I'm giving you a few seconds raise it up high if the devil has lied about cancer in the throat throw it up high in the name of Jesus Christ put up real high that's it that's it that's it now do you want to be used of God in healing look at somebody whose hand is up and lay your hand on their forehead right now and pray this with me first of all you that of your hand raised say thank you Jesus for speaking the prophetic word I receive my healing right now in the name of Jesus Christ curse to be that cancer in the name of Jesus of Nazareth curse to be it now Gold fear in the name of Jesus Christ okay tell them to thank God one more thing and then we'll pray for the sick in a mass prayer I believe it's gonna fall when brother Arnold was preaching as well this is just a demonstration this is only a demonstration you understand that don't you out of a high inaudible horry honor brother James Larson I tell you that God is calling you into a prayer closet and he's gonna reinvent your ministry put a brand new anointing on you it is time to go higher you cannot stay on the step that you've been on for years and God is calling you higher hallelujah brother Randy keys the devil has sought to deter you from what God has for you and yeah the devil has even struck by home in the past but God has raised you up the spirited a moving the Lord on the west coast and you still haven't even seen the hardest you just feel seeing some of the seed come back but you shall see a bigger harvest no God I pray for brother Jesus charger but they would be offending me and behold the Lord with sanity brother kiesza he don't go before the city planners for you and speak to the Obermann speak to the councilmen for you you have found favor with the Lord ah shucks I tell you love aha okay put your hands up III know I'm doing this a little bit prematurely but now god I asked for the gift of faith to move in this house and as brother Arnold preaches let the gift of faith take over this place I pray let the gift of pain take over this place now I come against sickness and disease in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you are a liar devil and we curse you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth now let healing flow through bodies let diabetes burn out let the blood pressure and sugar be normal in the name of Jesus let papers that are dead resurrect now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth every form of cancer recursive now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth hallelujah honorable Shakopee Omaha you're gonna be willing to miss it baby if you can't you can't be used brother Teddy from the top of your neck throughout your spine everything's dead deteriorating they're breaking down on the bone that this be healed now every sciatic they loose for the power of God now from his head to his toes in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I'm trying not to get drunk in this this is not entertainment I'm trying not to get lost in this but brother anthe maghen the Lord puts his hand upon thee because he is using you to be a forerunner of that which years to come and we pray a covering around you and your wife Mickey and Mickey the Lord gives you rest out of the hush I got a brother Lumpkin where are you put your hands up single up dinner I rebuke fear that has dictated to your mind and told you how it will be that devil is a liar God's gonna pet you and put a piece in you for your golden years Nancy Kilgore put your hands up shipping they would try to attack your body from something else - from you in the past Kirsten am now in the name of Jesus Christ er overactive thyroid be ballast be healed now in the name of Jesus booms and legs in your legs moving your legs now 100 shot gotta another harvey another ha one more thing this is not planned I promise you the devil shall not back into a corner and break down your health saith the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ you have come back brother who socket on the high Yamaha how the devil has spoken to you and said I have taken this and I have taken that one and I shall take this one but he is a liar saith the Lord ha ha ha doesn't burn stretch your hands up toward this crowd Lord down in the profit I want to know who in this house is gonna stay in the profits corners and wait for the mantle of a man of God don't you dare to chase after the garments of naman stay in the prophet's house don't leave I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that every young person that the devil is trying to distract by saying this is not right you don't need this let me tell you what and this will be the last thing I'll try this make sure this is the last thing I say Coleco you gave me award a few years ago after the Salt Lake City conference our movement went through a tumultuous time you may not remember this blonde the phone you said Morton bustard I have a word from the Lord for you don't be distracted by issues preach Holy Ghost revival I grit my teeth and set in my phases flip I was wore out and played out and burnt out but I made myself preach Holy Ghost revival I have just begun my 18th year of full-time ministry 1604 time-travelling I just did nine revivals last month I have gotten my second winner would you hang in there and don't make a rash decision and just wait upon God for the time has come for the two worshiper to worship in spirit and in truth it's time for the name of Jesus Christ episode of doctrine apostolic lifestyle by ei apostolic power with signs and wonders following clap your hands out of the Lord all ye people
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 23,898
Rating: 4.8566775 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Morton Bustard
Id: BgPKEygd1Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2015
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