Vienna Beef & The Chicago Hot Dog | Celebrate Sausage S04E07

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hey there folks welcome to the channel I'm glad you can make it because today we are going to be talking about the ever so popular all be Frank from Chicago the Vienna beef sausage famously used in the Chicago hot dog which we'll also be making in this video and I want to know in the comment section below what is your experience with emulsified sausages do you love them do you hate them because I got to tell you they can be incredibly challenging to make some would argue that they are the most technically challenging and difficult sausages to make in the world they do require special equipment and a special set of skills and although I can't do nothing for you when it comes to the special equipment by the end of this video hopefully you will have a better understanding as to the skills required in order to perfectly make this sausage now just a reminder through this show we're going to be giving away a lot of prizes and I'm talking some pretty spectacular gifts so you're not going to want to miss a single episode but if you happen to come in late always check the pin comment in the PIN comment I'm going to make sure to update what's being given away how you can enter and when that drawing is supposed to be held so you never miss out on any of the prices because as it stands right now there's some pretty incredible things up for grabs I don't want you to miss out check the pin comment while you're there give it a thumbs up and drop me a little note how's that sound all right folks let's make the Vienna Beef and the Chicago hot dog let's get cracking let's start with the casing we're going sheep casing with this one and I think 2224 is an appropriate size for a hot dog you can honestly use whatever size casing you want we got these from the sausage maker they are grade A casing so they are rided for emulsified sausages and this has just been rinsed and flushed and soaking in water overnight now just so you know one thing I always add to the water is a little baking soda right in there that's going to make that water alkalinized and it's going to make everything nice and slippery that means you're going to be able to get it on the horn super easy reduce casing blowouts it's absolutely brilliant let's set that to the side as far as the meat goes this is a 100% beef sausage remember this is our version of the Vienna Beef used for the Chicago hot dog and the cut of meat that we're using is a very lean cut coming from the bottom round the fat comes from the brisket my advice here would be to stick to your higher quality Cuts you're going to end up with a much better sausage and a lot less problems so lean meat beautiful fat and what we're going to do through this process is keep the fat and the meat separate right now I'm just cutting up the brisket fat and weighing it until I get to the appropriate measurement and then I'm going to do the exact same thing for the beef there will be a recipe Link in the description box below that has all of what we're talking about here written out in full detail but you need to know that the emulsified sausage and it doesn't matter which one you make kind of plays by a different set of rules so you can't really approach the emulsified sausage recipe the same way you would approach a regular sausage recipe the ratio of lean to fat is different the types of meat that you use are going to be different the amount of moisture that you use is going to be different and how you calculate it same thing with the salt and so there's a lot of different factors that play into the emulsified sausage in order for it to come out absolutely brilliant which is what we're going to try to produce here today now as far as my meat and fat goes everything is going to get cut up into relatively small pieces here in a minute we're going to grind all the meat and the fat separate basically we're doing the heavy lifting I don't want my food processor to work harder than it absolutely has to so there's our beef our fat is already cut up and it's now time to chill it before we grind it one thing you will know there's this very common theme when making an emulsified sausage is temperature control you do want to make sure that you manage your temperature accordingly at this stage the temperature that we're looking for is under 34 fah basically partially frozen so we're going to stick this into the freezer let it get nice and frosty while we prepare our spices and the first ingredient is curing salt number one instacure number one next up we've got a little salt we're going to come back with some white pepper granulated garlic and then we're going to add some smoked paprika now you can mix and match and change this however you want we also have coriander mustard powder onion powder nutmeg I'm also going to add a cure accelerator called sodium aorb you can also use a sorbic acid and then we're going to use a binder called potato starch any binder works for this recipe you can use non-fat dry milk you can use phosphates it really doesn't matter so so there we go notice that we're keeping the binder separate from the spices spices go in first binder goes in last okay our meat is properly chilled everything is under 34 Fahrenheit and now it's time to grind we're going to do a triple grind on this meat and fat starting with a 10 mm plate and the final two grinds are going to be on our smallest plate which is a 4 and 1 12 mm plate if you happen to have a 3mm plate that would be even better so let's get this ground up and I'll get right back to you [Music] all right folks there we have it a triple grind and it's totally okay if you get a little fat in the meat or a little meat in the fat not that big a deal you just want to keep the majority of it separate and just remember in between each grind I did refreeze it and kept the temperature under 34° the entire time now just so that you could see where we're at because temperature is so important we're going to pull out our thermapen you're going to see me pull this unit out constantly through this process and we are at 30° Fahrenheit absolutely perfect let's talk about ice ice is a very important part of this recipe we're not talking about cold water we're talking about ice and notice that it's partially broken up already crunched up you don't want to use whole pieces from