What Class Should You Pick in Classic WoW?

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[Music] alright guys my name is Mehta : and today I'm going to be giving you my class picking guide for classic wolf Warcraft so as always with my class picking videos I want to help you gain a deeper understanding of the play style of each class and help visualize what your life is going to be like as each and every one of the classes there might be some role that your chosen class has to perform in a raiding environment but you just don't enjoy but it might be something that you do enjoy about a certain class but it's actually not viable for an instance you might enjoy warlocks because you have demons for pets but if you're raiding you're gonna have your demon sacrifice most of the time I'll go through the leveling playstyle first of all if I go for the end gameplay style I've never finished telling you about some unique selling points and some cool gimmicks for each and every class and they just probably jumping guys please do give me quick full-on twitch I'm doing a little bit of streaming on there at the moment and I will do a lot more when the game is obviously released so let's begin with a warrior so a lot of people moan about how difficult warrior is to level but honestly it's not that difficult it's just not as fast and as easy as of your other classes it's because the the class relies on gear a lot particularly having a good weapon so but once you get like a decent weapon you do pretty good damage and the leveling you know is pretty chilled out to be honest but you do have to stop any quite a lot because aspect doesn't have the best sustainability however when you stack spirit armor it is a little bit better you're going to be specking into fury until about level 40 I've been swapping into arms of what a respect doesn't relie changed the rotation of the place to have that much basically what you do is you charge in you get to combat you use her extrac or mortal strike whenever it's available when you're bunked up enough rage and then basically after you've kind of killed an enemy you bank on your rage until the next pull and then you might want to get a little bit more rage of blood rage or that kind of stuff you also have some moderate utility and defensive cooldown to do with risky encounters you also have the option to use hamstring kiting whether it's if I heard it's actually not working as well as it should do on the beta so we'll have to look into that when it comes to end game you're going to be Specht into fury and dual wielding the whole time so say goodbye to post huge 200 weapons because we only really see use impede P and the PvP spec is actually arms so you're gonna be working towards getting the Lionheart helmet pretty much stress early as you can which is best in slot forever for the whole of Conor vanilla so yeah the downside device is gonna be looking at the same ugly helmet the whole time you're playing the game basically it's a blacksmithing drop from an X here so let me talk about a rotation since it's actually one of the more interesting rotations that requires some a stance dancing and a little bit of focus you basically use blood first and whirlwind whenever they're available and use but you lose blood first first in a rotation and if you start getting too much rage you're kind of filling ferroic strike and if you're low in rage and you get an overpowered proct you have to stand stance into battle stance to get a note to consume your overpower proc so you get to use more than one spell which is more than what can be said for a lot of the other classes you also have some pretty cool dps cooldowns since you know before every single class in the game had a DPS cooldown is more unique two V's like the solely DPS classes and you normally properties during the execute phase and basically spam excu for huge damage when it comes to non DPS rolls warriors don't have that much they are more of a DPS machine class but video have a cast interrupt and a fear which can be useful from time to time it's also important to note about if you're progressing further and further into vanilla content you may also have to do a little bit tanking even if you are in your DPS specs so you probably have to get a shield and then because it's just kind of essential for you to progress through the read content really a lot of a time because you know tanks are hard to come by and some bosses require more than two tanks some some require like eight tanks so that is something to bear in mind let's talk about gimmick so the warrior there isn't many because obviously warrior is more of a kind of barbarian DPS machine class but nonetheless you do have some pretty cool defensive kordell's like shield wall and retaliation which pretty much make you a mortal for a few seconds you got sweeping strike so it's probably the best a week leaving abilities in the game and you also get to used a ranged weapon so while we're talking about the worry we have to very quickly talk about tanking so the great thing about playing protection warrior first of all is it's very easy to get groups it's a very satisfying feeling you know whispering some guy looking for a group and knowing hundred percent are you actually going to get into that group and because you're in such a high demand everyone will basically just love you and want to be your friend which furthermore means getting groups is going to be even easy I mean because you're playing a warrior everyone has this undermining respect for you like an unconscious respect because there is a hardest role to play in classic world warcraft it requires a lot of concentration confidence and skill you're going to be using an ability every single global cooldown trying to generate a steady stream of rage in Agoura while consuming your rage with damage mitigation abilities like shield blocking