Goku's Lost Arc On Yardrat! | Yardrats | COMPLETE STORY

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[Music] yard right the story of a survivor is about Goku's lost year on the titular planet after his battle with Frieza Goku is facing an exploding planet namek and has no means of escape until he finds a random Saiyan space pod nearby after punching in the preset coordinates Goku loses consciousness as the spaceship travels to its intended destination after simultaneously crash landing and destroying his space pod Goku plummets to the planet below to his surprise Goku then wakes up in an alien hospital with one of the locals greeting him about four inches from his face the local explains that her name is nori which is another word for glue and that Goku is on planet yard drat nori simply enough explains that go whose presence has startled the entire planet as there are pacifists and do not wish to fight Goku explains that that will not be a problem and he only wants to get back home nor he gives Goku some fresh clothes to wear and bashfully covers their eyes the are dried Ian exclaims that that outfit is quite delightful on you I think I found my prince charming as diamonds sparkle around them the alien then pines for Goku to kiss them and Goku is having none of that as Goku makes a break for it nori teleports to his location and paralyzes them with telekinesis much similar to gold oh the yard ready and then kicks Goku right in the face lying on the ground Goku can only laugh and say it looks like Chi Chi's turn into a yard drat nori then tells Goku no matter where you go I'll find you you can't hide from me my love yes then another Guardian appears and tells nori to leave that stranger alone nor he tells Goku that she'll see him soon and then disappears new Yara apologizes for her attitude this says Goku must come with him now teleporting them both to distant location to meet up with yet another yard rat this one appearing to be a warrior of some sort the Ardra asks Goku if he is with the ginyu force - which of course Goku declines these accusations and then dawns on Goku that it must have been one of their ships that he commandeered Goku further explains that they came to Namak and he defeated them before one of his allies Vegeta killed them all the yard rat can't believe the ginyu force were defeated and asks who Goku is Dokic explains that he's merely a Saiyan from Earth that's impossible the sands were destroyed years ago by a meteor strike and if Goku's alive that means he must haven't met the tyrant of the universe yet goku remarks oh you mean Frieza Goku then details that it was probably the most difficult battle of his entire life they destroyed the planet but he managed to survive the alien that expresses his gratitude for taking out these threats and then further explains he is actually from when ER draughts cousin planets and his name is soba one day the ginyu force landed on SOLAS home planet and exterminated the population soba followed with everything he had and was able to even kill one of the members but the rest overwhelmed him and left him for dead soba managed to recharge right and one of the ships they left behind the r drives avoid being exterminated by freezes family by offering spacecraft maintenance services it was a fragile piece at best but soba knew that one day the airdrop people would once again be in danger and he had to become stronger to protect them soba then thanks Goku on behalf of all the our alien people for freeing them that's when Goku takes the opportunity to ask Silva to teach him that teleportation technique but alas only the wisest of their people are allowed to teach teleportation and so Goku's off to find who he needs to find after hours of searching for this wise man Goku decides to take a rest meanwhile in outer space King cold sips at his wine as this punk-ass rat-faced weasel punk-ass yard raddion appears King cool did asks who he is to disturb him yard rack greets the king and apologizes for the intrusion but he has some very important information to pass along a few days ago a stranger crashed on their planet and he appeared to be on a ship belonging to the ginyu force the stranger identified himself as a Saiyan and claimed to have defeated the ginn use the pompous king then declares the ginyu force would have done well to focus more on their training that indulge in their lust in their dramatic flair the yard wreck that exclaims the same can also be said for Lord Frieza what's Frieza defeated by a lowly Saiyan monkey impossible the King's wine crashes to the ground as the yard right trembles in terror King cold vows revenge and then executes immediately charting a course for Planet Namek back on yard rat Goku senses out a mysterious key believing this could be the wise old man he decides to try and flush him out although a little annoyed the old man confirms this and tells Goku to follow him Goku says he has something to take care of really fast and he'll be right back having a complete Deadpool moment and breaking the fourth wall Goku jumps out of the comic strip and yells at the author that he doesn't agree with what he's drawing he already put a hysterical female yard raddion in the story and now he has a stupid bandage on his face for some reason you better fix his suffer