like your ice tray you want to chop it all up okay so now that we've got everything ground three times we've got our spices we've got our ice ready let's go ahead and chop this up and begin the process of emulsification this is where you need a good food processor if you do not have a highquality commercial grade food processor I wouldn't even attempt this recipe notice the meat is at 29° Fahrenheit during this initial stage we do not want the temperature of our meat to rise above 38 Fahrenheit okay and I'm going to put all this in the recipe link below the reason being is because this initial step is all about protein extraction and protein extraction happens most effectively under 38 40° fenit right so we want to keep it Ultra cold another thing that you need to know is that I just recently sharpened the blades on this food processor and if you do not have sharp blades on your food processor I wouldn't even attempt this recipe because you're going to end up whipping the meat instead of chopping it okay and you want to absolutely have razor sharp blades otherwise it's not going to work now if you look inside the bowl the blade is spinning but the meat is kind of along the wall what we want to do is we want to scrape down that meat and you're going to end up doing this several times through the process be careful because if your blades are razor sharp then you can easily get cut so we're just going to scrape that down take the temperature real quick remember under 38 fahit and it looks like we're still pretty good we're in the high 20s let's go ahead and continue to chop and we're just going to monitor how that meat act okay what we want to do is add a little bit of ice at this step maybe about a third of your ice and what that's going to do is that's going to keep everything super cold but it's also going to help loosen up that batter and start to turn it into a paste all right we've been chopping now for about 20 seconds notice the meat is on the side of the food processor bowl and so what we're going to do is we're going to continue to scrape it down down and you're going to repeat this process several times during the emulsification stage and each time the particle size of your meat is going to get smaller and smaller so let's go ahead and put the top back on give it another chop and what we're looking for is for that meat to kind of form like a dough ball to where it's kind of slinging around the center there we go see it just like that this right here is what I call phase two and it's also called The Appliance killer because it puts a lot of stress on your food processor which is why we need to add a little more ice I'm going to add another third of my ice so we still have about a third left we're going to save that to the end let's go ahead and chop more and you're going to notice that that ball of meat that's circling is going to slowly start to loosen up as the ice is beginning to melt and it's going to turn into somewhat of a paste now if you do not have a high quality food processor this will burn up your motor I'll tell you right now this is a step that kills most people's food processor let me take you in a little closer to what this should look like notice that it's nice and pasty we still have a little ways to go and so I'm going to scrape it down and put that top back on it if you want to take the temp no problems there keep it under 38 Fahrenheit but usually after an ice Edition it's already going to be pretty cold so let's go ahead and chop another 15 20 seconds look at that it's starting to turn into an even finer paste check the temp looks absolutely beautiful all right so at this stage I think we're good to go our meat has been finally chopped we've got awesome protein extraction it's super sticky it's time to add our fat one thing to know about the fat when making an emulsified sausage is that it does not need to be super super cold matter of fact you can keep it at the refrigerator temperature and it'll be fine and now let's go ahead and chop for another 15 to 20 seconds just to kind of get everything Incorporated now that we've added the fat we're moving into phase three of the emulsification process which means that we now have to keep the temperature below 55 f all right so that temperature sealing has increased but we do not want to get it above 55 otherwise it could split the Emulsion let's take the temperature after about 20 seconds of chopping we're in the low 40s so far so good let's go ahead and add our binder and then we're going to add the rest of our ice now notice there's a lot of little white particles of fat the goal here is to chop everything up so finely that it looks like one homogeneous Mass we're going to chop for another 15 to 20 seconds remember our blades are Ultra sharp and we're looking for that Mass to be homogeneous super sticky and a little loose let's take our temperature remember our goal is 55° we don't want to be above 55 and look at that 54.9 couldn't have asked for a better stopping point unfortunately emulsified sausages are very unforgiving and so if you screw up somewhere in the process you won't know until you cook it and then by that point it's going to be too late so here's what our farce looks like it is homogeneous there is a density to it it's Ultra sticky and this is absolutely perfect let's go ahead and get it into a casing all right so for these sheep casings we're going to be using a/ inch stuffing horn that's the perfect size for a sheep casing if you go too big you're going to end up having casing problems and it's just a giant mess and just like a regular sausage we just want to minimize the amount of air pockets that we have with an emulsified farce though it is a little more complicated but just do the best that you can once it's packed in there nice and tight let's get that onto its base load up that casing and get it [Music] stuffed and there it is our sausage is completely cased with that 5B sausage stuer from the sausage maker no problemo and we're going to make 7 and 1/2 inch lengths these are going to be just a little bit longer than our hot dog buns and that's the beautiful thing about making your own sausages so let's pinch it and twist it three times forward here we go one 2 3 and there is our first sausage we're going to find our mark on our tray 7 and 1/2 in and we're going to pinch it and twist it three times backwards we're going to