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[Music] as a thousand-year-old civilization once the most powerful nation on earth clashed with a recently industrialized Western power over issues regarding trade on opium the world set its eyes on China global geopolitics would irreversibly shift as a British Empire and the Ching dynasty entered the First Opium War [Music] I've already explained in my videos on emperor General Zod Singh and dal Kwang the geopolitical context leading up to the war in this video I'll resume the key events that preceded the hostilities before diving in the subject in the early 19th century China was a distant and exotic civilization for the population of Western nations yet for their traders it was also a great opportunity for commerce indeed Chinese goods were in high demand in the West a newfound British passion for tea made it a particularly demanded therefore lucrative commodity however that Singh dynasty ruling over the Chinese Empire was an extremely isolationist State foreigners were only permitted to trade in the port of captain or Guangzhou on the strict control of the local authorities in operations that favored the Chinese in the course of a couple of decades the situation would be irreversibly transformed the Honorable British East India Company a huge trading organization was at the time the largest corporation of the world patron by monarchs of the British Empire it had huge power and authority being allowed to mint money and command troops in the end of the 18th century the British East India Company had conquered large parts of India in a series of operations aiming to develop an exploit Agriculture for further profits the conquest of India however turned out to be immensely costly furthermore their plans to grow and sell cotton were crippled by the introduction on the markets of industrially manufactured cotton the East India Company was staggering in debt and desperate to make quick profits its directors debated on how the Indian lands could be used nonetheless and eventually they came up with a solution that would prove world-changing there was one commodity that could solve all the issues of the British East India Company opium the Indian climate proved perfect to grow poppies the plants used to create the drug in nearby China opium was highly demanded although technically illegal however if the British traders could sell it in Canton they would balance the trade deficit of China and soon make huge profits from the end of the 18th century to the 1830s opium began to be sold exponentially in China the Chinese imperial court would have and not realize the significance of the opium trade until the 1810 and / dat Singh issued a first edict explicitly prohibiting opium in 1820 he was succeeded by his son and Pratt dal Wong who would enforce many anti opium edicts however all these laws proved largely ineffective as the trade kept increasing while a growing proportion of the southern population became addicted to the substance as the sales increased that Singh dynasty's silver reserves began to flow out the country in British and Western trading ships by 1833 the British Parliament even decided to end the East India Company's monopoly on the trade of opium allowing any trader to engage in this activity sales of opium in China's skyrocketed emprah dog Wong published more and more edict against a drug that bore no significant results gradually that Ching dynasty's economy fell in ruins an addiction thrived even reaching court officials and Nobles in 1838 concerned officials got together and convinced the dal Guang Emperor that radical actions had to be taken persuaded the Emperor decided to appoint an imperial Commissioner to oversee the suppression of the opium trade in Guangdong province this official was Linzer Xu [Music] European butcher monkey Lin was a popular and incorruptible official who personally detested opium assuming imperial authority the inertia travelled to Canton the heart of the opium trade of the resolve of putting an end to what he saw as a disgrace to the celestial Empire as he arrived he soon discovered the extent of the situation Canton merchants had made a fortune collaborating with opium smugglers as corrupt officials closed their eyes on these illegal activities in Canton DeAnza hewed also discovered his counterpart since the British tried to end the disadvantageous count on trading system and keep control on commercial activities in the Far East they had appointed one captain Charles Elliott's as British superintendent of trade in China similarly to Linzer xu Aleut was also a scrupulous man who hated the opium trade and he considered an abomination rapidly the incorruptible Linzer shoe falls the foreign traders encamped on to surrender all their opium from western warehouses and destroyed the substance in the Pearl River at Holman [Applause] [Music] [Music] aiming to end activity he further wrote a letter to Queen Victoria denouncing the situation wants you to give this data to your Queen the British monarch could have never received the letter as it would be intercepted in the British hierarchy before it reached her finally Linzer she tried to make Elliott sign a bond promising to essentially end the opium trade despite his good faith the British superintendent understood he did not have the authority to stop the opium trade and therefore refused to sign it soon later an incident would worsen tensions between the United Kingdom and China in Kowloon north of the mostly uninhabited island of Hong Kong that the British coveted a couple of British sailors killed a Chinese civilian in a