Signs of Emotional Abuse in Relationships | Unsafe Relationships | Abusive Communication

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I'm Rachel fio and I'm Stacy shell we've got 20 years combined experience as therapist and too many years of relationship mistakes you'll want to learn from we share our ups and downs with a therapeutic twist so the relationship in your life thrives let us be your aha moment that you can take back to your own couch this is the decoding couples [Music] podcast even though we are therapists we are not your therapists this podcast is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only I want to share something new that I've been doing for self-care that has been such a GameChanger for me when it comes to sleep and reducing stress I started using the oneleaf app which is a self hypnosis app that was created by renowned therapists and relationship experts out of Stanford and NYU I was a little skeptical at first because I've never done any form of hypnosis before but it was so userfriendly and relaxing and I personally saw results quickly it takes about 20 minutes a day it's done from the comfort of your own home and you listen to a guided hypnosis where there are prompts and visualizations that get you into relaxed state where your subconscious is more able to take suggestions to create and build healthy habits one leaf covers a broad range of topics such as relationships sleep reducing stress managing pain improving confidence and so much more if you're looking for a new way to meet your Wellness goals go to the show notes and start one leaf with a free 7-Day trial today's episode is a heavy one it is all about emotionally abusive relationships we want to be really clear from the start that if you are in an unsafe relationship you do not need to work on it you do not need to stay you deserve to get support and help and feel safe in your relationship so please use the resources we've Linked In the show notes for the domestic violence hotline and the national crisis line if you are in a dangerous or unsafe relationship we also want to be upfront that this episode is purely informational we want to give you ideas of warning signs and what to look for with emotional abuse um this episode is not about how to get out of an emotionally abusive situation but more just how to spot if you or maybe even somebody you love um could be in one yeah so working through and understanding emotional abuse is really tricky like it is not it is not a straightforward clearcut thing unfortunately it's not as blatantly obvious as physical abuse can be because it is emotional um but it is truly just as damaging so we're taught that relationships take work um we value in our society staying together as a couple you know like go getting through the hard times it's es and flows and so it can be really hard to decipher when things are just like the normal you got to put work in through this or this is just a low point or if something is truly emotionally abusive and damaging and then we downplay it let things slide under yep under the sake of you know staying together and doing the work so even you know when we asked the Instagram Community about what what they wanted to know or what their questions are a lot of it that came in was like well how bad is bad or how do I know that I'm not just being sensitive or what if it's my anxiety blowing things out of proportion it's really you know clear how hard this is to catch for people um and how to really recognize when it's going on and when to say enough is is enough and I mean I know I can personally relate to that of knowing like when things are considered like typical or normal or when they slide into the emotionally abusive category so I think yeah we've been there we know how hard it can be it's a really trippy tricky top topic so um have you encountered emotional abuse in a relationship yeah I think emotional abuse has absolutely been in my relationship and past relationships I think what kind of how you had mentioned there's so much pressure to stay together or to work things out or to find your person to get married to have a family to pick the you know find your soulmate we don't spend time on how to pick someone that's like good for you how to spot a healthy relationship and so as a result emotionally abusive relationships are actually much more prevalent uh than I think everyone would like to admit so this may be a especially kind of triggering listen because there it's more often than not um personally professionally we see it a lot of the time and I think what was personally hard for me is because I was not like a lot of modeling around or told even explicitly in school or from peer relationships respect is a tenant like that is a absolute non-negotiable of relationships it was very easy for emotional um abuse to start seeping in and not being like acceptable behavior you know I'm not talking about a one-off where someone's like you know you cuz like I've definitely been like you know Screw you off like again that's like not okay that's disrespectful but when it becomes someone's goto when it becomes a pattern you start seeing in your relationship when put Downs or you know some of the other signs you'll start getting into like gaslighting like those one when they happen more than once we're no longer talking about a one-off so I think that was made it really hard for me to spot it in my relationship and then like accept that it was going on because that was just not something that was taught to me as like a basic tenant of relationships and I had always had it modeled well if they they didn't hit you well if they if it didn't get physical it actually wasn't abuse um which is I think another reason um I was like blind to it and then like not wanting to admit it to myself especially being a therapist and doing this for a living um what about you yeah I mean same even you saying you know like yeah we're we're therapists like of course we would spot these things I mean I remember and I think I might have called you and told you like I