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My grandma had terminal cancer when these fucks victimized her. She was down to her last 2 weeks and spent 1 1/2 days of those at the bank/ on the phone shaking in fear and panic. I will never forgot it, I felt helpless to ease her pain and suffering and wanted so badly to find him here fucks. You are doing an awesome thing if it saves just one person from going through what my gram did and you are helping 1000s. Thank you very much for time and effort and exposing these parasites

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 199 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdministrativeYak859 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

As awesome as it is that there are growing digital citizen efforts to combat scammers, it really, really pisses me off that it has taken monetization of scam bait youtube videos to effectively combat these absolute leeches.

It's infuriating that billions are lost by citizens and all the agencies do are shrug their shoulders and say "not my jurisdiction".

This is something that there should be international cooperation on at governmental levels to combat, not youtubers on shoestring budgets. There needs to be a Departmental Agency set up to combat domestic and international scams. And this Department should be able to make recommendations to foreign policy matters to put leverage on governments like India's to do more to shut down scammer rings in their country.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Revlis-TK421 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

When I heard he changed the voicemail message to "press 1 to cuss them out", all I could was how well it equivocates to Internet Comment Etiquette telling people to post photos of shirtless old men. Peak annoyance and disruption. Most of them are also old people, which also tracks. Collab when

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ATG77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol, when he got to the part about how 99% of people answer calls I realized I wasn't alone.

Here's the game:

you can't answer any of their questions or acknowledge the scam at all

Best: if you get them to cuss at you in hindi (or other native languages if this migrates out of india)
Better: if you get them to cuss at you in english
Good: if they only acknowledge what you said

If they just hang up on you, you lose. good luck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wisdom_and_frivolity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

my justice boner can only get so engorged

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thefudd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it at Bonzi Buddy. This is so well done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Law_Doge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Press 0 to change your voice to sound like the scammer’s mom

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hotdiggitydog34 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Beautiful ending

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PetrusArtio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

'Go fuck your father and suck his dick, asshole!'