I'm quitting right now sobbing the author says he'll get right on it back in the cave aka the home of the wise old man he cooks Goku some dinner and remarks that Goku is rather strange Goku replies that he could say the same thing about the yard rats but they have some pretty amazing abilities say won't you tell me more about him grandpa grandpa no my name is who Shu the wise old man further explains that he was the one that taught the others those abilities and without him the entire planet would have been doomed he defended the yard rats against invaders that would come seeking to colonize their planet or coveted their teleportation techniques he continued in this manner until the day he met soba he felt that he had the makings of a leader so after a while he let him take his place but after the wise old man had found out the soba had advocated his responsibilities after facing the ginyu force he felt tremendous shame believing it had been him that made an error in judgment after of which he exiled himself to this region Goku enlightens the old man well at least you don't have to worry about the ginyu force anymore eternally grateful the old man asks Goku how he can ever thank him well how about a match in the old man agrees he puts up a pretty good fight even taunting Goku at first the old man whoops out the multiform technique which forces Goku to do a kaio-ken and suddenly the old man grabs his chest and falls to the ground Goku asks what's wrong are you okay the old man explains that he forced himself a little bit too much and this has been happening for a few years now he just needs to go home and rest a while later back in outer space your majesty planet namek has indeed been totally destroyed look sire isn't that your son on the screen King Cole takes a look for himself and indeed it is Frieza he orders his men to put freeze in the ship and get him in a rejuvenation chamber and then hits King cold that yard route was telling truth and he orders his men to send a squadron to the planet yard rat and have them kill that saying on sight and if they can't do it he'll rip the head off that filthy monkey himself a couple days pass and said squadron lands on Planet yard draft the old man tells goku that his people stand no chance against this force and if that he'll defeat him he'll teach him the teleportation technique admits destroying a planet the cavalry comes and tries to stop King Cole's men who announced their names as yamori Shamu and Shima the villains further explained that they're the elite special guard of King Cole and the Emperor of the universe has ordered them to destroy everything on this planet without wasting any time the Special Forces killed many of the locals enraged SOPA attacks Shamu the fight rages on for a short while the soba stands no chance Hamo demands to know where the saiyan is hiding silva replies that he has no idea the special forces don't like this answer in the beating continues right before the special forces execute soba our promiscuous little friend teleports him to safety she goes on to explain that we have come to help you wait a minute we and sure enough goku is already out on the battlefield and thousand they're gonna pay for what they've done to these people it finally comes full circle but this is the saying that defeated Lord Frieza so but dismisses the rest of his allies and says that he and Goku will take it from here goku demands to know who sent you to kill me and the special forces explained king cold the father of Frieza after enough talking Goku decides more or less take on all three Special Force members at the same time even telling soba to just step out of the way while the special force members prove themselves to be even more powerful than the ginyu force they still don't appear to stand a chance against the mighty super saiyan just then yamori transforms into a vile lizard creature which almost suggests that maybe they should go help their comrade Mishima replies the saying is amazing to watch and she just wants to enjoy it using a kaio-ken kamehameha combo goku completely overpowers to transform your mori that's when Shambo lets out a high-pitched frequency that sends Goku to the ground paralyzed despite Goku's please so becomes to help you Mori missing both of his legs from the knee down and his right arm from the elbow down picks himself up from the rubble the other two members of the Special Forces take their advantage over Goku and start beating him while he's dizzi Shamu has his boot on the back of Goku's head and it's prepared to crush him suddenly who shoe speaks to him telepathically and tells him to think of the innocents that are gonna die if you don't stop these monsters and Goku is able to deliver a kick to sha Mo's chin sending him flying backwards Schama once again tries to incapacitate Goku but it doesn't work this time Goku tells him to just stay down and Shima gets the high ground and says she won't let a filthy say and tell her what to do she sends an enormous key blast barreling down to the planet and Goku has no time to move at the last minute he busts out yet another cow can and sends a blast flying back up into space taking Shima with it however it appears she must part of a race that can survive in space and Goku can still sends her key Shima thinks to