remember the day my therapist called out what I was telling her as emotional abuse like I was recounting something that happened between my partner and I and there was kind of like a pause you know she I want to say she just said like hey like you know that that's emotionally abusive right and I like you're like you're like oh you're not talking to me that must not be for me yeah I remember being thoroughly like blindsided genuinely shocked by that reflection because there had been so many years of tolerating certain things and um rationalizing it away right because this is where emotional abuse is tricky like it happens over time like you said it's not a oneoff and it's also happening while while love and a relationship is developing and so it becomes so intertwined that then it's hard to how do you separate out that someone you love and are choosing to be with could also be emotionally abusive that's at least what my experience was um and yeah it's painful It's Tricky it's painful uh yeah it's a whole lot of things that we can we'll get into more in this episode but so it's hard to find like identify if both of us are kind of reflecting that it was like difficult for us to pick up on or shocking like what are their sign like let's kind of Define what is emotional abuse what are some signs and types and again this is not a one siiz spits all that doesn't mean if we don't name it um it's not what's going on in your relationship is not unsafe or unhealthy or toxic or abusive but like these are just like General patterns we kind of want to point out yeah so key word that I think we've we've said a couple times already in what you just said of emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior so again it's not the oneoff it's not the I lost my one time this is this is a pattern of behavior that is meant to demean put down control isolate and generally just harm another person's wellbeing through mental emotional psychological um tactics so again it's it's not the physical part of it though there you know multiple abuses can happen at the same time um but if we're just looking at emotional abuse it's the psychological mental um harm that is done so we'll go over a few a few ways that this shows up again multiple of these things could be going on at the same time it can just be one it can like there's no there's not a set pattern or a formula for emotional abuse which again is why it can be so so tricky to spot so if you were wondering like if I can see you know like sometimes I think about how this podcast is going to be like received and then what people would like kind of come back with if you if I asked you right now if I'm sitting in front of you as you're listening and I'm like what do you fear when it comes to your partner's reaction and if you can answer that you've got a pattern like I think that and if that pattern is abusive or not is what depends in your answer but if you're like yeah you know like he's going to shut down then he won't talk to me for a couple days and like I'll be really sad but like eventually we'll talk about it okay like I don't hear that that's like emotionally abusive relationship but if I hear that you know you're telling me your partner is going to like Stonewall you refuse to talk to you talk around you um when only the kids are around start slamming doors um sends you only liberating text messages like yeah and then while you're telling me this if you're feeling your heart is racing if you're feeling your jaw clenching if you're feeling like you walk on eggshells every time you upset them you probably need to look a lot a little you know H maybe more if emotional abuses in your relationship so I can see people like well it doesn't always happen like it's not I don't okay ask yourself what are you what do you fear when conflict happens and like if if it's it's going to fall into this certain categories you may have it and again that's part of like this unlearning that what we are told or programmed is abusive I guarantee you that net is way larger than any of us would like to be admitting because it's so normalized in society yeah yeah all right soap box off sorry had to no but that's a good that's a good way to think about it um okay so some some direct signs that we can put in boxes um one form of emotional abuse is when you are isolated from the people you love support system friends family Hobbies maybe that you enjoy um when somebody pressures you or says things that pushes you away don't hang out with them they're stupid yes yeah oh your family always does this such drama I'm not going yeah and if you go it means that you don't love me or whatever yeah anything that isolates you from who you are your support system your network things you love is abusive yep same vain direct or indirect threats to harm you your reputation um or people are things that you love so you know I could you could hear comments about like oh gosh every time you come home from hanging out with Stacy like you're just not fun like I really can't stand when you H like no one would ever say that um but you know like it's kind of again like Stacy mentioned but deterring things or people that you love like you deterring you from like connecting with that like that is emotionally abusive um any kind of like contempt statements so like you are so stupid you're an idiot you're psycho um criticism chronically can become emotionally abusive humiliation demeaning teasing ridiculing belittling gaslighting gaslighting is emotionally abusive and again that's not me sharing how I feel and then uh Stacy truly not understanding how I feel it's when someone uses your experience against you to um change your behavior or then uses that knowledge against you um in whatever way shape or form so those are all signs of emotional abuse um intimidation swearing at someone as a means to control them because again I've you know I have thrown out my f bombs I mean like I have told people to go take a walk um but it's when it's meant to like control them when it's meant to shut them down you know a lot of abuse is