from the clap which have to maintained about 100% uptime you're basically in control of the raid fight which is why it's a really good role for a raid leader you know it's the most difficult and respected role in vanilla whenever you see a warrior in tier 2 gear you know you just have to see do stop a little bit you know you know for you know Christ that's a pretty skilled player especially if it's a tauren worrier with tier 2 again I mean that's borderline intimidating let's move on to the rogue in many ways very similar to worry in the sense that they are a solo DPS machine class we have the same issues as a warrior in the you know when it comes to leveling with their bad survivability but sustainability but it kind of makeover is slightly with a utility such as stealth obviously to skip enemies increased dodge chance short cooldowns defenses and other kind of utility abilities your play style is going to be straightforward you won't be using stealth as an opener on every single mob pool as it's waste its time you'll need to preserve it for specific situations basically caster is a strike and repost when it's ever available while letting your mellow struck Mele strikes like snuggly fit in between each sense in special ability attack so you probably need a weapon strike timer for that to maximize your DPS then when you're at 5 combo points you just use a Vista rate to finish the mob down you don't really use slice and dice that much as you know combat doesn't really last long enough to justify spending combo points on that book it will eventually have access to a Wii and DPS call down to the later levels like adrenaline rush blade flurry all that kind of thing and obviously stealth will make your life really you know just a lot easier you can avoid difficult counters and hide away from getting ganked in fact you can also become for gank oh and just kind of get revenge of being ganked or years of playing Warcraft which is best looking my personal plan because I've never played rope that much and I'm gonna be playing broke when a game launches anyway so a 10 game you're gonna be dual wielding swords pretty much all the time there is some viability of using a dagger but it's generally except about double swords is the way to go the rotation is all about maintaining a slice and dice buff and filling him with a strike in the Vista rate basically like the warrior the rogue also has a number of DPS cooldowns for you to manage it's also a very maneuverable class because of sprint but like I said the class is more about maximizing your DPS rather than helping out the raid in other different ways like a lot like the classes on different classes on this list of caster classes they help out in other ways at rather than just doing DPS over time however for a rogue you know you stuns and your kicks will help out from time to time it'll also be a job to find traps and disarm and in a some raid and dungeon encounters so I talked about the gimmicks first of all obviously stuff we talked about that you've got a sprint which is useful you know in PvP and PvE but also does getting you know after you've read wipe to get him back to the boss a little bit faster so it was just less walking time you got some really cool class quests I thought was interesting to mention he got loads of weird RPG gimmicky kind of features like leveling a lot picking and poison making you can unlock dungeon doors it cannot lock chests that can't be unlocked by anyone else I've had a lot boxes all that kind of stuff it was quite access to range weapons you can do pickpocketing go for a dungeon do loads of pickpocketing make loads of money you can disarm traps Redoute you've reduced fall damage and the last thing I put on here was just you have loads and loads and loads of stones now let's talk about major quite like the major leveling style it's about dealing as much damage as possible while avoiding melee range and being tactical about how to use your snares and like your routes I guys know what opinion in me down and just kind of escape on every chill effect caused by your frost bolt or isomer there's a chance for you to get a free ice Nova effect on the targets better called a freeze effect so UK as much as you can but you also want the enemy to get the chill effect from your ice armor so you kind of bump into melee range let him get a freeze effective and run away so do reason why you want the freeze effect happens because the basically chance for frost bought the crook will strike his fervor increase it's called a shatter effect whenever a tag is frozen in an ice Nova or any of any other kind of effect overall this thing is a fun and tactical maneuverable playstyle Fiat that will probably keep you interested in to a level 60 when it comes to n gain a play style becomes a little less interesting you know honestly because you probably just going to be casting frost bald the whole time basically one maid will spec into this debuff for talent which increases the frost damage of all the other mages in the group have been the rest of the majors just cuz frost bolt the whole time and that's it when you start doing AQ and acts as the opportunity for you to become a fire mage but it's kind of like the exact same thing you have one mage who basically debuff so target with ignite even though all the other mages maintained that one ignite but it also means about the only one majors are gonna look really like fat on the DPS meters so there's a var and majors can do other useful things for the red though you know it's not just about being a DPS machine they can use polymorphic crowd control enemies give raid members food provide healing amplify buffs they can D curse which is really really underrated because not many healers can actually have actually have d curse effect I think it's only a druid that has one so the fact that mages candy curse is really useful