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gang joining up we've got we've got vote toby we've got big joshua we've got talia randy we've got simon discussing i we've got calyx freezie jj and jack coming on in we're just waiting i'm the last person to join the lobby um yeah it's gonna be ridiculous as you guys know um hopefully i do better than i did last time i'll be honest i i didn't have much information to go on but i made a few a few mistakes last time that i was too proud to admit in the moment but upon you know review afterwards there were mistakes but obviously you make the decisions you make at the times you make them based on what you think is right then is you know my favorite saying okay jj my favorite saying is hindsight is 2020 and that it is 20 20 vision 100 clarity because when you look back on things after they've happened it's very easy to see how you could have handled them differently in order to have the desired results but in the moment we make the decisions we make for the reasons we make anyway let's chill in the chat with the guys see what's up and wait for our 10th player to join and then we'll get going all righty let's get it baby by the way you lot yeah so i've watched back the last one that we played i was just watching simon's uh like perspective of that one that went all the way to the end and then simon we ended up voting you off when it was milk it was me and lux bro it's the funniest thing ever when you were i hope you're wearing glasses for this stream bro because you were there too you were there too but i couldn't see it i didn't have the vision for it which means you didn't have we were all like guys guys guys guys come on let's start this stash in neutral let's not hate each other shut the [ __ ] up you're going to be on third so quickly for pretty chill yeah um wait no randolph already asked so if anyone's what you want orange no yeah orange i love that simon look at my name thank you right where uh simon look at my name i'm you realize you're not on my screen right so no oh [ __ ] well we're still waiting there he is there's there it is i don't know it's cow yeah okay yeah hey yo you guys can allow that man's just taking my color let's go oh god oh my god good luck getting busy victor's coming off all right crewmate in the in the scenes now best believe i'm not jumping on either of those because that's how people die on this map especially in our lobbies so all right you know i need to get um the map up we'll do that you know you know we'll just chill here and we'll get the map up our polar map with vents here we go among us police map guide i don't have my chat up by the when i'm playing guys um so i don't get spoiled for me who's the imposters just a heads up for anyone that's new to an among us stream the game is mad hype and somebody's dead i found a body let me turn on the lights man let me turn on that last quick i didn't even know i didn't even realize what the hell this map is i got stuck running into a fence for a half hour was that before or after you killed rain that's your boy that's your boy yeah it was about 10 seconds before okay that's enough for me i'm not trying to hear that from anyone where did you find the body tyler in the entrance to labs that's enough that's enough vote for your girlfriend fam do it i didn't otherwise it's sass are you taking the piss oh my god you're a lot of [ __ ] up so sorry buddy unlucky 10 minutes of your stream [ __ ] about me ever again you're mad bro in it you stink oh you're dead your noob josh and tyler went that way i'll get on the old wires um look if you're expecting some serious gameplay you've come to the wrong stream the lock's looking odd you know sorry we're doing this thing i'm going to go up and do my drop ship tasks i should probably be hanging around with people a little bit more but oh my goodness fast kills these are jj bennett jj vented yeah did he yeah enough for me right now buddy how would you mean well i i just happened to find josh's body yeah okay guys guys we've done one we've done one throw though let's not do okay you [Laughter] laboratory um did you see anyone else around there no the body but i ain't i ain't calling it i'm scared i'm scared i don't know i don't know unreal okay 100 100 [Laughter] [Music] you know what in a normal among us lobby you can really trust what the people say because they have no reason to be idiots in this lobby everyone some reason has every reason to be an idiot but we're we're alive and that's the main thing all right let's go by the inside i'm suspecting a slightly more novice imposter because doors aren't shutting i'm one of them myself who did i see walk down this way who can clear each other right now i'm in weapons well i mean i'm on my ones so i saw somebody on the left side i saw somebody on the left side when the lights were out they were running down the hallway talia literally just died no one you're telling me no one can vouch for anyone the lights were out why do you want people to vouch for each other because i want to know if like for example with vicks with lux but the lights the lights were out for most of that round i thought that's kind of weird [Music] yeah so i was trying to see if any of them was oh this is a oh this was a cover-up of a body he's killed his own girlfriend and he's called him now i think because vic vic always questions always accuses people when he is the person people none i got free voted off for a dub i went to the top of the map drop ship to do the key one and then the rocket one where you should keep another nah cause i never do that at the start because you get stack killed every time that's true thank you guys i mean talia did say jj vented and now she's dead oh here we go i feel like she did admit she was just yeah but that she didn't she would have pushed it through she would have screamed why would i vent why would you vote for someone i'm doing simon i thought it was vic and jj if we report fast we can survive oh boy tarsa is so not done as well i don't know who i trust here i legit have no idea i just have a feeling it was simon covering the body but like oh boy we shall see we shall see i don't know i don't feel like i've been given a whole blessing of randy simon for something you know i actually trust jj for some bizarre reason wait let's see if i can get someone on vitals simon is on vitals which does seem like actually a legit thing to be doing so actually i think i trust him like we're not getting tasks done like i just want simon to know that i would have killed him by now if it was me if it was me i would have killed him by now but then it could be i don't think it would be him like i think it's pretty big brain luck's looking kind of kind of sucks i can't lie but i've got to be careful because if i get voted off here i think we might have got friezy you know flights are out again i'm gonna call an emergency meeting in a sec here let me get the lights back on don't be jojo don't be jojo all right let's let's go for the mostly meeting because we the fact that it's not over yet means we might have actually got one and that would be freezing all right all right hello dropping back in to say first of all simon i apologize uh i don't feel like you would have sat on vitals if it was you um also i have a suspicion that we were right with frieza yeah because okay because because yeah i feel like yeah unless unless it's two new people that's the only possible maybe oh yeah simon oh yeah with new people nick has literally just said that he doesn't think it's me and and i i feel like it's also something i if if there were two up i would have killed you there maybe there's one up in it i agree i actually do but i think i would have just killed you then and then and then then why is it someone else no one's no one's died no no i'm just i was just checking back just you know updating information in case i die but yeah okay let's just stick to doing our tasks i was with randy at what did we just do randy i did the wires and then i wanted to do o2 so you're not i'm saying i reckon it could be locks and jib no i i don't know like i'm sorry i feel like every single one of us one of us out of interest toby why i'm saying because randy could have killed me and he didn't kill me and i didn't feel ready were you together in a pair in a scenario where they need two kills to win right now i think we actually think it is crazy okay okay if i was a killer i would have killed over there i won't say one second what's that who is together that round me and vic i was with simon together yeah yeah yeah and then toby and randy you together the whole time or yeah guys there might not even be two killers no i think there's one but we can skip it i think it is dj it's ksi oh oh my god see what he does there or what the [ __ ] just happened i i think it could be blocked i think it could be lux i'll be honest [Music] yeah i just i just behavior doesn't add up all right so yeah why is he laughing that's kind of that was kind of like a hahaha i'm the imposter they think it's jj kind of laugh i mean i might be trying to like 500 iq in a lobby that's about 5 iq but we move i should probably like get join up with somebody though so i can have a vouch because if someone dies here i don't want it to be thrown on me because i would admit i've been pretty hard in my accusations this game when i'm not usually but i can't even find anyone so it's not good i'm gonna i don't know if it is jj i'm gonna run i'm gonna run just in case just in case jj chases people just because he thinks it's funny when he's not the imposter so crying out loud oh no no they know it's him they know it's him like i was the next most suspicious after him and i cleared simon two kills oh we know there's there's not two kill there's nothing yeah yeah oh [ __ ] randy where's the body uh i didn't see it because the lights were off but it was in the middle of like the map okay like near store between hey yo hey yo that's kind of suss hey yo that's kind of sus randolph hey yo you've been bad quiet ruff and then you find the money oh no