drunken fight trying to avoid conflicts Charles Elliott paid compensation to the victim's family he however denied the Chinese request to deliver the culprits to the local civil authorities presiding there troll himself instead in a gesture of good faith he did invite Qing mandarins to attend a trial but they refused as news of the events in Guangdong province reached baiting the Imperial Court was outraged and pradhan Wong immediately ordered to end all trade with the British as tensions spiked Charles Elliot's commanding the British merchant ships decided to withdraw from camps on fearing hostilities could occur immediately after Linzer xu precociously ordered war tongs to be deployed in the Pearl River aiming to drive away the British he then declared it illegal for anyone to sell food and provisions to them The effect of this new law rapidly appeared as the British reserves run low Charles Elliott dispatched two armed ships to the Kowloon Peninsula to go and buy new provisions the local Qing authorities however respected Linzer shus instructions and refused to deliver anything to who they perceived were foreign barbarians risking famine Elliott imposed an ultimatum to the officials if by 3:00 p.m. food was not sold to them they would open fire in a demonstration of power determined and probably not realizing the true firepower of the fully armed British chips the ching officials did not budge as the deadline was inevitably reached the ship's follow through with their friend immediately the Chinese war drunks responded with their own cannons followed by Chinese Gunners positioned on the coast this was the Battle of Kowloon the First Opium War had begun by nighttime the skirmish was over with no British deaths and few casualties on the Chinese side Elliott's second-in-command Henry Smith urged to sink the Chinese junks but Eliot's wanting to avoid war refused perhaps I ought not have fired at all but every man's patience has limits and mine has been sorely tried I'm afraid I have disappointed the men's ardent spirit here but I believe I have done well to refrain initiating a trend that would continue throughout most of the war local team commanders lied in their reports to the imperial court at the Battle of Kowloon the local general tamed victory and at about fifty British men were killed while awaiting new instructions from Britain Charles Eliot strategically set up a blockade of Canton in the Pearl River Delta using two warships to block any British ships from approaching the city defying his instructions a trading ship tried to pass the blockade nonetheless subsequently captain Henry Smith the second-in-command fired warning shots at the approaching vessel on the other side the Chinese Navy under the command of Admiral Guan tempeh dispatched ships to rescue the approaching vessel who they de stakin Lee perceived as an enemy of the British however upon seeing that seem fleet advanced towards their position the Western ships believed they were about to attack consequently the British blockade opened fire initiating the first battle of 24 junks were destroyed almost immediately and as the rest of the fleet began to retreat leaving only Guan TM pays flagship facing the British vessels Elliott ordered all ships to stop firing with this ceasefire quantum phase flagship could withdraw once again no British sailors were killed all about fifteen Chinese sailors perished in early 1840 the outraged Emperor Darwin forbade for all foreign merchants located in China to assist a British in parallel the conflict was discussed in British Parliament opposition to the war was strong as many in Britain both civilians and politicians disapproved of the opium trade nonetheless as the House of Commons voted on whether to launch or not the military response the pacifists were beaten by nine votes British Empire would go to war of the Ching dynasty over 173,000 sterling pounds were organized for the war efforts at tidy but necessary sun as the conflict would be fought on the other end of the globe strategically the British East India Company would dispatch colonial troops raised in India Britain's war objectives were compensation for the lost opium destroyed by Linzer shulman abolishment of the count on trade system opening of additional trading ports and protection of British subjects in China British Secretary of State Palmerston instructed Charles Elliott's to acquire one or several islands off the coast of China if the Chinese refused and it was to secure an end clav on the Chinese mainland in China far from expecting what was about to happen the Chinese imperial court thought they had successfully repelled the British little did they know that the Royal Navy had sent fleets of warships on their way to the Far East which included the Nemesis 1st ocean iron steamship in history of the few British ships that were still located near the Pearl River Delta overall command was assumed by Commodore Gordon Bremer the Royal Marines he would play an important role in the conflict were to be commanded by General Hugh Gulf who was serving in India as everything was set the British Expeditionary Forces assembled in Singapore around mid 1840 the first attachment had arrived in the Pearl River Delta with reinforced confidence Commodore Bremer issued another ultimatum demanding compensation for the destroyed opium as well as compensation for the loss of profits due to the interruption of trade and killed on their position the local Qing authorities immediately fused consequently the British Expeditionary Forces sailed up the Chinese coast to their first target but Josh an archipelago this area