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[Music] the year is 1638 in East Asia a new Empire has recently risen the great ching dynasty founded by the manchu people who are led by huang taiji an aging conqueror in the young fool palace in the imperial city and mock them the capital his 9th son is born that child would grow up to be the first emperor to rule from beijing officially replacing the once great Chinese Ming Empire with the man she would sing dynasty the last dynasty to rule over China that man was Emperor under [Music] born under the personal name of fallen the future leader was son to the Ching Emperor and his secondary consort the daughter of a Mongol Prince who would later play a significant role in ruling China not much is known about his early childhood but he certainly grew up in the imperial city of Mukden around the wealth and power that his father huang taiji had amassed in his rule in 1643 the emperor however died designating no heir most like his father knew Rahad ship before him to succeed in the leadership of the Ching dynasty the different factions in the courts either supported Dorkin or Hulka the late Emperor's half-brother and eldest son respectively to resolve the dispute a State Council was held at the issue of which it was decided that a five-year-old Phoolan was to be the next Emperor Dorgan and another Manchu nobleman jirgalang would however be Co Regents until Phoolan was old enough to rule fallings mother also became an empress dowager holding influence in the court the boy ascended the throne on the 8th of October 1643 becoming the Emperor shaundra jirgalang one of the two co Regents had little interest in the state affairs and conceded almost all of his power to torgul in 1644 that same year an alleged conspiracy by Hager elder brother to Emperor Xuan drew was discovered this gave da dong the opportunity to eliminate the Pro Hager faction once and for all consolidating his own power even more on the geopolitical level the Ching authorities were about to conquer China Beijing were the Trogdon emperor of the Chinese Ming Dynasty ruled was an arm's reach for the great Manchu aides banner army but while the Manchu soldiers were preparing to march on the Chinese capital city an unexpected event happened China had been played with domestic rebellions for several years a charismatic rebel leader from the West named leads or Chun had managed to defeat the Ming armies and marched on Beijing in April 1644 overtaking the Manchus but Trogdon emperor of the Ming Dynasty was completely surrounded even if he managed to defeat leads or Chiang he would not resist the following Manchu attack during the night after leads or Chiang lay siege to Beijing a eunuch opened the gates of the city allowing leads or trans troops to overrun the city rapidly resigned the Chinese Ming Emperor hanged himself to a tree in the Imperial City the following day symbolically marking the end of the once great Ming Dynasty leads or Chun then occupied the capital city his forces severely mistreated the population the Ming Dynasty had fallen but a new enthusiastic army stood in Beijing replacing it in the Manchu camp Han Chinese advisors to torkoal who had defected and joined the Qing Dynasty saw this as an opportunity if the Ching dynasty could crush leads or qiong's rebellions it could present itself as a savior of imperial power and of Beijing and rule over China with legitimacy but Qin soldiers saddled up although the Ming was technically overthrown it still held armies across China between Mukden and Beijing stood the Shanghai pass of the Great Wall in this huge garrison who sank way one of the last great generals of the Ming stood his ground surrounded by the Ching in the north and Leeds or Chong in the West as the Manchus had done with most Chinese officials since the beginning of their conquests they tried to convince Wu San guei to defect and join the Ching he had no choice and reluctantly accepted but contrarily to many defectors his loyalty to the Manchu invaders was weak leads or qiong's forces finally arrived reaching Shanghai pass on the 27th of May the battle could begin well some ways forces fought for hours alone against lee dajeong suffering heavy casualties it is possible that thought of them purposely delayed his attack to make sure will Tseng boys forces would be greatly reduced after the battle after maliciously waiting for a few hours Doran finally dispatched his Manchu cavalry now reinforced the ex Ming alongside the Qing soldiers were able to defeat leads or Chang's army whose remaining forces could only flee back to Beijing the outcome of the battle was a decisive tactical victory for the Manchus whose forces suffered minor losses contrarily to leads or Chong and will some way back in the capital city leaves or tongues stayed for 42 days until he decided to escape back west of a portion of his army fearing the advancing Manchu forces before leaving on the 4th of June the rebel soldiers took as much wealth as they could carry and set fire to the palace a couple thousand rebel soldiers could only stay behind and were slaughtered by the Beijing population the following day a Council of City elders and officials prepared to receive their liberators in their perspective they expected war some wait to arrive with a young prince soon to be Emperor for the Ming Dynasty and all would be back in order but to their disbelief it was thought upon a Manchu cavalier hardened by years of fighting on the saddle who appeared with his fellow Manchu soldiers there