So much WRONG with THANOS DOUBLE BLADED SWORD from Avengers Endgame

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So. The stormbreaker can deflect the most powerful beam in the universe consisting of the power of every infinity stone. But it can't destroy a sword Iron man fought thanos with 3 infinity stones while dodging a planet. But he can't overwhelm a sword All 3 of the heroes fighting him 1 v 1ed him and did good. BUT THEY CANT OVERPOWER A F&%KING SWORD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah, I had some of these same thoughts about how it should be a two-handed weapon with a bigger handle, if you're even going to do a double sword.

Frankly a double bladed sword is inherently kind of mall ninja anyway. If you study bo staff, you learn the same spins this guy was doing in the video, and you end up hitting yourself a lot. Which is a little painful with a pine staff. It would hurt a lot more with steel. And also, hitting =/= slicing. In order to slice, you have to penetrate into the target and pull through, which is a different motion. I'm not convinced that wielding a double-bladed sword like a bo staff would be effective.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notfromvenus42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how earnest this guy is. He’s so right about it being stupid as hell tho. My first thought when it appeared on stage was β€œhow does he use that thing?”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shadyhawkins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wasnt the sword made from the dwarves Like thors storm breaker? In fact I thought the entire black order got weapons from there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dumbleydore94 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanos built it by salvaging his helicopter. The weapon is purely sentimental

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/inconspicuous_male πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact : the sword Thanos uses , is a callback to his Thanoscopter from the comics . Jim Starlin confirmed it , thanks to this fellow redditor

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Notorious-Col πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
before we begin this episode of Chateau varsity I just want to let you know this awesome new deal by audible as well as an awesome audio book that if you're watching this video there's a very good chance you're gonna love it now audible is sponsoring this episode of Chateau varsity and if you go to for that I'm an audible fanboy I have heaps of these things and I just love listening to audiobooks my favorite is of course the fantasy genre and the way that helps me out it just inspires my own creativity it gives me new fresh ideas because some of these audiobooks are made by someone most creative people you'll find anywhere and if you don't know which audio book to start with let me suggest Steelheart by brandon sanderson in his reckoners series this is actually a superhero audio book with tropes flipped on its head where everyone who gets these superpowers actually turn evil and it's regular people who have to try and find a way to defeat these Superman like superheroes so they have to use really creative inventive ways to find out how to actually defeat these overpowered superhero evil will then up super here there's like super villain heroes if that makes sense but it is such a good series I love it so much and you can get it free if you go to www.hsn plea text chat iversity to 500 500 and then on top of getting Steelheart you can get to audible originals as well if you try it for 30 days I can't recommend audible honestly enough I've been signed up to them for years our awesome please do go check it out reverse greetings I'm shad and after watching Avengers endgame I tell you what I loved it so much yet of course there was something in this movie that stood out to me quite considerably and it is of course Thanos is sword now of course I love the fact that is using a sword did anything but this is a very interesting design I mean we'll just look at it sorry I've made our very rough replicas to experiment with and get an idea and actually how this thing could work and my goodness there's a lot to say about it so let's actually break down this weapon and try and find out how practical it would be in real life now if you think that also using a sword is a spoiler you have a pretty broad view of what a spoiler is it's not and I'm going to be avoiding spoilers in this video except for describing how Fanus fights with displayed something does happen to this blade that I want to describe I won't be saying who does it but if that is even too much of a spoiler go watch the movie then come back and check out this video but I won't be mentioning who does what and I'll be kinda just saying vague things that this sword does something to something but if you've seen the movie you'll actually kind of know exactly what I'm referring to so in that sense no that's not gonna be spoilers and we can get into just breaking down what is this thing now the first thing you might notice about my Ref okay it's scaled down a little bit to just be a bit more manageable for a regular person general rule of thumb is the bigger weapon becomes a more awkward it become now swords did get pretty damn large don't get me wrong both in horses one it's actually taller than him it's like up to here sorry at least by scaling it down I made it a little bit more functional even though there are so many problems with this thing of course the first thing I'll probably stand out to anyone when you see this is a double bladed sword oh that's kind of cool but when you look at it closer there's something very odd about it it's a double single edged