Should You Play Priest in TBC Classic?

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[Music] hi guys my name is minto goblin and today we're gonna bouncing one very simple question should you play priest in the Burning Crusade so in this video we're going to have a five main sections first of all we're going to look at all the major additions and changes of from vanilla progressing into the burning crusade secondly we'll have a little look of a talent trees then we'll talk about PvE performance PvP performance and lastly we'll have a little look at the tier set looks and diverse set bonuses just Before we jump in guys apparently 90% of the people who watched my videos aren't actually subscribed to the channel so I would really appreciate it if it gave me a quick sub and like the video if you end up like in the video anyway let's jump in let's look at all these major changes we'll talk about with shadow spec first because this is probably what people are most interested in because obviously in vanilla shadow spec wasn't considered they're very viable spec and I had a very niche value whereas in a burnick restate it was an extremely viable spec and a very high lead as I expect for you to bring to your rates so the main thing that made it shot up recently viable in the Burning Crusade was the introduction of a spell of vampiric touch so this was an extra dot in the shot of priests toolkit very similar to when staple of flick shrinkers out to be casted and had a very unique effect to regenerate in the party's mana Cystic a shudder priests didn't heal the group and healers economically love you because you're gonna grant him loads more mana which means they can better protect the raid then you put one into the caster DPS group and the same thing they're going to absolutely love you because they can actually be able to do more DPS this is why shadow priests were nicknamed a mana battery in the burner Crusader when you combined this effect with shaman totems and paladin Jojo and her wisdom you look in a serious amount of mana regeneration for the entire raid it also did generally meant that they did a lot more DPS because we have an extra dot to apply on to the boss but didn't do top tier DPS by enemies obviously made up before that by being such a strong support class and to ourself a shadow priest did work hard they can do some serious DPS and compete with V / DPS rade this is what made shadow priest a extremely highly desired class but strangely actually quite rare class the whole time me playing endless while for the two months I played they've only seen one Shadow Priests which is interesting to be honest nonetheless they're actually in really high demand obviously the vanilla Shadow Priests a serious money issues because you would run out of mana so quickly this was kind of fixed obviously but by vampiric touch because over shadow damage your deal would be returned as manner and he also had shadow fiend as a big man a cool-down which will generate even more mana to them blood of priests would have even more mana regeneration because of their blood elf rachels but on top of that very unique priests racial caucus you magic which allowed them to dispel one of our own buffs to just get a little bit extra mana back and Vandana had an ability called symbol of hope which was basically a weaker version of a mana tide totem it was an ability called shadow word def which was an executable it if I did quite a lot damage of oh if a tank hadn't died also deal damage to yourself so ever be you know a little bit careful with this ability but luckily you have the ability called vamp Rick and vampiric embrace which regenerates healing based on Chara damage as well for the rest of the party and it will kind of top your health for pisode afterward by shuttle word def so much let's talk more about V healing and utility abilities first of all we've got prayer mending which is no reactive AoE healing effect basically you would apply to a target that side would take damage and then it would heal when they talk damage and jump to the next target of him when the next target dealt damage then he'll jump again and we'll keep jumping around for a maximum of five charges and basically acted like an AoE healing effect you also had circle of healing which is very innocent cheap a we heal that will just heal the current target that you were targeted but also everyone else in a 15 yard radius and you could just spam this while moving because it was just totally an instant cast there's also of ability master spoke become one of the most iconic priests abilities what it would do is remove one debuff on one buff from ten enemy targets and ten friendly targets in a radius but it would also have a unique effect to remove invulnerability core downs like divine shield an ice block which made priests absolutely lethal in PvP even when they were healers you only have to look at PvP legends like Hydra on his old videos during the Burning Crusade and raffle that came to fully Sivir lastly we have Pain Suppression which is basically a shield War buff that can be applied to other people on a very short cooldown compared to shield wall and also increase her resistance to purge effects obviously it's not as powerful shield wall but is I like to call it a little mini shield wall so let's take a little look up a talent tree as a first change in the discipline tree was a silent resolve which also had the added effect to reduce the chance of your spell's to be dispelled by 4% absolution was also added Bush just very simply reduced the mana cost of dispel magic cure disease abolish disease mass dispel by 15% the effects of a meditation were