Signing PDF Documents with an iPad

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hi everybody welcome to my channel and this is just a quick video based on a thing I've just been asked and that I've been meaning to shoot for a little while so this is about signing documents with a tablet or a phone or anything like that I have an iPad pro here and it's got an Apple pencil so I can sign with the pencil but you could just as easily sign with your finger so I'm going to show you both so I've prepared a PDF if I open my files app if you get a PDF from an email or anything like that you can just open it up and what you should get is the PDF itself and in the top right hand corner here you'll have a little pen icon and also the share icon if you I'll leave the pencil for a minute if you tap the pen icon it will allow you to write over the top of the document so you can just sign with your with your own signature is always preferable and that will that will work just fine your alternative is that again with the pen selected you can just sign just made up the one from the name there you can sign it the pen and that works once you've signed the document or written over it in any way you can also use this to highlight if you want to make notes on a document sent to somebody else so you could say NEADS edit for example you can do anything like that basically so there's lots of different tools here again this is an iPad pro this works on any kind of iPad but where you don't have access to a pencil because you don't own one or because it's not compatible with your device then you can use your finger to do this as well there's many colors to choose from because you can get a whole palette up there yeah and that kind of covers the whole thing once you're happy with that you can hit this export share button at the top here the universal share and then you can choose to send it to a person that you regularly contact or indeed pull it into mail it's probably the most likely option that you're going to go for so if you pull it into mail it will generate an email with that and then you can send it to whoever you want that is how you sign a document digitally I hope that's been useful and certainly is something that I've used many times and yeah I'll see you in another video thank you very much
Channel: Joe Green
Views: 73,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, signing PDFs, PDF Document Signing
Id: hQ7zzP3_WEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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