sword double thing double single blade of sword single blade a double sauce double single bladed thingy thing but anyway each sword blade has a single edge on it and not only that they are reversed from one another where one edge is facing one side of the weapon and the other edge is facing in the other side having a single edge limits the versatility of this blade already but then putting a single edge on the reverse side of what you're actually using it limits it even again really restricting the way in which you would be out of fight with say for instance a very basic but useful move would be if you go down for a strike with this blade instead of having to swing around with the same blade as you usually do you just bring it up and go for a backhanded strike but the thing is the blade isn't facing towards my opponents facing towards me I'd just be bludgeoning them which admittedly would still be effective with the size of it but it does have blades for a reason okay so when you go there and go there's like it's not as effective as if you were to hit with the actual edge and so the way you do your strike down and then kind of seriously if you could concoct or think up the perfect example of a weapon where someone said let's just make it a cool-looking weapon and give no role to its functionality or practicality this is it and I think one of the reasons why they designed it like this is for a spinning effect okay by having the blade spin each edge is constantly moving towards the opponent but you can do that by having two edges on each of the blades you've got a throne it just as effectively sorry the logic is really Ford but I think that's the reason why they did it now I had to watch in game a second time and it was such a sacrifice because if I have to watch the movie a second time to make this video I guess I could I didn't take the bullet for the team you know and we're in my second viewing I was paying very close attention to how Stannis was fighting with this thing to see if there's anything unique and no there wasn't anything really creative he was quite limited yet he just basically hit like that and a few times did he use a back edge where he might have come down for a hit like that so it was deflected or missed and then he could go slower with another hit there and then kind of yeah jabbing with this there's no there's no points on this as well so it kind of their art blades okay but just a flat blade is nowhere near as penetrative as a point okay and so even if you try and stab someone no here's effective and so this design is the best and so contrast this with a double bladed sword that actually made a bit more functional it's got you know two edges on each of the blades much larger handle and I'll get to the single-handed thing but already you've got way more versatility where you can strike in any direction you want you can switch it around and so you have so many more options and leverage because you're using two hands with this thing and just to let my viewers know actually we'll be doing a full dedicated video exploring how you want to fight with a two-handed sword that's made in a more obvious and conventional kind of design even though in and of itself isn't in conventional design yet my goodness some cool things testing how's that behind me now there's a lot to be said about the practicality and feasibility of a double bladed sword like this so it's got to have its own dedicated video as I mentioned before but now let's get back to that OSes sword and as I was sharing in contrast by having these single edges on either side really limits your versatility and we can see this with the way Pharos is fighting with it where it's just kind of hits like is it he might go down for a strike but then he does use it in some other interesting ways for instance he throws it okay and when he throws this thing it just like helicopter blades all around and it also kind of returns to his hand I'm not sure if he had the ability actually call it back or just function kind of like a boomerang and he just aimed the angle correctly to be at for it to return to his hands but of course a weapon that big being thrown and and spinning like that yeah that would be a bit crazy yeah there are a couple of other interesting things that the blade is so big okay in comparison to himself he actually uses it as a shield and blocks several shots coming in flat but then there's a point where it starts to spin insanely fast in one hand now of course that's impossible to be done with just your regular wrist stop there and so the question is how on earth is this weapon spinning like that like a helicopter blade in one hand and I was paying very close attention when I watch the second time you don't actually see that the hand part is kind of off-screen but you see it spinning really fast but I think the actual clue is in this really strange hilts design now right off the bat the hilt design is actually a mess just from a functional perspective if your wrist is right in the middle and you try and do this because it's so wide at the base it just digs into your wrist the easy way is just kind of hold it off to the side like that and if you train yourself enough you can learn to avoid it and then you can just keep striking and stuff without getting in the way and just moving the wrist in it out but it is a very interesting design these aren't flat cross guards they're circular but they're not connected if it was a complete ring well then if these blades were disconnected they could rotate around the ring on kind of a sewing track but the other thing it could still kind of do that if these circular parts are actually wider than the gaps what do I mean well the blade would have to be on its own separate kind of running track inside the guard and it would