Shrub and Tree Tour - New Landscape 2020 - P3

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welcome to hort tube my name is jim putnam this is part three of the shrub tour video i'm doing at uh this house i moved into uh late in 2019 and i've been landscaping during the 2020 growing season it's uh almost september i just mulched everything in the yard i did a video uh two videos from the backyard with all the shrubs and trees that i had added in that area um and then like i say this is part three this front space doesn't have a whole lot of shrubs and trees in it yet i have a lot of pieces up here on my end of my driveway that are going to be planted this fall mostly i put annuals out here i took down a big red maple that was in this bed earlier this year that was diseased needed to come out and uh rather than come back in and plant shrubs immediately i've let um i've let all that material from the stump being ground and that kind of thing break down a little bit before i start planting shrubs and trees back in this space and so like i say it's been an annual bed uh this season but i have started planting some shrubs in here recently so i'm going to walk around real quick and show you i'm going to do this uh north side of the front yard first and then i'll move over to the south side it's a very very tiny uh front yard kind of a postage postage stamp size lot in raleigh north carolina zone 7b about two tenths of an acre but it's being landscaped rather intensely uh there's a uh the front lawn right here has a kind of a strange shape uh right this minute but there is a path that's going to be going to the front door eventually i'll show you that as i walk around so this is the curb i put this uh zoysia sod in recently and i left this weird uh path up here to the steps but there's actually going to be a path coming through here there's a white little picket fence that's going to go right along the front right here and the outside of the fence is going to be perennials and seasonal color it's going to be a very bright space i've already put some cone flowers right here and some milkweed's been planted but this will all be color on the outside of this fence just on the inside of the fence i'm putting some things that will uh be evergreen uh things as backdrops well there's a couple things that lose their leaves but they're let's call them shrubs that uh will add some structure uh behind the fence and then on the other side of that will be additional uh additional color so this is the north side i'm calling of the front yard and like i said it's mostly that that annual bed uh right there i have put this ultraviolet uh budlia in here this butterfly bush this is a uh a really compact growing uh densely compact growing variety of butterfly bush i put this moon dance hydrangea in and i had it in way too much shade and i threw it out here in this front yard this front yard really cooks and it really really cooks and uh it immediately burned the foliage off that uh had been on it before it's got new growth on it into the season none of this matters it'll come out in the spring and look perfect this is one of those no panic no panic situations um i put in uh three uh uh boxwoods here these are baby gem box woods i planted some of these at the old house as well but they'll grow together in that line it'll be right behind that little fence that's going in this is a american beauty berry right here and it is a white berrying one it uh it flowered and then it produced the berries as soon as i put it out here uh the bird stripped every berry that was on it very quickly which is fine that's the purpose of it really uh but this one's very upright and narrow uh it is a uh buddy lee gave me this when i was down on the gulf coast it's his variety i don't think it'll be ever introduced um or you know no i don't think there's a giant market for a white uh for a white uh calicarpa i may take some cuttings on this one myself and uh and distribute them because it is a nice plant i've got an upright narrow butterfly bush right here it's actually not being introduced until next year i will talk more about it later in the season but it's not going to be widely available for another year probably but as you can see i think it will be very popular you know can you i can't even imagine having a butterfly bush that uh that's that tame um that should be exciting next year uh to watch and like i say as soon as it's uh i know of anybody who has availability on it i will let you guys i'll let you guys know uh there's an arizona cypress right here uh in this in this container that has uh done absolutely um fantastic and really makes a great really has made a great container plant i don't know what i'm going to do with this plant actually it gets too big for this yard i'm probably going to shear it you know cut it back into more of a crisp a tighter christmas tree shape and probably keep it in this container for another year then maybe give it to somebody i've got a kryptum area in this other container right here called limeade this one was from the jc ralston arboretum that i got in a uh a fundraiser last year it's got kind of a gold hue to it uh super interesting little uh little crypto area there's so many kryptomeria uh varieties i put a nightlight camiociferous in this space this is pretty much the only shrub i've planted up here in this area where the roots were from that uh from that red maple but this will be basically a gold ball uh in this spot closer up here toward toward the house and i think the only other shrub i've planted this is going to be a front porch going all the way across the front of this house right here so these azaleas these exist existing azaleas um and where that retain little retaining wall is everything back there is gonna be a porch so that's that's coming that's why i don't really talk about that space because those plants eventually they're coming out and some constructions going on there this is a it's actually a new gold arbor vita but it's uh it's very very similar to that uh um forever goldie but it's a more compact uh version of it but if you can find forever goldie it's very very similar to this but this should this little gold conifer should be a little bright spot up here there are several perennials and things that i still have to move out of this space but let's look back you know here's that annual annual bed right there there's some there's some holes here and there that holly is responsible for she's running through this bed a couple times there was a deer out here one day that drew her attention and she ran right through the middle of it but the bed has looked looked pretty good so i'm going to slide across the the turf here and show you the things that i've put in on this other side uh this is uh african basil right here which is uh not part of a shrub video but that just went in uh recently and look how much it's grown already pollinators love that african african basil there's another nightlight camiociferous over here and uh shrub i'm super excited about talking about now that i can start talking about it this is a the other new