Should You Wear Goku's Weighted Clothes?

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should you be wearing way too close like Goku the Warriors of Dragonball Z are famous for their intense training tools some of their spaceships are outfitted with gravity multipliers when the pull of a planet simply isn't enough gas for them gains they slow down Tarbert shelf with hyperbolic chambers when there simply aren't enough days before a big beatdown but maybe the most famous DBZ training tool is a simple one if you wanted to get souped up like Goku should you wear weighted clothes [Music] way to clothing made its debut all the way back in the 80s in the original Dragon Ball manga and anime the clothes are as basic as boots wristbands headgear and t-shirts weighing many kilograms that are worn all day and act to increase a user's effective weight while training removing these weighted clothes can also instantly boost the power levels of a user you can go to the nearest Sports store and pick up more or less the same equipment right now but will it give you strength and speed gains like Goku first of all how massive our Goku is weighted clothes well the best example that we can put numbers to is an episode 140 of Dragon Ball when goku is fighting tien needing an extra burst of speed goku starts removing his weighted clothes to boots each weighing 20 kilograms a heavy t-shirt and then two wristbands youngja picking up the wristbands and the shirt says that he is holding at least a hundred kilos which brings the grand total for all of Goku's clothing to at least a hundred and forty kilograms over 300 pounds if that product if villain no one wants you here if Goku was looking to increase his power level through simulating high gravity then his clothes would be doing a really good job canonically goku is less massive than i am even though he is ripped out of his mind from head to tippy-toe but hey tan in his cannon so if you added another a hundred kilograms onto his mass he would weigh as much as he would on the surface of Jupiter laboring under an oppressive two and a half G's it is cold out here it's like I'm in a freezer [Music] you could go to a sports store right now and buy a hundred and forty kilograms worth of weighted clothing to put up on your person but while the boots and the wristbands will probably be similar to what we see Goku wear the t-shirt will not because I do not think a material exists on earth that is dense enough I'm going to assume that if Coco's boots were each 20 kilograms and his wristbands were probably also around 20 kilograms just to have everything balanced which makes his shirt alone a solid 60 kilograms because Goku is my size again I know ridiculous but that's what the Canon says I measured my blue undershirt for the total surface area and the debt and if you want the shirt to still be something like a shirt I'm going to assume that it is maybe 50% fabric and 50% whatever is adding all that mass so divide 60 kilograms by half the volume of the t-shirt and you find that to be the correct mass whatever is making Goku's t-shirts so heavy has to be at least a third as dense as the core of the Sun and even if you assume that the t-shirt is a hundred percent exotic material it would still have to be denser than the densest known natural substance on earth osmium to put the correct jinyu force on you so we probably can't make Goku special t-shirt but you can still buy a more conspicuous weight vest and ankle and wrist weights so is there a super benefit to wearing way too close all the time that is surprisingly difficult to say do any kind of online search for the efficacy of weighted clothing and you will run right into the multi-billion dollar marketing machine that is personal weight loss and fitness you will have to deflect personal anecdotes obviously paid for product reviews and conducting information from fitness experts but if you can make it through all that there are some scientific studies that we can scan although the number much fewer than you know a rudimentary search that I did turned up just six the studies that I could find evaluated wearing a weighted vest all of the time like Goku might across a number of weeks testing participants on a number of agility based tasks like running sprinting jumping and push-ups now if living training and fighting in way to clothing all the time and then removing it could seriously increase your power level then you would expect large effects in these studies but the results are incredibly underwhelming both the sprinting and running times decreased by less than a second within a margin of error the number of push-ups that a person could do after training in a weight vest for weeks all of the time increased by less than 10 their vertical leap increased by just 10 centimeters or under 4 inches one of the authors of one of these studies smart boy team will rant aligning now it needs to that's better concluded this way the effectiveness of wearing a weighted vest all the time and training in it is only good for slight improvements in agility and because the effects are so small you should only be wearing weighted clothing during training and not all the time these studies examine weight vest specifically and so minor gains in leg and core strength makes sense what hypergravity training effectively does is increase your weight as though you are standing on a planet with a higher surface gravity and so if you are walking around with a weighted vest your legs and your core would have to provide more force in opposition to the reactionary force the earth is putting on you from standing on it and that increased force is bound to build up your lower muscles at least a bit right now the force in your leg is the only thing keeping the earth from crumbling you against itself oh no wait no he's fine he's always fine if wearing a weighted t-shirt is likely only minor ly