Siduction: A Debian Linux Distro Review

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[Music] welcome back to switch to linux well today we're going to look at seduction we're going to seduce you to the dark side so sid action uh as a play on words with the debian sid build so sid of course is the debian unstable branch basically it's like rolling debian and think of it as the arch version of debian right and uh the problem is of course is there's invariably some packages that are missing it doesn't have as much of uh it doesn't have as much of the the finished and finalized things in it so it's more used as a as a as an unstable or as a testing branch but what seduction does is it builds a distro on this unstable so it's constantly rolling and then what it's going to do is it's going to fix and add some extra repositories and it'll do things like add some broadcom drivers a few other things and um that's ultimately what they are trying to accomplish so having a look at their website here it's uh it's and they have their pages put together kind of weird so we're looking at and it kind of explains what we have here of course plasma is their chief distro we're actually looking at cinnamon because i'm most familiar with that they also have what do they have let's go ahead and have a look at their downloads page have a brief look at the options that we have so if we go ahead and i can't remember is this just going to try and download or is this i think this just gives us the the list of distros uh or i'm just no maybe not clicking ftp one there you go there we are so click into this we have a plasma kde we have lxd lxqt knox xfce and we have xorg and we have cinnamon of course so i'm actually looking at the cinnamon version so it's not just sid with some extra theming what they've actually focused on here is developing something that is good and usable out of the box so they have ways to connect your wireless devices in here they have alternate ways as well so then they walk you through how to set up your network manager in in cases of those we also have a few other things so non-free and contributor packages are also installed by default see we have a lot of uh a lot of micro code firmware for processors we have some broadcom work um there's some some other intel things so you can see just a lot of it it's just more of your closed source or non-free drivers which is going to make things work this is actually one of the challenges with debian is getting it to work if you have any hardware at all that's not completely supported by open source so we have of course i just saw it here a second ago rel tech wi-fi adapters those are a pain in linux sometimes so it actually has all these types of things in here and ultimately that's pretty much what you're getting we do have a variety of uh variety of other options as we mentioned the the desktops this has the calamaris installer and the installation was was very quick they do explain here why they have waited three years to get something out it does turn out that their lead developer has disappeared so um if anybody knows the whereabouts of the lead developer of seduction the community would like to know and say hey happy to happy to have you back we moved along without you but anyway that's kind of what happened so with this though let's go ahead and have a look at this so go ahead and boot into it this is what our load up screen is going to look like so they've just done they've just done theming just all throughout it which is actually pretty cool i do have to make a little confession as we're booting this guy up this is the older more skeuomorphic theming style that if you asked me a couple years ago this is my preference and i can maybe i can say that this flat modern design is maybe maybe rubbing off on me a little bit i don't really like i don't like the this skeuomorphism this is doing and i'm also not a huge fan of the pure modern flat i do like more transparency light skeuomorphism but nevertheless that's kind of what we have everything though is quite customized in here here's our sessions or cinnamon or whatever else here's our shutdown reboot suspend hibernate and our login button let's enter my super secret password that's definitely not one two three and then we'll come in here and uh we will wait for this guy to boot up and you can see it goes pretty quick so out of the background you can see it's uh it's a very uh more older look skeuomorphic the type of thing i probably would have liked a while ago and i can say it's it's it's wearing fin on me so the overall look out of the box is not necessarily to my liking these days but that's okay that's a theme that's easy to change especially using cinnamon just go with the themes you do notice that we have a plank installed at the very top we have firefox irc and zim desktop wiki and files at the top and we do have of course our desktop icons and everything is pretty much set up one of the downsides about this one is it does feel a little bit more bloated and as i'm looking through like let's look for a terminal look at that we have a ton of terminals we have a terminal we have a mate terminal we have is it baibu terminal quake terminal we don't need this many terminals i mean we need one that we don't need we don't need uh for and so here's what we have there's some software updates available let's go ahead and view the software updates so we do get some nice notifications it is going to go ahead and double check these guys this is curious we have software updates because i've actually just updated this recently but i guess it doesn't because this is based on sid which does roll so we will probably get as many updates as as arch does i did encounter this problem before though apparently it says unmet dependencies can't install them but if i went ahead and got into terminal now sudo does not work so um if you ever do like a sudo app update that's going to fail because uh there is oh no i'm not in the pseudo file so it's going to go s u and drop into the root so now we'll do the app if i can go ahead and do the app update here and it tells us the same