Siduction Is The "Unstable" Debian-Based Linux Distro

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I'm trying it currently in AQEMU. I love it!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Royaourt 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

why should I use this over debian sid? what does it offer other than a prettier default de?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/konkinsdeciple 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
i started using desktop linux full time back in 2008 and over the years i've noticed that there are just not that many debian based distributions that based off of debian's unstable branch at least not now a few years back it was there were a couple of distributions that did based off of debian sid sid is debian's unstable branch there was aptosid and there was seduction and both of those distributions just kind of died aptosid died many years back i don't think they've had a release in seven or eight years or something it's been a long time since i've seen anybody mention aptosid seduction had a release right when i started my youtube channel my youtube channel started about three years and three months ago something like that and seduction put out a new release shortly after i began this youtube channel and i made a video about that release and they never had a release since well that was true until last week they put out a new iso finally i actually i was shocked because i assumed seduction was essentially a dead project i don't think anybody thought that seduction was ever going to have another release but they put out a new iso and because of that i'm pretty excited about this because i am a big fan of debian and i'm a big fan of trying to make debian work as a rolling release distribution although most people that use debian use the stable branch because that's really why you use debian it's for that stability you know i i like to live a little bit on the edge so a lot of times i do point the repos to the unstable branch on debian and i think seduction is a great way to get into debian unstable because it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you up front you don't have to worry about changing apt mirrors or anything like that because it's already this way out of the box right it's already set up to be debian unstable so i went and grabbed this iso for seduction 21.1.0 i grabbed their kde plasma edition they offer a few different isos they offer one for gnome and one for lxde which is kind of weird lxde it's no longer under active development but they still do the old lxd desktop environment but i always check out lxde because i'm a big fan of open box open box is the window manager for lxd so i wanted to do something a little different you know something that's not so obvious for me so i i don't often check out kde plasma so we're going to do seduction their plasma edition here inside vert manager and we have the boot menu here and i'm just going to go ahead and get into the live environment assuming this boots up correctly and now that we're in the live environment what i want to do before i run through the installation let me see if i can blow up the screen resolution a little bit because the screen resolution isn't taking up the full 1920 by 1080 resolution of my monitor so i'm going to run a x-rander here in the terminal i'm going to do x render space dash s for set 1920 by 1080. i'm assuming that 1920x10 is available for us and it is now that we have a proper screen resolution i'm going to go ahead and click install system here and it will fire up the calamaris installer and just very quickly i'm going to rush through this installation the first screen asks for our language american english is selected by default and that's fine for me i'm going to click next we can read about the release notes i'll skip that so i'm just going to click next our time zone i'm in the central time zone in the us and that is what has been selected for me it's selected chicago in the us for me that's fine and then our keyboard english us has been selected that's fine for me and then the next thing is our partitions we can either give seduction the entire 20 gig virtual hard disk that i created in this virtual machine or i can choose manual partitioning and partition the drives myself i'm just going to go ahead and do the automatic partition and let seduction have the entire 20 gig virtual hard drive do i want to create a swap i don't like creating swaps in virtual machines because it's just wasted space unless they offer a swap file because the swap partitions are just too big again it's wasted space but they do offer the option to create a swap file so i will do the swap file then i'm going to click next we need to create our username and password my username is going to be dt my hostname for this computer i'll say vert dt dashvert virtual machine or a password let's create a strong and complicated password for privacy reasons so let me create a strong and complicated password and then we need to create a password for the administrator account the sudo account or what you could do is just toggle that check box right there use same password for the administrator account and that's what i would do that way you don't have to remember two different accounts the password for your user in my case dt is the same password for sudo then i'm going to click next we get a summary we can review our location keyboard partition scheme everything looks good i'm going to click install and it's going to warn me it's about to format the drive and right to the disk i'm going to click install now and away it goes this portion of the installation typically takes about five to ten minutes on my machine i'll be back once the installation has completed and the installation has completed and with the calamari installer once the installation has completed what you need to do is make sure this check box is ticked that says restart now those of you doing this on physical hardware this is where you unplug the usb stick up on reboot and what i need to do is i actually need to detach the iso from the vm on reboot which i did not do so it's actually going to try to run through the installation again so in a vm what you would need to do is well first i'm going to shut down