because it's a really nasty curses in certain raid encounters can also interrupt cast of can't spell and obviously have the best AV dps in the game which is really useful in certain encounters particularly at Nick's ear when you take him down or well things it's really good for the majors to get some AoE DPS to clear that them down and save to read let's talk about give me another major class one of the big ones is portals so you just get around the world much faster you can create your own food so never to buy food you've got blink which is very useful you've got ice block tilting the gate damage on you can be a real lifesaver you've also got a slow fall which is really useful for getting around got firewalled and frost ward which is very useful for just absorbing loads of damage got ice barrier mana shield and some just got loads of abilities really to just stop you from taking damage you actually quite a tanky class you must got manage ends to give you a bit of the man abused halfway for a fight so those are great things so let's talk about the hunter hunter playstyle involves turning your pet into a beast he monster so it takes up all the aggro and does most of your damage while you kind of do deal steady damage in the background trying not to pull aggro hunter is a very fast level above no downtime between killing enemies you can just chain pull it over and over you also get aspect of a cheetah very low level so you're very faster just moving around compared to other classes about you probably the fastest and this is why the name reason my hunters are the fastest levels I didn't gain a rotation becomes quite interesting since its tactical it requires perfect timing to pull off he basically open with an auto shop casts aim shot between the time it takes Phoenix Auto shot to happen then you let the auto shot happen think a small to short and can repeat from veissy it's all about perfect timing because you don't want to clip your auto attack with your abilities powerfulness hunter will be responsible for using trunk quality shot on removing frenzy effects from the enemy he got frost trap 2k adds freezing trap which is actual one of the best CC effects in the game because it doesn't care about whether the mob is a humanoid or a beast or something like that mayor so it may also be required to do some kiting where he basically kite boxes away from the group while they take down added and these has happens on up a Blackrock Spire basically run away with a boss well recipe group take down the outs so I took about the hunted gimmicks obviously we've mentioned aspects of a cheetah which makes you very fast indoors as well so running back to you corpse after a what raid wife is you know very desirable you got pet management which is its own thing in itself I've always described hunter has basically been its own RPG game because there's so many things to think about it's probably one of the most interactive classes in the game I have a number of pet videos on my channel so you might want to check them out too can I feel like get a a rough grasp of what a hunter pet management is all about because it's basically like playing two classes and one right and that's one of the main reasons why I like it so over give me two got I have a beast which basically means you can take control of your pet you got you can track different types of enemies on a map you got traps you can become Mel a temporarily kind of like a cross between a ranged and spec which is another cool thing got loads of snares you got eagle-eye which is a kind of light works off like Farsight basically cast it on some area really far on in the world I mean you can kind of see that location its kind of grateful just being aware of what's going on avoiding gankers and that kind of thing got a rapid fire which isn't a really good DPS cooldown you can fear beasts with scare beasts you can also use Viper sting which is a really really for mana drain in PvP you've actually got some pretty decent a weak capability if you smart but how you use your class and I use a volume emulation trap so actually not embellish and traffic explosive Trump but anyway moving on so what look leveling is similar to hunter leveling because you obviously have a pair to be honest they are actually stronger level as than hunters because of all the survivability they have the only reason hunters level faster is because of aspects of a cheetah basically you send your blueberry into combat avoid walk any tanks everything like a boss is even more tank even any hunter pet well you basically deal dot damage and use your wants and stock damage doesn't generate a lot of Ag room this is what the playstyle is all about it's about getting your pet to take over Yahoo and you just kind of slowly rock them down in the background you have many ways to heal yourself as a as a warlock you have to drain life siphon life health stone and lots of CC to protect yourself like fear howl of terror which is an AoE fear and you've got her horrify which is a short instinct cast 'field fear but also heals you as well you can also sacrifice your void Walker to give yourself a big shield even more powerful and powerful for the mages ice-barrier oh and you can obviously resurrect yourself with a soul stone which is really really useful some people also level with an imp since the IMP actually does more damage but this is more for advanced players and the people not on high populated PvP servers as it is a little bit more risky a 10-game your life would be very similar to a made you would just be casting shadow bulbs over and over to maximize your DPS with your pet sacrifice to increase for DPS further and this is how you DPS in a raid until the end of the Burning Crusade to be able to just cast shadow balls a hard time in spawn to know that warlocks had a master debuff class okay they're not all about doing damage kind of