i see you i see you i haven't made it out loud i'm not less likely to find a buddy oh you've just been saying oh you've said nothing this whole round no i'm willing to throw the game invite jj out what what this is revenge [ __ ] it could be you know no it couldn't right and toby can i i literally saw tobi both of you um before i go uh i am indeed the imposter and uh [ __ ] you talia [ __ ] you calyx you just like raise this [ __ ] [ __ ] all of you i'm op don't know i'm out don't you hate it from the first round so don't come in here it up i changed my mind i i glowed up bro i realized my error is in my ways and that's enough for me who shoved me up like 10 seconds in i was pregnant bro i said i said why would you do that to your own boy i'll even load full guys instead and i had the wrong so i had the wrong one oh wow how does this guy not have a name if you play on mobile you can put like an emoji and it doesn't show on pc [Music] i think it's um that one wait wait so wait josh you're even in the game huh he was in the game he just he just didn't he was in the game yeah yeah so when i first when i first started streaming i clicked my full guys uh i think it opposed to my longest one quickly back i'm just saying that's enough for me is one for one today that's pretty [ __ ] wild yeah i i'm probably lied about i didn't see anything i just wanted you know i was about to say it was going to be the worst round because you actually said it was jj off the bat and then i was literally like we're both about to go out in the first place i was like there's no way and then i had to silence yeah [Laughter] oh cool i'm crewmate all right me and talia doing nothing in the mix let's see if we can pull this off i don't know i don't know how easy or not easy this is going to be i'm now no super super gamer on this she kills randy there there's no one to id so i'm hoping she has oh wait no there's there's there's so many people to i do this all right let's hope no one comes back up let's take out the lights already down i need to get away before someone finds that all right we're here we're doing let's take where and when you're dead eh wait two a day two imposters where was it large big mac and fries what does that mean um okay top right lab uh jack yeah what are you up to lad but i'm figuring out where the map is bro i don't even know what i'm doing it could be a sting card unfortunate event to be honest though yeah so i was going to go to d card like decompose go down to the specimen room i realized i got a task down there so i changed back on myself yeah and then i got a report i went back on myself so i ran back and reported i meet me and me and jerry passed over who did like yeah i didn't do likes i was reviewing it i talked about the whole time it was me i was just testing you where did [Music] did you actually you said you do asteroids on the right yeah that's not on the right that's not good i did something it was like a green box and i was like scanning this one let's see what happens let's see what happens all right i didn't vote i see i see you softly okay they can call it take on a small stream here [Laughter] [Music] all right me and lux i shouldn't i shouldn't have voted him i just thought there was maybe a chance people just like flip it the last second but sometimes it don't be that way just seeing where everyone's going all righty i wouldn't mind taking out simon if possible just how do we go and do that let's go and do the light there we go alrighty let's go along with some on he's on by oh no he's dead nothing to see here can we get lights again now we can't i don't know what again the maze with josh go and get lights see if we can get an alibi on here right which one comes in i've just got here okay talia and jack are fine let's go and see where josh got to just so we know okay continue doing our tasks uh i need to run past someone asap or just kill someone for that matter oh boy okay let's kill locks take the lights out again no one's finding bodies oh my goodness this is wild this is wild me and tyler get like a kill each we're good bruh bruh flats is down see where randy goes oh i was in the middle oh [Music] apparently i uh i saw a body on cameras i didn't know yeah i did class as an imposter on this one to be fair you know where the o2 thing is yeah i killed toby i was sat there watching and there was like three people just running around that room i know i know i was like oh vic's going to find my buddy oh [ __ ] look at the first camera let me see this i just didn't know is there a body in the middle of it i love that it's called are you blind you're [ __ ] blind oh my goodness my body is reading the text all the time like eastenders i stabbed simon on cctv and got away with it yeah why not it might as well you know oh wow i ain't afraid we're doing this map again yeah yeah [Laughter] if i die it was him all right let's see what we got we got josh and tyler going right randy going right freezie like out the ship rain simon toby jj we're getting we're doing we've got freezi on here if i die now it was freezing all right we're two for two so far we're two for two we love these ones all right let's do the asteroids i almost got caught out [Laughter] i'm not even mad i deserve it that's what happens when you rattle the wrong person they're getting positively smack you oh dear oh no no did i report that to you again yeah i open the doors and someone walks past me but i don't ever get to see them i'd get the reports button so instead of actually trying to hear it doors i'm gonna know too doors top right ones yeah yeah yeah so jack went to where did you go to the member i'm in love now in the scan yeah yeah so me and him with that and i saw the things i saw the smoke going off yeah i went back to check it i mean that person crossed paths obviously i'll just maybe in big brain just press report instantly opposed to actually seeing who it was so that person was on the right side so where was everyone toby was left side in o2 doing kenneth no one's going to go oh i was right outside simon how about where were you the wooden wheel bottom left i think about the middle calyx i was with jj but there were two kills i would have vouched for jj if there was one but there was two kills and he was following me around i'm i'm top left in electrical i ran into a room and saw two people in i think it was two people in o2 but i realized i'd walked into the wrong room and then went up to how long that sounds right i saw frizzy by o2 [Laughter] what we doing here i'll be with randolph so it's freezing who i mean we can try and work it out from ghost position we'll see if tyler can tell us who got it because then we can go and follow the action once our tasks are done me and dahlia both got killed because we did too well last round too funny finish the damn asteroids they're freezing around these and now you guys get the inside scoop on any future conversation oh i see that i just got a double kill on the on the old droids all right [Music] i mean we've got plenty of time but let's just get all these done anyway [Laughter] all right where's randy at there's rain all right we might as well just finish the tasks while we're at it the taskbar is flying off actually everyone's getting much better doing cars in this i really want to be following the action though i'm going to follow some action now so we can see how people lie so we've got toby down there i wonder if there has been a kill scan for bodies oh so randy's just killed josh while lights are off by the meeting table oh they found that quick i think i managed to get the lights done i've just found josh uh chilling on the floor there's a map in the chat by the way oh yeah or admin i need to i need to get that one second it's um yeah it's like around admin okay the the room next admin on the left no [Laughter] where the body was how are you how are you finding the body when it's dark because the report came because i saw him scan last round he didn't finish it and he went back there this round oh why'd you vote so quick the only people it's not [Music] okay wow now we're mocking speech impediments okay interesting interesting um i was in so on this map it's the thing just below o2 where you do the bottles but it's not actually the o2 it's not got a name on it what was your what were you doing the the canister thing the the one where you fill up and you chuck it away you said it was near canis no no because there's a bit in the o2 okay and then it's the little room underneath i'm gonna be by why is he following me when he said he was gonna follow randy oh he's kicking off thank you kian way neowon oh with the super chat doctor doing the super chat z1 tracky with the membership to the channel appreciate you guys shout out the members in the chat we got cat lynch nubs and nadia hey alex m sirius wwz chillin in the in the chat the regulars ahmed we see you all right what's happening i literally have half a second left on the fire i lost i lost bruh so i'm just doing this [Music] randy's so quiet [Music] all righty finish the upload and wait for it i think that they're too soft already their names have been spoken and if rain dies everyone just knows it's them what are these two doing friezy could kill lux and call a meeting frizzy's gunning for him lux is dead riplocks don't go into the corner of admin table brother he's dead how is he not dead oh yes i guess frieza's getting an alibi up i wonder what randy's doing let's follow the rand rand cam forget a hand cam we got the rant cam oh well i know who did this one i think well i was controlling lots for this one so i'm not trying to hear it from him uh well i mean i did lights uh yes toby ran into lights after me and then i ran down because i saw on cameras uh jj and randy were together and then ran down randy ran past me and jj is dead yeah he looks it looks like i did not kill him come on he was next to you the whole time yeah i i went into wires i went down to do o2 with him he was in two with me i left ran up and you he's just dead now i didn't kill him so who else is down there too