the vm i'm just going to go ahead and force this to shut down and here invert manager i need to go in here and kick off the sata cd-rom that's it's booting off the iso the iso this uh the cd-rom there in that case and now i'm going to force it to boot off the hard disk the hard disk of course is where we actually installed seduction and now restart that get back into full screen and this is our freshly installed seduction 21.1.0 kde plasma and it looks like it's booting up just fine it actually booted up very quickly now let me give my username and our super secure password and let's log in and it may take a second and once again i'll probably have to go in here and change the screen resolution i could do that with x-rander again just because i happen to know you know the x-render command in the terminal it works on any desktop environment for those that want to do it through the traditional graphical application in kde plasma i'm not sure where it's at because i don't use plasma that much but i'll get into the menu here and i'll search for the word display if i can type correctly so d-i-s-p-l-a-y there we go uh couldn't type there display configuration sounds right and let me go in here and change to 1920x1080 and hit apply all right and that works just as well too and all that is really is just a graphical front end to x-rander so whether you do it in the terminal or whether you get the gui application up and and changing it that way it's really the same either way now let me get my head out of the way here so you guys can see the wallpaper the wallpaper is quite nice we have some branding here seduction which is the community based os so it is a community distribution of course and we also have c dash blues now c blues is the code name for this release of seduction so 21.1.0 the codename c blues now one thing i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and fire up the terminal here this is console with a k kde console let me zoom in here and this was released about seven or eight days ago normally i wouldn't worry about doing an update but because this is based on debian sid the unstable branch the rolling release branch there are probably some updates because seven or eight days is a long time on a rolling release so i'm gonna do a sudo apt if i can type update and and sudo apt upgrade and let's give our super secure password dt is not in the sudoers file so this is one of those distributions that instead of using sudo just switch over to su so let's switch over to su give the root password and now we just need to do a apt update and and apt upgrade and it's going to go ahead and sync the repositories and then give us a very long list of applications that have an upgrade 183 applications need an upgrade i'm going to go ahead and take the upgrade before continuing with the video just in case there were any bugs upon release you know this hopefully will fix that problem and at the end of that upgrade i get this screen here saying that there was a new kernel involved with that update and the new kernel will not be loaded automatically you need to reboot the machine of course to load a new kernel that that should be common sense to most people um not sure why it's asking me about restarting daemons i'm probably going to restart every daemon though because i'm going to do the suggested sudo reboot so let me go ahead and i don't need to do sudo because i'm already logged in as su so i just need to type reboot here and i've rebooted the machine after the update and let's go ahead and take a look at what is pre-installed in seductions plasma edition so if i get into the menu system here we have various subcategories here there's a development category there's really not much here under the graphics category we have quite a bit installed we have conversing i've not sure what program that is it's not one i've ever come across i don't think let me do the about this is the batch image converter and resizer okay well that's a nice little image tool you also have digicam you have flame shot flame shot is going to be your screenshot utility digicam of course is the webcam utility the new image manipulation program of course is our free and open source alternative to proprietary solutions like adobe photoshop and it's taking a minute here to launch here in seduction and it's actually taking quite a long time to to load up here now this is a vm so that could be the issue but usually starts pretty fast even in these vms this is 2.10.22 i love i use actually to create all the artwork for the the channel the channel header and all my thumbnails on youtube and library under the graphics category we have gwen view i believe gwenview is kde's image viewer let's go to about gwenview windview20.12 and back to the menu system here under graphics a lot of graphics programs image magic which is a command line utility that is used in the back end of most of these programs here inkscape is another image program kind of like except is used for raster based graphics and inkscape is used for scalable vector graphics so if i go to about inkscape beer this is inkscape 1.0.2 inkscape widely considered one of the best free and open source programs on the planet it's really fantastic also under the graphics category we have color paint libreoffice draw ocular i believe ocular is kde's pdf viewer let me go to the about version 20.12.2 here and let me close that out and go back into the graphics category and excine it's also here x sane i believe is a scanning utility i don't have a scanner though hooked up to my computer so it's not going to find anything here see if i can close that out okay let's get back into the menu system under internet man they have a ton of stuff installed by default on seduction i really wasn't expecting to have so many programs installed out of the box under internet we have aggregator aggregator with a k that's one of the kde programs this is a rss feed reader a really nice rss feed reader because it's already installed i wouldn't swap it out for something else aggregators perfectly fine for a web browser firefox is here and let's see what version of firefox we're on being a rolling release distribution you would expect this to be the absolute latest firefox this is firefox 85.0.1 so yeah the absolute latest firefox