has to do if you're ever kind of questioning like is this abusive it has to do with power and control so if one of those are there or both of those are there you're most likely dealing with some level of abuse and in this case emotional abuse um when you are constantly instilling that somebody's worth is less than yours when you're going after their selfworth their selfesteem yeah um anything that's going to make them have some sense of worthlessness or that's that's the um intent of it that is emotionally abusive this and then that you need that like because you're you can't work hard or because you're poor or because you don't have this then you need the other person that's like doing the emotional abuse like it's a complete circle yep um this one is I would say one of the like sneakier forms of emotional abuse some of I feel like you know like the contempt being mean putting down controlling like these are I think probably ones that we've like heard before like when you think of emotional abuse um but when when a partner gets in the way or stops um somebody from meeting their own personal or professional goals needs just basic needs by putting barriers up um by going after you know worth instilling self-doubt um you are selfish if you pursue this anything that stops you or pulls you back from these goals that you have set up for yourself that can be emotionally abusive as well um and then making their care support or love conditional on your choices so I will only love and support you if you do what I say or if you you know agree to whatever it is that I'm needing and if you don't do that then I'm going to withhold or take away my warmth my support my love um so emotionally abusive yeah and I and I think what's important here is sometimes it's not as overt like to Stacy's earlier point it can be really hard to point it could be hard to identify a lot of these but especially these last ones it's not so much I think a lot of emotional abuse starts out not as if you go to yoga I will not love you it kind of goes it can sound like um oh you're going to go to yoga like that class is so late and then you know you don't get to spend like time together I thought you wanted a relationship like it's these small things that again as a oneoff like you know it's a shitty comment that it can be nothing more but if I'm saying that every time you go to yoga and then I'm talk and then next time I go yeah you know you're going to yoga that's a late class like I guess you really don't want to prioritize us and I don't really see how that's making a big difference in your body yeah you know like there's just these slow it's very I want to point out like the insidiousness is that is that the word know you know what I'm trying to say um it's insidious insidious insid insid yeah okay I'm not even try and say it but it's very emotional abuse and then how it kind of goes off in like Financial abuse or verbal whatever it is it's like these tiny seeds that aren't super obvious in the beginning and so like Stace is mentioning delaying On's personal or professional goals you know it really can start out very small and then blow into full-blown like Financial abuse or you know other things and I think that's what's really important is like I think that's also why it's so uncomfortable because the same person that can be doing these things there are things that are positive about them or um that they have done good before and these tiny seeds are not super obvious in comparison to someone who's also like quote unquote a good partner in other areas or a good parent or but it's the best sex I ever had like I think it's really hard to look at the seed and go but that's abuse but like that's how it starts yeah yeah it's hard to tease out and like stay strong in your own value almost because I think a lot of us would go but I love this person so I don't think they would intentionally hurt they were drunk like they didn't mean they were really stressed um they were really upset they just lost so and so like I think that's also when you've got to like defend it too I feel like that's a little bit of a warning sign but that's also part of abuse we we learn to defend um the actions because we know if we didn't it would really rock like our world and that would make it more unsafe so unconsciously you start to um be like well no but this is going on or but they're really depressed instead of just going like yeah that was abusive and that sucked yeah well and part of having then an emotional abusive partner is that a lot of times if you do try to confront it or challenge it um if they were to be like oh my God I'm so sorry that was not you know I oh my God I didn't mean that I won't do it again then it probably wouldn't be a repeated pattern of emotional abuse if there was acknowledgement and responsibility for it but a lot of times um I know like an example I'm thinking of in my my own personal life of when there was barriers put up to me meeting some professional goals particularly with DC and I would call things out it would be like but you know I support you g yeah and so it becomes that it's coming back from the it's that gaslighting part of emotional AB real like how you feel is not real don't be silly but don't feel that way because I'm telling you I support you in this moment I'm telling you but everything I do shows the opposite if you take up too much time on your phone I'm going to call you a bad mom yeah but right now but I'm telling you I support you right so that's where that kind of like cycle and the the psychological part of it like it really takes a toll if you are um on the receiving end of emotional abuse because it's not one it's not a to B it's very true A to B to Z in in A to Z Circle right just keeps going so so I think then because this is a very it's a gray area for a million reasons it seems like it would be helpful for people to also kind of like navigate some of these in between spots like is it emotional abuse if someone doesn't know they're doing it and then not mal can it not be malicious or can it be unintentional