herself what colossal mite the sand is far too powerful for us if this Saiyan really did manage to beat Lord Frieza then why would king cold think we could beat him either way we accomplish our mission or die back on yard rat Shama and Goku begin to go at it as you Morey and so Bo look on so but tells him that if he wishes to fight the saying he'll have to get past them first and given his present condition he doesn't think that'll be a very fair fight then yamori reveals that he only needs a couple more minutes and he'll be able to completely regenerate his lost limbs in which case so bo will pose no challenge sova states that he's ready to give his life to allow son Goku to destroy him yamori takes that as his cue and quickly gets the upper hand on silva they get to himself soba knows he only has one chance to win this battle and it's with a technique that didn't even work on the ginyu force then it's the only chance poor copies of himself appear behind him and what appears to be the multi form technique while soba uses the multi form Goku handles his own business yamori leaps into the air vowing to end this right now he fires a key attack at the onlookers below before using his tail to pierce Silva's chest still standing one of the yard radium's tells an order that he's gonna need her for the next attack a sope tells Goku not to interfere as this is his fight Goku understands and complies using the same telekinesis technique as gold oh so what blocks a hole in the alien invader as his life fades yamori has these closing thoughts I was the last survivor of my people my entire race was wiped out by a band of intergalactic warriors when I was eventually recruited to serve as part of King Cole's private guard I could not have been prouder but all my hopes ahead of rising from the ashes of my people's demise to become something greater than all of them in their honor have been sucked into the void seems the tapestry of my life has come to an end on this backwater planet I feel so ashamed forgive me my king Shima roughly returns wishing tomorry peace and as eternal rest sha mo tells her that she'll have to wait her turn he's the one fighting the Saiyan right now putting him in his place she tells the weary warrior - shut up as Goku's been whooping him this entire fight instead she tells him to focus on the yard rats Shama complies but vows to take the fight back when he's done ash mo heads off Shima tells Goku that he's not going anywhere until he defeats her but Goku says she isn't worth it the Argent's know they are no match but hope to buy just enough time until Goku can reach them who is quickly getting the upper hand in his match so but just about getting a good hit when she was yells for Shamu to look out instead of being a direct hit it only grazes the villain this leaves soba out of energy taking to the sky Shyamalan plans to finish the downed yard right but Goku isn't about to let that happen jump eat on the way protecting him Goku tell Silva to rest up and he'll take it from here Goku takes on both the invaders at once matching them blow-for-blow chalo proclaims that the saint is strong but even he won't survive their ultimate attack performing what they call their Thunder Eagle technique a wave of K descends from the sky they believe it to have disintegrated our hero but in fact he was saved by one of the our drives Instant Transmission resuming the fight Goku quickly gets in a few good hits but Shama finds out how Goku was able to survive killing Goku Savior without hesitation Goku sees the same evil and sha mo as he didn't freeze up it relates to the death of nori to that of Crillon lighting his Saiyan rage flow transforms into a Super Saiyan for only the second time with one punch she brings Shamu to Annie and unlike with Frieza he erases them without thinking twice Mishima however Goku offers one last chance to leave unless you would like to see the same fate leaving her own power to be superior she fires a key attack at her adversary which Goku does even bothered to dodge a rising to her feet she declares herself the winner but as the dust clears we see Goku isn't even fazed with a single kick he takes her to the ground Goku offers her yet another chance to leave if she values her life one of the elder your audience tells Goku to finish her while he still has the chance but we all know that's not Doku style as goku explains a lot of his enemies have become allies regardless he'll stick around and intervene if she comes back Shaima takes off but tells our hero not to expect a thank-you leaving planet yard riot once again at peace falling out a Super Saiyan Goku collapses the elder asks him what's the matter and it turns out he's just hungry it looks like still was going to make it as the attack ball fires up into space she thinks to herself I've always trained to be a great warrior in order to defend oppressed people but I had to suppress that desire the day the space pirates conquered my planets the men were exterminated in the women enslaved we were sold tortured and humiliated of every passing day my anger grew eventually I couldn't bear to live like that anymore a rage overflowed I destroyed my oppressors with the help of a powerful King King cold and I shared a common enemy that's how he recruited me to be the leader of