Hardcore #1 - Season 4 - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys and welcome to season four of the hardcore playthrough now before we actually go into the first episode i will take this opportunity to go through the rule set and my objectives and just the overall what the objective what we're gonna do in the hardcore season all right so um without further ado let's crack straight into it now before i go any further if you want to skip straight to the rule set i'll put timeline here and then if you want to go straight to the actual start of the season because you know what the rules are uh time will be here so first up the objective of the hardcore series is to give a more brutal hardcore experience for escape from tarkov and it starts off with absolutely zero gear now usually in the past i've mixed between doing standard accounts and edge of darkness accounts and for this play through i'm going to do it on a standard account um the objective is going to be very similar to last uh season which was in 30 episodes i tried to have the bitcoin farm in the hideout now in this season i'm going to go for 50 episodes they're going to be based off a two-hour recording and then the loading screens will be cut out from it and it will be from my twitch stream which i'll live stream the entire season so if you want to actually see them in in action uh you can be there um but i'll be doing all my things for subs and stuff on the loading screens and that way on youtube when you guys are watching it here you'll get the clean cut version so with this season 50 episodes i'm gonna try and get the hideout maxed out as much as possible and it's going to be that little bit more brutal because i'm on a standard account so i won't be able to hoard items as easily and it's going to be a little bit more tactical and how i go about upgrading the hideout there's going to be no real objective to getting tasks done i'm gonna i'm gonna try and stray away from that and the focus will mostly be on pvp and scavenging for that gear so it's it's gonna be a little bit different to last season and hopefully it's gonna be a lot more fun uh just because i don't want to just constantly be doing all these playthroughs to just focus on uh getting tasks done this one will be more focused on survival and pvp action and a little bit of pve on top i will be required to get some tasks done because i need to get the reputation up to get multiple levels on the traders however now let's get into the rules so the first rule is you cannot purchase equipment from dealers and the market with money um it's just like every other season no using your cash to buy items from traders at all which leads into odd to rule number two you are allowed to barter for equipment so for example uh a couple of tashanka bar trade for an akm would be perfectly acceptable but i couldn't just go and buy an akm with cash rule number three zero use of the flea market now there is probably a way you could get around this a little bit as if you went to barter only and for traders just to find some bar trades easier um but i'd would rather just try and do it through the trader screen i just decline and you know avoid people like oh my god he's using the flea market so keep it nice and clean i'll avoid using the flea market all but there won't be any purchases at all with cash from the flea market it will all be done by traders now rule number four secure containers only for keys now there is a little caveat to this that you can put dox cases key tools sick cases uh into the container i guess you could put a wallet in there to hold labs key cards if i had labs key cards but they're the only like caveat so containers that can hold keys but you can't just be putting in like random items so anything that can make it so you can hold more keys awesome but besides that um keys only for the secure container now number five mission specific items can be bought using cash uh the cashback so in the past it's been quite difficult to find um like markers for a quest so i can use any cash that i've got for buying markers so i can actually complete a task because if you actually have to try and find these in raid it's nearly impossible to find some of these items rule number six is zero scav runs at all you can't use them to make money you can't use them for any reason zero uses of the scav runs at all number seven is to only play with other people doing a hardcore threat playthrough so uh in the past deadly slob and there's a lot of content creators that will do a hardcore play through um and if there's someone doing at the same time and i feel like doing a duo with them um i'll go for it and i'll have some fun that way but i won't be playing with people on their main account uh this is meant to be a hardcore experience and it's not meant to be easy made easier by playing with people that are super geared and just carrying me through number eight no assistance from friends or community uh as a twitch streamer there's always people trying to have interference if i deem that someone's doing something dodgy like they're trying to run up to me with like an item or conveniently someone's got five of you know five bitcoins just sitting in their backpack you know um and it looks like kind of sassy i will just toss that gear it's it's not it's not part of the fun it's meant to be an immersive experience it's hardcore so yeah no assistance from friends or community number