okay this was such a popular question breaks my heart it is so sad and sad no not sad of those people it's sad how prevalent it is oh yeah and I have been I have had this same question for myself and this is this is my personal and professional answer emotional abuse is not defined by the intent of the person doing it I think it has to be defined by how it makes you feel and the impact and your state of well-being going through it because if we are looking at well did they mean to do this did they mean to hurt me when they called me a lazy parent even though I'm working my ass off I don't know if it matters because that hurt is still like the damage is done and if you are only then thinking if this qualifies as harmful or Not by their intent that is slippery slope yeah that's that's the same trap that keeps a lot of us stuck in emotional abuse because again like this person is not all bad you you know chose to be with them and are to still can choosing to be with them so you can rationalize a lot of things somebody who loves me wouldn't do that or I know a good person or I know they've been through a lot and then that just keeps you stuck so if the impact feels abusive if you have if there is harm from it if it is detrimental to you and your well-being the intent doesn't matter no I think that's really well said um I think what Stacy is saying is so important that if you feel it is unsafe it is unsafe if it is happening more than once and in a pattern regardless of the person's intent regardless of how much trauma they had what their their mental health is that you can you can have someone go I didn't mean to and the behavior is still abusive um and again I feel like we've said this in previous episodes in Intimate Relationships are like the only place you see this like needing a validation that something is unsafe or hurt if someone slams their car into a pole and hits someone in the process like we don't go to the driver and go but did you but did you like intend it's really important right now to the police report that like we need to know the person that's in the hospital but did you intend to do like sure is that part of like I don't know like the investigation sure but at the end of the day like someone's in the hospital and your car is wrapped around a pole and now you've got to replace like no one's sitting there going well you'll have to pay less fees and be in less trouble like no but in relationships you do see Partners getting hung up on like but they've been through so much or their mental health and this is where it's also really hard for us to like draw boundaries or get out of an unsafe relationship um because we kind of rationalize or Justify or guess their intentions instead of like Stacy mentioned like the priority is the the impact on us um yeah CU I mean you can have somebody be like I'm sorry I didn't mean to like I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about it it doesn't take away that it's still emotionally abusive yeah yeah and I would say if this is like a top um question for you like well they don't know they're doing it or like well I don't know I don't know if it was malicious or you know I don't know if they're they're not a bad person if that if that is the um thought trainer line of questioning I think that's a pretty um probably a pretty clear indicator that like emotional abuse is going on I and like I I think that what's the higher like 10,000 foot view is at the end of the day it's it's not about being a bad person or not you know like you can engage in emotionally abusive like actions and at the end of the day if you are hearing that that's what your partner is experiencing it it can't be any other response except like oh I need to change that um and vice versa like if if you are sitting there thinking like oh this doesn't feel good and this feels unsafe it really doesn't matter who's a good and a bad person what's more important is that like it needs to stop and realizing like you're in an unsafe relationship like yeah impact versus intent man like it's always comes back to that yeah yeah so this I guess kind of goes into the next thing of like yeah can it can can those Dynamics ever change can it ever shift back to a healthy relationship um and what Rachel is saying is like the Crux of that of like the person who's doing it has to stop like that's the only like like yes it it can absolutely change but there needs to be full accountability um and then there just has to be actionable change like it's not on the person who is maybe feeling like they're the rece on the receiving end of the abuse to change their partner or let me change how I'm receiving this or I'll just be a little less sensitive like that's not how emotional abuse ends it can only end and it can only change when the person who is inflicting the pain chooses to stop it I have to tell you it's like the worst Most Fascinating experiment in my office when cuz it's usually one partner is bringing it up and they're really scared and they're and they're like I think that you know this feels and you know they don't use emotional abuse in the beginning but they'll name all these characteristics and I'll be like okay it sounds like that's like that's emotional abuse and almost right away you have one partner like you know kind of being shocked in the moment and going like wow I didn't really think about that but that makes a lot of sense whatever and then you have the other partner just venomously defending themselves and what's never not never but rare fa important and happens in my office is the person that's being accused quote unquote of engaging in abusive Behavior Dro down to the level of like oh I am so sorry like it be and that to me is also a tall tale of how much abuse is going on whether you guys acknowledge it or not like that's how ingrained it is in the in the fabric of your home and your interactions and how you deal with conflict is that it's not a who everyone stop you feel this way yeah like I watch people it's again the worst experiment prioritize how they see themselves