was really nothing the Chinese population could do so it accepted that seeing dynasty's authority the ottoman was have the cautious of treating the population well he forbade his soldiers from pillaging the city restored order and allowed officials who swore loyalty to keep their positions finally in October 1644 the young soldier Emperor was escorted from mugged intubating he would soon be guided into conducting sacrificial ceremonies at the altar of heaven claiming the Mandate of Heaven shunter was not simply the qing emperor anymore he was emperor of all China but the young boy was still in his six years old and controlled by the Regent Orgel who gradually grasped more power a massive migration of members of the eight banners began as each one's prominent soldiers and Nobles moved to Beijing now the capital city of the Qing Dynasty man attention sparked out between the locals and new inhabitants as farming lands around the city were given to the Qing Nobles making their original Chinese owners only tenants thought of them however managed to calm the population down with tax emissions and major building programs to facilitate relations between Manchus and Han Chinese marriages between the two were legalized and encouraged onto certain conditions the imperial civil service examination was established the main subjects of it would remain the same for several years how can man choose and Han Chinese be unified so that their hearts are the same and they work together without division in the following years as the shunter emperor was growing up Dorgan would conduct the subjugation of the rest of China in the West Leeds or Chong still ruled over the CN region in the south the remnants of the Ming Dynasty clinked on to power with their remaining armies in search one province the banded kingdom of dashi was controlled by john shinto in the northern Gansu region muslim rebels rose up against the Ching claiming to want to restore the Ming in December 1650 an event would shake the scene court Dorkin suddenly died in a hunting accident he may have been assassinated nonetheless the 13 year old son Kirk had now seized the opportunity to rid himself of the Regency the protocol faction in the court was still influenced preparing to take charge of the government but sure Galan the other co-regent came back into the picture pushed by supporters discontent with Darwin's rule mainly to Manchu officials named all boy and songs aha he managed to officially abolish the Regency cutting short the ambitions of the protocol faction all boy and Suk's aha were later rewarded with influential positions Thornton was posthumously stripped of his titles and his faction swept away shun drew the young adolescence could now rule on his own as a son of heaven one of his first edicts was to declare he would put an end to corruption within the officials a statement that would sow discontent within many of the unscrupulous officials who would hinder his reforms in the future the first marriage was arranged for the young emperor in 1651 but he would repeat yet his Emperor's two years later a new marriage was arranged in 1654 and although chandra also disliked this second empress he was unable to the motor they would have no children together well though the Emperor was young he was quite active in a political move he invited the fifth Dalai Lama living in Lhasa leader of Tibetan Buddhism and recent unifier of religious and secular rule in Tibet to a state visit in Beijing both Chandra's grandfather and father nor had she and Han tae ji had been patrons of Tibetan Buddhism and several Mongol tribes that had not yet subdued to Qing rule were followers of Tibetan Buddhism answering to the Dalai Lama therefore you jerk and gain great influence from this state visit in preparation for the event the Emperor ordered the construction of the wide dagoba in Beijing to honor his guests it still stands today the fifth Dalai Lama departed from Lhasa were three thousand men and traveled for nine months finally arriving in Beijing in 1653 the two leaders met symbolically marking the beginning of relations between Tibet and that Singh Empire after the visits chandra gifted the dalai lama with a golden seal as a symbol of his authority of it's a bet the Dalai Lama declined and began returning to his capital city of Lhasa chandra then dispatched men to bring him the seal and this time the dalai lama reluctantly accepted the gift reportedly the tibetan inscriptions on the seal had been made by a bad translator and were a poor translation and broken tibetan the fifth dalai lama soon discarded the golden seal and made his own another religion was starting to play a significant role in china in the mid 17th century Christian Catholic missionaries from the Society of Jesus more famously known as the Jesuits thrived in the Asian continent having already established relations with the Ming Dynasty before it collapsed they now reach to the Ching their knowledge in domain such as astronomy and mathematics greatly fascinated the Qing Court much like the Ming before one of the missionaries a German Jesuit from the Holy Roman Empire named Johann Adam Sean fonebell who had been given official positions in astronomy by Tolkien before his death developed a personal relation with the young Chandra Emperor it is reported that the Emperor affectionately called Shan phone Bell Martha the Manchu word meaning grandfather he regularly consulted him for guidance the Jesuit received many favors from Chandra who gave him permission not to bow in his