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ladies and gentlemen welcome to Gothic phone it's been a while have to make a sentence and then draw it and then make a sentence and then draw it and then oh my brain oh I don't even know what to put ah let's go with uh what's recent what's happened recently I don't [ __ ] know okay I've just got me something completely random done I'm really excited to see how Mum comes out but I just remembered we can't draw yeah that's the issue okay what okay okay Harry's wrote this have I wait have you got a thing I've still gotta write a sentence that's a bit of yours I submitted it yeah maybe because is there seven of us okay now is okay oh well actually Harry's done he's just like this he's been really mean hasn't he no well I don't know what I'll put how do you know you don't know what you put how does that work how do you know it's Harry because it says Harry things right what does the inside of a mouth look like this is probably right I this was the clean drawing bro okay I've ruined it oh [ __ ] I don't have much time left it was good it was good oh no time is going ah how do I undo there we go where's Auntie back oh there we go oh my God I'm running out of time and run out of time and run out of time run out of time run out of time uh I'm Dreadful at drawing bro oh my God this is embarrassing do this I can do this I can do this yeah we'll do this this will be like a remix oh ring ring okay I'm done I'm done that's the master but I've done it wrong I've done it wrong I've done it wrong we all clear up there's no offense taking to any of this yeah no no no no no no no time [Laughter] what uh um okay what why is that I know what mine is why is that there I think this is a josh drawing all right I've I've written what I think I'm looking at it I quite like what I'm looking at it's a good drawing oh do you good depiction it's good depiction yeah this one's a decent one as well I'm a fan of this one I think I know what I've got I've drawing yeah I don't know how you made it story oh [ __ ] um all right I don't know where to start okay uh all right oh no you know when you want to do a fills but yeah you're worried the Shaded Phil that's what I want to do oh I can't you know it's a shaded film oh Shady you know what I like that I like that a lot probably go with that who who would you say is darker is it Toby or Joe oh you I've messed up already [Laughter] so all right I'm drawing right now yeah I just want everyone to know that I'm drawing um bro I think I'm trying to draw I'm attempting it from right now right it's all right that'll do and then we have a little um oh my God I cannot try to save my life I waste a lot of time on that thought Wham craps [Music] are you allowed to draw words yeah yeah I know that why not yeah yeah do you know what this is this is looking good man this is uh yeah now I'm all right with mine I'm alright with mine I am not okay uh let me see that part then [ __ ] I think that's cool with the cool image I think I did a cool image what is that this is barbaric what is that it's bad no this is bad whoever this is shame on you right that's barbaric how did that take that amount of time surely you finish that early uh what's going on there man sure that I don't I don't know I'm so embarrassed oh my God what is this oh my goodness what is this mine seem pretty normal I'm not complaining I didn't I didn't put it I didn't put a banana I didn't I didn't type in in time oh my God I typed down and I was like oh no let me change it and type this instead and I [ __ ] it do you want to tell someone did someone get no prompt do you want to tell them what you meant no one someone would say right they have no prompt um did anyone put down a dog eating no [ __ ] no this whole point of the game uh should it should be this what's Steph oh it's just that right foreign myself I don't know how to depict this time's running out I've actually drawn anything it actually is big time yet um we should draw something now I gotta stop fitting this [ __ ] all right Bang bang this is uh this is [Laughter] the worst thing my Dreadful holy [ __ ] I thought he would have finished this is what you're getting this oh this is what you are getting things I can say no offense taker if you draw what the [ __ ] are you doing here we go it's having your house right into the clicky thing yeah do you want to do like I'll read mine just you read yours tell me about yours okay so my sentence was Ethan I began with this yes okay okay Ethan Drew it's pretty good okay that was solid s [Laughter] [Applause] is the last one it's not bad the eyebrows okay a little close close Harry's the only one that sent that South hey it wasn't far off throwing and eating that Josh uh so I put vixstar Terry bomb sitting on a cake oh my God what I can't draw for sure oh this is what I saw oh yeah oh I get it I get it okay Harry's drawing is mad what the [ __ ] is that [Laughter] thanks guys all right my sentence was Toby on a plane okay okay I enjoyed this that's good that's good yeah it's outrageous oh [ __ ] that's the nose I thought this was brother did you see it you drew JJ [Music] okay okay it's pretty accurate yeah I'm going for the coffee yeah there's almost a swastika there but [Laughter] Harry changed flying we all had a different vision of flying oh my God's favorite drawings Harry's good Toby what now is your channel is random hold your head back oh what why have you put San Marino in it you know they held smoke they lost nine Nils oh bro then yeah like I deterred it away no but you could have done so in amazing oh that was pretty good you know that's it okay okay really lovely oh smoke is back the smoke [Laughter] did you not all know this San Marino flag no there's no way vix done that off by heart there's no way no no no okay okay that's why you kept hearing me Simon Geniuses apparently I Googled the Columbia flag I completely there you go all right this is quite good actually that's pretty good actually that looks like you Toby that's hard how are you see it yeah oh my God that's right that's because you put so much effort into the background it's got a red lipstick okay that tail is a wreck oh this one is bad oh okay oh yeah I know for the promo I see that yeah I got I've got the end of this what oh my God it has not even read anymore bro that is late we had to absorb it while my own number remember the horses that's so good man that's very good holy [ __ ] I want to go through how his things are good man Harry's drawings are amazing good stuff
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 3,591,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: Wj4wZvsTaZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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