nine this is a new one is uh no healing from therapist post raid it was added to the hardcore series last wipe uh because it happened the patch happened during that actual playthrough but yeah no therapist post rate so post rate it's either you wait in the lobby to heal up or you go in [ __ ] up or you actually uh you know use some of the meds that you've been finding uh scavenging to get number 10 items required for hideout upgrades must be either crafted in the hideout or found in raids so they can't can't use the flea market to buy certain items you can't there won't be any use of the flea market to uh yeah use those get those found in raid items and uh all those items for the hideout and to our upgrade hideout number 11 you can craft in the hideout however so if there is an item i need to upgrade something else in the hideout i can craft it in the hideout or i can use those crafted items to actually go into my next range number 12 in raid and task money can be used in the global cash stack and i'll explain that a little bit more detailed at the end of the rule set which goes into rule number 13 money obtained from leveling deal or reputation will no longer be deleted i was the same as the last white or last play through it will now be stored in added to the global cash stack and that is pretty much so all the money that you get from selling items to the traders you all hold on to that money and then you can use that to convert between rubles us dollars and euros and use that money to upgrade stuff in the hideout reiterating though you cannot use that money to buy stuff on the flea market or from traders it is purely there so when there's like a 300 000 ruble upgrade in the hot out you can use that cash to do that upgrade and to summarize this up it can also be used to repair armor so for example i go into a raid and i get a destroyed armor i can take that one out repair it and then use it for the next raid um so that money is there last wipe it was previously noted that you could repair once but that's that's the idea we were going with but armor is really hard to find in the hardcore series and it's hard to find in good repair so um what we're going with is we're going to repair it as much as we feel like it but there's a lot of death in this you guys are going to see me get absolutely brutalized all right i'm going to be starting with nothing no melee weapon and i'm literally just running in there and hope to find a weapon or a melee weapon or a dead scav and uh build up from there hopefully you guys will enjoy the play through it's uh it's meant to be a challenge you're gonna see me do some weird stuff like why am i throwing that item or why am i doing a certain thing and and just go with it i'll try my best to explain my thought processes and patterns throughout it but it's it's a totally different style of tackle if anything i actually kind of believe that escaping tackle is like original idea was probably more based around the hardcore playthrough but i think it's probably too brutal for the majority of players to do it i will check this in him in here as the final statement um this hardcore playthrough is about three months after the last white three or four months and last uh wipe i actually did it a very similar time it was quite a while into the white and i kind of wish that hopefully next what i might even try and do this within the first four weeks so maybe two weeks after the wipe happens i'll actually put a designated time per uh day we'll film like you know two hours of a hardcore playthrough and just do it over more of a long period because the way i'm gonna be filming it here is you're gonna pretty much see everything that's gonna happen over the next three to four weeks so um it should hopefully be great fun hopefully you guys will enjoy it it's gonna be brutal i'm excited so uh yeah without further ado let's crack straight into it [Music] all right so that being said i'm doing this on a standard account and um i will not be starting with any items so once we get in there i'll be deleting every single thing from my stash and i will be uh only going in there being naked with just a standard account um alpha container that's it nothing else it's brutal at the start so you can repair armor with cash yes yes all right so um just to clarify from the rules because there is no it's not in the rules um you can't use insurances at all all right so we're gonna go with english uh that was the name of the account previously we'll use this account for a speedrun um [Music] hard stilly let's go hard stilly i think hard still is a good name hardcore pest hardcore kids that sounds kind of wrong doesn't it hardcore moist [Laughter] you're how about that moist core there we go moist core done has started streaming escape from tarkov well [ __ ] here we go again all right i'm gonna put the uh menu music on all right so all this for the kids it's gone thanks dude now deadly loves doing his first raid on um [Music] on woods but if we could hide without the scav attacking us factory is actually really good for the first ride so um i hope i don't have alright cool um i'm trying to think of the maps that don't have scabs that are going to charge it straight away reserve would probably be good for it either reserve or customs isn't good for it i think we're gonna go reserve all right let's get straight into the reserve run and let's just hide and try and creep up to something and get