rain rain talk to me i was so i'm right side of the map i didn't see anything the whole round but i whoever said last round i'm sorry i'm randy wait wait hold on a second first off looks you're muted by the way second of all um i was literally i was literally running around crashing the joke in 10 minutes i uploaded or downloaded files and weapons and then i ran out if it's not randy then it is we've got invited yeah i know he's not me who are we voting for we vote for everyone on randy i'm skipping but like why why are you skipping when it's here hold that on the forehead all right someone snuck in done it have we is there one killer have we already got [Music] oh freezing you conniving son of a gun he's gonna kill jack isn't he he can't kill jack because jack's the only other person at the sauce who does he have to kill freezie has to kill so too if he kills simon that would be the move because simon's got enough game time to actually he needs to kill simon and framer on toby and put he's killed rain i don't think that was it i don't think that was it and if he calls a meeting that's extra not it he's i don't know if that was the kill he wanted unless you can get another one real quick but even then like if there's three people left and it's freezy they're gonna notice him he's trying to protect the body right now kind of smart i mean you never know people don't really check for bodies in this lobby so it's a pretty good spot for a kill they're close on tasks though it's a tense one he only needs two kills you just gotta find someone this cooldown will be off he should call reacting now randy should call reactive for him toby and simon are on fire they know they know jack's dead and they know they're together they're gonna go and find the body and then freeze he's gonna get done oh yeah okay who died i don't think it's toby because he wouldn't have i i've just been sitting on cam so i did the one in let me find it on the map and i want to say okay so i just did the one in communications and i've just gone up and sat on cams do you see anything on him i i have to be honest i saw i saw who's i saw toby just chilling i didn't see anything no i was itching on it towards the end there um so i mean all this information is quite useful you finish your task but you're just wasting time right now no i i haven't finished my task i'll be honest i haven't finished them all right so my last task was med based scan and then i ran down to uh czech vitals and i saw that white he could have been masking where the body is so no one knows but he wouldn't check vitals i don't think to see if someone was dead where is vitals what is that it's negative right or there's next who's alive i think it's coming it's either a cow no it's not i just finished my task out how do they not realize that rain said that i'd never so why weren't you on um what were you doing what were you doing i didn't i just finished and then i was like i'm gonna go call him and i was on my way over to call and meet him so cam sounds like something someone with no tasks to do would do no bro where's your last task uh can i tell off this or not no we're gonna lose i'm gonna skip don't worry ah toby yeah what this is ten's coming freezies shouldn't be able to pull this off there's been so much stuff on freezie this whole game dude killed me a1 game 1.1 man why do heck luck simon and toby stay together it's pretty hard to do you have to do lights hit lights and then do or something or toby let me see if he gets it oh if you get simon here if he av oh oh my goodness okay that was the play but now he needs to it needs to get out he needs to be somewhere else and he's just saying like oh i wasn't going to lie so i was finishing my task if he says he's on cams he's [ __ ] it it's just where the toby the thing is if toby follows lux into lights and the body's there oh they're going together so they know they know they know that that was bad timing if one came before the other it wouldn't be done oh my gosh no terribly don't throw this what is it oh sorry sorry sorry i was missing it it was me i found it and where were you cow uh i'm in security cameras now i'm just sitting on it why wouldn't it alright wait what no no no no no toby this whole time oh no no they love you so darling the lights are the doors the doors don't open themselves now so you have to do the little flicky switch thing so i was doing that so i couldn't see anything else but i ran into that room where you were yeah you prick do it oh how can you vote me no no no no no no no i'm throwing it again i'm in the position to throw it again it's all down locked so i get it right that's all bro because if it looks if you end up being the person i'm gonna look like a mug just for blindly following you i'm voting so i'm going to thank [ __ ] thank [ __ ] for that oh my god lux never do that to me ever again oh holy if this is eulops by the way i'm going to be vexed luck should never do that ever again looks like a word okay these are the two things okay first of all lights was off for ages you and toby went into lights together and freezie said he was next to lights and didn't put them back on and also you went in that door with toby so you you could like he couldn't either let me explain myself i spent the whole last round saying toby's glitch let me explain let me explain for him to kill me would have been the worst move ever you guys have [ __ ] thrown us on the new map number two i have a delivery come in and that's calling me midterms no real life excuse me number three look freezing frizzy said his name was read that game yeah i said it at the beginning but i caught her but you asked lux and to be fair you didn't get it in the end you almost had me freezing random finessed me at the end though bro randolph when you run it with toby i was like ah easy gg you got this lads and then you're like oh toby you're stuck that was amazing oh that was amazing yeah that was a good round though that was a good round palace all right yeah but i've [Laughter] the issue with this map is though i don't know any of the tasks like so the the only one i knew was that 0202 bottle like the bottle thing so i just said i'm done i mean that worked that worked that worked i knew it was though because he just stopped making jokes yeah that's what i was gonna say as well you literally you convicted him so well you weren't even in this game though you're dead next time i see you vic just so you can start you you realize the first thing i did i was like i know who in here all right hopefully i survive a bit stay away operation stay away from freezing okay randy's gone right josh has gone right let's get some tasking done talia jj toby gone that way freezy it locks rain late out of the ship rain wants to kill me yeah you son of a gun don't you wouldn't come here you wouldn't come here why would you do that now that was sus to say the least i'll add that to my suspicions radar put that down on my little my little detectives notepad that was weird i'm gonna question him on that as soon as we get into i didn't see him run past me but i need to get away from him actually fill these up and go toby rain in that way i might as well finish these just because i'll be far away from the next start and then i can get on my detective shares who is that that was simon that came to just check up on me and drop ship she's fine he's allowed to do that he's perfectly interested bro [Music] okay all right interesting guys interesting okay i've just seen lots absolutely let me write me one can i speak can i speak all right yes you absolutely love me the killers are ksi and cow i was in communications and there's a there's i was in communications doing a task that i don't know how to do you flick up a thing and there's like radio signals i don't know how to do it so we were laughing on stream wait wait wait wait wait wait oh i walk out jj and keller there they haven't reported a dead body right next to them it's both of them gg you just you you play you're going to be on a montage finally well he did it right in front that is absolutely actually put together a full novel for that as well there were two double kills and these people don't think it's the two people backing each other up anyways crazy mute my head is hot my head is hot i was about to say the big brains are being targeted but the average brains are being targeted here i can't believe this they've lost i can't believe how how [Applause] there are two double kills and you believe the two people arguing against the one jj and i thought you know what there's four of us i'm safe now i can stay with you who was the two who were the two that voted luxe i'm sorry everyone i can vouch for that all right guys at the same time lux didn't even vote for jj yeah yeah i know oh bro boy that gasp is that's not how it works in this game whoever talks loud and gets touched yeah they they won because they were just they were so they wouldn't let you talk he's got to hold that on his forehead i just hear a noise i was literally about to hit report i was like oh my god i got this bang i'm dead i'm like wow talks all you hear is nothing you just hear the ball oh i could hear you that might be on you that might be on your right don't hear everything clearly no i hear it no it's just distorted it's distorted when you're shouting over each other it's just distorted where about whereabouts do i do this sorry josh top left where it's not an overview um server but it's just like you might improve it slightly it's okay for me but i mean we were just screaming down there wait no maybe it's on the channel maybe it's on the voice chat yeah it is right click the channel oh sorry i did it on the thingy um and then edit channel oh here we go bit rate just whack it up to the top yeah yeah yeah yeah save changes might improve quality slightly there we go when everyone talks at once it loses i'm gonna play on my own oh me and simon this should be big chilling let's start off with a little bit of a maze imagine i just killed toby there just ran up i don't know oh frieza's gonna get it oh he