an elite squadron that day I thought I was finally free even if I did not share King Cole's ideologies at least I could fight but after seeing us say and fighting with such conviction to save a race he barely knew I remembered the goal I had originally set for myself I'm going to have to drop off the grid King cold will never forgive me for failing this mission the yard dry people were busy rebuilding the damage caused by cold elite squadron even Goku helped meanwhile soba was recovering from his injuries we soon see him reading a letter dear soba I'm writing this letter to you because I fear I've done something unforgivable I know why colds elite squadron attacked our world it's because I told them to say it was taking refuge here I was terrified that if I didn't tell him he would kill all of our people as an example for his other subjects I couldn't risk breaking his trust especially after the backroom bargain you made with the ginyu force I need you to understand I truly believed what I was doing was in yard rats best interest I didn't mean for this to happen if I could take it back I would their blood is on my hands soba and if I'm still alive I'll spend every waking moment trying to atone for my sins this wasn't your fault my friend well coming Nori's brother leader of the yard rat army without knowing what commie commissioned the death of his own sister a while later goku trained to sober before Goku's alerted to the venerable who Shu who's requesting an audience with Goku immediately he goes on to say that he'll teach Goku the instant transmission technique not realizing Goku's within earshot soba asked the owner if he really wants to teach that technique to a Saiyan but as we all know Goku is a great hero now of multiple planets even so but then says Goku isn't worthy of who shoes training dressed like that he'll go get him a traditional yard ready in uniform the elder goes on to inquire about the Super Saiyan form but Goku says he can't access it at will and the first time he even used it was only a few days ago against Frieza who Shu further explains that he already read Goku's mind has come to understand that it was the brutal death of his friend Crillon that awakened the power sleeping within him Goku also felt that anger when nori was murdered the owner claims he can teach to say and how to control that anger so the transformation isn't spontaneous without control over that rage Goku could become a danger to his allies just like he is to his enemies ready for the training the owner tells Goku to show him the anger inside of him but Goku has nothing to even be angry about thinking of friends lost in previous battles though who tries to summon this emotion which sparks but does not ignite who shoot else go could the anger he feels at this moment lacks control you'll have to be able to remain calm while maintaining this anger SOPA returns and Goku gets a change of clothes who Shu goes on to give Goku this message before I teach you Instant Transmission let me give you some history my people and that of the our drives are the only ones that know this technique I taught it to them when I learned to freezes plans to conquer this technique would allow them to safely evacuate their world and seek refuge on other inhabited plan but in the beginning the purpose of this technique was to allow for faster convenient travel between planets with sentient populations so we can make contact thanks to this we've been able to carry out numerous commercial exchanges in a lot of the development of our civilization sometimes our refused to teach it when I doubted the intentions of those who wanted to learn it on my planet some people have not hesitated to use it to commit criminal acts that's why I've only since thought up to the yard right people since they are a peaceful race the training then begins everyone teleports away and Goku is tasked with finding them but he fails to do so after two months pass Goku is finally able to master Super Saiyan but still struggles with the Instant Transmission the namekian Dragon Balls will reactivate on earth to allow the Earthlings to make their wishes the return of the souls of Corona and Goku were the first but ponga says he cannot resurrect souls that are still among the living to their elation they tell him just to bring him back to earth then Barranca appears to Goku stating his friends wish goku declines to return as we all know well Goku continued to Train he was unaware that Vegeta had set off into space and was looking for him while Frieza endured a terrible rehabilitation in order to take his revenge 23 days later King cold receives news that Vegeta has been spotted attacking one of his military bases the AWOL chimey has also been seen on one of his planets apparently colds entire squadron wasn't defeated there seems to be a lone member that was on a separate mission when the fight ensued with Colts permission he vows to avenge his comrades and take out the trader Shima in the process they have mistaken Vegeta for the Saiyan responsible Cole tells him to bring back the head of that monkey and if he fails it will be his head on a spike and so he launches into the void of space on planet lits Vegeta questions a Down soldier on the whereabouts of Goku with no luck he simply execute him in the distance