Sign Your PDF or Word Documents on Your Phone

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers  tech hope you're having a great day today   today i want to show you how you can quickly  sign pdfs or word files using your mobile device   so the app i'm going to be using today is the  office app this is free to use either on your   ios or android device i'm going to go ahead and  just open it up real quickly and you can see   there is sign a pdf right there now let's say the  pdf is on your computer you're going to be needing   to save that into one drive using the cloud so you  can open that up and let's say the word pile is on   your computer you'll need to also save that to  onedrive and i'll go through those steps too so   let's first of all just open up the pdf i'll show  you the pdf that we're going to go ahead and sign   now i do have software on my computer that i could  sign it with a saved signature already but let's   say you didn't have that and sometimes using  the mouse it doesn't come across that well your   signature and it's easier to use your finger  or if you have the pen on your mobile device   or maybe an ipad so this is the pdf here that i'm  going to go ahead and sign and i also have a word   document then i'm going to be using the same app  to sign this now it's important to be able to save   these in the correct spots here so where i want  to save this is the cloud to onedrive and that's   what i'll do right now so i have my microsoft word  app open here and i'm going to go and save it to   onedrive and like i said before i could go ahead  and sign this with my mouse just by using the draw   tool right here in one of the pens but i've never  find it comes out quite the way i want it to   so what i'm going to do is go to file here and i'm  just going to go to save as and where am i going   to put this well i want to put this in one drive  so you need to be connected to have your login to   your microsoft onedrive here it's not going to be  on the pc so from here i'm going to go i already   made a folder called signatures in my onedrive  and i have it here and i'm just going to call this   word signature and hit save like that so that's  going to be saved in my onedrive now i'm going to   move the pdf to my onedrive too so if i just open  up my edge window i'm logged into my onedrive here   you can see it says onedrive right at the top uh  all my other word apps i want to upload that to   to this spot here to my pdf so i'm just going  to hit upload and go files and here's the pdf   signature right here on this file and i'm just  going to go ahead and hit open and it's uploading   and now it's refreshed you can see the  word signature and the pdf signature   uh are in here together so let's move over to  the app and open them up and sign them both   all right so i'm going to go ahead and open up my  office app right now and you can see right at the   top is signed pdf i want to point out this app has  a lot of other features that make things very easy   to use on your mobile device i have a different  video for that i'll put a link to that down below   in the description and up above in the card if  you want to learn more about this app but now i   just want to talk about signing these documents  so i'm going to go ahead and hit sign a pdf just   click on that top one so what is it i want to sign  well i want to go to i'm going to hit browse and   where do i want it to go to onedrive you got  to make sure you're saved you're logged into   the same account that you saved it to to be able  to access this file these files so now i have a   folder called signatures it's right here i have  a pdf right here and i'm just going to click on   that so at this point it has the signature where  i'm going to go ahead and put my name so it's   just tap where you want to put your signature i'm  going to just tap and when it goes to this view   over here this is where you can just sign it  so i'm going to just sign my name quickly here   like so and if i like it i can go ahead and hit  done and store signature you can see it's already   checked on store signature you can turn that off  on off or on uh if you look on the left hand side   where the black is i could choose a different  color whether the green or blue on the other side   i have the garbage can or if i had a certain  picture of my signature that i wanted to use   i could take that by selecting the pictures  and upload it but i'm going to leave it as this   right here and words i'm just going to go say  done on this now at this point you can see that   it's a little bit large here but i can still size  this so if i select it i can move it around i'm   just holding down on it and i can grab in it and  size it just exactly how i want and move it to the   place where i want at the very bottom uh there  is so if you needed to sign in multiple places   you can sign in other places you wouldn't have to  do your signature each time because if you stored   it you could just select it and then it would  go much quicker so when you're done your signing   you just go ahead and hit the check mark in the  top left corner and then that's done from here   i could share it so if i just go look at it i hit  the bottom right hand corner i could go and share   it from here share the link with anybody just by  using how it's in one drive right now if i go over   to my onedrive so i'm just going to go ahead and  open this up and here it is the pdf signature if i   go and open this up right now you can see that it  is signed and that's what i did so i could share   it from here i could download it on my computer  or i could go from my phone and do that exact same   thing so let's move over to microsoft word using  this app and signing it in there so i'm gonna move   from actions on the right hand side at the bottom  to home and when i select home you're gonna see uh   it's gonna recommend you and this is usually  the most recent files that you've added you   can see there's the pdf one uh there's the word  signature one that i do want uh to have open here   if they're not here look at the top right  hand corner at that folder i'm going to just   select that you can see i could go into my one  drive here and then it has recent folders too   and you can look where you can if there's  any files on your phone that you needed to   load up in this app so i'm going to go to  signatures here i'm going to open up the word   signature uh at this point it will do update now  i want to point out it says this document contains   ink which doesn't use the mobile layout so there's  different layouts and you can switch it back and   forth so right now it's in mobile layout and i  need to change it to print layout so i'm going   to just click where it says print layout and go  from here now at this point what i want to do is   uh go to where my draw tools are and that a and  that little pencil i'm going to select it like so   and at the very bottom you can see at the home  here so if i select home that's the normal tabs   inside microsoft word so if i click it there is  draw and you can see the other features that you   normally would see but i'm going to go to draw and  it has start inking so i'm going to select start   inking and i have some pencils you notice at the  bottom i have the eraser red there's more i can   choose if i select i just hit the black pencil  i could change how thick i wanted this i could   go ahead and you know you can have the glitter and  all these different things like this but i'm gonna   go hit done on this but i can go ahead and start  signing now uh so if i was gonna go ahead and   sign even down here and i'll just sign my name  like so just jamie i'll sign it larger on this one   and if i like what it what it's doing then i  can go ahead and then i can move out of there   from a different point and if i click on it you  can see that i can size it also in here i can   move it around with the move up i grab the wrong  parts here i'm just going to make sure i there's   the move at the very bottom here i can move it up  and put it in the right place so if i was all done   again i can hit i could go back and my last name  if i want to resign it i can hit delete on all   this if i hit that arrow to that on the left hand  side back to this one here it will just go ahead   closing this so if i go ahead now and open up  my microsoft word here so i have it closed and   if i'm going to go ahead and open word at this  point and the last one i have is this one so if   i go ahead and open it i'll move my phone out of  the way and you can see there it is right there   it's in uh i've opened it using onedrive that's  where everything is being saved and that's where   that signature is so i hope you like these two  different ways that you can sign either a pdf or   a word document using this app again you have to  move things over to one drive in order to be able   to do this so let me know what you think of this  is there any other apps that you're using thanks   for watching this time on teachers tech i'll see  you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 103,165
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Keywords: electronic signature, word, jamie keet, teachers tech, how to make electronic signature in word, how to make a electronic signature, sign pdfs on iphone, sign pdfs on phone, create an electronic signature, create a digital signature in pdf, create a digital signature, digital signature, sign pdf, electronic signature in word, how to create electronic signature, how to do electronic signature
Id: XbCglNMgQHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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