Shrub and Tree Garden Tour - New Landscape 2020 - P1

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welcome to hort tube my name is jem putnam in this video i'm going to start a tour of the shrubs and trees that i've planted in this landscape project i've been working on during 2020 in raleigh north carolina this is zone 7b so everything you're seeing here is hardy and in the shrub and tree video will be hardy and zone uh at least in zone seven b some of it is hardy up to zone five and some of it's just barely hardy here uh in zone in zone seven i'll put the names of the plants uh down below as we go i'm gonna be talking about the south side space right here and the screening plants that are behind me i've got a neighbor that's very close on this side and so most of these pieces along this line are planted with the intent of creating a you know a visual barrier between the two properties here so let's get started on this walk around i'll have a second video in all likelihood i'm just broken out with the stuff that's on the north side and also the front yard as well and then i'm going to be covering annuals and perennials and the other things that you're seeing in the video that i don't talk about if i skip over something you see that's flowering it will be in a separate video covering the perennials thanks for watching i'll start here beside the screen porch i haven't shown this side uh over here before this um has a redbud over the top of it that just kind of dominates uh this space as you can see from the uh from the drone footage so this area over here is part shady it's on the south side and the sun does sneak in here some but for the most part it's pretty shady most of the time these are three heartthrob hydrangeas this was an almost red variety i did a video for this one several weeks back with these three plants i just i just have gotten them in the ground this past week these will be great here this is a remontant red flowering hydrangea macrophylla so this should brighten up this space next to may and june uh this camellia right here is called belarus it's a super compact uh growing variety hadn't been in the ground that long it blooms in the fall it's got a few flower buds on it for this first fall but not a not a whole lot just because it's been newly newly planted but that should be a nice a nice piece there this gardenia right here is called scent amazing i've shown this one several times on the channel just like any gardenia it went in the ground it lost some interior leaves it looked a little rough for a few weeks and then i didn't panic and didn't over water it and it's flushed back out nicely and it's blooming and it's got flower buds coming on it for the fall so that's nice it blooms in the spring and then a few residual flowers during the summer and then tends to repeat bloom in the fall so that one's called scent amazing this uh wagila here is called shining sensation uh show i did the video for for this when i planted it in the ground really nice new uh burgundy foliage on this one and uh pink flowers of course it's i don't know why it's got flowers on it now most of the flowers will be in the in the spring on this one with a few occasional few uh flowers during the summertime uh just like that uh gardenia it did thin out down at the bottom just a little bit when i put it in but again when things start losing leaves or they get a little stressed back off on the watering on them that tends to that tends to help and then it's flushed back out it's gonna be really beautiful there when it leaves out next spring it will lose its leaves here in the next uh six weeks or so i'll go around some of this stuff right here it's in containers and show that in a separate video this is a david viburnum right here super compact growing evergreen viburnum perfect piece for this spot where i just want something small and compact hasn't really grown at all since i put it in the ground this year and i would expect that there's tend to be slow growing evergreen shrubs but really really great foliage on that plant back on this uh line uh heading back up under this red bud i'll start with this sunshine ligustrum right here this one i'm going to allow to get pretty big i'm going to allow it to get six feet or so just to uh block the view into the neighbor's backyard there there's an osmanthus fragrance here helping me with that as well they look great together i've got another sunshine ligustrum i'm going to keep smaller i'll show a little later in this video there's a shindo viburnum here which these can get gigantic 20 feet tall plus but kind of upright and narrow this one was already here it had three plants planted in the same pot and i thinned those two down and then i cut it back pretty drastically earlier in the year to try to get it to fill out in the middle and it's starting to do that now but it's got a it's got a ways to go but it's uh it's coming back pretty quickly this is a juliet clayera here these are variegated clara when just clara in general are not going to be super fast to grow when you first put them in the ground this one's grown but it's maybe 50 percent bigger than it was when it was planted earlier this season it'll get about the height of this chain-link fence this chain-link fence is going to change in the future but that's about where i want to keep it somewhere in there but this will be looking like this year around and the last thing i'll show you is this apricot echo osmanthus right here this is an orange flowering osmanthus and it's flowered a few times during the summer you might want to follow me on instagram if you don't at hortube because i show photos of interesting flowering things in the yard during the season uh these bloom when it's cool outside so i expect some time in october to start seeing some additional flowers on that orange flowering osmanthus so we just saw everything back here that's basically in the backyard on the south side of the porch right there coming out from that i've got larger growing things here just to kind of create some sort of border i'm in a an urban space the lots are small and the houses are obviously close together so this barrier here is growing pretty quickly and is creating a nice you know differentiation between the lots right here you saw the uh sunshine ligustrum right here there are actually three osmanthus fragrance uh right here uh these uh there's one here uh one here and one right there they get the little white super fragrant there's tiny flowers um but you can smell them from a mile away and they bloom in the cool season same as the orange one back over there i'll start to get some flowers on these sometime in october typically and they'll bloom sporadically right through until it gets hot in the late spring next year with some a peak normally sometime in the in the spring they'll get absolutely covered at some point during that period of time but really nice evergreen backdrop this is a screening osmanthus fragrance is a plant that you've got to be patient with if you're going to use it as a screening plan it can take a few years really for it to take off and but once it does it's pretty fast growing but initially it can be a little bit slow this is an ever red laura petalum it was already here and so i'm guessing it's ever red it's got red flowers evered has nice new purple foliage on it the old the old leaves are kind of a it's it's actually similar to ruby it has that kind of a ruby green uh foliage on the old on the old leaves if you want one that's purple throughout purple diamond is probably a a better plant similar size similar growth habit to this one both have red flowers well purple diamond may stay a little smaller than this one but not a whole lot this is a distillium here called jewel box