he sees an attack ball land on the planet thinking it could be Goku he heads in its direction who quickly finds out it's not who he's looking for she to ask this man if he's a henchman of Frieza the man introduces himself as zorak a member of Cold's elite squadron and furthers by saying he has come to avenge the Fallen military base Vegeta doesn't seem to be bothered by surak's power but the alien warrior retorts at Vegeta's power only registers 55,000 laughing this off Vegeta can't believe that some still rely on that weak technology as he powers up regardless of the power difference Stark he has no choice but to fight while Vegeta respects this mindset it quickly seems he's no match for the Saiyan Sarek attacks from behind which apparently ruins any respect Vegeta did have as he rips his arm off shortly after Vegeta then asked before killing him if he knows anything about the super saiyan that defeated Frieza zarach tells Vegeta to not be stupid a Saiyan defeating Frieza deciding he's of no use Vegeta blasts the mercenary into oblivion as he states the Super Saiyan exists and he will be the next one Vegeta decides to head back to earth unable to find Goku I'm playing at Frieza 73 things are about to change Frieza trains vigorously learning how to use his new body colds army is able to discover that it was none other than Vegeta that defeated zorak cold wonders of the super saiyan legend is to be believed putting his worries aside he believes a Frieza will be able to handle it regardless noticing his father's anger freeze the storms insane his yelling is distracting after a short conversation cooled admittedly track down that traitor Vegeta and he wanted to make him pay for defeating his son on Namek of course Frieza just laughs us off saying he killed Vegeta easily back on Namek going on a rant those damned sands I was sure I had exterminated all of them except the three that served me I now have no choice but to believe that The Legend of the Super Saiyan does exist as I was defeated by a golden haired saying back on namek anyway that legend died with the explosion of the planet's cold stands in shock a golden haired saying like the one that killed their ancestor Lord chilled cold takes us as the opportunity left Frieza know that the Saiyan that defeated him lives at first surprised Frieza decides that this will only sweeten the moment he arrives on earth to find the corpses of his friends and family the 5th of August back on yard rat it's been two months since Goku begin to identify the auras that were moving around him after all this time he's finally able to completely visualize a person's aura and perfectly follow it with his mind having done enough work on key visualization who should now let go could move on to teleportation itself the elder goes on to explain the basics of the technique determined go who clears his mind finds hoosiers ki visualizes and nothing's happening to the great displeasure of the elder though could have been training for months to master instant transmission without much success fatigue concentration or hunger were the main reasons for his failing one point he even considered giving up but his fiery spirit pushed him to continue the venerable who shoe suffering an illness that affects his heart fainted for the second time and if it wasn't fatigue or hunger that was the problem it was precision on my planet you are stranger what are you doing don't blame me I had to find a reason for Goku's multiple failures here I did it with Yoda a symbolic character of Star Wars so I find the yard ruts resemble him a little bit especially because in the original version of yard rats the readers always called who shoe Yoda that's a nice wink June 7th 764 was the day Goku finally mastered the art of instantaneous movement but is also a very tragic day for the yard radiant people go who searches for who shoes key as we find soba next to him it appears the elder is dying go who gets the bad news and wants to know what he can do to save them what they can do to save him happy to see a student mastering the instant transmission Goku reaffirms the older that this situation is no longer about himself before he dies who should tell soba thank you my son I'm who shoe the last of the wise men of our native people when our planet came under fire from frieza's forces I left for planet yard right to prepare our cousins as well as ensure the continuation of the knowledge of our race when I arrived with my family your mother wanted me to teach you the secret techniques I had developed I had refused for fear that had fallen to freeze us hands if you ever decided to betray us and join freezes army like your brothers indle during the first assault of the ginyu force on planet yard drat I saw you surrender to them I felt betrayed by what seemed like a lack of courage on your part the people were safe but they were enslaved stripped of their freedom faced with the guilt and shame that nulled at me I felt my exile was the only option open to me but then there is Goku and the attack of King Cole's forces I could finally see the Sun I had always wanted a true warrior who risked his life for others the arrival of the Saiyan has changed you you have grown and I found my pride soba my son thank you never forget who you are as the life drains