a melee weapon we need a melee weapon for me love the content always talk of god we don't want to die though because healing's going to be real [ __ ] if we can't get any meds without further ado let's crack straight into it we're in all right how do we get there there is a weapon crate in the actual bunker to my to my front i think if i'm not mistaken oh i'm a true scavenger i thought there's a whipping crate in here maybe i was wrong i kind of want all that shooting to finish and then i creep up where would i go for a weapon right now there's some good weapon crates in that building but i don't want to go right where the all the action is ago the building not a bad bad little tactic the long building by the train station i think weapon crates are and there's an svd spawn on that left building but that's where the marked room is and a lot of people go there early on we also need to search jackets for keys we really want to get a marked key so we can get a doc's case oh there's a guy going in that building there so the other thing is i can't heal with therapists after the raid right so if i die and i've got no no weapon i have no health i have i start again with the next raid with zero health so getting mid and surviving the rate is really important oh here we go oh yeah we're in business this is a really good key oh 308 doesn't have anything in it the keys are the only things you're allowed to put into your container hmm 308 has two jackets is it locked i just want to examine that check mag right you only need one bullet there's actually a weapon crate down the other end and there's meds downstairs too i'm not sure if it's this floor the next one down this next one down where can you find beard oil um go escalate mark kappa i've got a youtube video on it customs office key went in i got him he's dead no give me give me no i [ __ ] was pressing tab and it was [ __ ] stuttering oh my god he was to be so mad he left his visor up imagine imagine if i pulled that off that would have been godly at least you died with a gun [ __ ] wouldn't i if i didn't have to examine everything i just chucked everything on that would have been biggest difference there too just grab grab run away green is the biggest killer in tarkov i had no gun no mags no ammo nothing i think i think it's fine to have a bit of greed there or so the bleeds are going to stay too how do how does that how do they leave so if i go into a next raid i'm going to have the two bleeds still do they just disappear over time or do i have to wait the 10 minutes oh god this is gonna be rough all right so if i go into reserve i could run straight to the meds buildings i've got i've got these two keys now i don't really need them for reserve though i think i go straight for i go straight for the mid buildings i go straight for the mid buildings on reserve and then i'll just try and get some meds there and then go again i think that's the way to doing this that's [ __ ] rough that they'll stay there your your pmc has wounded here we go again the start is so rough in this i can use the saliva so um to clarify this guys if you pick up an item that would go directly into your container you can stand still and use it like it was in your hands there's no issues with doing that i can't pick up a salary in my container and run around with it but i could stand still and heal with it saliwa um did i stop that bleed i do am i losing 112 health per minute holy [ __ ] this might be over real quick we need to get to the mid building asap uh that dude doing is that a scavenger player that's a scav [ __ ] uh mid smith's meds meds meds we're gonna find meds around here oh heads blacked out maybe i should just kill myself and start again i should i should just check jackets at least try and do something productive from it you know what i mean oh there is a mid room here actually you're on about to die anyway surely the bleeds will leave though after this one right if the bleed stayed then i'm gonna be in trouble hmm [Music] they never used to they never used to stay milton thanks to 100 for the kids too this is the best content ever can't wait to watch all day i'm glad you're excited i'm not resetting the account there's no point [ __ ] i don't know what to do waiting 10 minutes would be stupid you know what i mean this never used to be a problem maybe we make it that we could just heal bleeds it might need to happen because otherwise it just won't work i am very excited for your hardcore series i watched the entire last one and couldn't wait for you to post your videos good luck i've got a couple of keys i could sell i think we make it that you can you can only pay for bleeds splints so fractures have to stay and all that but at least until you have meds i think if you have no meds you can heal bleeds off the message the grand master i agree [Music] um red stuff well wait id stuff while waiting i wonder if it's refreshing every time i leave the raid you know what i mean hmm i might just go into factory for a little bit see what i can just conjure up by just running around like an idiot meister good luck uh daniel thanks for 20 of the kids that i've been having an issue with the game crashing while i'm about to learn into a raid please help i've got no idea man i'm not on tech support unfortunately um have you tried i don't know i don't even know what i would do with that reinstall the game race reinstall windows chat saying ram buy better ram reinstall