presence gave him land to build a church and allowed him to adopt a son out of worried that she'll would die without an heir the missionary would have and not be able to convert to the Ching Emperor as he embraced Chan Buddhism in 1657 becoming a devout practitioner Chandra also adopted many aspects of Chinese culture he enjoyed opera and theatre indulgent calligraphy and read many Chinese tech some poetry this was criticized by many in the Manchu nobility but war was still going on in the Empire for a few years that tsardom of Russia had been exploring and settling in Siberia in the 1650s Russian Cossacks tried to subdue several Siberian tribes that were already paying tribute to the Ching Empire since shaundra's father huang taiji had conquered the Amur River Valley Manchu soldiers were dispatched to investigate Russian activities in the area but they were driven back by the Cossack leader or you free Stepanov in 1654 the Russians were beginning to anger the ching authorities in 1658 the manchu general shareholder set sail on the Amur River with 40 ships an attack Stepanov his men most of the Cossacks were killed captured or managed to escape for now the Russians had been driven off shun drew leading the Qing Dynasty can now focus on pacifying China where anti-qing sentiment froze in some regions the south of the nation was still in control of the remnants of the Ming Dynasty on the emperor yong li that shingle forces whose army was composed of more and more Chinese soldiers created a new division separate from the eight banner army the green standard army was created with Chinese officers mostly extinct defectors and Chinese soldiers mostly captured Ming forces at first the aid banners slowly became more of a reserve and an elite troop intervening in emergency Clank to finally quell Pro Ming resistance in the south that sink or dispatched Hong Control who have talked about in my quantity video and his men in 1653 now part of the green standard Army during the last years the young Li Emperor had fled around South China and was now entrenched in the town of Kunming general Han Chang control slowly built up his force and in 1659 besieged the Ming capital the last bastion of the court the young Li Emperor was forced to escape out of China into Burma where he found asylum the Ming Dynasty skorts was over now practically all of China was on the rule of their team Fujian province where the trunk family of Ming loyalists desperately cling on to power and several small regions still resisted shrewder was known to have a very bad temper when the drunk family opposed resistance in the south and threatened to retake the advantage besieging the town of Nanjing the emperor reportedly got furious and destroyed his own throne with a sword only calming down with the intervention of the Jesuit char and news that drung was repelled it is noted that Tundras health had always been very poor after his favorite consort dong hua died in 1660 shaundra was overwhelmed with grief much like his father had been in the similar situation over the next months his state worsened he spent a lot of time praying having become a devout Chun Buddhist practitioner on the 2nd of February 1661 that seeing Emperor contracted smallpox a disease that the Han Chinese knew well but that did not exist in Manchuria the Manchu people therefore had no immunity against it two days later on his deathbed he was asked to give his will on the 5th of February the Emperor finally died at the age of 22 his will was most likely modified by for man to Nobles and his mother the Empress Dowager when it was made public it stated that the emperor regretted having embraced Chinese culture as he had done and designated his third son a seven year old to be the next Emperor he would rule under the name of Kang XI as he was too young a Regency would be put in place controlled by the four men who Nobles sown in a balloon or boy and silks are the last two having already amassed a lot of power during Chandra's reign a few rumors spread that the Emperor had not died but actually retired to a monastery to devote himself to monastic life or had been deposed after a coup nonetheless after a period of mourning his corpse was interred in the eastern scene tombs over 100 kilometers away from Beijing during his short rule shunter certainly broke the conquering tradition of his father and grandfather who had founded the manchu state instead of ruling from atop the saddle of a horse with a bow in hand the third Manchu Emperor was the first to govern from a Beijing using a brush to promulgate edicts he fought corruption oversaw the final destruction of the Ming Dynasty and the virtual elimination of all resistance from China proper his son Kang XI would become the greatest emperor of the Qing Dynasty thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions or requests don't hesitate to leave them in the comment section below [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 12,588
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: chinese history, chinese history documentary, history of china, qing dynasty, ming dynasty (royal line), qing dynasty (royal line), ming dynasty, chinese history crash course, china (country), shunzhi emperor, qing dynasty founding, qing dynasty evolution, qing dynasty documentary, later jin, emperor shunzhi, manchu conquest of china, Qing Emperors series, history of china documentary, ancient china
Id: 3iZJYwLAbBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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