Creating the Pathway to the Patio | Gardening with Creekside

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hello friends welcome to garnier's creekside i am jenny and here we are once again in the back patio we are going to be working on finishing up the pathway that leads from the patio around a little bit of the shade garden to our driveway jerry and i were working on this the other day no cameras sometimes you just need to work without a camera on you and so we got the vast majority of the metal edging laid down for the walkway which gives us the form of the walkway well let you know it we were two pieces short but it's all right so we are going to go ahead and install the last two pieces of the metal edging and then begin laying down the flagstone and just placing that so just to get you called up to speed remember again this pathway will lead from the patio around the back of the house to the garage the driveway we have the you can just barely see it right in front of the bobcat it is a wrought iron arch that i got from kinsmen garden company i'm going to put on each side of it some climbing david alston roses so they will go there and be planted there that arch is five feet wide at the bottom so we went ahead and decided you know what let's just go ahead and make the pathway five feet wide all the way through that way it gives us plenty of room the little small bobcat can still easily fit through the path so if we ever for some reason need the bobcat to go through there that's fine a nice big wheelbarrow will fit through there so it's it's nice and large makes it easy to walk when we were originally planning this whole grand scheme we were going to do the patio pavers through the walkway well after doing all this work we were like okay what is quicker and a little easier that we can do so we are going to do large pieces of flagstone and then filled in around it with some decorative gravel for a lack of a better word that will still have some of the grays and the blues and a little bit of the brown in it so it all ties in together so when jerry worked out really kind of well because we were two pieces of short of the metal edging he had to go to the supply company and got them and then also went and got the rock but the flagstone and the decorative gravel that we can go ahead and start putting that down in the walkway now sometimes when you're doing stones you will put down landscape fabric first and then put the stone on top of that that's really um not so much for re weed prevention but it's for that you don't lose the gravel and the rock into your native soil in our case the red clay mud but we had all of the some gravel left over the screenings left over so we jerry just used that as our base for the walkway so we're not going to put down landscape fabric we already have that nice firm base and i think he'll actually has to put down some more so what we're going to show you now is just us installing these last two pieces of the metal edging also keep in mind we have the walkway and on each side of the walkway will be flower beds so over here on my left right now that will all underneath the forest pansy redbud that whole bed any grass you see will turn into a flower bed where the saw is and the rake all of that is a flower bed here and then on my right hand side we will incorporate all of the grass up in front of the chicken coop will turn into a flower bed up to it'll tie in basically where the compactor is that what you call that thing the compactor is and then swoop in behind the seating wall kind of that area so those will be planting beds we'll have the gravel stone in the pathway mulch planting beds up to the edge of the metal edging so that metal edging really will kind of disappear you won't really notice it won't stand out as much as it does now but it's a great way to keep the mulch and the rocks separate so it just makes it easier and it gives a nice defined edge so that's what we're gonna do again these are five feet wide apart and you'll see how we keep the five feet apart so you ready to get going all right he says yes i just need my gloves i need my mismatched gloves okay he's gonna get set up i'm gonna grab my gloves real quick every so often the metal edging has a little notch for the stakes to go into here is jerry's putting two men right beside each other because this is where the pieces meet and overlap so it just goes in together locks it all in makes it super simple the way that we're making sure that it's five feet apart all the way through because obviously this is a curved um walkway is we just i take the tape measure so like this he needs to go out a half an inch he goes out his half an inch we know that that's right he puts his stake in i get my hand out of the way normally we do it this way okay so i'm out of the um kill zone we've already had a hopeful day at the nursery okay so you need to go out a half an inch right there yep we've already had a full day at the nursery jerry yeah it was a slow day at the nursery we're currently having some gas shortage issues here in the south not that there really is a shortage but there was some sort of cyber attack on a pipeline and so people think that there's a gas shortage anyway we're having problems with people getting gas so travel has been low okay so do i need to go over there yeah um so hold on i'll be back to that story in just a second okay so you can actually go out a little bit like a half an inch yep okay right there yeah so it was really slow at the nursery today and jerry was running around first to where did you go first to get the rock and the yeah so first he went to one landscape