ram download more ram old f4 five months smile what about if i'm trying to think this is a problem we can fix it's a problem we can walk past or move past but how what do we do what's your options no i'm not talking about the [ __ ] fixing his [ __ ] i'm talking about getting my my bleeds off go to customs and loot meds and building you saw how far i ran before i ran out of meds dude before i ran out of health and that was when i had 150 i've got like no health now i wouldn't even make it to the [ __ ] building i did not get deadly killed you guys spam deadly slot that's different i never told you guys to go over there i'm not restarting my account that actually would make sense if i got someone else who had a hardcore account to that's within the rules to come into a raid with me and hook us up with some meds don't split sprint with bleeds next time yikes you know that makes no difference right you could score sprinting and walking you still bleed the same rate so in the keys doesn't do anything guys it doesn't do anything at all kind of set handouts deadlier of the bandage healing how do you fast examine you push your mouse wheel down how much hp do you get now uh 440 let's get these guns sorted if i didn't have to examine that [ __ ] i would have been able to get a gun off that guy would have been the biggest difference can you put money in your container here's to another three all right let's refresh this now the only thing i'm worried about right now is guns mags armors congrats on hitting your goal of 1 million thanks dude cool we'll get these sorted then we're ready to go deadly said consider it a bug is that this hardcore going to be on youtube yes yep yep all right so after this i'll go into another another raid i'm gonna have to die in the raid again to get um it's not even letting the arms heal congrats on your moist million keep up so i'm gonna sell that one i'm gonna sell that one you said there's two jackets in there i really don't want to if there's two jackets in there i actually really want to keep that key because the jackets could be amazing what if i went to the factory and i just ran and i just kept running there are no two jackets in there all right let's go on then all right cool we're keeping that key now um i guess we go factory and i just no other map i'm gonna get anywhere quick enough i did i didn't make it to the reserve red room let's just do this i might be able to just run up to something and grab something new rule exactly so i can update it um it's going to be something along the lines of if you have no meds um you can you can use the post raid therapist oh my god the police are gone i wonder if that was just on 10 minutes um it'd be something along the range or lines of if you have no meds you can post right here with therapists any bleeds foreign foreign what [Music] we're good we're good this is good this is this is perfect someone's going to come over here someone's going to kill them all and then i can sneak up behind him and loot him all right [Music] oh god no why did he just sprint there all of a sudden what was that no bleeds we're good we're good we're back we're back all right reserve reserve and we're back into it oh thank god if someone was to gift 100 tier 3 subs what would you do i'd thank them profusely and then say are you sure you can afford that and that's a shitload of money to be just giving away and make sure you're not looking after yourself before worrying about me because that's incredible something along the lines of that call man all right so for example a salewa see i could pick this up i can use it but i have to throw it back on the ground before i move so it's the same as like holding it in your hands but i'm not allowed to move with it because it's in my container this will literally use my entire the lap this the entire installation good thing this building is slow usually yeah right now that got that out of the way i'll probably still check for uh a couple of guns well weapons box spawns here oh nice [ __ ] yeah what if i should go underneath try and get to the raiders oh that'd be smart play wouldn't it if there's raiders underneath that would work really well i probably still want to get um uh i probably still want to get um more meds before i go up or go anywhere um but best svd ammo i would say snb i think uh voxy de ro really good video on it if you guys are interested in uh in uh those ammo types congrats on over one million for the kids pest love you long time from us thanks dude i kind of want to take that personally moist we know we've got meds back here want to be on single fire i want to just go for clean head taps because i've only got half a m less than half a mag are you not allowed to have melee i'm allowed one once i pick one up so what do we do here do we go for the raiders if they're here and if they're not here we leave pastorally moist pesterly moist pesterly moist pesterly microwave pestly all microwave i'll turn the lights back on after the road appreciate the support guys um what would really enhance this is if there was more like rig spawns and backpack spawns throughout the maps you kind of need to stay away from uh too much action and build up you know what about where would i go i know there's more weapon crates upstairs we could check out try and build up more of a gun interesting i think i've seen that before should we go underneath and try and get a scav underneath or something i'm just