lmao, brutal

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TurdKid69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
(Music) If you've been watching my channel for a while, you would've probably seen this video in which I got the scammers very scared that they realised that me and my team are watching their operation live through their own CCTV cameras. Look at him bro. Yeah yeah yeah yeah! For the people who missed that video, a quick run of my history with these scammers I actually made two videos about this call centre. In the first one I talked about how the scam works, How I ruined their business for a couple of weeks, and confronted them live on their cameras. In the second video I showed of a new amazon campaign that they were testing and whilst I was making that video, one of the agents in this call centre found my first one and informed the boss about me and they decided to take their cameras down. After completely getting rid of their CCTV security system and being out of business for about a month, these guys returned to scamming with that same successful amazon campaign. Just to make sure that they didn't sell their computers to another call centre Very coincidentally running the exact same scam, I started matching the current voices behind the computer the voices about 9 months ago. Yeah, my friend is from Kolkata. You know him? So after making two videos about these scammers show casing them literally pretending to be from the United States government and amazon, capturing every single part of their scam live on the CCTV, they are somehow still in business, running the same scam in the same office with the same people. Those two videos, exposing these call centres had over 15 Million views combined. So how come they haven't been arrested? Well the short answer to that question is, Kolkata, the police over their seem refuse to listen to any reports coming in about scammers as their city is the epicentre of fraudulent call centres having so many scam offices that it is impossible to get rid of them, so, the police don't even try. On top of this, most scam bosses have good relationship with important people in the police force. And a lot of the time police bribes are on pay roll. I'm sure the useless Kolkata police have seen those two videos. Even a scammer from different call centre, very near by to this one, reached out to me to let me know they admired my work and have stopped scamming because of my videos. The same person told me that the call centre was located in Siliguri, West Bengal, specifically in Webel IT park, which has already been highlighted for many scam call centres by another Youtuber, Karl Rock. After these scammers, turning their cameras around, to stop me from spying on them, I was able to see the outside of their building for a couple of days. In those days, I started analysing the outside view. Zoomed in to this object, looked at the shadow, Took in consideration that this screenshot was taken at 10 in the morning, and then knew, that the camera was pointing at the south, due to the suns position at this time. Further more looking at pictures from other companies that are also situated in the Webel IT Park, I could tell that the carpets from my old videos matched with those of the office pictures on google maps. So if the camera is pointed towards the south, and capturing this little park that means that the scammers building has to be to the north of it. Which is this building right here. On the same google maps page for the IT Park, I found the picture of this northern building, which brings us very close to the call centre The only question that remains is which exact window this fraudulent, hidden, multi-million dollar operation is working behind? Lets have a look. If we compare the height of the CCTV camera view to the street light here, we appear to be slightly above it. This makes me believe that the scam call centre is located in one of the office spaces on first floor of this northern Webel building. Looking at that same pole and this box right here, we appear to be a lot closer, almost directly parallel to the pole, which means that these scammers are working from the office behind the third middle window. We can also conclude this space in the amount of plans we are away from the street light. So this is the building and office where scammers come in everyday for 6 days a week. Except for the 51st and 52nd week of 2021 and first two weeks of 2022. Because they got very spooked after watching my videos in the week before. They stopped working for about a month but did end up coming back after resetting all of their computers. Luckily I had installed permanent backdoors everywhere, managed to spread back to some computers and cut into their phone system fairly quickly which meant I was now again able to actively monitor their calls and thus prevent them from scamming people. In the nine months that these guys have been back to scamming from their small break I did not have the chance to monitor them too often as I was working on the demise of other call centres and whilst working on those other projects, I always noticed that these guys were online and probably stealing a lot of money from people. And what is a lot, well, these cameras usually defraud their victims for around 1500 dollar per person with an average amount of four successful scams a day, six days a week, which means that in those nine months these guys have stolen around 1.2 million dollars from innocent people, all because the Kolkata police did not feel like taking any action. Most of that money has been stolen through payment apps on the victim's smartphone so quickly that they barely have any time to get suspicious once they have fallen for the initial part of the scam. In this specific call, the scammers used Western Union, but they used dozens of different apps such as a Afriex, Cash App, Remitly, Sofi, WorldRemit and even domestic wire transfers. They find their victims by blasting out about 250,000 calls a day successfully scamming an average of four people out of this. So what happens to the other 249,996 callers? Well, something like this. These guys clearly only Target American citizens, which for them in India is a night shift but they also have a United Kingdom day shift in which other agents funnily enough offer anti-scam phone upgrades. There's a whole bunch of call centres like this that don't really scam people, since they aren't stealing any money but they do sell this data to other scam call centres. This video was taken by an insider in a different scam office where they also collect people's data but this time pretending to be from their washing machines warranty. The information that these guys collect will be bundled up in huge spreadsheets files and is then sold to a bunch of fraudulent call centre so that they can then use this information to convince their victims that they work for a big company like Amazon. Not only do they get information like this from other call centres, they can clearly also find your information in public databases by putting in your name and City, phone number or email. You now might be wondering if your information is also publicly available on these web pages. Well, one thing is certain, your personal information is definitely stored in the databases of hundreds of data Brokers and these data Brokers are the people that will sell your information to web pages like the ones the scammers used to look you up. But also to a bunch of other third-party companies which could result in you receiving these never-ending spam calls, emails and text messages. Luckily there's a solution, 'Incogni' is the sponsor of today's video, and is here to prevent your information from becoming available to scammers and hackers. It is not very convenient for an individual like me or you to contact the bunch of data brokers in the hopes that a few of them might have and will delete your information and that's exactly why Incogni is here. They will reach out to a bunch of data Brokers on your behalf, to make them remove your information as they are legally obliged to do so once they get a removal request. Even though you might think you have not given out any information to anyone, you most probably have by simply owning a credit card, being part of a grocery store loyalty program or having a social media account with the likes of Tik-Tok and Facebook. Once Incogni finds a broker that does in fact have your information, they will legally force them to get rid of your details and you will then receive emails like these confirming that your data has been permanently deleted. And the first 100 people from this video to use code 'SCAMBAITER' at the link below will get 20 off Incogni. Please make sure you protect your privacy today by going to and use code 'SCAMBAITER' to take your personal data off the market. Unfortunately, not everyone is signed up with Incogni, so all the people that do end up in this scammers call list and fall for the scam give me some saving work to do. This could be interrupting a scam that is about to go down successfully but I also like to prevent calls from taking place at all. Of course it is impossible for me to take all those 250,000 calls a day It is better to change the scammers their voicemail. This way I want 250,000 people a day about scams that are going around and also heavily demotivate the scammers by now sending through only callers with malicious intent. Look at all these calls going over all these people are getting warned. Since the Kolkata police didn't want to take any action, I guess, I myself am going to have to destroy these scammers their Infrastructure a little bit more. We've already seen the voicemail, another way to destroy this call centres income is by completely wiping their computers. So I think it is time to do so. -Oh! You don't understand me. [Hangs up] (Laughing) B-Bye! (Giggles) Yes sir it's working. The computer is not starting. They're looking up the wires. -You should've tell me earlier then. You should've tell me earlier then. Why did you waste my time then? -I don't know why you waste my time. -Okay I'm gonna authorise that order. Idiot! -Absolutely not, because then its gonna be [__] What bank account will you take? -What bank account? Your checking account. (Talking in Bengali) And now let's show the scammers their own CCTV cameras. -Oh, what I can do is sir.. ah.. I can discuss about .. My billing team will get back to you. We're very sorry! When so much money has been taken out of your account and right now I will not be the best person who can help you sort it out. After having fun with individually destroying these scammers, it was time for mass destruction. I first I wiped these scammers their phone system, which resulted them all of them getting kicked off and not being able to take calls anymore. After this I ran some malware on the remaining computers which will make the computer shut down by itself. And once they start it back up, they will be greeted by this newly styled desktop page. After destroying pretty much all their infrastructure, these guys have been vacant for couple of days. This means they will be out of business again for another four weeks. So I have stopped innocent people from loosing about 140,000 dollars. Unfortunately, this is the most I could do as the police still does not want to respond to me. I at least hope that you guys enjoyed this video. If you did please don't forget to like and subscribe. I have a patreon and PayPal Link in the description, if you want to buy me a coffee. Thankyou to incogni for making this video possible and I hope that you guys have a nice day. Stay safe, stay cautious. B-bye!
Channel: Scambaiter
Views: 6,519,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammer, files, deleted, file, delete, scammers, indian, tech, support, refund, payback, acces, rat, pc, destroying, destroy, ratted, memz, memz virus, ratting a scammer, scammer memz, syskeying a scammer, syskey, destroying scammer computer, memz scammer, ratting scammer, memz trojan, rat scammer, memz virus scammer, scammer syskey, scammer rat, scammer ratted, ratting scammer pc, scambaiter, ransomware, tech support scam, destroyed, Amazon, Showing A Scammer His Own CCTV Security Cameras!
Id: iVGbM6chBAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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