supply to get or did you go i went to to get it all but that they didn't have the edging that's right so he went to go get it all went over to charlotte right to get it all and god was able to get the stone but they didn't have the metal edging so then he came home found a place that did have it and then went back to charlotte again and when he was coming home of course friday coming out of charlotte traffic was bananas so he got stuck in traffic so he's been to charlotte twice today and uh or did you go i don't know he was gassed on it y'all i don't even know anyway he's been up and down the road all day okay so we need a measure right here yes let me show you what that looks like can you see us down here i can't see you down there all right so let me explain this so is there a method to your madness [Music] do we need to make sure that it's 60 inches before you cut it okay so we're just going to make sure that he is the 60 inches out yeah some people might take this down and put a mark on it yeah yeah we don't have time for that mess creekside customs that's what you're talking about okay so there's your 60. you got it okay and then i am going to go just a pass to 60 because i want to be past that little rubber thing gotcha there we go look at that there's a little lip that it'll pop it in there yeah we're going to take the hammer and dig us out a little bit yep hang we'll let some let some let's put a measuring tape on it well it actually does it better the other way because i can't get to that okay i'll let you i'm gonna hold it yeah you want it wider or do you want it shorter it doesn't matter i think where you are it's just fine the claw with a hammer is a great tool makes a great shovel in times of need so this is that electrical line that i was telling you about for the lighting it's not being pinched but we probably need to you want to slide it up are you good with that where it is it don't matter he said okay enjoy thank you just keep banging there we go oh i got don't don't look at me that way there's a lot of rock it's not just normal easy peasy ground it's bending jerry jerry it's got a big old you see it we probably should hammer that in first so take those out so when we were hammering that in it got this big bow and it was bowing out so we want it to be as wish that could stay in there or not [Music] okay all right try again sure um it's tape measure please tape measure uh-huh right on it it could come to me a little bit but yeah there you go right there [Music] and when we're doing the metal edging we're not concerned about it being level as far as like side to side like horizontal because it goes with the lake we're just trying to get it to go with the land right it goes with the lay of the land right you do take humps out because that way you don't have major but you do want to make sure that it's level vertically that it's not leaning one way or another there we go so see now that big bow is out and it's good to go and then do you want to put one he says we're not going to need it i was asking if we wanted one even though there's not a little notch to hold it to have one right here so that this doesn't kick out but we're going to have all the stone right here so we're good to go good to go oh yeah yesterday when we were working because it had rained the day before all day so the ground was really nice and wet obviously there's a lot of rock right here and the ground's getting drier it's not so easy driving those stakes in good exercise i know it's hard it's not going anywhere one more i was joking with jackson yesterday that we should pave it in yellow bricks he got it right away the others were like huh we're not obviously still would be cute [Music] [Music] so this one feels wobbly [Music] so we're going to put some sod staples obviously this is a rusty one um it just holds the electrical line in place so that it doesn't get pulled up we can bury it [Music] it's just a little extra something something [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're just leveling this out because this is where we're going to put the larger stone right i think we'll put that edge on then we can swoop it right over here somewhere okay so we're to use the pave edge which is like what we used over there with the step it holds the it's a flexible black plastic edge it's not the heavy metal so that'll go behind the seating wall between where the decorative gravel is and the planting bed is so that'll swoop out and then it'll come in here somewhere ish so this is a compact vibrator plate jerry got it when we were building the greenhouse this winter to make sure that the gravel base was really firm i know but you initially bought it for the greenhouse for here oh for this all the projects run together so for here to compact so basically this vibrates and it compacts at the same time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is the flagstone and it's called oh shoot mountain cabin mountain cabin yes mountain cabin and of course the pieces are big and irregular which is great um [Music] you have to buy this at a pallet at a time so we're just going to kind of have fun and see what happens see what happens and take it and space it out um awesome digging let me help you before just put that one in the middle like that and that's the long one that i thought would be fun to go in the middle of the arbor [Music] maybe [Music] if you want to flip it over the way the side is yeah i like that good times good times [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] uh as it would have we are about gosh i don't know maybe 20 feet short of stone so we either have two options