trying to think of where the best place to get scabs early on this map would be if i go underneath try and get a scav down there it could be that's like the train station why hermetic yeah that's where i'm thinking at the moment the shots sound like they're inside which means they're either that further building there they have to be in that building there i kind of want to go underground and hope there's a single scabbed underneath there but it is very popular to have players under there too the advantage going under here if there is just a scav if someone presses the button then we get a quick extract done i know some pretty cheeky spots to get stuff too this map is great for picking stuff up off the ground in containers and that but it's actually pretty ordinary trying to get stuff from scavs the next best bet is uh is to get it from raiders but the problem with that one is you're asking to uh press the button and hear that someone here this guy oh oh that came out a lot better than i thought it would and while glucker appeared hey was that cluckers minions or just raiders raiders wow wow it's not over yet though we have to still extract with all these meds if we get these meds we are grinning that helmet saved my life something chronic psr right take melee very valid point there i need to go back and get the melee weapon for starters they didn't have one all right what's the objective how do we get out of here check out the helmet what a helmet oh that one what's the buzzer like helmet helmet do to another raider how do you know where dead dude over there plant mustard he went in here he would have died in here if he went in here he didn't go through all the boxes so what happened he got to here and then [ __ ] off around behind here and got trapped got him hello buddy hello gadget bandages very useful i don't know if i need all these grenades you're saying the drop down too is not a good idea i don't think the dog tags any use to me a spark plug can go i'm kind of curious to how much ammo is in this it's full i'm probably gonna get rid of the contacts i i think that's the play here it's just that can be more useful bold mp angst ryder champ get melee weapon there is no melee weapon oh it wasn't on hmm ah battery what i'd love is the uh hermetic door to be opened i'm just trying to think what the next options are do we go what train extract something i should have checked before i tossed it was actually to make sure he died d2 yeah so i have to go upstairs i have to go across to the [ __ ] switch and then i have to run all the way to the d2 without anyone camping and killing me so all right so the just my thoughts the d2 extract is probably the best play because i'll probably need to find food and drink before before that i know some spots i can get food and drink though stash bag run the switch that is definitely an option i'm considering but that's also requires a lot of movement and then someone not to count the the extract on me another dead guy here can't take melee weapons off players god this series will be on youtube every single raid will be up on youtube the only thing they'll be taking out of these uh out of these will be the loading times they'll be very raw uh so oops you i'm thinking maybe the play is d2 now i'm thinking i go to d2 take it slow really methodical just because of all the shots that are over near where i am where all the player scavs are in now your music tastes like i'll listen to mostly ultra rock heavy all that good stuff listen to everything really pesterly the raid boss um yeah i can't listen to my music playlist anymore on uh on stream unfortunately it was a really really good playlist though my creep do i got energy nope baddies got permission um he's got a list of bands that have given permission for twitch streamers to use their music so i've actually spoken to him about it a couple times um he's been gone through a bit of stuff at the moment though so his priorities aren't really helping me sort out my playlist is the lights on keep up the great work moisturized moist adelaide gang pesterly star won pesterly star 2 pesterly star 3. thanks guys i wanna any of this so tell me to drop the m9 mag glad you're back the factory runs in raid series have been awesome i can't buy the magazines so that mag with that gun means i have a second mag the same way why i'm holding onto the mpx mag it also has ammo ammo i can't just buy therefore ammo my ammo is really important too [ __ ] that stock there bye general sam do raiders still spawn underneath in the open area he's already got [ __ ] why is he [ __ ] hanging about it wasn't like i was charging through running uh um um just definitely making the weight side of things really difficult is that a spot the general sam said about that one of the general sam spots where was the spot further ahead behind every door [Music] [Applause] what a run [Applause] what a run that was incredible we went in with nothing didn't we not even a melee weapon we still need a melee weapon now we have multiple guns and we can heal or you can heal we had i think we went started off with like 40 health we didn't even have 40 health because the saliva wouldn't even get us to full health no we didn't heal the arm what is the goal the hardcore challenge um so my personal goal that i've set myself is i want to try and get the hideout as as um max level as possible oh your arm is black there you go that's right uh as as max level