was indeed a strategic points on the Chinese coast and its loss would deal a great blow to that seeing dynasty Charles Elliott acting as intermediary between the British forces and that seemeth Ortiz requested surrender but he was immediately refused joel shun would have to be captured by force the British attack began on the 5th of July as British warships bombarded the city's defenses and in the afternoon Marines landed unopposed on the shore as nighttime arrived the conflict was halted the following day the British were surprised to see the city had been abandoned by the Qing forces and easily took it they would stay indulgent for several months once again no British deaths were reported well a dozen were counted in the team ranks including that of the commanding officer John Tal Afar having now obtained the strategic territory on the middle of the Chinese coast the British decided to split their forces into three the first section would stay in Joseon as garrison the second would sail up the Yellow Sea to pressure the Imperial courts and make that amounts to emperor guang in a direct letter the rest would return to the Pearl River Delta to prepare for a campaign towards camps on Elliott joined the northern detachment sailing towards the Yellow Sea and soon reached the Dunkel force niat engine where the British fleet docked the letter explaining the British demands soon reached the imperial capital one star Gwang in the imperial court were made aware of the British demands officials advise the Emperor to change strategy and act diplomatically convinced dog Wang therefore remove liens issue and the pointed a Mongol official Shi Shan to negotiate of Eliot's at the dark thoughts [Music] to you [Music] after one week of talks both diplomats agreed to hold any future talks in the Pearl River Delta and the British withdrew meanwhile as the southern portion of the fleet had returned to the Pearl River Delta an incident which would resume hostilities occurred on the shores of Macao the Portuguese control Trading Post neutral in the conflict an English missionary was reportedly kidnapped by the Chinese outraged the local British forces demanded his release denied they resorted to military action and engaged in combat of The Ting Garrison's on the strip of land separating the car from the Chinese mainland called the barrier eight Chinese junks were also located on the other side of the strip with their far superior firepower the British promptly neutralized the Chinese batteries on the barrier and defeated the Chinese junks who could not retaliate with their inferior cannons once again there were no British deaths but this time casualties were significant on their opponents site for about 50 deaths and twice as many wounded following negotiations the English missionary was released after this victory the Portuguese decided to allow the British to dock at Macau against the rules issued by Emperor dog Wong therefore providing them with a local naval base all was ready for the power of a campaign to begin soon later Elliott and XI Shan who had both travelled separately back to the region held negotiations both officials wanted to resolve the conflict peacefully in contrast with most of their respective colleagues Elliott and T Shan agreed that the Ching dynasty would pay six million dollars in compensation for the destroyed opium however C Shan refused any territorial concessions to the British a necessary condition according to Elliott's instructions leadership the talk subsequently failed additionally by early 1841 the rest of the British reinforcements had arrived including the mighty ein steamship the Nemesis with these new forces and as negotiations failed British command decided to launch the campaign in the Pearl River Delta with the goal of capturing Camp Tom what would be the Second Battle of 20 beginning the 7th of January 1841 the firepower of the Nemesis unprecedented in history was described by British officer the very first rocket fired from the nemesis was seen to enter the large junk and almost the instant afterwards it blew up with a terrific explosion launching into eternity every soul on board and pouring forth its place like the mighty rush of fire from a volcano the instantaneous destruction of the huge body seemed appalling to both sides engaged the smoke and flame and thunder of the explosion with the broken fragments falling round and even portions of this severed bodies scattering as they fell were enough to strike with all if not fear the status heart that looked upon it after easily defeating that seemed fleet the British land forces disembarked on the shores they then successfully secured the Riverside forts staunchly defended by sitting soldiers who believed the British would show no mercy subsequently close to 300 Chinese soldiers died and about 450 were wounded once again the British counted no deaths and about 38 wounded pressured by the defeat XI Shan was forced to hold negotiations again he and Elliot agreed on several terms regrouped under the convention of trim Pete [Music] six million dollars when they're paid in reparations for have destroyed opium the British would evacuate Jiao Xiang and the island of Hong Kong would be ceded over to Britain finally trade would be reestablished on equal grounds the convention of Chimpy was signed on the 20th of January 1841 six days later the Union Jack was raised upon the island of Hong Kong see son and Charles Eliot were both satisfied with the terms and hoped hostilities could end however each government would disregard the convention of trampy and prattle Wong and his court were infuriated