knows he knows he knows he knows freezing jojo hanging out cool simon why are you moving bare sauce here we go again i'm in lights at the end and all i've seen in this what tasks have you done jj go on i haven't done anything you asked me why i'm moving stuff why are you just following people well bro because toss off for like donkeys i'm out here do not protect him i just want to say it is simon that's for sure i found the body um it was simon and jj were both there and you know what jado's doing up detective work so it's got to be simon wait where is the body where's the body where's the body are you serious um right let me pull up the map one second it is well it's not got a name but uh just underneath though i left jj and toby there i was i was jj jj got two lights before you did so no no he didn't yes he did if he did yeah no i went up and then i went to go do the lights no he's vented i'm telling you he's vented what do you mean anyways so wait so wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold up simon's saying it's jj jj saying it's simon yeah i haven't simon i think he's sucks should we just keep an eye on him let's keep an eye on them both then yeah i like that well just know yeah simon hasn't done the task but then it is also jj sometimes your friend out so that's [Music] you're gonna bail your friend out man when the economic financial crisis hit you got to bail your friend out you know i think i think josh could be next on the block to be honest anybody out here no okay this is a little unfortunate wait talia thinks it's jj so if we kill talia lights out let's come into lights with somebody housing okay i'm back it's it's me it's it's me again and this but by the way guys the body was in exactly the same spot as my first report like like exactly there i mean you tell me jj's seen me multiple times chased me aj didn't do a single [ __ ] task that round where was it though where was it wait where's the body underneath i'm not a toss man it's not jj didn't work then jj didn't do that kill he didn't kill but he might be unless you have you guys got a killer out wait what side what's up by the way what side was uh what side were simon and jj on i was with well jj stuck around the middle did you lose sight i went to go do lights and then which way did he go which way did he go uh up by the lava like to the through okay through where vitals is and then rain was there as well yeah and how long was that how how long when in the world like at what point what pretty much when i was requirement you saw you saw you when the lights went out like i actually was like yeah i was running with simon real quick real quick tyler who killed you anyone got anyone got a ouija board honestly the exact same spot and i got the report on the lights did you see anyone in that area no no no the lights went off and so i was just running through it question of you guys do you know you voted out anyone cause i wasn't here have you no no no they've all been killed wait who voted okay me i didn't remember he's no he's not he's not he's not no one is any any wiser all right i think we could deal with do with the josh kill coming up next no sauces no general whereabouts right now lights are out again okay they never got fixed right let's just go all right let's see if we can find ourselves calc so far away she doesn't even matter oh boy i've got to get away from freezie let's hope he doesn't have scan just get out of there surely that's the thing that you're supposed to do you're supposed to call it when you see it you've done nothing you reported it that's not nothing to us now well maybe someone else maybe someone else saw him on the side of the map he's on wait so here we have guys we have to vote for someone here wait wait wait okay okay just before we go where is everyone uh i'm hiding behind the reactor and have been i am with jj i'm in the right side of the office i just like hate to admit it i think i feel like vic and josh might be in a madness by the way where are you josh you're in the i'm hiding behind the reactor top left has everyone already voted for me has everyone already i said that it was enough for me so i honestly don't think it's really hard if it's me then you honestly throwing it and vic starts throwing you said this you said this when it was you and jj and you said at the time before that look you've already voted for me but vic just know you've had a stinker here fella how how have i had his thinker you've had a thinker here bro cool and i i personally think it is simon i think it's simon so i'm gonna i mean jj can literally vouch for me that round start simon but bye bye self-reporting rob no it's not reporting rob all right now we just wait for the timer we do reactor we got the doppel and it's job done wait for it and there it is go up to this side just kill whoever's on the way in i prick [Laughter] wow who's that jj did you kill jj at the end look at your forehead look at your foreheads i've died in the first round each time i was appointed to survive that was my whole thing thank you for letting me yeah i i bro i bailed you out man financial crisis with simon right left i said it was sam yeah but you also said it's definitely not vic i didn't say it definitely [Music] i've seen milk rub do this before yeah he got away with it he got away with it your echo toby bro what is that what you saying sorry how did you kill toby at the start um oh i just just ran up and stabbed him and went to likes called lightning so i was like okay cool i'm gonna kill randy oh okay come on accused toby i just said you saw him and just went for a quick little slash it's okay just to find the body casual i'm pissed [Laughter] i'm so pissed we're moving out here we're back in the crew we're back in the crew ready to do things all right ah get out of killer mode instant killer mode that's two for two on the on the old poster in poster not even like a sauce i don't think really bailed out simon in the time of need when he i deserve it i deserve it that's like don't play i have no idea surely if they do fair okay oh where is it i'm just glad he's gone i'm pretty certain whoa i like that wow oh i don't like that you just came in that door to electric no i came in with like a bunch of people and then i ran out because i don't like stacks so i waited by the doors i mean i i was in i went in and there were already two people on lights then calyx are we voting talia no i'm just no no no no hold on jj jj well you know sacred words you know where no it's not electric if you went out of electric it went right there's another door it's literally right outside that door yeah i mean i ran to the body as well like it's simon no it's not for me i'm with toby and i'm pretty sure toby i didn't see him for about 10 seconds but you threw in lab okay where where were you when you say you don't see you didn't see him for 10 seconds whereabouts talking too much i don't like it rain where are you rain where are you no because i'm getting i've i've gone i've gone through lab and i'm down like towards specimen now so i'm obviously where is it it's outside drop ship right towards the electrical they are in a couple yeah i'm saying it's her i think it's charlie i mean i think it's tommy wait how did ray know it's outside dropship did you say that already i'm looking at the map now you said uh outside the door by electrical right yo for random he's so quiet i've got no reason to talk all right i said if you're like me as well i don't know all right so it's just right yeah i'm going it's molly it is time i'll back it why not wow oh my god yeah that's classic justice for [Music] um so we'll go and work out who it is also guys we are over 70 000 viewers right now that is not uh no we're just under 70 000 viewers but guys guys if we could let's let's let's let's get this stream let's break the record let's get i think it was 82k we got the other down among us it's a sunday night i know you guys got friends who would love to be seeing this so share the stream let's see if we can get a new viewership record i'm going to check what what the record actually was for us i've literally just seen lux kill cal right in front of me why not okay then okay then now i'm just running if it's fine no no no no no no chill chill out a second i've just been accusing you oh my god no no no no no no hold on literally you know what i don't know for sure no no no no no no no literally and then the report button comes up on my screen i didn't see anyone around me so rain if i if i didn't see you how'd you see me i see you what you can't see me you're on top of his body you can see me i didn't see you so how'd you see me imposter vision thank you have my voice [Applause] oh [Laughter] oh the fact that we got you after that oh he was like is lightweight i'm just waffling bro i'm waffling [ __ ] oh this game's stressing me out tonight [Laughter] kelso on edge he will literally like we'll go against someone back in tomorrow all right we're back in the crew hopefully i've either been first killed or i've been the dub guys our viewership record on among us is 84k we got up to 75 earlier guys stick around share the stream open it on your phone let's see if we can get up to uh up close kind of numbers in a little bit here it goes up and down all right let's also get on our detective shenanigans here i'm going to hit my scan nice now i know you're supposed to use this to clear other people and all that stuff but to be honest we don't mind too much we'll just go down for sure let's keep her going rain comes on him we saw lux in here italia no sorry it's all freezy i i don't trust anyone i've died early way too many times for me to trust anyone i might just do my own thing and listen to people's reasonings somebody was quick on the lights simon i doubt i mean i feel like the imposters would want like to offer a bit so even if like his teammate called that to jump off that quick seems to be legit to me but i could be wrong and i could be getting played oh yo that was perfect that's what we love to see all right let's get let's get that h2o stay