Shrimp Tacos with Pico De Gallo, Cole Slaw- Cooking Today with Chef Brooks

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hey guys welcome into the show we're doing shrimp tacos today we are doing a play on a fish taco we're doing a play on a taco itself we're doing shrimp tacos we are gonna make our own coleslaw we're gonna make our own vinaigrette coleslaw dressing man is gonna we're gonna make our own pico de gallo so you guys stick around we're gonna do a beautiful drink that paired with that we're calling it a pink lady man you guys it's gonna be good it's gonna be a good day yeah it's gonna be a good day we're gonna jump right in the kitchen and get started this is cooking today hey guys welcome into cooking the day y'all gonna be happy about today's episode we are doing just man I love shrimp I love tacos we're gonna combine them and do a real cool shrimp taco today and I'm gonna start right away and I'll show you these are sixteen twenty counts shrimp it's generally what I'm gonna use for cooking today they are just the size is perfect for just about anything you want to do if you need them smaller we could always cut them in half lengthwise but they work perfectly for just about everything and so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna add just a little bit of cumin to those I'm gonna add myself just a little bit of olive oil to it so that I have just a little bit of a little bit of fat in there I'm gonna add to this Cayenne just a just a - okay we're gonna flavor out our our tacos you know later down the road here so but we need these threes three components right now granulated garlic will go in right now guys we also need seasoning salt and pepper always always always my tones grinders I love them okay right in and what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna dig right in and it's just not the not the most powdered up seasoning on there but just enough to give us some good flavor get the flavors kicked up okay and my pan is smoking over here so we're gonna go right in the shrimp are gonna cool the pan down a good bit okay so it's all right there the shrimp smell really good I'm gonna get just a little bit of a little movement out of them and then I'm gonna make my slaw dressing let me grab this right here check it out we're doing a vinaigrette for the slaw we're not gonna do not gonna do mayonnaise base we're gonna do a little vinaigrette and I really like red wine vinegar you can use whatever you guys like if you have a great recipe great vinaigrette use it up but I'm gonna add some mustard to my bowl okay bout a tablespoon and a half and I'm gonna hit it with salt and pepper just like that okay and then I'm gonna hit it with just a little bit of dark rum just for a little bit of zing okay and I have a damp towel right here that I'm gonna bring in and sit right under my bowl and just get ready to start my drizzle and this is going to be our base our dressing for our slaw that we're going to put on our shrimp tacos super simple just a little bit of love and I'm gonna sit it aside right over here for just a moment and I'm going to turn my shrimp cuz they're looking good when they smell wonderful okay and now I'm gonna just make my slaw real quick I have cabbage this is just green cabbage take the leaves off of there and just as thin as you can get it and really whatever you guys like whatever your family likes you can chop it if you want to whatever you want to do and we don't need a whole lot show you how it's done I'm going to take our purple cabbage okay and I'm just gonna do the same thing to it just as thin as I can get it okay and I'm gonna add it right to our dressing just like this there's our purple there's our green cabbage right there and I'm gonna mix it up you guys I really want you guys to stick around because when we come back we are gonna finish up making our tacos we're gonna break out our tortillas make a little pico de gallo come on back with us see in just a bit we're making our own own simple slaw dressing it's a vinaigrette based a little red wine vinegar mansome oil a little seasoning real real good we'll just make it as wet you make it as wet or dry as you want it and if you want to use mayonnaise base you can use a mayonnaise whatever you want to do but I just vinaigrette dressing we make a slaw awesome we have our shrimp there they're going man they're delicate I'm always gonna use the 16 20 count shrimp there that's about my favourite size perfect for appetizers from entrees whatever you want to do if you're frying them baking them doing whatever you want these are a great shrimp and these are Tigers they're good you guys they're real little bit okay guys welcome back cooking today I am busy making our pico de gallo for our shrimp tacos we have the shrimp all set up it's working real hard and I have it turned down too low okay and I'm working on just the the vegetables for our Pico little red onion I'm gonna make just a small amount here and these are just just chopped however you like add that to the mix I am going to take a nice jalapeno and I'm gonna use half of it take our seeds and our ribs out just like that splatting that baby out will get a nice little chop on this as well try and get the jalapeno as fine as you can and those bites hurt and get a big bite of jalapeno it it might take you for a loop there okay then what I'll do here with our tomato is I'll take and just seed our tomatoes and we'll use a couple okay and these are going to get diced as well and go right in to our pico once you once you see them they're real easy just a quick dice you got something good to work with fresh is always best can't wait till the farmers market okay and so we'll take our bowl here I'm going to add right to it our tomatoes jalapenos and onions add some cilantro right to it take this lemon lime scuse me just get a little bit of lime juice squeezed into it salt pepper and we have beautiful pico de gallo for our shrimp tacos and now I'm going to start building these right onto a plate here I'm gonna bring a couple of guys into the pot into play here grab our plate and I'm using white corn tortillas today for these what I'll do is just lay them out they're cold you can heat them up if you want to drop them in the skillet for just a minute do you want to heck you can even stick them right on top of the shrimp if you want to for just a second whatever you want to do I like them just to have a little bit a little bit of cold to them and then I'll bring in my Pico and my slaw and I'll tell you guys I tasted the slaw it needed a little bit of sweetness it had just a little bit of tart so I added some honey to it so that will be a part of our recipe and we'll put down our slaw right onto our tortillas just like that then we'll take our shrimp what about three or four right on to the middle of our tacos just like that okay then I will go back to the drawer here grab me a spoon and we will do this check this out yeah so awesome little peeko alright then take our avocado get us some segments right out of there and I will just use the knife and go right into the skin I can feel it against my hand make me some nice wedges take them out just like that just use my knife get down under it put me a piece of avocado on top of each one of these just like that and we will call them good there they are these are our shrimp tacos man they look so good I cannot wait to get into these guys please stick around we're gonna come right back and we're gonna make a real nice drink that's gonna go perfect with our shrimp tacos so y'all come right back with me made with love or made with love mm our Pico is all fresh ingredients with cilantro so good you
Channel: Cooking Today
Views: 37,768
Rating: 4.7873211 out of 5
Keywords: cooking today, cooking, chef brooks, recipes, special recipes, Shrimp (Food), Pico De Gallo (Dish), Taco (Dish), Chef (Occupation), Recipe, Cook, Kitchen, Cook (Profession), Restaurant, Today, shrimp tacos, cole slaw, dressing
Id: P1VecdEmP8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2014
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