that Chi Shan had agreed to cede Hong Kong seeing it as a violation of the territorial integrity of the celestial Empire Bao Guang subsequently condemned he shunted death in parallel the British were equally dissatisfied by the terms considering six million dollars of reparations nowhere near enough and that the barren island of Hong Kong was a practically useless acquisition by orders from London Eliot would be fired from his position and replaced with a new plenipotentiary Henri Pottinger until news of this decision would reach the power of a delta though Elliott continued to hold office the convention of Chimpy had not been enough to end the war frustration was strong on both sides the Cantonese authorities even offered the equivalent of $50,000 for anyone who would capture Commodore Brenner or Charles Eliot alive and 30,000 for their heads alone in their Pearl River Delta campaign the British still had many thoughts to capture and jeong's to sink until they reach Canton in the following Battle of the boat the British launched amphibious attacks to capture forts in the Holmen area in the action that Singh forces suffered hundreds of casualties in this array they retreated Navy commander Guan TMP however refused to retreat his death was recorded by British sources among the Chinese officers the most distinguished and lamented was poor Admiral Quon whose death excited much sympathy throughout the force he felled by by net wound in his breast as he was meeting his enemy at the gate of an envoy yielding up his brave spirit willingly to a soldier's death when his life could only be preserved with the certainty of degradation he was altogether a fine specimen of a gallant soldier unwilling to yield when summoned to surrender because to yield would imply treason Admiral Guan TM pays death dealt a huge blow to the Chinese morale the successive battles that followed were all won by the British with only two British deaths in total one of which was due to an accident against about a thousand Chinese casualties as the [ __ ] forces were horribly outmatched by Western technology the British had now cleared all the way to Kant on their objective during the campaign the town had been fortified and reinforced by the Ching land forces numbering several thousand men and led by general Jung Hyung Charles Elliot's initially wanted to hold talks before an attack on Camp Tom believing the local teaching authorities had by now changed their night his diplomatic approach would however be undermined as a British ship was attacked by Qing forces despite a flag of truce as hostilities were resumed the Battle of Canton took place on the 18th of March within the same day the city capitulated after the British decisively defeated general Jung Hong's land forces subsequent talks agreed on a truce and trade was re-established with the Chinese merchants the British forces will have are still located around Canton upon learning of this disastrous defeat that Singh Imperial authorities were outraged and dispatched about 40,000 soldiers to repel the British the overall command of he shun the cousin of the Emperor about a month after the First Battle of camps on the city would be the theater of a new confrontation in this Second Battle of Canton he shuns forces were crushed using over a thousand men of an additional 3,000 wounded this time however the death toll for the British was much higher than usual counting 15 deaths and over a hundred wounded although the Ching army was successfully repelled local inhabitants of Stanley village rose up against the British forces camp north of Canton soon thousands of spontaneous civilian militias armed with knives and Pike's attacked a small detachments of the British colonial troops because of the heavy rain the British troops stuck in the mud could not fire and lost four men and a couple dozen wounded rapidly they were reinforced by hundreds of troops British officers then told local officials that if the crowd did not disperse the British would raze Canton off the map with no other option that Shing magistrate complied and ordered the evacuation of the crowd solving the skirmish and destroying his personal reputation although Canton was saved from destruction the troops did engage in looting Charles Eliot understood that it was best not to remain in the city after a subsequent agreement the local team authorities paid the British what would be called the ransom of Canton and the Royal Navy warships withdrew to Hong Kong due to lying and embellished reports to the imperial court and per dog on belief the British had been successfully repelled and suffered heavy casualties while in reality they were practically intact in parallel the British command was debating on what to do next well Elliot judging enough blood had been shed wanted to end the conflict and officially re-established trade general Gough pushed for the war to continue by capturing the coastal town of shaman and later occupying the Yangtze River a major source of income for the Ching dynasty an event would set all the discussion orders from London firing Elliot from his post had finally arrived he was to be removed from office immediately and replaced by Henri pottinger the new plenipotentiary upon learning of the situation Pottinger agreed with General Goss plans subsequently the war would be brought up north with the intent of putting pressure on the imperial court since the British command judged that their demands weren't taken seriously by the Emperor the first target was shaman called Amoy by the British due to its name in local dialects by the 26th of August the Western vessels