How to digitally sign a PDF document on iPad or iPhone

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hey my name is robert garrett and welcome today's tech tip on today's tech tip i'm going to show you because i know a lot of people at home are probably getting tax documents or other type of documents and you may not have a printer you also may not have a fax machine so what i'm going to do in today's technology tip is i'm going to show you how to sign a pdf on your iphone or your ipad and send it right back without ever having to print it you'll be able to send it right back to whoever needs it okay so let's dive in so right here you can see i got an email and let's just imagine i got this email from my accountant and my accountant needs me to sign it but i don't have a printer at home i don't have a fax machine at home but i do have an ipad or an iphone so this will work and so i'm going to tap on the document they sent me and obviously this is a fake document but it's i'm using it for an example now at the top right there's a pencil when i tap that pencil it allows me to write on the document so i've got a pen i've got a highlighter i've got a pencil and an eraser right and then i can change colors so i want to sign this with my pen in black so i choose my pen in black and then i'm going to write right on the document with my finger example signature now that i've signed the document at the top left i'm just going to tap done when i tap done it gives me a whole bunch of options so i could reply all to everyone who sent it to me i could do a new message a new email to somebody that i need to send it to or i could discard my changes so here i'm going to click reply all so when i click reply all you can see it's going to reply to the person who sent it to me it's got the signature in the document so all i have to do at the top right is tap that little blue arrow to send the email so it's so easy from your phone or your ipad to just sign a document without having to print it out without having to fax it you can do it right there on the device you
Channel: Robert Garrett
Views: 4,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digitally, sign, document, ipad, iphone
Id: EsDuJ9TsJL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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