hydrated hydration nation [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i've been with simon a lot we know where it randy you turned up and then the death happened bro yeah i know it's like it's the worst time no it's because you're the [ __ ] imposter don't play any games no so wait wait wait wait wait wait that's a big accusation let me jump in here yeah a winning accusation yo listen up four four survivors in the stack right randy freezy so it's two so half of you are our imposters yeah right we can we can 100 says randolph do you know that you know what the fact that randolph shouted it was two a couple of times you wouldn't have known that the only reason i knew is because i saw josh start the stack earlier in the round yeah yeah i thought let's go back to see if they're still there every weekend's randolph [Music] yeah we've gotten 50 50 up there they haven't done well they haven't done well it's looking good for the rest of us it's looking very good four survivors two imposters two impostors blame the other two imposters pretty clean pretty pretty small detective work there geez get me get me in get me in sign me up get me on cid toby looks freezy it's gonna be so tough for like any of them because if one of those people dies then everyone just blames the survivors i'll get asteroids done because i'm so accurate they should have they should have dragged out that conversation more because we got really good information from that if they'd have just chatted a bit more [ __ ] we wouldn't be able to work out okay i've just seen freezie go i don't want to be anywhere near freezy simon's just following talia i want to i want to jump on early cams i think here see if i can let's get straight on this reactor i should be first one to this side randy freezy he is i don't think it's talia i don't think it's talia okay and randy i still think it might be randy i've run away from you why would you think where's the bottom three seconds with me it means i spent so long with you because i was like i was like body simon you didn't kill me the body well actually i don't i mean i'm pretty certain it's one of it's like these two pairings right but just so okay it has to be for us it has to be tarly or cal where's the bottle where are you where are you i've i've just done my med scan and i did the other reactor okay frizzy where are you um i've just gotten late to i guess is it a reactor whatever the top left thing is that the left wasn't poking off the top i've got passed a bit the thing is literally by the med uh the med scanner oh where's the med scanner in this yeah i don't i don't think it actually could have been randy and frieza because i can vouch that they were on left and sometimes because i thought i saw her do a task wait lux who do you think it is two people i think it's cow but then i have i'm i know that we did the double i know as that oh i'm not throwing you're just like looking like lux and talia they haven't found themselves that nicely i need to stick with sci i'll sit with rain rain come this way rain come on crying out loud ray come with me with me rain rain we can't split all up i'm just going to jump on camera i can't be bothered yep ah run run um i saw i saw i saw lux kill rain on cams and randy came to try and dip me before i could get to the meeting button so it's locked beside you i don't want to hear start with lux okay i was coming to do the same thing with you i saw ray's body dead and i came to oh my goodness i wasn't anywhere near the first two kills i was with simon simon you know i it can't be me i was with you i'm like i'm like 99 yeah yeah if it was somehow not me there looks we've already voted i don't care i want my air time all right all right you are the weakest link goodbye i kind of hope it's not lux would be fume if it is vic he deserves the video 100 but it's just not it couldn't be me it could never be me not certain it's randy but like he needed to kill me then they would have been i mean they would have got there eventually oh wow that was that was some some quick canon hey literally the double pairing vouch was quality i don't know it's fine yeah we're good go check for a bottie italia randy oh no if randy kills me here no one would go back and double uh simon would have double checked he has to kill one of the other suspected so he has to kill frieza if i die they know they don't know actually yeah because i'm just going to finish my task we got a round and a half right here this is a round and a half right now off a crime out loud really i might as well do my specimen and then go up okay okay guys simon's body is outside of lab like outside outside bottom of the right reactor i was going to left reactor course you were if i was don't buy it i tried vic we know it's clear yeah i don't know if it's clear because no no no no i know it's randy guys come on we know it's random vic has to be clear because he was the one that pushed power and cows obviously and i wasn't there and i wasn't there for the double kill you three were all that i don't understand why you put it i don't know why you opened on me when i found rayne's body on the cameras what no so vic said last round that he saw looks kill rain on cameras and i was coming to cover it up when i went on cameras saw rain also dead and i was going to the meeting to call it in and he just said it was me you didn't it look that's round oh you saw the buddy yeah well i thought it was tarly at first talia and then therefore kallux or you but then it i don't think it is tyler because she could have killed me decontamination she could have killed me on my days whoever is playing this is so sick because my head is there was someone out there no i was i jumped straight on that cow vote i was the first one to vote with vic that should at least clear me somewhat um the only reason i think that you didn't kill me in d-com is because someone was standing up against the door i saw them because they're signing up against the door but i think you might have seen them and didn't want to kill me because you know that they'd have found my body and it was you randy yo do we have to vote here we don't have to vote we don't have to vote we're all suspicious it's randy but i'm saying it's not you we don't have to we don't have to we don't have no no we are [ __ ] up i'm terrified everyone get your tasks oh my god oh [ __ ] say no talia oh [ __ ] go go go go go we do one each we do one each okay so they both did it alia where have you gone oh [ __ ] i need friezy to follow me freezing freezing you can't press the button when there's an emergency let's go imagine freezing kills me freezing we're going to throw we're throwing we're family thrown okay we've actually thrown because frieza's been a p head okay so that's ty and randy on the other side i'm just going to check vitals and call a meeting here all right who is this guys it's vikkstar it's the way vic was moving there was bro he looked like he was ready to chef i would have checked you up we were on our way on the stack and vic is the one that got cow out yeah yeah the cowboy was right he was on the stack biggest weirdest big replay is this specifically i wish i wish i wasn't i'm sorry what was was ksi on the stack can we confirm that yeah yeah there were two beats right i remember he can't be vic he was on the stack right my last task come to specimen do my last house with me and then we'll follow freezy to his last tasks all right sure okay i might have a few come through come to specimen and then we'll follow freezing follow me i think it's randolph i think one of you is what that's one of yours follow me to specimen guys the [ __ ] [Music] okay all righty i've got that done for easy you gotta wait you gotta wait for i don't think it's freezing all right let's just go do our tarts if frizzy stops to do a task we stop with freezy the tension why though literally why though hey we oh no no no no no no no let me open the box why am i joking why am i choking lights are out oh loud randy's still there oh no if frieza can put lights back on i can call a meeting if randy somebody's dead checking vitals tarly is dead it was randy we need freezy to get those lights on freezie yes lights are on call the meeting holy [ __ ] no oh my god let's go i'll tell you right josh i was ready yeah i was ready to push it home until freezie accused me and that's when i stopped because i was like it's getting late now but then freezing yeah freezing statistically it couldn't be me why why was vic never going to the reactor bro vic was always just hanging because i was thinking what you guys are doing and i was checking for bodies and i was checking for bodies because i didn't want there to be a kill it's gotta be lots and lots yeah i know i know but it's just when freezy accused me it threw me so hard yeah no honestly because then i just thought actually it would have worked if you were clear on if you weren't clear on this the stack cool that's the thing but you were you weren't there so you already might have this game me and jd are chilling under behind the rock can you come ruin it for us but then we won the whole rock thing killed me literally i just saw another person and they were just looking at us and then they just joined in with the rock i was trying to get you you know when you um i was trying to get into that comment decommentation that's a good game yeah you're trying to explain you're trying to split i why didn't you just why didn't you oh you know i should have gone back for talia's body that's what i should have done you should you should have gone straight back yeah but by the time i got him did you not have a button no i didn't i thought i had a button but it'd been such a long round i didn't have a button so i thought i was like yeah i went for button i should have gone also no actually do you know where the throat was freezie why did you leave us behind we said we're all going to decontamination bro i i had a task right there so i was doing it oh but still the the plan was we all go d-con damn and then he's literally as luck i said he's locked around