and defending their own like view of self and ego over like oh my gosh my person feels this way even if I don't agree that that's how I am they feel that way and that's they feel unsafe in our relationship and sadly when I find when I'm watching the reverse go on the defending the nitpicking give me an example of that over and over and over again I'm like yeah we don't I don't need any proof like we're we're solid unfortunately that is the larger um I think like response that I see yeah you're not wrong you are not wrong okay what if emotional abuse only happens when they're under the influence oh God does it change if you categorize it as emotional abuse does it make it more or less okay no no my answer is yeah there's nothing right CU it's just a no most substances not most but like a good class of substances or at least the more acceptable quote unquote ones Are depressants meaning they depress down our daily um social I don't know interactions and cues and then they allow more unregulated and raw emotions so that's why you will see abusive behavior and language happen when someone is under the influence of those things um it can also happen with like uppers and stuff like that So my answer is no abuse rain or shine drunk or not high or not is still abuse and that is just a medium for that person to access that whether they know it or not whether they're quote unquote in control of it or not because I also have a big problem when someone's like well I'm not in control of my anger when I say those things to you I'm like okay sure but you're in control of your car when you drive to work and when you do all these things you want to do but not when you're being abusive so yeah my answer is yes it is still emotionally abuse abive to what you were saying of this pattern we see in our office it's the same thing I think with um well I was so drunk that's why I said it it's like when you call somebody out for being abusive when they're under an influence once they're sober um yes oh my gosh yeah do they choose the oh my God I can't believe I made you feel that way I am so sorry I'm going to figure out my drinking or my smoking or whatever it is or is it like a well I was drunk like I didn't mean it I didn't mean it yeah it's like either a period and like no I was drunk or like a period and like like diminishing it almost yeah like it's the yeah are you Defending Your Ego or what you did when you were you know not in your typical state or are you able to be like holy I did that like I need to take accountability for it and maybe that means not drinking or not doing you know whatever else it is but rarely is the relationship and the person prioritized in that way in the emotionally abusive situation I think what you're saying is huge I remember when Giani and I were going through this and something I really appreciated because he would tell me like I don't remember um and he's like and it won't even be like I'm blackout drunk he's like between me being getting really buzzed and really tired like I just don't remember the last like couple hours or whatnot so one of the things we needed to to re-eval cuz I was like I don't care that you don't remember it still happened so adjusting how much alcohol having boundaries around that and his relationship with alcohol was one thing but um also he would like in the morning he would go hey let's talk about last night was there anything that went on that was unsafe like there was Zero assumption even if he felt we had a good night cuz he would start being like I felt like last night was really fun or like really good but because he knew that I had said you don't remember which adds to the emotional state emotional unsafety which adds to emotional abuse he would come the next morning for a very long time and go like hey I'm pretty sure I remember everything but in case I didn't like how was it for you and I was like damn like that prioritized our relationship um sure there are larger things going on there with like relationship with alcohol and things like that um but I think that is kind of to the next kind of question of like how it changes and can become healthy he prioritized our relationship and our safety like my safety and there safety in our relationship because yeah even if you don't remember you can still repair in a certain way that shows that you're taking this really seriously yeah yeah that's a beautiful example of how things can change probably too rare though too rare yeah all right so how do you support somebody in your life if you say you're listening to this and maybe you're like no my relationship's good but my bestie is obviously in an emotionally abusive relationship um or your sister brother aunt whoever else somebody you love is in a dynamic like this how would you suggest supporting somebody I think you just it's such a d it's so dangerous like at the end of the day and it's not your job as a friend or a loved one to um determine like the level of lethality that's going on so in emotionally abusive relationships you never know oh sorry I'm playing footsie with you um what it can turn into so I think the best way to support them is truly Like Loving them and I know that some people that can be like really hard I know that it's also sometimes where you have to step away from the relationship um if a person continues to engage an emotionally abusive relationship a friend a loved one and you're like hey you know I'm worried about you I'm scared for you like you don't deserve to be treated this way you know you really kind of have in my eyes like two Avenues is just like trusting them that they will make the best decision for them or taking space from the relationship but you know either um either way I think what's really important is to not shame them for being in the emotionally abusive relationship that's only going to exacerbate the shame and unsafety they already feel and it often times makes people turn back to the emotionally abusive relationship or tolerate it even more um so that would probably be like my like feedback like what about you yeah