actually doubled from 15% to 30% obviously this was a very key talent that shadow priests and holy priests would always spec into to increase her mana regeneration in raiding environments reason why it's not max on this character but always because this is B default shadow PvP spec just for your information the cast time 7 effect on improved mana burn was doubled divine spirit got talent buff your divine spirit and prayer of spirit spells also increased Fattah his spell damage and healing by an amount equal to 5% of their total spirit there's an added talent here called focus power your smite mind blasts and mine dispel spells of additional 2% chance to hit in addition your master spell cast time was reduced by 0.5 seconds so it will increase to 1 second we also have focused will which after taking a critical fit gain a focus will reduce in all damage taken by 2 percent and increasing healing effects on you by 4% stacks up to 3 times just one of those great talents that make shut up Walt normal priest healing priest pretty tanky in PvP no see we also have enlightenment here increase your total stamina intellect and spirit by 1% and at the end of a tree we have a Pain Suppression so discipline got a massive rework compared to holy that's probably because I'll fee gameplay of arena but coming into light and flushing out during a Burning Crusade and obviously if it needs to be a decent PV spec to make priests viable or as holy it's largely unchanged just a few additions here and there first of all we have search of light your spell criticals have a 25% chance to cause your next my to be instant cast cost no mana but being capable of a critical hip so you probably come across videos of the smite priestess like more of a smile priest talent build largely not used that much to be honest nicely I've hold a concentration which is a bit of a clear casting effect have a 2% chance to enter a clear casting stay after casting any flash heal or any he'll basically event will reduced in mana cost over your next cast by 100% very similar to the shaman clear casting effect next residents what gives you critical strike immunity what a chance to do it for six seconds after being critical hit then we have empowered healing just a very simple flat healing boost which is normally for talent just before the last Talent in pretty much every single tree in the game even have a bottom of a tree we have a circle of healing so first two changes in the Shara tree is one or shudder Ricci only needs two talent points to become marks they have to spend less talent points on this shadow weaving actually gets nerfed down from three percent to two percent the vampiric embrace ability is actually booked slightly by 5% we have a simple manner reduction talent here called focus mam reduces at mana cost of your mind blast mind control mind Flay by 15% both shudder resilience reduce if a chance you'd be critically hit by all spells by 2% largely a very useless talent to be honest because how shut up owl which gives you a flat increased chance to critical hit with your main damage abilities we also have misery again it's the very typical second to last talent point it always just gives you a flat increase to DPS or healing very simple event at the bottom for sure we have vampiric touch so let's talk about the PvE braiding and dungeon performance in Burning Crusade so a priest as always consider to be basically the best healer in the game for greater tanked healing because of the talent inspiration which means if we increase the armor value of the tank by 25% whenever they create one of their heals very very useful for tank healing will grow for a we he isn't because I've got circle healing prayer of mending stuff like that if we have horse who have power would shield for emergency situations they've got great bull said they provide to the raid got a really good utility with dispels master spell stamina and spirit buffs fear ward for fights like Knight Bay number tank which is really useful they can skip doing don't rush with ability - oof which allows the party to move closely by a you know difficult back foot I don't want to deal with which can save time you can also remove your own fret with fade ability you've got an a we fear ability which is really good if you accidentally put too many mobs and it's safe to do so if I can really save you in some tight situations yo sup my have control which can be used in heroic dungeons to do some insane damage because if you can combine control some of the really high damage dealing enemies and shuttered holes for instance you can just do insane and cleave damage with this like whirlwind ability and you do like 2k DPS it's it's actually pretty insane obviously I've already talked about how useful shadow spec is they provide really decent DPS and a massive amount of support for the rest of raid with passive healing and passive menu mana regeneration so let's talk about their PvP formats I would consider the priests to be be topped here PvP class so you know SABC I'll consider it an STI class they are a very capable healer within the same utility available to the team probably the best utility however healers to be honest first of all we have the ability mana burn to mess of the other healers mana we have a master spell to stop mages and paladin's from protecting themselves from your DPS you can put out Pain Suppression in which is basically a mini shield wall onto a friendly target to totally save his life got power infusion to boost you mate while caster DPS is DPS you got fear in the form of psychic scream which can be used on the enemy healer or the be used to peel you know to melee DPS off you