seven packages are available so apt list hmm upgradable you see these are the same things that were in that list and if i do just the app upgrade it should actually install them without any problems so i'm not sure exactly what's wrong with the with the gui installer there or maybe there's maybe it's installing everything except one package let's go ahead and see what it says at the end here let's see if it says uh says it's done all right so which services sure let's go ahead and restart that and get booted back into here re-enter my super secret password and we'll go ahead and see if this guy is working now or not here's your terminal so one package can be updated so maybe that's that one package there's one package that's not upgrading properly okay that's fine as far as other software is concerned it does have pretty much anything and everything you would need out of the box uh some people may call this a bloat i know for for me even this is even a little bloated just there's there's some tools there's gtk hash which is a great tool to have on board for checking uh your checksums but at the same time not as much all right so looking through there are a lot of things in here that i look at and say i really don't need i don't need gvim as long as we have you know something in the gui and we have nano i'm good with those two there fonts there's g note uh maybe maybe not command editor there's planck of course that's fine as far as games i'm not a huge gamer we got about what 15 20 games here installed out of the box not a huge fan of all that graphics we have flame shot we have we got inkscape we have libre draw here's a gui for image magic so it does you can see have a lot of tools available some people might say this is a little bit too much some people may not here's uh some remote desktop some news feeds and blogs that's kind of cool under your office we just have libre office and there's what we have some administration let's see what it's doing on h top so giving this guy four cores it's actually running on 657 megabytes so it's actually running on pretty good memory there so there's kind of what we have out of the box it's it's debian that's gonna work on a rolling branch which has some extra functions and features in it so let's go ahead and have a brief look at how the packages are set up let's just go into etsy apt you can see in here it's that's a bad terminal let's see if i can find a terminal that actually has has there's some extra terminals let's see if we can find one that i can see stuff a little bit better on okay no probably not ah we're just gonna have to stick with this uh let's see if we can change the colors around at all and maybe if i were more more used to this i could do that but uh i wanted to make it so we can actually see this a little bit better so uh we have uh let's just do our nano sources list yeah i'm aware it's unwritable why does that look different than it did the other day for me interesting [Music] so debian list you can see we just have our unstable main contrib non-free we do actually have an extras and we have a fixes and we have uh i guess the it looks like dbg i mean i'm not familiar with this that might be it sounds almost like a debug is that what that would be let's look into our extras list so here it's just has the unstable and the main so these are some specific repositories for extra which is presumably going to be some of those some of the wi-fi drivers and things like that and our fixes list again we just have our seduction fixes so these are probably just repairs to some other things that were not working so that the system does stay a little bit above it so there we have it out of the box it does actually have a functional system with the with a rolling debian with extra extra steps in here to make everything work out pretty well let's go ahead and see if there's other themes installed because as i said the one thing that i'm not a huge fan of this is the the overall theming um 1995 called and wants its theme back so let's go ahead and see if we can make this guy a little bit nicer i guess we'll just go with mostly menta there you go yeah a little flatter there we have it so you can just easily change the themes around a little bit of course you can go ahead down here update the cash list and install new themes so there's not a real big problem there so overall i think that this is actually a a pretty nice system overall and wrong button overall it's a pretty nice system and if you are looking for a debian branch but you want something that's more rolling and more available this guy might actually be a good logical choice there is going to be some extra software you might want to remove there is going to be you know a few little odds and ends that that may not work you know there's that one package that won't upgrade itself maybe that's a problem maybe that's not but overall it does look like they're they're making this effort to bring us a debian that works out of the box with a lot of extra tools and tips and tricks and things in it and overall i think that they've actually accomplished what they set out to accomplish so good luck to the seduction team and uh there you have it if you want a rolling debian that actually works with some more obscure hardware this might be the logical choice to look at so thanks for watching guys have a look at the links in the description down below to help support the channel thank you for watching this video from switched to linux this channel would not be possible without the backing of the program supporters scrolling on the screen now you can be a supporter at patreon at t-o-m-m or at i also want to thank the open source community who creates such excellent software that makes producing this show possible please remember to support your software communities thank you and i hope that you enjoy switching to linux
Channel: Switched to Linux
Views: 3,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Switched to Linux, Technology, Privacy, Linux
Id: iCrIaiRNwhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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