from who Shu soba asked for his father to forgive him for not having lived up to his expectations whose death brought sadness to the entire planet even Goku who's usually so carefree was sad by the death of the one he called his master since he had been on this world but he also felt great frustration at the fact that he could do nothing to prevent this he who possessed such mighty power was once again helpless in the face of death of another friend who she left this world but his spirit and teachings continue to live on through his disciples and his son soba what happened to Shima after suffering defeat as son Goku's hands she could not return to headquarters for fear of being killed by king cold so she deserted questioning her purpose in the universe she decided to resume her desire to defend oppressed people in order to ease her conscience but during one of her raids on a garrison a Frieza soldiers she was shocked to learn that Frieza was still alive she then remembered the Saiyan that saved her life she had to do something to repay her debt to him blasting off into space she hopes is not already too late that's how Sima ex commander of Cole's elite squadron left for planet yard ran to warn Goku of the imminent departure of his sworn enemy Frieza for Earth September 25th 764 somewhere in the universe have you detected planet Earth yes it's located in the northern galaxy my lord we can be there in 20 days very well let's go I look forward to destroying Goku and his friends soon the Super Saiyan will become a forgotten myth just then she was attacked ball flies right outside cold ship your majesty a spaceship approaches hey it's Shima gets me in touch with that ship contacting her he says that he will soon kill her for betraying his empire she laughs us off and says don't fantasize you'd have to kill that Super Saiyan first and I doubt you're man enough cold then assures her death will be painful he then says to stop the ship he's going to kill her himself but for some reason Frieza objects five days later she lands on the are at on the surface below soba and Goku continued to Train soba a scope who if he thinks he's strong enough now no doubt I'd like to fight you and you're even stronger though SOPA says that's no fair he can't go Super Saiyan that's when they said she must ki approaching as the ship touches down goku says need to hurry to the landing site before disaster strikes soba tells him that he wants to take her on himself this time before she gets twenty yards from her ship she's greeted by the two though a little deterred by the icy welcome she's glad they're still here what are you doing on Planet yards right you're defeat wasn't enough explaining that she's not here to fight she's here to give news to the Saiyan the imminent arrival of Frieza and his father King cold to Planet Earth to the immense horror of Goku Shima says that if her estimate is right Goku should be able to make it to earth and 15 days if he leaves right now she'll stay on this planet to help defend the yard rats toku says that he needs the spaceship he came in as his friends are in danger completely taking her word for it a short 20 minutes later doc who's ready to head back to earth this is your spacecraft it's programmed to go to earth I don't know how to thank you for what you've done for us but please finish this tyrant his reign of terror must end Shima states she'll do whatever it takes to earn their forgiveness as she wishes go who luck in defeating Frieza don't you want to fight free zone his father no thanks they'll kill me easily soba thank you for everything take care I hope to see you again someday and with that if he finally begins his journey home 15th of August 764 freezin cold arrive at planet Earth spurning his father's suggestion they just blow it up from space for he wants to land on the planets a torture each one of Goku's friends individually however the gap between Frieza ship and Goku's was narrowing in three hours Goku would arrive on earth but would it be in time to prevent the catastrophe the Frieza was planning one by one although the Z fighter sense freezes in his father's presence the end of the world drew near the faces of Earth's warriors contorted in fear as they felt the incredible power emanating from the ship as it approached their planet a giant shadow eclipsed the sky as the spaceship descended into Earth's atmosphere above the heads of Earth's warriors they were forced to watch helplessly as a terrible tyrant of the universe came ever closer our heroes hid their key to prevent being spotted from the few Scouts and warriors that were on board freeze a ship as they began to assess their situation and form a plan as Frieza ship landed the horror of our heroes was further magnified when they discovered that an equally sinister aura accompanied him we have three hours left before your super saiyan arrives you want to wait for him ëcause father we can take the time to flush out his little friends and kill them one by one not one to hide piccolo rise on the scene first shortly followed by Vegeta and go hon if I have to die on this day I'd rather go having fought with all of my strength saying he's glad to see them all here Frieza wants to tell them only two things first son Goku will on earth and three hours second they