which is probably one of the best peeling abilities in the game to us because an AOE fear and fear is V bear cc in the game they can very easily provide support DPS or shut up were deaf and have abilities secure a kill you've also got devour and playing and shut award paying for extra damage if you imagine when you group with a wallet for instance the healer priests can provide two very powerful dot so then they can combine our Warlock dots like corruption unstable affliction curse of agony and then you got worried and rogue bleeds on top of us and obviously the damage is even further magnified if you're playing in shadow spec priests actually mostly did go our MP comp which is rogue mage priest which is considered one of the most lethal team comps in the burn who said can you generate your own mana well with a shadow fiend you've got mind control which can be used to like mind control over healers forced them to jump off a ledge forcing them to massively lost their DPS and without if that other team doesn't have good coordination then you know about fire DP pose DPS people are not getting dumber you know healed for a very long time when they came to shadow spec one of the strongest parts of plant shadow was the fact that he still had a lot of really cool healing and support abilities while playing DPS so it's almost like having two healers in the game because you can dispel stack up crowd control effects on your healer until you protect your healer provide extra healing on to the healing without power would shield you can use out a shadow form so if you're you know your friend DPS are taking too much damage you can provide a little bit of extra support when it comes to healing for the healer and yeah it's bet you know if they're really really strong in my opinion you're gonna have a lot of fun playing Shadow Priests or even you know discipline or hold a priest because you have a really big utility tool kit so if you have a kind of guy who likes and well if you have kind of guy doesn't just like - Lee dpsing all the time and just focusing on his own DPS but also doing a little bit of art and helping out with your team members to help them survive and help them and optimize their DPS and just generally keep them alive and you definitely go in to enjoy Shadow Priests more than for instance playing a warrior or something like that because it is at its heart a support class let's take a little look at - VTS s first web tier for incarnated raiment first of all we have the healing version officer the two set bonus basically gives you a little bit of an extra cheeky hot whenever you do prayer or healing so increases your massively going to increase your a wee healing capability because you're doing an actually a little bit healing for nine seconds after a prayer healing which obviously affects up to five people then there's an extra method to reduce forecast timing for greater heal every time you cast a flash heal let me read it out each time you cast fasciae your neck a greater he'll cast within 15 seconds has its cast and time reduced by 0.1 stacking up to five times let's take a look at the set bonuses for shadow spec first one your shadow fiend lasts a little bit longer longer ball free seconds longer and also has a little bit domina pour it in oh so Tama doesn't die anyway to be honest and obviously that just means you can get a little bit of ocean of mana back and then the next bonus is your simple damage bonus on my inflate and for some reason on smite as well which I don't really understand but it's fair I guess it's fair for smite priests and it almost insinuates part of smite priest was actually intended to be in the game so I started quite interesting next year for tier 5 sets unfortunately the tier 5 set is what like the previous set is really tailored towards looking more like a healing holy preset but a PvP set does look more like what makes you a little more like a shadow priest that's what I'm trying to say so let's look at the set bonuses to bonus is your if you're greater heal brings bottarga to full health you gain 100 mana so a little bit better cheek and mana regeneration an increase of a duration of your renew by 3 seconds I started quite useful for shallow spec we have each time you cast an offensive spell for a certain genetic spell will cost 150 less mana so a little bit of extra mana regeneration for you each time your shadow war pain deals damage it has a chance to grant your next spell castle in 15 seconds up to 100 damage and healing that's actually quite interesting because you can use factors snapshot dots which is one of the you know best ways to optimize your damage has a dot class so that is actually quite interesting lastly we have tier 6 V absolution set this does look more like a shot up reset func fully let's have a look at the healing set reducing the mana cost of your pair of healing by 10% fairly simple quiz the healing of your grade to heal ability by 5% so honestly pretty boring blurs probably kind of run out of ideas at this point by the looks of it let's look at V why do I need it right click all of them increases the duration of shadow where pain ability by 3 seconds are really good because that's a massive damage increase increase for damage of your mind blast by 10% so not too bad but again not that interesting compared to the other tier sets anyway guys let's run get in the video over my name is mini goblet in my next video ciao you
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 128,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: _oZfABKy1ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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