encore azalea for next year it's called majesty it's absolutely loaded up with flower buds so if you follow me on instagram you'll see this thing start flowering pretty soon i'm gonna put some photos up here while i talk about it that i took at a trade show earlier this year this is a purple flowering double it has a double flower on it hardian zone six to ten i showed that star starburst in the last video and this is majesty those are the two that are being released starburst has the white and pink variegated flower and this one has the double pink or double purple flower on it you can see how heavily these uh these actually flower i've got one more on the driveway i haven't decided whether it's going in the ground or not but i am excited to see this thing flower in the next few weeks uh here's a a new indian hawthorne variety right here that's super uh disease resistant a lot of the uh that's a burned leaf right there same thing i did right there that i did with that other plant you put a plant in too much shade and then you bring it out and throw it in the full sun indian hawthorns love full sun but that leaf just wasn't ready for that but look there's zero spotting on this indian hawthorn it's just such an amazing variety here we are at the end of the season and absolutely no leaf spot heck anything in the rose family with no leaf spot this time of year is amazing uh okay headed back toward the uh road got a little spot with the birds i'm gonna get better better bird bass you may have seen this in a couple videos but right now i just have a few containers that they that they play in this is an oak leaf hydrangea uh right here that i planted recently it was just in like a four inch pot but it's done a little bit of growing already it's coming uh pretty quickly this is a nist kim lilac that's i guess about about almost seven feet tall uh maybe five to six feet uh in width it did not bloom that well this year and i don't know if it's because it's too much shade from the neighbor's red maple that also really kind of needs to go or we had a very mild winter and these um lilacs need some uh some winter chill hours to bloom well so it may just have been a mild winter we'll see if it doesn't bloom well next spring it may uh i probably would come up with something better to go in that spot there's a shasta viburnum right here that looks great i actually grew this one at my nursery from from cuttings i don't know how long it's been a while since i had the nursery at this point but that is a plant that i actually grew from a cutting and man that it was looking great right now it's really uh taken to that spot uh pretty quickly backing off here i put in three dwarf spirea this variety is called bonnie stays super compact it's pink flowers on it i was just a little low mounding spirea in that space uh planted three camellias in the last couple weeks i finally got a white shishi uh camellia right here this is a a dwarf spreading uh white flowering camellia look at all the flower buds uh that are on this one hope you can see that it'll start blooming here this is that one end of that one branch right there this will start blooming in october pretty excited to see that flowers are look amazing on this white shishi got a pink shishi right here and a uh an upright uh camellia here that has a pinkish red uh flower on it this one's being released next year but it's gonna be in the uh october that october magic series um but there's a lot of good camellias in that the most similar to this one is october magic ruby which is available uh right now what was already here on this corner of the property line is this big abelia here that i need to cut in half there's a bird in there right now but it's it's flowered like crazy all summer um it seems perfectly happy here on this corner offers me a little bit of screening from people coming down the street so but it does need to be cut in half to be fuller same exact thing with this royal smoke tree here i actually did a video standing in front of this one it needs to be sawed off just absolutely needs to be sawed off before that uh maple was cut down in the yard there wasn't that much sun out here and so it's stretching out toward the road if i cut it in half here i think with the additional sunlight out here uh it'll look it'll look much much better there's a big overgrown butterfly bush in this spot i don't know what will end up happening with it at this point like i say i'm putting a little picket fence about where it is so i would imagine it will come out and maybe be replanted it's been i've had three and four um eastern swallowtail butterflies on this plant at the time all season and so you know they're they're not uh they're they're not invasive in my area like they are in some other areas of the country so uh really not a problem for me i may just relocate this one but for whatever reason the swallowtails are drawn to that particular plant the last piece i'm going to show you is one that i'm super excited about this is a empress of china dogwood and it was actually just kind of languishing out here because this front yard was nothing but uh that red maple and a lot of weeds and the weeds were growing right up to the base of this empress of china dogwood as soon as the weeds came out from around it and it was given some bed space it just went absolutely wild i'm looking forward to this thing blooming in the spring but what a great plant this is an evergreen dogwood if you want to go back on my channel i think i have a video i have a video for this empress of china dogwood from the old house but beautiful beautiful plant that's the one tree that i have out here in the front yard so far i am going to put one more back here where this red maple was i just haven't decided what that's going to uh what that's going to be yet but somewhere up in here there'll be some sort of uh some sort of tree coming and like i say i got lots more shrubs to uh to put out here especially in this area where the annuals are that we'll be fading pretty soon so that's it for the shrubs and trees that have gone in in the front yard so far not a lot of pieces really but i do have like say lots of other pieces that are about to uh about to go in and i'll show a i'll do a front yard tour later in the later in the season i do also have some fruit plants going over here on the other side of the driveway and those videos will be up very soon as well as covering annuals and perennials that are in the yard as well that i haven't covered in these shrub and tree videos the last week thanks for watching
Channel: HortTube with Jim Putnam
Views: 38,870
Rating: 4.932271 out of 5
Keywords: gardening inspiration, garden design, landscape ideas, landscaping, all about plants, landscape design, garden tour, gardening ideas, garden ideas, landscape trees, planting shrubs, ornamental trees, landscape planning, garden inspiration, gardening ideas for home, gardening ideas for backyard, shrub ideas, landscape plans, how to landscape, drone landscaping
Id: xmPVgTuLEYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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