okay so this makes me think of two experiences one that was very unhelpful and one that was helpful so the same therapist that called out um to me that what was going on was emotional abuse was also a therapist that really kind of um I don't know like encouraged or almost like pressured me in some ways to like leave that relationship oh you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah I was like oh I didn't yeah sorry yeah um and was that helpful no and like I was not there right one that should never be the place of a therapist to be like you need to leave so there's bigger issues with it yeah the therapist should not be initiating that if you're asking a therapist for help there's people specially trained but never should it be someone that that should never be coming from a therapist of like well you need to leave now yeah yeah but I guess they can go like if it's not from a therapist if it's from a friend or you know a loved one saying like I see this and you need to leave you're making that decision for them if they're not ready um then you are adding probably shame into that like now somebody I love and Trust like is judging for staying in certain dynamic or you probably don't want to share with them anymore yeah the details of what's going on so you lose a support system so I had that experience well and I stopped seeing that therapist um and was like that was really messed up like that it's just not helpful no um and then I had so unsafe as yeah yeah um and then I had another positive experience which comes from you um other therapist my other therapist yeah um which is that when I have been in emotionally unsafe places you have just fully been there for me and you'll tell me uh oh I'm feeling things um you you know will like be there and support me and say when things are not right and this is not okay but you have always said like but whatever you choose like I'm here yeah um and having support in that way I think is like the best way that you can feel loved and then make your own decisions and come to conclusion by yourself and I've never felt judged or shamed by you even when you've had like a stronger reaction to certain things because you love me um but it's never been a like this has happened you need to do this it's always been like this is I remember one time showing up at your house and you open the door and I burst into tears because of something that happened and we got in your bed in the middle of the day oh my gosh and I told you what happened and I just remember you just looked at me and you were like it you were like it shouldn't have to feel like this and like was all you said and then you just like loved me and I was like yeah okay I was like do you want maybe some like food want to eat some dino nuggets get in bed get in bed um but yeah just that open endless support and I have no doubt that if I was in like danger you would be like I'm scared for you right but so two very different experiences be the be the Rachel um be there for your person or else it can be more isolating and shaming and repeat the cycle but it's very painful to watch it is very painful to watch and so you know we do also want to and there were so many questions on like can it ever change and become healthy like if you're an emotionally abusive relationship what would quote unquote happily ever after or what it would look what would it look like to be in a relationship that you would want to stay in and I think that what we've echoed and kind of you know Cliff noting it here is that full acknowledgement that it is an unsafe and abusive um relationship an emotionally abusive relationship and that there is actionable change like that acknowledgement don't mean Jack without change and whether that means getting professional support whether that means um yeah a myriad of things not engaging in substances or just taking basic accountability for your behavior or the person's taking accountability behavior and then not doing that um once you have said this is unsafe I feel unsafe and the relationship um and the behavior doesn't stop like that is not change acknowledgement and I'm sories and Grand gestur don't mean Jack if you again have to say hey you're doing the thing you're making me feel unsafe so progress and change of a healthy relationship would be you know again I'm not saying there's not some faltering or mistakes that happen but it would be a pretty severe learning curve right away because we're talking about safety um and then you know believing people's actions I think that over time just because someone changes and stops emotionally abusive behaviors doesn't mean you're like well I feel safe now like this is great um woohoo you know oh let's have sex again or they're like yeah let's go no like it's going to take time and you are going to need to feel safe in the relationship and within yourself to trust your own kind of like hypervigilance to go down and all that and so I think that's also really important that like it's going to take time and a healthy relationship you're going to have a partner partners that are willing to show you that consistency over time and they are going to be patient with you as I hope you're also patient with with yourself those are requirements for um a healthy relationship after emotional abuse yep very well said all right well everybody just take a big a big deep breath we know this was a heavy one and again if you are listening to this or you're realizing you are in an unsafe situation please check out the resources in the show notes um and if this was helpful to you please make sure you hit the Subscribe button so you do not miss any new episodes and we will see you next week for the decoding couples podcast
Channel: Decoding Couples: Unfiltered Relationship Advice
Views: 64,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emotional abuse, relationship problems, trust, love, signs of abuse, communication, abusive relationship, emotions
Id: 3qpmXc9Zba4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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