he sucks around you guys like well it could be target no bro yeah but why do you change your mind then why did you change your mind all vic does it just yeah it was hard work being my assistant wasn't it it tied you out doing manual labor that was so confusing yeah that was the longest game i kept fashion reactor off everything i know that was it was good though that was so annoying for me though no but i knew it would help you randy you're just longing things out no but then cal came through and was like it's vic so it you know i mean like yeah following me around the whole map and i'm literally there like he's waiting he's waiting he's gonna bang me if it was me i would have killed you during those times you knew from the beginning wasn't him though yeah legit statistically it couldn't have been me and then there was so much waffle that you would confuse yourself i was literally i said it from the point where look because lux just refused to blame randolph so i was actually there right now but we won in the end brother yeah butterfly effect that was the rapture um yeah we're going back to original map with two fields yeah that's the scaled right i'll message all the aussies because i think they just woke up see if they want to join okay i've already asked we'll just see who comes first okay i mean this is down to jump in now oh yeah i kept facing we'll just see whoever comes first this just jump in uh all right i'll shoot out some dms have you you haven't done the code yet right no i'm literally who wants to get no glue in here we got 10 now oh do we have do you have ten no no toby said he's milk if he's already down for before uh noble messaged me a bit again so let me just see if he replies quick um because i said these things are all right i'll get a drink i'm going to let him know if we got a space i'm gonna go pee holy smokes yeah i do not the only like in any other lobby i think i would have uh i would have instantly done the like luxe randy pairing but just because of how confusing it was i didn't yeah i didn't i didn't want i didn't want to throw that and like somehow you guys had like confused your stories and like ended up like in the opposite groups so all i knew was i was safe and that was it was so complicated that was yeah that was messing with my head because it went on for so long so so long we're going back to the original map yeah yeah yeah all right i might actually be able to walk forward i'm so annoyed simon died i felt i felt very comfortable with simon alive yeah that was uh that was a stressful game i was one for the eight i should have i should have just gone back to check uh it's just i just panicked no but i think i think you'd have passed randy though on the way back because he was already he'd already walked up yeah he was just stuck on my back so and in the doors i would have made it through those doors yeah it was it was good it was good well i'm back we learned from those though missing two yep joining up um let me see correct simon have one more coming um simon did milk reply he hasn't yet okay i'll play for a bit there's no glue not replied um not yet so yeah we just ranked just running one with us all right we've got two all right all right good luck gamers good luck don't go on a stack all right back at it again holy smokes that was uh that was a lot you mean all righty who should i kill cow i'm tired after that round like i was very very very suspicious of randy but i just i just couldn't i couldn't pull the trigger and it just went freezing went at me that made me question everything because it's just not what you would do to the person you would irrefutably know it isn't you would you would accuse randy if you like if you knew that but you just didn't know the logic oh boy i'm sweating after that one let's keep it moving here we go well he was the one person that would have been immediately started that was really silly okay so who would be really silly in this lobby but it's not me you can't say it's freezing [Laughter] well i don't think it's uh talia thank you viz big joshua was in storage where is it right that's enough for me [Laughter] you are imposter so i'm watching you in storage at the end right yeah the body's in storage whereabouts of storage like you know where the gas canister is okay bottom okay so i came around right nav come down and it went straight into the top task from the right hand side corridor so i've never seen bottom left um i was coming down the corridor and i didn't see you on those wires you did it's a gas cannon come on now i didn't see you at the wires from the top josh because that's where i was going through at the end of the round the wires on the top yeah is that i assume that's the task you're talking about the top of the story i'm not there yet where are you no not cafe store oh storage the wifi i reckon right now i've come out the corridors going up towards the wires he's lip-synching his lipstick into his camera right now like he's doing gun fingers like [Applause] why are you accusing me thank you thank you tyler yeah randy's hella quiet too right for the entire show but no one saw rainbow drink i'm just saying either i was just saying if i could get a story out of josh there or like a little blunder or like a little story re-edit to i mean we did get a story edits he said he was going to the task at the top of stories and they were saying i was in the hallway so i think i think josh there's reasonable suspicion and then again like does someone re-edit a story to cover their own back or do they re-edit a story so they're not falsely accused you know if this reactor melts down can you imagine i'm getting wires out the way you guys know i hate wires all my homies headquarters doing my base gun while i'm here okay well it wasn't randy a body of dead in the top of upper engine i came through from kath after doing the wires at the top of calf came on through dead ran the top of like in opera engine i uploaded files in admin then did card swipe then went down to go and do reactor charlie was with me and then reactor got done so we both doubled back in admin as well i was with toby quite a lot i did think toby was going to kill me but he didn't and for this round i can say i don't think it's run past you like 100 it was me rain and viz top one oh okay people who left reacted did anyone go up or come from up in reactor no one no one went down with me that's the thing i went actually reacted to no one went down with you from where oh wait i came down out of reactor when it when we finished it yeah i didn't even see you so you must have been like right at the top after me did he go down okay i didn't see rain in reactor i'm in shields yeah i just didn't see him i only went to the bottom oh this is funny so any any any [ __ ] idea lads well there's such people that react to people that just got mentioned react to people and me are suspicious there's four gonna skip now who was all right josh simon toby goes left carl's in the house i'm suspicious of josh but that's if i trust what simon's up to so i'm not entirely sure i do let's go down locks josh left behind rain totally rocking up a little late i might as well do our task here do a little simon says while it's safe watch me somehow die doing simon says now i'm gonna lose my head well then i've just found that body on the chute at the bottom of storage bottom right bottom right sorry and who did i just walk past a [ __ ] bad memory man who doesn't love me and big joshua yeah vision yeah really and then i went back and they have to get this very right or they lose actually that's what you then toby and then upper engine kind of star came back down to old storage to finish off the task did you come out lux was just behind me when running this way after electric i i literally was about to enter storage and then the body got called in that was quite a while but you left electric with quite a while i'm telling you the truth let's just send it for simon for the bands well no you send it for me for no reason out there i think wrong the whole game starts with the body the first contemporary content it'd be fun in the room with the body the first time but i think it's you josh or vince it's me that's fine i am bothered i'm playing josh you silly gooses have fun in space they should have won they should have won you know here how am i gonna die doing simon says apparently josh saw lux kill me and carried on walking is he third imposter oh no one of those ones if true i'm sad man he's supposed to be my boy i'm not doing tasks [ __ ] toss it's over sabotage oxygen two kills done toby dies here okay apparently no i just need a double killing so all they have to do is kill toby and business done legit all i need to do i don't know why they haven't killed anyone yet oh oh um toby oh no we were both doing that at the same time and then you stopped and let me finish it sorry it wasn't i wasn't right i thought you were trolling me man i went trolling i went trolling all right all right enough foreign me because why i mean no one's dead my assumption was i need to call this before like yeah it was good it was good it was it was good it was good yeah okay all right it makes more sense in my head than it does for this just hear that there's still two killers alive and then the game would have ended so you call the button to reset the cool kill hoarder yeah and also i feel like whoever's done the lights is probably clear that's me and lux because if there's two killers out there they would just need one kill true oh yeah oh yeah so we need to vote off someone no i don't know who wasn't who wasn't in light i came in i came in at the end there where you were on it there's you in my head and lux was with me so it's between rain and this i don't know why simon where are we why didn't you come to the lights why were you on the table called me thing yeah that's that's that's right it's like semi-sauce yeah yeah but this what are you saying why what the storage and and now what's going on bro right i'm innocent toby at the start at the very start right when we were in nav i don't