won't live to see him killed this information comes out quite a shock to everyone now that they know Goku's on the way they actually have a chance merely for his entertainment Frieza has all of the soldiers attacked the three piccolo tells Gohan to lead the soldiers to the others as they should be able to handle them he and Vegeta are gonna try to hold off King cold and freeze until Goku can arrive luring them away Krillin instantly gets the idea and uses the solar flare technique stn vaporizes him with a cake oho as Yantra celebrates tien says this is no time to cheer and they need to go help piccolo Kakarot arrives in three hours you think we'll survive until then I know it's a long shot but you never know nothing ventured nothing gained Frieza says he's going to take his time to slaughter all of them wondering how long the last it's been a long time since I've had a good fight I'm going to have some fun picking a powerup his cold sheds his armor he is the first to dive into battle as cold quickly proves a strength even the same Prince admits that that bastard hits hard so Vegeta what happened to your stay in fire get up and show me what the Saiyan Prince is worth Vegeta vows to defeat him and Frieza if he has to destroy the planet he fires a beam that almost acts as a distraction for piccolo but his attack is blocked as well even the two working together don't prove any match for cold piccolo decides to stand back for a second lady Vegeta take the lead on target a special beam cannon but freezes wise to his plan a chop chop is on before hitting him with a ki attack shortly after which he defines himself on the ground too still in disbelief that he hasn't even been able to touch him yet that's when cold comes crashing down and begins to stomp on the Saiyan Prince the humans feel both Vegeta and piccolo fading fast Krillin was only able to find a single sense of being at Master Roshi's they have to decide who to give it to you remember is that back on Namek he injured vegeta in order to gain a power boost tien objects you want to give that sense whooping to vegeta have you forgotten what he did to us but Yamcha takes Krillin side saying that he fought alongside of a monic either way unless goku arrives they're dead so he might as well give it a shot in agreement the three jump into action at the same time in space goku tries to sense him out but he's still too far to get a read on anybody's ki just then vegeta regains consciousness immediately he senses a power gained from the zenkai boost after Crillon fed him the sensor beam Kerlin asks if he thinks he'll be able to win Magina responds let's find out huh we have newcomers do you know them no father they must be friends of the Saiyan piccolo is able to regenerate his army get back on his feet as Yong Chun Tien back him up the Frieza tells him no matter how many of you vermin there are you still have no chance of avoiding your planets fate don't count us out yet Frieza we're still alive in a shocking twist both Tien and Yamcha power up a kaio-ken away from the battle Gohan consents the change ciaossu explains that they decided to defy King Kai's ban on the kaio-ken technique but Gohan remembers even when goku used a kaio-ken it was no use against Frieza stepping down from the ship Frieza says brave earthlings I'll honor your stupidity by facing you myself piccolo tells them not to do anything reckless as they must resist until Goku arrives but for whatever reason Yong Chun Tian go after Frieza given his resilience eat cold offers piccolo a job who says he'd rather die Yamcha tells tian to get ready for the crane combo Yamcha are you sure Frieza and all the smugness offers to give them a free shot Yamcha is able to push it onto the board Tian can deliver a key Koho although it manages to catch Frieza off-guard it doesn't do much damage Krillin realizes that tian is putting his life in danger as he delivers another attack tian falls to the ground depleted of all energy all he managed to do was make Frieza mad young chuck ruin and Gohan joining the battle decided to attack them with all they've got at once but of course even with this breeze it doesn't believe they stand much of a chance regardless they continued the onslaught well hits cold with the ki attack telling herself not to give up they need to hold on until Goku arrives but coach sneaks up behind him in shops the namekian in half looking out his body on the ground cold wonders if he'll be able to regenerate from that state rushing to avenge his mentor crueler shouts offer Gohan to stop of all people Vegeta kicks Gohan to the ground stopping him from making a very bad mistake telling him not to die needlessly cold asks the prince if he's finished his little nap whatever the confident Vegeta tells him to shut up he's gonna show him his new power delivering an unguarded elbow to the face but once again it does nothing to the Galactic King shouting out them the prideful arrogance of sands annoys him he shoves Vegeta into a mountainside hold powers up what appears to be a finishing blow as Vegeta can do nothing but curse him as he lies on the ground yet again though Han Yong Chun Crillon think that this will be the end launches the attack and it makes contact with the earth young Sheree goes out to Crillon for them to retreat but Curley