continue to do that two are completely done and there it goes now I am going to find any air pockets and prick them out with a sausage pricker you could use a needle and just removing the air pockets is sufficient for emulsified sausages you don't really have to over prick all right now that we're done we are ready to cook now we can do this because we used a cure accelerator in the recipe if you didn't use a cure accelerator you're going to want to let these hang out in your refrigerator overnight and you do want to cover them so that they don't dry out we're going to be smoking these sausages because the Vienna Beef typically has that beautiful Hickory flavor lots of different ways to cook your sausage though and notice we're going to do this a little bit differently we're not going to let that casing dry out like we typically would matter of fact in that wood box we're going to add a tray of steaming hot water right so this just came off the stove it was boiling that's in that wood box so that's going to be sitting right above that burner let's go ahead and turn on our smoker and for this sausage we're going to keep it super simple so we're not going to do a bunch of steps like we normally would with our other smoked sausage let me pull up the app so that you can see what it looks like and as you can see here there is literally just one step 175 Fit until we get to an internal of 140° F and that is it so there we go let's go ahead and start applying smoke we're using hickory pellets you could also use a combination of pellets and wood chips this is the Bell cold smoke generator absolutely brilliant unit for adding extra smoke in your smoker and that's it our temperature is set our humidity and our steam is going to be going let's go ahead and shut that down and I'm going to check back on these sausages in just a little bit and see how it looks and there it is there's our hickory smoked Vienna Beef dogs ready to go all we got to do now is cool these off and set them in an icy water bath this is going to rapidly chill your emulsified sausage you want to keep it in that water bath till the temperature gets below 100f which shouldn't take very long being that they were only cooked to 140 and at this point you are done you can take them out of this water let them bloom for a couple hours that would be beautiful magnify the color you can refrigerate them you can vacuum seal them and freeze them for long-term storage or you can go ahead and eat one up what we're going to do now is go ahead and make the Buns this is a poppy seed bun let me show you how to do it we're going to start with some warm water we're next going to come in with some salt and sugar and then some active dry yeast give that a little whisk at this point you can let it get all bubbly before you add the rest of your ingredients I don't find the need so I'm going to come back in with a couple egg yolks we also have melted butter and we are going to be using hard flour for this recipe I am going to whisk that just a tiny little bit to help incorporate that while I add the rest of my flour and then we're going to add our non-fat milk powder this is the same ingredient that we use in our sausage making process this is a high heat non-fat dry milk absolutely brilliant for baking let's go ahead and get all those ingredients into our kitchen a sand mixer we're using the dough hook attachment and we're going to need this until we get a smooth dough if you feel like it's too sticky you can add a little bit of flour but don't had too much I've calculated the recipe almost to Perfection so this is what it's going to look like when you're done notice that it's sticking to the bottom but it comes out very very easy and when we turn that onto our cutting board add a tiny bit of flour finish kneading by hand to form a smooth dough ball and this is what it should look like if you give it a little press right in the middle that indentation should bounce back one more time there we go now you can take your dough ball and place it into a container that's been sprayed with neutral oil we are going to cover it so it doesn't dry dry out and you want to let it rise till it doubles in size this could take anywhere from 60 Minutes to 2 hours depending on the temperature of your room this is what it looks like once it's done and we're going to turn this out onto our cutting board what I like to do at this stage is just weigh that entire ball of dough just to see what we're looking at I'm going to take the weight which in this case is 812 G and divide that into 11 equal portions you most certainly don't have to do that you can just grab handfuls of it and form these into whatever size buns you want but I like the Precision and the uniformity so when we take 812 divided by 11 ends up being about 73 G per bun and I find that to be a perfect size so by the end of this video you're going to see what a 73 G bun looks like and you can decide if you want to make yours a little bigger or a little smaller not a big deal once our buns have been measured they're going to look a little something like this a little rectangular blob what some people do is they'll take some flour and they'll put it on their cutting board but I don't particularly recommend that with this recipe because you're going to use the friction of The Cutting Board to make your little balls take all the edges fold them into themselves and using the palm of your hand in a circular motion bouncing off the inside of your thumb and the inside of all your fingers you're going to make beautiful little balls and so that's all you're going to do it takes about one second of practice before you get it trust me it's an absolutely brilliant little technique and you're going to place the part where everything connects to the bottom face down all right so let's go ahead and do one more so you can see what I'm talking about we're going to fold all the edges in on themselves and then we're going to turn that side onto the bottom and then we're going to start rolling it just like that because you're working with the friction of the table the process happens incredibly fast now that we're done we're going to cover these with cling film and let them rise another 10 or 15 minutes I don't want these to double in size so check on them often you know sooner is better let me go ahead and show you what it looks like once they're finished and here it is