as possible with only um 100 hours the objectives to play for 100 hours nice work ma dude sorry it's going to be a bit of a so it'll be 50 episodes on youtube i don't even know what i want to go into my next raid with now that we actually have some guns it's like but see the thing is like it's on the hardcore it's so quick that it goes from guns to nothing like i got the aks34n because it's it's somewhat easier to get mags of this and we've already got a heap of btmo um factory is not as useful as you'd think because i'm not going to be going i need a lot of barter trade items so there's gonna be a lot of reserve shoreline stuff like that i don't even know where to start with this i kind of want to sell some stuff and then use that to upgrade the uh the generator and so i'm going to have the uh generator there the the hardware upgrade that i won is going to be the scav junk box it's going to be [ __ ] hard lavatory 2000 rubles i think you need level two laboratory for it so water collection invents one well vents very straightforward i think water collection you need security level one so they're both money probably a bit of interchange as well um because okay so you can get a scav junk box now from the lavatories so i think it's a laboratory yeah the lavatory and in laboratory level two and you get the scav junk box so that's probably gonna be the objective that i'll be pushing for as soon as possible um and this guy's junk box you need to have like three mag boxes so we can work towards that too with the for the kids project over he's still looking forward to anything new i'm still doing it man um oh i can't wait forgot through that holy moly i can't wait that guy was camping there that was like i was like i'm gonna play it slow and safe but i don't really expect to see someone there what's that you hear me i wonder what's going on there i haven't dropped a single frame so it's not a my set and i don't know what's going on yeah i don't know what's going on guys sorry i'm gonna probably leave all the meds behind but now until we get a good collection of meds yeah that was on twitter's end guys sorry i could do much about it but sorry all right we still don't have much of a bankroll so i'm going to i'm going to take the mp9 in and just see if we can get like a scav kill and just snowball again um it might look like i've got a lot but i really don't it's very quickly your you go from having stuff to nothing so um a lot more focus probably this one on trying to get um barter trade items and meds it's pretty much gonna be entirely focused on that i might take that in just for a little bit of ease i am a lot of repair army yet but i have to sell stuff to get the cash to do it all right um let in another raid i'm going to do a quick piece so i'm loading as well oh i kind of want to get hideout upgrades too to help speed up this side of things too hmm maybe i should sell something what's what's something well i could probably sell this it would be nice to use use it but the pants on i'm not gonna use like i don't need the suppressor i don't need any of it really a large amount of this i could just rip and shred the bits i could take the ammo that's going to be useful and the rest of it i think i could just sell keep the laser 120 000 see i could use i can get a few upgrades for that i don't like i don't even really need the laser i don't know what i would need the laser for i'm just trying to think of what was actually useful on this gun like i could go into a raid with it but i've got this m4 for now um and i could probably get a couple of upgrades that would really make the hideout useful save gas block i'm not going to be doing gunsmith task guys the objective is to get the hideout leveled up so i'm going to sell it that cash boost would be really handy as well so the main ones i want is this one this one um i really want generator we need 100k for that um water collection we're going to need to get these items and we need somebody [ __ ] hell with craft hoses can't even cross toes is here so i need hey pest i just moved seven my roommate and i are watching the stream together awesome dude you just moved into your dawn dawn life i never got to do that i suppose i was in the military i did the military lifestyle where you live in kind of like dorms um so i need seven corrugated hoses lots of bolts nice to see you streaming again hope you enjoyed your time off keep up the good work is it nuts or screws i can't remember what else do i need um drills drills duct tape drills duct tape and packet screws drills duct tape screws all right uh let's go to another raid i'm gonna be back instead it's gonna run a quick ad i'll be going to the bathroom and then uh yeah appreciate all the subs as well guys incredible reserve see if we can snowball this see what we can make of it all right there is a dirty tactic i can do right here how dirt are we going we've only got pso ammo i don't think i can if they've got armor on i'm gonna have to leg him and hope 15 rounds to the leg's gonna kill him sam is proud curb thanks to the father of the kids and de dong thanks for the final videos don't worry to watch much better a million for the kids was achieved but congrats thanks dude potato ain't taylor thanks for six months dude we'll just give it a minute thank you a lot of lot of fighting over at the bunker could work to our advantage [Applause] i'm gonna pretty much try and eat and drink as much as i can