knows he can't just abandon his friends but Frieza is even gonna give them the option to consider it as he fires his death beam at the both of them that's when Colt attack begins to waver and what appears to be faux Super Saiyan Vegeta begins to push back the confusion of coal he tries to keep his own beam at bay lunging through the attack Geena plows through the collected King killing him just for good measure he then blasts him to pieces no Victoria Fujita falls to the ground with no energy remaining with he Yamcha Tien Krillin and piccolo down Gohan is a lone remaining warrior for planet Earth yes piccolo if he things go who will make it in time to save them but piccolo responds by telling him not to try anything and to just focus on saving himself Frieza announces though he doesn't care that his father was killed he refuses to accept the fact that you Saiyans continue to ridicule us 2 hours and 30 minutes before Sun Goku's arrival Frieza tells Gohan that he does not plan on killing her now as he wants to kill him when Goku arrives just to watch the terror contour it in his face when he watches the life bleed from his son's eyes but Gohan tells Frieza that he's not afraid of him and he's not giving up piccolo begs go on to stop but he rushes forward anyway they need a combo before finishing it with amis inko Frieza fires back and lands a few shots of his own allure in him just letting go hyung get in those heads in space Goku can feel Gohan's key to sending he can also sense shouts to heading towards Correns tower no doubt to get more sense of beans but Vegeta Kirill and piccolo Tien Yamcha are all near death and back on earth Gohan remains persistent unless you tell Goku arrives Frieza comments on his optimism saying he really is his father's son that's when he begins to charge up a death beam saying this is the end for you kid able to dodge it but it may just be the doing of Goku who manages to arrive just on time Gohan's brought to tears by the sight of his father though who tells him to get everybody to safety and he's gonna finish this once and for all the freezer to clearance he's finally gonna have his vengeance Goku furthers by saying that he sees that Frieza will never change now he's gonna take him out for the good of the universe and everybody under his oppression while Frieza scoffs at this notion he s Goku how he managed to arrive so soon his ship wasn't due to land for a few more hours explaining he's been on planet yard Drive mastering the instant transmission the last year ariza finds this interesting he says the atmosphere of yard red is livable the very toxic to organisms that are not native there other words he may have survived the explosion of Namek that he is slowly dying Goku brushes us off by saying I'm either a lot stronger than you thought or you're just straight-up lying having enough talk Frieza fires that Goku who to flex it away like it's nothing though Frieza is able to get in a hit Goku is able to get in a much better one backing off Frieza notes the determination and go whose blows asking if he's finally taking him seriously regardless he says that it's too late he'll die along with us planet but Goku tells him he was hoping that he would just see the power difference between the two of them give up on his own showing off his difference he went several texts before landing Frieza on-the-ground Goku gain asks what the point of all this is yo class freeze in every way why is it that hard to admit defeat that's when Frieza gets a sinister look in his face saying that Goku is very naive Goku realizes he plans to blow up earth just like he did Namek firing several discs Rize says I wonder how you'll stop me Super Saiyan easily dodging him Goku quickly realizes this is only a distraction as freezes at the air charging a dead ball go who tell the ports right to front of I'm telling him it's over firing away in absorbing freezes blast Goku finally finishes what he should have finished on Namek piece had returned to Planet Earth it seemed that all was well the son Goku was facing an invisible enemy a heart disease from Planet yards rat Coco's excellent physical conditions slowed the progression of the virus but over time he ate away at him gradually making him weaker and weaker until finally our hero breathed his last son Goku's death left an immeasurable void in the hearts of his closest family his son gohan and his wife chichi the Dragon Balls did not have the power to restore him this time but as one story ends another begins Son Gohan train hard to become a powerful warrior in his father's image soon he will face powerful and terrifying enemies but that is a story you all know [Music]
Channel: Mondo Cool
Views: 716,795
Rating: 4.7929497 out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, manga, anime, anime 2019, manga 2019, new dragon ball, new dragon ball super, new dbs, fan manga, manga dub, comicstorian dragon ball, comicstorian dbz, yardrat, goku on yardrat, goku training on yardrat, dbz lost arc, dbz lost episode, dbz yardrats, dragon ball yardratz, dragon ball z yardrats, ssj vegeta, faux ssj, new ssj, new dbz, instant transmission, dragon ball heroes, dbh, dbz, dbgt, dbs
Id: fSVqos_AT9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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