had reached the coastal town once again that these guns were completely outmatched by their enemies covered by the powerful warships fire the British land troops disembarked in another amphibious attack within a few hours the British Captain Shulman in what was described as easy as child's play suffering the loss of two men in another lie the local Chinese commander reported that the British had been defeated at Sharman and five of their warships have been sunk strengthening the Imperial courts carelessness to the situation the campaign continued that Josh an archipelago had been evacuated by the British in exchange for the Cession of Hong Kong this agreement was indeed one of the terms of the convention of 20 signed several months earlier between Elliot and tisha it would therefore have to be captured again after the British had withdrawn the area had been immediately reinvested by the team learning from previous mistakes the local authorities had strongly reinforced a region especially its capital D high fearing that further Chinese reinforcements would be sent British command was prompted to attack launching the Second Battle of Tucson on the 29th of September 1841 staunchly defending the city of being high that sink forces were able to hold out for three days before inevitably losing the battle their toll was heavy counting 1,500 casualties and the loss of general guru Fay who fiercely fought in close combat and eventually died from dozens of wounds sword in hand as the area was secured the campaign could continue the next place the British plan to secure was the coastal citadel of Gen hi there Manchu and Mongol soldiers from the eight banners were garrisoned although known as that Singh dynasty's elite troops they fared no better than their hand Chinese counterparts and were crushed opening the road for the next city mean pool between geun-hye and Ningpo however stood a Chinese force of 1,500 soldiers ill commanded they were promptly routed following these crushing defeats the local Qing forces lost all hope of defending nimble and evacuated the city allowing the British to take it without a fight as winter came the British halted their campaign to resupply in this moment of rest it was also time to decide how to deal with all the captured territory well some including Admiral Ponca who had replaced Commodore Bremer as navy commander and plenipotentiary Henri Pottinger wanted to engage in looting and seizing of property as prizes of war general Hugh Goff advised against this choice he wanted to prove the British were civilized and no barbarians as they were called by the local population a compromise was eventually reached as it was agreed that 10% of captian property can be taken as prizes of war all the rest would be returned by now and portal gwang discovered that most reports he had received were completely false and in reality the Chinese had suffered defeat after defeat furious he removed each on from command and hadn't tried appointing in his stead another cousin of his eating in early 1842 he Ching was tasked with retaking Ningpo where the British Expeditionary Forces were still stationed they were now well rested and prepared for the approaching Singh forces in a cunning tactical move they led the enemy enter the city however they had meticulously organized the plan of urban warfare firing and that Singh soldiers from each end of Street against far superior rifles combined with naval support that seemed forces were absolutely crushed following the victories momentum the British pursued them in their retreat and further captured the city of Turkey with the intent of following through they did not stop to rest and kept going three days later they had arrived at the walls of the town of Chapel caught off guard practically all of the [ __ ] forces there fled rapidly nonetheless a detachment of 300 manchu soldiers refused to withdraw and then trench themselves in a chinese temple on a nearby hill for hours they resolutely held on inflicting casualties on the British in their determined fight to the death the Manchu soldiers were even able to kill a high-ranking British officer left turn and Colonel Nicholas Tomlinson after several hours and many attempts by the British that seeing soldiers were eventually defeated by the Western power impressed the British saluted their heroic defense by now many important coastal cities of the Empire had been captured or blockaded following through the original plan general goth made preparations to take control of the Yangtze River dis mother had seemed economically between May and June 1842 25 British warships carrying 10,000 men arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River promptly capturing taxing ships that Singh used to collect revenue the Yangtze River campaign had begun although they would turn out to be completely outmatched the local Qing forces were determine not to lose any ground a fleet of war drunks led by Admiral Travis Hong who had swore to protect the area was firmly positioned at the mouth of the Warsong river with their much greater cannon range the British soon bombarded transposition killing him in action and securing Bao Shan now only Shanghai had to be captured in a strategic move before operations can be taken up the Yangtze River in a disorganized retreat following their defeat at the Battle of Ulsan the ting forces looted Shanghai and fled they were soon followed by the British Expeditionary Forces he could take the city without a thought and in turn looted it further by now it had become evidence that the ching authorities needed to put together a coordinated response as