also under the internet category we have irc and that's all it says it's irc it doesn't say anything else so i'm not sure what program it's going to open it opens conversation with a k that's kde's irc client and does it automatically connect us to like the seduction irc channel i'm just going to wait and see yeah it does it automatically logs you in to hashtag seduction over at so i guess that's the official seduction support channel there so i love it when distributions do that it just makes getting quick support just very easy especially for new users that maybe don't know how to use irc also under internet just very quickly kde connect is here that's to sync mobile devices to your computer k get is here that's a download manager kmail is an email client uh it's an okay email client i guess but most people if you're already installing firefox and using firefox as your browser you're probably just going to go ahead and use mozilla thunderbird as well this is kml 5.15.3 another great free and open source browser it just became fully free and open source is mill spring i talked about mill spring on a video about a week ago and that's probably the one i would recommend these days if you're looking for a really great slick modern email client also under the internet category we have ktorrent which is kde's torrent client they have the sieve editor and some ssh stuff under multimedia we have the dragon player let's open the dragon player and about dragon player dragon player version 20.12.0 and this of course is going to be your video player your multimedia player you can see you have play file play disc play stream of course i don't have any video in this vm to play but if you've seen one video player you've seen them all also under multimedia we have alisa which i believe is a plasma music player never actually used alisa myself but it's a kind of a new program i first saw it pop up on the screen like on my radar about a year ago i was starting to see distributions ship with the alisa music player i don't know much about it i've never personally used it also under multimedia we have juke i don't know what juke is this is j-u-k let's see about juke version 20.12 this is a jukebox and music manager by the kde community so i guess this is where you could edit like your audio files as far as the metadata you know track name artist genre things like that that would be a useful program for people that are serious audio files and you have a very large music collection i i have a ton of music on my machine i have like 130 gigabytes of music actually stored on my main production machine here i i might play around with juke and see what that's about k3b is a fantastic disc burning utility i know most people don't burn cds and dvds anymore but if you do k3b is probably the best one available on linux also under multimedia we had caffeine mpv media player which mpv i'm sure is the back end to dragon players probably also the back end to sm player so three different movie players if you will uh i don't know why they ship so many but you got three of them to choose from voco screen i believe is your webcam program here and i don't have a camera that's gonna work inside the vm so nothing to see there we do have an office category under the office category looks like we have the entire libreoffice suite as well as contact with the k k organizer k mail you know everything you expect to be in an office category just very quickly there's a science and math category there's nothing in it libreoffice math there's a settings category there's really nothing here other than the system settings which is your control panel basically this is where you get all the kde control settings everything in one screen i'll leave that up because we'll come back to it in a second also under settings we had the synaptic package manager so you have to give your root password this is your graphical way of installing and removing software in debian and most debian-based systems the synaptic package manager it's a fantastic little tool uh me personally i just do everything at the command line in the terminal because it's very easy to app update app upgrade apt install name a program app remove name a program but if you are not sure what you're looking for maybe you want to search for something sometimes it's easier to do that kind of thing in a graphical program like synaptic for example i wanted to search for a new email client an alternative to kml but i don't know what's available as far as what the program names are well i'll just do a search for email and it's going to search the names and the descriptions of every program in the debian repository and return them here and i could go here and i could search for an email client uh you know i could just read the descriptions here and find something that sounds like it it would work for me for example geary and gary's a fantastic little email client i could tick that box right next to it and it's going to ask me to mark for installation i'm going to click mark for installation it's going to show me all the packages it's going to install because gary has some dependencies and then i click mark one more time and then it's ready to install all i gotta do is click apply once i click apply and apply there you go and it's installing geary and all its dependencies and it will appear in the menu system once this installation has completed all right let me close that so that's the synaptic package manager it's very easy uh every debian based distribution should ship it by default some don't but really it should be there if i go back to the internet category now i will find the geary email client here and just let me go ahead and open it so i can show you guys that it actually did install it under the system settings here in kde this is where you could change your theme uh it looks like by default our theme is called sea blues you have of course your standard breeze and breeze dark which are the standard kde plasma themes i like breeze dark actually so i'm going to apply that of course if i do a dark theme we need to change the wallpaper so i'm going to minimize that i'm going to right click on the desktop and configure desktop and wallpaper let's find a light colored wallpaper let's see what we want when there's some