i showed this when it went into the ground in the video really nice compact variety i think this one's going to be this was just going to be everywhere in the landscape beautiful blue green foliage on it just a fantastic plant it's looked like this since the day i put it in the ground here i've got three encore azaleas planted here together this is autumn lily which is throwing a flower now and it's got it's butted up uh to do its fall blooming right now i've got a uh autumn bonfire in this container right here this is a uh a red variety it's actually the newest variety until next year there's two new varieties coming out that i'll show you in the yard during these uh during these tour videos uh autumn bonfire i put into this container i did that in a in a video and i just like the different the different heights here i've got irrigation run into that uh run into that container autumn bonfire will get maybe three to four feet uh in height something like that it's hardy in zone six to ten beautiful red flowering uh plant this is another one i put pictures on instagram this thing was blooming from the time i had put it in that container for just weeks and weeks and weeks it was in flower and then the one next to it right there is a super compact red one called autumn fire and it's starting to flower again as well for fall this nandina right here is called autofuku it is a variegated uh compact growing uh nandina it's uh similar to firepower but it's very has it's a variegated form of firepower and it'll turn red in the winter time but the new growth during the growing season is variegated it's kind of starting to take on that orange tinge to it uh as the days are getting shorter now and uh will be like i say it'll be it'll be bright red during the winter time so here's the back of the screen porch right here and here are the plants along the uh property line that i just showed i've come behind those and there's a few more things that have gone into here there's a greenhouse project going on back here holly is inside of it right now but there's a lot of work to do on it but a few more things here that i'm using to screen this is a mood ring podocarpus got really super interesting new growth on it when it's in when it's growing uh it's not growing now it's right here at the end of the season but this should be a nice vertical element here this is a miss scarlet elysium i will eventually have the video on this one i did shoot it when i put it in the ground that is a red flowering elysium that should fill this uh back corner space up in front of this greenhouse this is a ralston ralston's hardy viburnum i had actually planted several of these at the old house and i had planted them right before we got a heavy a really really bad freeze like a few days before really bad freezing they got knocked back there they had recovered nicely before i left but i never really got to see them put on a big show it's in flower now starting to be in flower now it's buttered up typically blooms in the spring but it will repeat bloom some in the fall it's unfortunately very misplaced i'm going to have to move it for sure this bed right here and you can see this on the drone footage this bed there's a path that i've got going behind it and then the turf area is in the front of it right there and i kind of want down through the middle of this thing to be the tallest things that will be in this bed so that i can create a layered effect of smaller things on this side of the path and smaller things on the turf side of the path and this one's kind of sitting in the middle and it stays super super low and compact it's going to need to move just out to here somewhere and then something taller go in that space no big deal there's a gold wigila here and it's grown quite a bit i think it's going to be this is going to be a tricky plant for me here in the southeast because these gold foliage plants like this can really fry in the full sun during the summertime or if i put them in too much shade where this one's starting to get some shade early in the afternoon it stretches like this so i'm going to prune it in the late winter and give it a season here and see if it will stay more compact than this next year if it doesn't then i'll have to move it out into a little more sun but like i say there is a delicate balance in the southeast with these some of these gold plants like this where they're this you know you can get too much sun real quick uh there is speaking of gold plants this is a hibiscus that i did from seed here it'll be an annual it'll be coming out it has buried several other things in here in the meantime after i shoot some videos about it i'm going to uh to be cutting it back inside of there i did plant that touch of gold holly right there which of course right this second is not getting quite enough sun to be super gold uh but it's a great it's a perfect piece i have on that turf side uh over there where it'll stay low and compact but i got to get these things cut off of it here in the next in the next few days this is a variegated uh hydrangea paniculata just like these white weddings or hydrangea piniculatas right there this is a variegated version of it i don't think it will ever bloom as well as those do but it has super super interesting foliage on it of course i'm right here near the end of the season so we're not going to see the best you know of that again with these um you know the sun can kind of work on something that's this color uh here in the southeast so i've got it probably in a hair more shade than it would like to flower and be super compact but i've got it if i put it out in too much sun i think it would be a pretty pretty ragged every summer by late summer these are white wedding hydrangeas and if you've followed me on instagram or anywhere or seen any of my videos this summer they were just in full um spectacular form look how compact this variety is i have not pruned these these went in the ground back in february or march and they came out and they didn't have to put on three or four feet like a lot of hydrangea piniculatas before they flowered just super super compact i think we're looking at maybe six to eight inches of growth before they bloomed and then they're super super sturdy stemmed and so where you might see your hydrangea paniculata varieties flopping right now these are sitting up big and tall right here at the end of the season of course they were bright bright white and now they're fading uh as the season uh they're great for cut flowers as well i'll show you one more piece here uh in this video and then i'll move further down the line in the next in the next video for the shrub series this is a golden oakland holly right here it's going to get very tall and narrow in this space but it has the variegated foliage on it right there it'll be a nice backdrop to other things and then i'll put something lower here i've got a lot of space along this back path here to plant things coming up this fall in the second video in this series i'll show you the rest of the shrubs in this backyard space and then go around to the front yard and show you the shrubs that i've put in the ground this year and you know how they're performing thus far in the first season in the ground thanks for watching
Channel: HortTube with Jim Putnam
Views: 22,155
Rating: 4.98032 out of 5
Keywords: gardening inspiration, garden design, landscape ideas, all about plants, gardening video, landscape design, gardening ideas, garden tour, shrub tour, interesting plants, unusual plants to grow, landscape planning, garden inspiration ideas, garden design ideas for backyards, garden design home garden
Id: _GMiu6JybdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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