isolated military commanders and their forces were defeated one after the other Darwin ordered the remaining river and coastal cities to be reinforced furthermore an army of 56,000 Manchu bannermen and green standard army soldiers was assembled however as the Ching also feared a potential attack on the capital their resources were a stretched from the Yangtze to Beijing by mid-july the British began sailing up the Yangtze several batteries and thoughts along the river side were easily neutralized and the Royal Navy fleets at its eyes on its next targets the City of John Jang as usual in their strategy for capturing river cities the Royal Navy warships bombarded and neutralized forts around the town before land troops have disembark understanding the British soldiers would sooner sold the city the Ching desperately reinforced Jang Jong with all troops nearby at the time of the attack 1,500 Manchu bannermen john-john with an additional 2700 green standard soldiers however due to the rapid mobilization most green standard soldiers were exhausted and hungry as the battle began they fought very poorly eventually they fled leaving the garrison inside Tong Zhong alone once the British breached the walls of the city the remaining team forces were VIN desperately fought till the end inflicting significant casualties on the British who lost 36 men overwhelmed the Qin commanding officer and his family committed suicide as the British were successful in taking drunk young this additional failure dealt a huge blow to the team's morale after several days of rest the British Expeditionary Forces departed for Nanjing heartland of southern China their next objective by the 11th of August the warships were deployed to bombard the huge city having lost all hope local Qing officials dispatched diplomats to negotiate peace despite lacking Imperial permission to do so the British received them well as talks began aboard the HMS Cornwallis leaving the negotiations on the de Caen side was caught official team a member of the Imperial I senior clan plenipotentiary Henry Pottinger represented the British Empire according to their objectives the British delegates imposed their conditions for settling the war the island of Hong Kong was to be officially ceded over to the British indefinitely the Canton trade system would be abolished the five port of Canton a more food role mean Pau and Shanghai would be open for trade finally a monetary compensation of six million dollars for the destroyed opium three million dollars for debts owed by Canton merchants to British traders and twelve million dollars in war reparations would be paid by China to Britain a total amount of twenty-one million dollars John Robert Morrison son of missionary Robert Morrison who had introduced Protestantism to China in the eighteen tenth was employed as translator for the signing of the terms an assistant of his describe the situation there were four copies of the treaty signed and sealed they were bound in work TL o silk Warren treaty in English and the same in Chinese stitched and bound together formed a copy this being finished they all came out of the after cabin and sat down to Tiffin and the different officers seated themselves all around the table making plenty of guests almost directly after the treaty was signed a yellow flag for China at the main and a Union Jack for England at the mizzen were hoisted and at the same time a Royal salute of 21 guns was fired the First Opium War was officially settled the Treaty of Nanjing was soon ratified by emperor guang resigned and Queen Victoria this crushing defeat for the Ching dynasty marked the beginning of what would later be called by some the century of humiliation the immense technological difference was the main reason that Singh forces were so completely crushed as they had much higher numbers in the conflict and fought on familiar terrain however their spears swords muskets and medieval cannons proved practically useless against Britain's modern rifles and artillery for a few officials the First Opium War was a wake-up call as they now realized how powerful the Western nations truly were and how technologically backwards the celestial Empire had become in comparison however conservative elements of the court who were the majority remained anchored in tradition refusing to reform and modernize emprah Darwin himself was convinced that the defeat that Singh dynasty had suffered in the First Opium War was mainly due to this organization rather than obsolete military tradition strongly affected by these tumultuous events he died a few years later in 1850 leaving an empire on the verge of chaos in the hands of his son sham Fung he would have to deal with the Second Opium War sixteen years later thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel my impression Fung documentary will be coming out shortly if you have any questions or requests feel free to leave them in the comment section below you
Channel: History of China
Views: 7,843
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: opium wars, qing dynasty, world history, first opium war, first opium war documentary, first opium war explained, lin zexu, daoguang, emperor daoguang, charles elliot, opium trade, opium war, opium war documentary, opium war documentary bbc, opium trade documentary, history of china, history of china documentary, anglo chinese war, treaty of nanking, great britain, daoguang emperor, extra history, canton system, convention of chuenpi, century of humiliation
Id: NQ0q0-jBfik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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