nice little debian artwork here and that's a nice wallpaper but still not light enough we really want something really light to contrast against our black theme now that would work there yeah that that works just fine let me open up dolphin which is kde's file manager so you can see the plasma theme the really black plasma theme i like the blue icon set as well against that really nice abstract art wallpaper that's one of the default plasma wallpapers there one thing i do want to do is let's open up a terminal one more time and let me zoom in because i do want to check our kernel version now i just did that fresh update as soon as i installed this about eight days after release and we're currently on kernel 5.10.17 which is the absolute latest kernel but again being a rolling release distribution depending on when you guys install it you're going to be on even newer kernels the other thing i wanted to do was let's run h top and right now we are using almost no cpu not surprising we're not doing anything but we're using 1.2 gigs of the four gigs i've gave this vm that's very very high that's extremely high for kde plasma so something's going on here and what's going on well just looking at the cis tray down here i've got some things going on aggregator is still running let's kill it we also have is that juke or it's one of the media players yeah no that was juke let's get rid of that and already we went from 1.25 gigs down to 1.05 gigs so we've got some stuff in the background running this kind of a spiking that ram usage a little bit that's a little high i should have checked that on a fresh reboot plasma though typically uses about 400 megs of ram the other thing i want to do is i want to do a apt list to get all the packages that are in the repositories dash dash installed i want to see all the packages that are installed on the system so uh of course that it just spits it out in a gigantic list what we want to do is take that apt list dash dash installed and then do the pipe symbol pipe that into this command line program wc for a word count and i want a word count space dash l for a line i really want a line count how many lines is this list that will tell me how many packages are in that list two thousand six hundred and twenty three so not an an unbloated system right there's a million programs installed on this system twenty 2623 and that's not shocking because just looking at the menu system i was very surprised i mean that's a ton of graphics programs that's a ton of internet programs some multimedia programs and everything so they definitely installed a very large suite of software on seduction and that's okay i don't mind distributions that do that because there's plenty of minimal distribution so it's good to have some distributions out there that ship everything in the kitchen sink you know already installed especially if you're going to put this on a machine maybe that's not going to be connected to the internet so you're not going to have the ability to install software yourself it's nice that some of these distributions just have everything already on it all in all you know it's a very nice desktop but kde plasma is always attractive and essentially under the hood it's debian it's debian's unstable branch debian syd and it's an easy way to install debian sid because if you want to do debian like real debian and then switch over to the sid branch what you need to do is install debian stable and then change out all the apt mirrors you know to point to the sid repositories and that's not hard or anything but seduction makes this very easy because you have this grip nice graphical installer using the calamari's installer it installed in like five minutes right i didn't have to change any mirrors or anything it already came with the desktop environment i wanted because they offer isos let me check this they offer isos for cinnamon gnome plasma lxde lxqt monte and xfce so you know like eight different isos with your desktop environment of choice i'm really happy that seduction finally had a new release after three years i was really concerned that the project was dead i'm still concerned that the project may be dead the fact that it took three years for this release i mean are the people that worked hard on this release going to continue working on the project there's of course no guarantees you know but it's one of those things that with linux distributions there's a million of them out there you know it's like i tell people all the time i'm not married to any of them right i love arch i love arco i love manjaro you know all the arch-based distributions but let's say arch and every arch-based distribution on the planet disappeared tomorrow could i run seduction or debian or ubuntu or mint or fedora or gen 2 yes i could right because i'm not married to any of them because at the end of the day under the hood they're all linux now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank the producers of this episode absie dallas devin fran gabe lou corbinian mitchell allen economy arch 5530 chris chuck david the other david donny dylan gregory lewis paul pick vm scott west and willie they are my high steered patrons over on patreon and they are the producers of this quick first look at the recently released seduction 21.1.0 this episode is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as will all these names you're seeing on the screen these are all my supporters over on patreon because the distro tube channel is sponsored by the community i don't have any corporate sponsors if you'd like to help me out look for distrotube over on patreon alright guys peace now we just need a new release from crunchbang
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 12,043
Rating: 4.9433427 out of 5
Keywords: debian sid, debian unstable, debian linux, debian linux review, debian based distro, siduction, kde plasma, debian rolling, debian rolling release, siduction review, siduction install, debian sid install, siduction 21.1.0, siduction 2021, distrotube, linux distro, linux review, distro review, debian unstable branch, linux installation virt manager, debian based distro 2021, debian sid distro
Id: sQg79Fgtn-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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