effectively be separate to the hilt but held in on this internal track and then it could rotate and as it rotates this Center actual part of this half circle comes out and connects to the other side on this side before the other end of the track leaves it and so if the blade is moving out and connects with the opposite guard before it fully leaves the track of this guard it could actually rotate and spin continually now in reality if you tried to build something like that it would have to be so darn precise that all line up exactly and the slightest knock would actually knock it out and wouldn't be a derp move into the track on the other guard but this is alien futuristic type technology and so you can kind of hand wave the problems that would really exist and just say well there's an internal track in the blades can spin around in that regard and that explains why these gods are actually half circular so that is what I think is happening with the whole blade spinning thing even though you don't actually see it directly and if you can turn this weapon into a spinning helicopter blade of death well then it's a little bit more practical at least but not completely because we only see Thanos do that move once or at the time he's hitting like just just smacking people and even I'm doing this we're trying to figure out what a good ways that you can incorporate with the back edge like this but you can't do reverse it's because I'm always instinctively trying to hit with the ax from back edge not the agents up I hit down I kind of need that around I hit again and then I need check the blade and then see it like ever but no I need a kind of switch around the fact that there are certainly a single edge on each of these blades is ridiculous you could have still thrown it and done the helicopter blade of death thing by having two edges it's just dumb now there's one last criticism that I want to explore in regarding this weapons design before I actually talk about some of the implications of what this thing would have to be made out of because oh my goodness we do see it do some stuff now what is this last creme soon it's the fact that it's one-handed this wouldn't really be a problem with fantasy is like insanely super-strong them so he doesn't need extra leverage from the second handy you just keep hidden around as he wants and that does free up his offhand but in reality if you had a weapon like and remember I've shrunk it down there pity he pounds myself but even this would be too big to handle in one hand in my opinion especially with the width of the blades and all that so for Thanos not really too bad he could handle it but for regular mortals like us yeah longer handles get more leverage make it to your handed and if you're saying he might have just spun it in his head in a different way I don't think so like you can try it you can try it I'm gonna try to get I think I can spin it at least a couple of times on my palm I'm gonna try it again I think I just use one of the other takes strike strike can't even really spin it in front of you like this because there's no second thing to grab it but the regular double bladed sword even though it's not too regular at least you can spin it like this a bit but that's actually to orchid if you want to spin you do it this way I love in game such a good movie but this weapon specifically it is a piece of junk and as I mentioned one of the best examples of someone trying to make something because it's cool while giving no thought functionality or at least not thinking about it in the right way because they do have this whole spinning thing yet whatever this thing is made out of would have to be just insanely powerful because we see this weapon do something which is just huge okay and that gives us an insight of what it'll have to be made out of that is is crazy yet we also see this weapon and get destroyed and that gives us an insight as to how powerful the person is who destroys it that's crazy okay and that means that character could destroy a couple of other things now I mean it's not the first time we see a supposedly indestructible thing get destroyed in the MCU we see Mjolnir get destroyed in that Thor Ragnarok so even things made out of insanely is supposedly indestructible things like you or vibranium and stuff aren't necessarily truly indestructible and this weapon kind of falls into the category of made out of something insanely powerful and incredible yet still not truly indestructible and yeah well I'm kind of glad I gets the straight as such a mess like fennel sorry I know what you're thinking mate so there we go this has been my thoughts and analysis or fantasies double sword thing weapon I'll just an awesome weapon I mean I know it looks cool it's just stupid okay today right these are my thoughts thank you for watching guys I hope you have enjoyed and of course I hope to see you again so until that time farewell ok so now there's a video done I might break it by doing this but let's see how well this thing flies alright I might have to do a couple of tries because but uh over here one to begin with that it's not aerodynamic at all I'm not worried about hitting the camera because the wind catches it but let's see if I if I broke this way [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 3,605,815
Rating: 4.7428927 out of 5
Keywords: avengers endgame, avengers, endgame, marvel, infinity war, thanos, thanos', sword, double, double bladed sword, stormbreaker, mjolnir, captain america, iron man, ANALYSIS, time travel, weapon, infinity, infinity stone, stone, infinity gauntlet, gauntlet, blade, game of thrones, top ten, top 10, spoilers, plot holes, review, spoiler
Id: 4xJCf4uPgK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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