beneficial some of the time what about wearing ankle and wrist weights like Kakarot what can I say thrilling huh you want this again sorting out the efficacy of ankle and wrist weights is even more difficult than it is for weight vests I could not find any applicable studies but what I did find were numerous Internet threads quotes from doctors and anecdotes from martial artists now anecdotes are not data but at least everything that I've found said exactly the same thing wearing ankle and wrist weights all the time especially if you are kicking and punching like Goku is a bad idea the reasoning behind this is actually pretty simple rotational force or torque is equal to force multiplied by perpendicular distance and so if you are waiting down the ends of your limbs it's going to create large rotational forces at the pivot points of your body and so if you are trying to normally kick and punch like Goku except with weighted limbs you are likely to dangerously overload your muscles ligaments and tendons with rotational forces they aren't used to using weight compensated techniques that they are not familiar with so if wrist and ankle weights are likely to be good for anything in martial arts training they're gonna be good for slow deliberate movements against gravity so that you are creating real resistance in your muscles and not just dangerous torque but that kind of training is just normal strength training and so everything that I could find says that if you're gonna use wrist and ankle weights Goku style you should either be supremely careful and not walk jump run tick around like Goku does or don't use them at all I warned you and keep in mind almost all of the weight of clothing that we have evaluated so far have weighed less than 10% of the body weight of the user Goku's weighted clothing was well were a hundred percent of his body weight like he lived on the surface of Jupiter and so these proportions would only exacerbate all the problems that come along with wearing weighted clothing all of the time look I am NOT saying that weight of clothing has no value Here I am on a rock wall with a weight vest weighing 20 percent of my body weight so I must think that it can be beneficial what I am saying is that weight and clothing has very narrow value not general value like Goku and piccolo and the other DBZ characters get and it can come along especially when you increase the weight with a lot of dangerous downsides in an attempt to show just how obesity can stress the human body this fitness dude put on about the same amount of weight that Goku's weight and clothes have and he almost died will try to walk just a few kilometers Oh so for the sake of training and increasing your power level should you be wearing weighted clothing all the time like Goku I don't think so not only have scientific studies not found any major benefits wearing wrist and ankle weights all the time has a serious potential to injure you and change your gait and your balance enough that what you gain is joint pain not Brawley Fasching muscle and if all that wasn't enough removing all that clothing is not gonna instantly make you stronger if anything it's just gonna remind you what fighting normally felt like with whatever power you had remaining ki ain't free because science [Music] I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation on how strong Captain America is when he bicep curl the helicopter and he was bicep curling about 2,000 pounds in Dragon Ball Z Goku puts 10-ton weights on his arms and he can move them dangerously like I mentioned which means that he is at least 5 to 10 times stronger than Captain America go ahead you can come in thank you so much for watching Timothy if you like this video and you're on Facebook like it and if you like this video and you are on YouTube like and subscribe and hit that notification bell because we get up to a lot of nerdy stuff on this channel like vlogs and live streams and you won't want to miss it if you want more of me you can go back to Nerdist calm or project alpha at project alpha comm where you can get this show two days earlier than anyone else 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Channel: Because Science
Views: 2,648,146
Rating: 4.8008289 out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Fvid, Because Science, Kyle Hill, dragon ball super, goku, training, frieza, dragon ball z, nimbus, weighted clothes, cell games, fitness, anime
Id: joO82ovqoyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
Reddit Comments

Not to disparage kyle's good work, but the actual cannon weight of goku's weighted clothing is different than stated. In dbz episode 3, goku takes off his clothes and remarks on their individual weights. He says his shirt is 30 pounds, each boot is 50 and the wrist weights are 5 pounds each.

The points in regards to the results of using weighted clothing on a daily basis remain the same, but I wonder if these new weights would change the results of the density of the shirt significantly.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CosmicAussie 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Honestly I was a little disappointed by some of this. Kyle seemed to be downplaying the results of the studies he cited. For example improving vertical jump by 20% 3 weeks is impressive for anyone let alone athletes who were assumed to have reached their full potential.

I don't know how he reached the conclusion that the wrist weights were more realistic than the t-shirt. The wrist weights look about 10cm wide x 20cm circumference, at 1cm thick they would need a density of 100 to weigh 20kg whereas a t-shirt with a surface area of 0.6m^2 would only need a density of 10 at 1cm thick.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BloodyPommelStudio 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
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