we did get a little rise but not too much let me show you how to form the Buns notice I took those little balls of dough off the tray I'm going to flip them upside down and I'm going to degas them so basically we're just getting rid of all those little gas Pockets inside that little dough ball we're going to flatten it out into a rectangle at this point starting from the top start rolling the dough onto itself in tight little rolls towards you and with the thumbs push the newly rolled dough away that's going to help tighten everything together and you're going to continue to do that until you have one solid roll this is your BUN and at this point we just want to form it and shape it I am going to pinch the edges just like so and then gently roll it that's going to help just tighten everything up get everything nice and formed I do want to make sure that my crease is facing down when I'm finished and I don't want the entire bun to be more than 6 in long that's about perfect for me this is what our Bun's going to look like ready for the final rise and when I place this onto our baking tray I do want the seam side down I typically like to leave about 3/4 of an inch between each bun and this is so that when they rise the edges slightly touch giving you a nice nice softsided bun which is what I personally like I am going to spray this with a little cooking spray and that's going to keep the cling film from sticking to the top no worries there and now for our final rise cover them with cing film or another tin whatever you want so they don't dry out and let them rise for anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour depending on how hot your kitchen is and all I'm looking for is for these buns to get big enough to where they start touching each other at which point we can go ahead and give them a beautiful egg wash and a poppy seed coating and this is what our buns look like roughly 45 minutes later my kitchen is pretty hot notice that they're just starting to touch each other and that is perfect my eggwash consists of a medium siiz egg with a little cream you can find the recipe in the description box below let's go ahead and give that a little mix then coat the top of each one of your buns with that beautiful egg wash once you're done go ahead and top it with poppy seed you can add as much or as little as you like and this looks just about perfect for me let's go ahead and bake it 350 for 35 minutes and then this is what our final product looks like absolutely amazing all right folks I just got to know who in the world is still with me give this video a great big thumbs up if you've hung in there you guys are seriously committed to the emulsified sausage look at this we've got our smoked Vienna Beef slightly larger than our bun I'm loving that you could cook this literally any way you want boil it poach it Grill It Bake It fry it it don't really matter I'm not going to show you how to cook it you know how to do that there it is already done so let's go ahead and assemble this town dog I did heat the bun up in the oven and then I went ahead and wrapped it in a bag to give it that steamed quality that's going to really kind of soften it up and get it ready for all these magnificent ingredients and here we go let's go ahead and open this bag up it feels nice and soft at this point and I got to tell you this buttery poppy seed bun smells so good look at that texture all right let's make a hot [Music] dog [Music] all right folks we've got our Vienna Beach sausage dressed up like a chai toown hot dog and this dog looks incredible look at that absolutely amazing reminds me of the time that we spent in Chicago now if you happen to make these buns and I highly suggest that you do after you bake them uh and get them nice and warm place them in that plastic bag tie it off and let that steam soften them up that's going to make the bun a lot more manageable when you pile it full of your amazing ingredients so all right let's go ahead and give it a taste one Chicago hot dog going in wow I'm kind of beside myself right now that is absolutely spectacular the flavors are not only incredibly nostalgic but they're Ultra fresh the hot dog is Smoky with that beautiful hickory smoke it is Snappy it's tender it is Juicy right the ingredients in this dog what can I say they're Ultra fresh and then the bun it's buttery it's soft it's incredible wow that is good let me just go in for one more bite let's cut into the hot dog by itself so that you can see what's going on I'm going to do a diagonal cut right there yep check that out see those little holes those are called mechanical openings and when we make hot dogs at home this is what we can expect because commercially they use big vacuum sealing machines to suck all the air out of the hot dogs uh but unless you have like chamber vacs or things like that you uh you won't be able to get the air pockets out which is not that big a deal let's just give the Hot Dog by itself a quick taste nice Snappy casing beautiful flavor absolutely amazing and I hope you get a chance to make it all right so here's the deal emulsified sausages are some of the most challenging and difficult sausages to make you got to really pay attention to the finer details in all the steps and at the end of the day you kind of need the right equipment if you have any questions about this recipe or the process of making an emulsified sausage leave them in the comment section below and if you like this video was entertained by it or you got anything out of it in any way drop me a great big thumbs up if you're new to this channel you caught us right smack dab in the middle of a sausage celebration where we upload a brand new video every day through the month of October don't forget to hit that subscribe button and that notification Bell so you don't don't miss a single episode and at the end of this video I'm going to put a playlist so you can get caught up from the very beginning thanks a lot for being here we'll see you tomorrow [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: 2 Guys & A Cooler
Views: 25,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Sausage Recipes, sausage, cured meats, meat preservation, pork sausage, Smoked Meats, celebrate sausage, chicago hot dogs, vienna beef, franks
Id: 7Oj9mGt0YIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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