because if i get um my metabolism up higher level it's going to really help later on as long as i still need hydration in that make sure i use it we can use this uh hot rod though to get bs ammo if we level up proper enough i can just been fighting inside the bunk a bit you can't level up metabolism stash now if we wanted to get therapist quest i'm pretty quick we could actually just go for the med thing like med buildings keep farming that a trade so smbmo strong ammo if we get some moses now i reckon there's been fighting under here here maybe not hmm how's it throw it's pretty it's a lot better today definitely how do we pick up the motor we get rid of the just the fuses i guess can sell junk to vendor yeah so uh i don't think i want to go underneath because i feel like that would be i didn't see any scabs down there or any players down there i'm going to try and get across to the med building now i want to get the my health back up the full and i also want to um oh this could be good could be good could be bad hopefully it's not the actual sky boss with like seven oh that's scav boss 100 we don't have the we don't have the ammunition to take this on if we can get we get one by himself if we get this guy by himself that's not him there was a second person shooting then that was not a scam oh no they're coming and there's the player as well just like where the guns have gone to the mid building i would have had to go past that guy to get to the med building anyway um so i don't think it would have made any difference right oh this is such a risky move i kind of want to go factory and just grab as many guns as possible right so i would i would go in like this oh i'd have to use the m4 to have enough ammo i kind of want to go factory and and get as many guns as possible as possible and then get the [ __ ] out of there i know it's such a risky play but [Music] bring beta for guns you're on i have heard of space wars take the nades if i was to go into factory i'd go something like this the reason like i'm not after see this is the thing i'm not after like i'm not after um like sweaty great guns like even like tt pistols and crunches are good you know what i mean repair repair face should yeah that would be worthwhile i didn't don't need to repair that it's not really needed i think it's worth it i'm just trying to think like what other what would be the other play i just need some random guns so that i could just go exploring say shoreline and just try and get guns around the edges of the shoreline and and gear on the edges of the shoreline you say you would run into the change but i don't see how would be better if i was going to go interchange i just want to go into the goshen and then go out through the no backpack extract customs is the worst map to go whereas at least with factory i'm good at factory i could hopefully get a couple of kills and just extract and not over commit shalom would be good but i'd rather go and show one with minimal gear and then try and get as much as i can from it reserve it's the same i'd rather go minimal gear trying to get the most out of it factory i could try and grab guns and the other cool thing about factory is if i go with like a pistol but only a pistol then the scavs charge at me and i kill the scabs and i take their gear and i keep snowballing it up woods is just deadly deadly deadly slob heaven customs i'm not they're keen on customs is bad for extracting it's fine up until the point where you try to get to extract you've got to run through half the map i think it's worth it i think it's worth going for it you know what i mean you only live life once let's do it oh it's a rough spawn i'm not gonna charge that smart place we're gonna go for here how verbal there being is actually good for us the [ __ ] was that i was in man take me by the hand the [ __ ] did i get shot from holy [ __ ] get out we're good we're good for now i'm not getting i didn't risk all this to come in here and just grab a mosin i should have pushed them um oh what oh six months already time goes by fast keep up the good work give you 101 thanks for six months thanks to the host ozzy posty thanks for five months here guys thanks for the two months oh mr thanks for the five months because after like not that kind of gear i was after like pistols and stuff like that a melee weapon would be nice all right let's go to a map that has lots of scabs what's a map that would have lots of scams for us the most insulin is actually a smart play did i i thought i picked up snb ammo oh no that's the round i died lame all right i have no way healing that splinter either oh here on that fracture all right put that on um i'm going to leave this behind they could be vended time flies when you're watching pest i'm glad i can help make the part time pass by that can be vended all right i'm going to use this and i'm going to take a stack of ammo i want to take that plus that i think i'm going to go shoreline i'm just gonna go with this and we're gonna see what we can make of it um as for ragman you can sell that cool that is it five six and that will be our next raid [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 498,930
Rating: 4.9227014 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch, hardcore
Id: iCvyPVq_RGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 58sec (6118 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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