know josh we've got to vote someone we don't if josh was one that's the thing josh what are we doing we just was in both rooms when the bodies were found so oh fair enough okay we don't have to vote anyone then okay no one actually voted man so close i'm so close he's doing his gun figures again thank you elizabeth tyler with the 10 super chat says i have nothing to say i'm just giving you ten dollars thank you thank you shane hall with a new membership thank you bcg 58 dollars thank you harrison turner and sophia and aaron henderson with the super chats oh no you're not me and rain someone run the barn [Applause] oh oh that was the ease that was the biggest throw and the easiest dub let's down locks here oh my goodness thank you oliver toppin um declan wilson kendra talifer um with the membership thank you lewis brisbane with the five euros says much love to the vic star tron thank you thomas spark for the 10 years he said sometimes i tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward that's just how i roll it's been a while for the amount of content thank you thomas your puns are the best thank you matty and barry with the uh 12 pounds of superchat i've lost lux there it is um so i've been a fan of the sidemen since the start of your journey is going to decide when to train neurophone headphones um probably not but thank you for super i appreciate your support thank you fatal frost mateen barry oopsy daisy the memberships thank you burak with the super chats and doctor doom and harish sai appreciate you guys i'm voting lux wait what why yeah i'm writing lux why why what the [ __ ] have i done because we both because we both did o2 yeah i was running up there from bottom left yeah but one left right i was all the way over and bottom left i don't care if it's toby one played wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what why oh you've thrown you've thrown oh my god why did you call 02. that's [Music] simon when you called that random meeting like they were about to get a double kill in lights and end the game like i was waiting for it to happen i was like i was like as soon as as soon as these guys clock on they can just kill these two people it's done and then you called meeting and that threw everything out the window yeah was really really well played that meeting was good it was literally like probably like that i didn't see rain run past the reaction and then he glitched in and i thought maybe it's just like i got you guys i double through because first of all i was muted and then i panicked and sabotaged okay but i just i literally have to do something to help you with the body multiple times we left together oh she was right josh apparently you saw him um on my cooldown for my kill and i was following simon but then toby called them eating like four seconds away from winning just screaming my head off i couldn't believe what i'm saying um apparently you saw my dead body or something get killed in reactor and just didn't say anything no i can't help you okay fair wait for the clip no no no no one in my stream can be blind though okay you're probably fine might have been death vision yeah yeah you're not wrong you're not wrong i i i left my desk i'm sat there doing simon says and i'm like i'm going to die doing simon says aren't i i just die and i just got up and left and you see it when you go do a certain task i know i'm dead here yeah yeah oh oh i think lights might have been off so i think you're good really that's going to save that as all right by doing double vote on those no vote yeah they could have all right we're back in it all right let's keep an eye on the people we've got simon going right we've got randy josh going down we got rain late to go down tyler coming up admin freezing in here josh frizzy if we come up this side there's a body we know what up we've got this freezy and who is that there i don't know who that is i should go and learn that color is it toby i think it's toby [Music] okay depending where this is i think i might have some info okay well okay where does it go but i don't know i don't know whether the tactic is to let other people speak or well you can do both you can ask people where they are ask people all right okay then i'd like to um i'd like to announce that it's an electrical okay okay could that could be me right at the very start with randolph yeah and then i had ducked out and has anyone been in there recently and not seen a bomb yes yes me okay i did like and then as i as i did lights this came in and i went out okay i'm wearing so randy what was your route that round uh i was in electric call came out of electrical went into admin to do the card then i went to do the download in admin or upload whatever it was downloading downloading because you went into admin which was a little weird and i also passed i thought viz ran past me while i was in storage wait frieza did you fix lights why were you an electrical or you just rocked up late i got three or three tasks in there so where's the body in electrodes in the top of electrical um no no it's like um it's like i don't know how you explain it it's not on the light it's to the right of the light as if you were going up to the top so you're saying this this kill happened after simon fixed lights uh yeah yeah the lights were on my left is alone in there crazy sauce freezing freezing what okay sweet he's not cracking jokes again like a clever vent kill or freezes are the two uh two vibes oh that was another perfect one we love those we love those yeah we don't know about those ones we don't know about those ones dump the trash dump wait i did it we got lux here so friezy said he had three tasks he's there he's that he is there but could he be praying for his next kill here lots just waiting to see i respect that detective work from the wallocks let's go back and do the lights real quick see if we can hopefully catch out an imposter see how rapid that was and techy with the light switches talk to me don't say where we were okay um who is on the right side of the map run over there i'm not i'm what do you mean all of us right side right side who we got who we got come on give me some names here simon toby just ran into navigation okay i think randy where are you on the map uh electric call running out of there going let's cut i think i think no way i'm with him right now okay wait no no it might be raining on randy but let's let's do some more okay um what's your point what's your passion what's your point okay anyway my point is my point is that the body is in security me and lux went up together from electrical to security we found the body there so i wanted to find out who's on the opposite side of the map and that was i didn't get to security yeah i was running from electrical like through engine up to security at the end of the round when round when i was only i only went as far as medpay i did the round that's that's cap that's cap right because me and locks did that exact route and we didn't see you once i remember i can't remember where i saw him definitely one sec one second one sec one sec um it might happen earlier in the map vic they might have gone to the top right right now outside of the map but randy lied about where he just was at the end of the round which is weird all right i voted for him i'm voting him what you weren't in between secure and electrical at any any point i'll give you that yeah that would be a first loss they stink they absolutely stink of something not quite right just the way they didn't pipe up when i asked what side of the map they're on and like when i asked randy where he was it's not it it wasn't nice it wasn't nice and the way and the way rain just jumped on the the defaults the false i think it's gonna be very hard for either of them to get a kill now i think i've i've i've either third and posted or have five-headed you know be that way sometimes see toby down there randy you're gonna come kill me i mean i'm sat here ready like as if i can do anything if he's gonna kill me i can't all right my tasks are done i'm gonna go sit on cams now here we go we've got toby there gonna see what toby does i'm just gonna chill with toby we can do this one real quick six eight five six two now if we go together to the other side we're looking good ah okay there's a kill on a stack at o2 and simon and toby were on it i was stood off and simon's reported it which now makes me suspicious of him um no but but rain the reason why um you're giving me bad vibes right now is because we all know okay 100 i think how many people just died just one one yeah one it was me you and simon on that stack toby so it was one of us three only got three on this day yeah it was just us three yeah it's toby and i followed you to keep an eye on you yeah so i think it might be simon yeah [Applause] yeah i'm pretty sure that one was simon it could have been toby okay simon's reactor hallway it's simon for sure simon you're muted i mean it's not you i don't think it is i don't think it is no i honestly don't think it is you i think it is top left of cafeteria i ran down into security simon was lurking around outside vic was already on cams i jumped on cams after vic ran down and then i see uh simon dip him up on cams yeah no no no no no no that doesn't that doesn't for one reason to distract you from kills but i don't understand why you didn't do it though the body that i found was in reactor as well what where i'm on the bottom one wait randy what are you accusing me right i don't know i don't understand what happened randy what are you doing how about i'm scrambling i don't know where are you going randy let me tell you is i mean they can win on task oh it's randy randy and simon ah okay so just just the fact that rayne defended him doesn't really add up okay so so i mean i was 50 right on my first call go go get in there toby go get in there yeah randy has just run out of security i tried to go in the top way to go on cams again let me finish cafeteria at the top got locked so i ran around the bottom to get into security and i see randy run out and i see