we can one spread these stones out further and make this fit all the way to the whole walkway or we can get another pallet of the stone finish it out and then fill in holes with more of the flagstone either way it's kind of six of one half dozen of the other because either you have to buy more flagstone to fill in all the gaps or you have to buy more of the decorative gravel because you have more space for the decorative gravel i think we're going to go with more flagstone yeah more flagstone because they're bigger pieces fills it in and then i guess you get to a point of a price like which makes more sense financially right yeah i can't remember the price right because it's going to take yeah the little decorative gravel that's going to go pea gravel for lack of a better word is going to go in and fill in all of the spaces between the flagstone and that's super expensive because it of the coloring and so forth and so on so it actually probably makes a whole lot more sense for us to get another pallet of flagstone because we'll use less of that decorative gravel in there so that's not going to happen anytime soon because it's friday night tomorrow we'll be at the nursery working and then they'll be closed no should be open in the morning well who knows maybe jerry will go and i guess it depends on the flow of the at the nursery throw in the back of the truck he says so anyway i think that's kind of where we are for right now do you want to keep going over that corner and put down some of that edging so we're gonna go ahead he doesn't have a microphone on obviously i know you can't hear him um we do have some of the bigger river rock we're gonna fill in that corner so we'll play around with that and see how that looks [Applause] [Music] so with this we're just gonna fill it in right random [Music] so [Music] [Music] so what's neat about these this color of the stone is that there are a lot of colors that we find naturally in our landscape here so it doesn't look completely out of place obviously we're country folk there's nothing fancy or pretentious about us so we'd like to kind of keep it relatively natural looking so it's got the oranges and the reds because you know we've got that red clay here got that there's some gray there is some light um some lighter gray darker gray almost a black and then of course with the decorative gravel there's black in there there's a little bit of some pinks and reds and grays so i think once all of this comes together and gets washed off and laid down it'll be absolutely stunning and it's a nice contrast to what the patio is as a side note we do want to put a finish sealer on the patio so that'll kind of bring out more of the intense color so all of that together i think it blends really nicely and then of course the unique stone with the dark walnut finish it's all coming together hammer [Music] huh look at that one job so this is that plastic edging that you can use on pavers and rocks and it has little holes where you can put we're just using this is not again oh yeah so what we have we are using what we got so they are massive are they deck bolts some sort of wood screw anyway they're long but they have a nice um flat head so they really grip onto here so that's what we're using to secure this in and then in order to let me show you [Applause] so right now this is what it looks like right so stone's going here flat edges going against the stone this is where we put in the screws to hold it down right now you can't bend it so what jerry's doing with the saw is cutting these little notches that way it makes it bendable and you can put it into any kind of shape that you want so that is what we're doing so it's gonna be gonna be close [Music] okay i did it too it's pretty short up that was julie [Applause] [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] you hear my stomach well i'm hungry okay my friends so we have gotten the pave edge down here this section where our feet are will be a little small decorative gravel on the other side of this paved edge will be the flower bed where we have the incredible hydrangea hedge going through and then down here we'll we'll bleed in next to those steps that larger rock to go down again all of this will be planting bed in front of us and extends on around but i'm really happy with the color don't you think oh yeah it's very nice very nice um so what is the next step as far as like the flagstone do we have to level it sink it i just think we just work it as we put the gravel in some of it's a little wobbly we can work on that okay so we're not going to have to like go in and put each piece in and i don't think so we'll see when we do it right yep that's what we're going to do that's what we're going to do okay fans um it's 7 30 on a friday night and we're gonna go in and have some nachos for supper right yep yep nachos for supper so as always thanks so much for garnier with creekside we'll see in the next video and keep you up to date on this patio project y'all have a great night bye friends
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 40,200
Rating: 4.9703045 out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, North Carolina, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, butterfly garden, coleus, shrubs, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, landscaping, landscape design, plant nursery, proven winners plants, proven winners perennials, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, cottage garden, summer garden tour, hydrangea, succulents
Id: nrrzF4L2q5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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