the red body freezy i see freezy body in there now right here because the ping was so bad that the door let me through that's the room that's waffle rain it's on you but it's randy and simon because i saw simon do it on my life i saw simon do it and now randy is the only one left if it's not you it's randy but it's not me you make your pick i [ __ ] hate my life uh unless you don't know this is literally let randy mug you off don't let randy mug you off it's the same thing with toby though it's terrible whoever whoever he believes you have to vote for really but what i'm saying the only thing i say is like if i've been finessed and voted simon last round by toby he's waffling really well yeah exactly up i ran in i saw randy running out as i ran in to say the game would have ended if you got something now you've got that's just what happened uh why are you laughing oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] man oh my god well done well done um it was cat i told you it was cat why did you defend him right you defended the castle the game would have ended no i need one giant question randy why no no no i was asking you the same thing i didn't know you killed vic i was i was waiting to kill toby so you can call vic and i was waiting for you to get closer to him i didn't know you already killed him you've got to use your game again like everyone else said like you got simon out yeah and it was clearly what simon the game would have ended if you were wrong with simon the game would have ended that yeah you've done yeah pushing into other people i don't even know what's going on [Applause] that's the biggest part of my life [Laughter] i might literally be the single worst player at this game but i was confused i was like wait the votes don't add up what's going on and then everyone's like oh i've thrown my chat's going you thrown i was like wait a minute no i haven't simon i was i was about to be screaming at you you know why you didn't kill someone else i didn't know you killed him already you can have a go at me for not killing something yeah the first three rounds you didn't get a kill no no i know so both of us ran into um you ran we went run down to electric uh what was it called reactor right i was waiting for you to kill vic so i can kill toby i don't know you've already done it i was like simon kill him kill him kill him so i can call toby i don't know you've already done it how do you vote for yourself this is my favorite game bro i'm telling you like my whole channel justice for toby is gone this game cannot me sorry yeah you were like i'm gonna i don't know if you're talking to your chat oh yeah no sorry i said i got one more game with me oh okay randy i was on to you quick man i knew you were walking about your location no no no no i wasn't there and in the second round uh randy killed me and no one realized that i died you said only one person died yeah electrical we ran out and we were running up like towards security and then everybody got called in um we got any extras anyone extra oh my god my face hurts man my face hurts from that same behind my cheeks he's just raided me in his entire chat saying toby sorry should we run run a quick nine get someone on the line yeah yeah yeah oh i'm injured i'm injured poor guy he's just so angry i'm sorry by the way yeah i'm saying i apologize that's fine i'm definitely not there my son in the play all right we're back in we got a nine-man lobby which makes it easier for imposters i'm in the crew ren going through if he's on side going down with his whoever was white was rain going down freezy simon oh come on come off it okay so it's simon and freezie i think dear me they know i've been there i've been doing too much talking oh dude oh i'm just doing my task don't don't find my body before i get this done yay josh is next to gal surely that would have been a good kill from freezie you can't get now get now get now get now it's been a massacre in here if they can protect that room that's unreal oh god simon why did you you're gonna think about that i have literally no input i was on the left and i ran like insecure then back up and round top left and then i saw you how's it even possible it must have been she got killed in the second game i swear not even playing it like long enough for too cool yeah yeah because you're the first round your first kill cooldown is only 10 seconds like when you start 10 10 then 25 and 25 again no 10. yeah so wait what what happens here so if like when does it end we have to vote we have to vote oh my god that was why did you double back on me today because i hadn't seen anyone in ages and i was like where is someone going i think that was weird where did you come from where did you go top right i've literally been on the right side the entire time because when react went off i was on a download and then by the time it downloaded finish i was like chances are being now i'm going to go do weapons and then reactor was fixed and i was like okay well there's no point oh i did reactor with who was in there josh was in there shocking the dead boy i went to do something what were you doing right you're being muted here hold on a second yeah who's done who did reactor other than simon i'm honestly i'm basically an fk is it all the dead people i'm getting simon that's the only vote i have i'm going to tell you that's fair enough oh we call that light work simon yeah the happy light work baby jesus christ joshua imposter the quickest joshua i was trying to show you the dead body so you can report when that kill by the way talia was that was the first thing i got yeah but you were still double back there was lots of death in that in that admin there were three bodies in there if you would have killed that would have been one simon if you killed when i saw you there i had just run from top left yeah i've literally been on the right side doing my tasks yeah all right let's yo i'm gonna jump off guys i appreciate the game such good fun again i had a great time on crewmate simulator 2021. they were saying we got phil's or i'm i'm asking right now but um let's see they've just stopped replying they were down [Music] time was their half turn vince what did i say by the way you i said you know yeah you know when you killed me in electrical all right we'll we'll see if we can get some more filaronis in this in a second here oh my goodness they'll ask you all the rounds they've been quality it's been a good one thank you make out hill um shane hall and all the topping and declan wilson with the memberships thank you devon with the five you always said was feeling nostalgic all day today i'm just trying to say thanks for everything oh no worries devon thank you harry kennen jaffa ting leon tomki starkey with the super chat thank you becky richmond with the 15 pound so do i watch gaming videos no have i watched both live streams and subscribed yeah brilliant game very entertaining thank you becky thank you welcome to the channel thank you charlize jakey the snakey with the super chats see if we can get anyone else in the house oh boy toby's throat was incredible monumental unbelievable scenes oh my goodness this has been a crazy stream as well i appreciate you all tuning in we got 80k viewers earlier we've been like sat above 50k for most of it appreciate all the support if you guys are new around here and you are enjoying the among us make sure you subscribe notifications turned on we'll have a video up soon of jj um jj being my assistant on my channel should be quality so yeah good times all round all right let's see what we got i mean it's half ten i haven't had dinner yet so i may call it here in a second it doesn't look like we're getting numbers back up anytime soon here we'll give it like another like minute or so but yeah i could do with some food so this may be a natural end point yeah i think we'll wrap it up but i'll i'll get on another time yeah yo fellas um i haven't eaten yet today so i'm actually gonna i'm gonna call it um but that was super fun keen to do it again sometime how dare you do it every day baby for no i'm not every day i think my heart rate would be too high oh yeah i've had some questions [ __ ] [ __ ] happened to me tonight man all right peace out guys have a good one all right yeah we're gonna wrap it up there i think we're down to six people now so looks like it's a ripperino but yeah i appreciate you guys all tuning in crazy sport on the videos recently in the among us videos i posted a new apartment tour video yesterday check it out if you haven't already as i said got jj being my assistant coming to the channel soon should be good thank you for the late game super chats thank you joseph val de longo with the five hundred hide and seek down to that another time thank you chris jordy with the superchat thank you hayley shellstadt with the super chat thank you abby a wallia and make out hill with the membership shout out all the members that have been chilling in chat and everyone else um yeah we've got four million view videos in a row this will probably be the fifth once it goes live so thank you all for tuning in if you guys just got here it will publish on my channel in about 10 minutes you can click it back and watch some of the previous games they were quality um yeah appreciate all your support victor six victor seven mill yeah we're only a few hundred k away from seven mil hit the little bell next to the subscribe button and that'll turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any of my live streams when they happen you can use code vic on the fortnite item stall the rocket league item store and also the modern warfare shop if you want to show some more support for the channel um yeah go and watch some more videos all that good stuff appreciate all the support see you all next
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Views: 2,236,482
Rating: 4.9295568 out of 5
Id: jBEeb7Ys3-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 58sec (8218 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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