like the law master from loader rings if anyone's familiar probably touted to be honest you won't have to debug the enemy to reduce fat damage done of cursive recklessness Oh curse of weakness sorry you can increase the weakness to elements of magic to buffer DPS of over DPS in the group powerful Vesey which is very useful in a raid environment you can give warriors health stones vulva tanks specifically in source stone healers of a conversing combat but can be a huge rage of saving situation and obviously the big one is summoning people which means people just appreciate you more people will just love you more because you're a warlock and everyone else is just lazy it means you can also get people to you don't you faster if you're making a dungeon group and I said early about the build that most people go for will involve actually sacrificing your pet to increase your shadow damage but sometimes you will be requested to buff your tank group with the imps Blood Pact buff and then you can combine this with the black book which is a wallet a trinket what drops in the first boss in black wing lower which basically is a DPS cooldown for your pet and once you've got that you can actually starts doing some pretty decent damage so there is of the option or for you to actually do a little bit of pepper managing for your pets actually exists in reading environments I know a lot of people really like pet classes I'm included on that one so I've always liked in holy deaf night so there was actually the opportunity there there for you to use your pet you don't sacrifice all the time let's go for the gimmicks of the Warlock first of all one of the big ones is a free mount at level 40 well not totally free but obviously much cheaper than what everyone else has to pay you've got life tap to basically give you infinite mana as long as you can heal you have health stones yeah fear water breathing soul stones summoning the eye of kill drug which can be useful for polling bosses you got track demons detect invisible yet detect invisibility which is basically a way to find a visible mobs in the games there's like mobs which are like totally hidden again but only wallets can see and part of the reason for this is to make warlock and soul shard farming a little bit easier you've also got really long CC called banished for elementals and demons he got drain life you got a hellfire ii which is very risky area we've got an AOE fear instead fear enslaved demons so you can just basically take any pet more take any demon as your pet in the game you can also summon the infernal of a doom guard right so this is like connive like a really big summon a ritual of doom for instance we actually start killing people who are involved in the summoning ritual basically get four of your group members together and you someone is really big doomguard about just totally destroys everyone you can use it to raid well it can use it to wipe entire towns if you feel like it but it is quite a quite difficult pre requirement for you to get the doomguard quest which is quite interesting actually so yeah you can just you can kill everyone on your server if you feel like it so the first healing class I have for you is the shaman basically shamans and paladin's in vanilla are basically bards right the reason why was no bard in world of warcraft and there isn't a lot of rings online is because the shaman and appalled in are the bard right people speculate that over next class is going to be a bard no it's already happened right the thing that the thing is about showing a retail is totems I like more cooldowns now rather than static buffs but basically you have a having you have over 10 totems as a shown and basically you're going to be thinking more about totems and specific totem buffs and defenses and everything like more of an actual healing the healing pie that's pretty simple everything is about the buffs anyway let me run through leveling pretty quickly you're going to be leveling is not an enhancement you basically be leveling like a warrior stacking strengths getting a big two-handed weapon and the playstyle is quite interesting it's all about front loading damage you can a cast all the stuff you need pretty early on in the fight you get your lightning shield your fire totally flame shock and everything like that you cast it in a chunk and then you just let everything rock the target down slowly and that's pretty much it that's just how it's gonna play out you're gonna be casting more than one spell everything is fairly interactive experience and you're also got the advantage of being able to go fast with ghost wharf so there's another perk so let me kind of explain the play style of I did say that everything is mostly about buffs and you have to adapt what totems you are popping depending on what group you are in right you'll be get searched around and spread around the group depending on how much homage you have in the group so a good example you know you're in a tank group you'd be popping stone skin told them to protect the tank you'll be popping resistant totems pretty much in every kind of group if you're in a melody PS group would pop in win fury or strength for the earth and a healer group you'd be you know mono spring would be essential in a ranged DPS group you probably we focus on threat reduction particularly even a heavy if you're gonna hit a heavy warlock group you'll be providing threat reduction for the warlocks and everything is just kind of situational you adapt to what group you in and what your group needs and there's also other kind of gimmicky totems like stone claw totem which you can save your tongue can use taking too much damage and or you can just use it to save yourself we've got earth buying to kite mobs which is kind of underrated actually you've got a a week and I've also got a OE fire totems which can be quite useful at taking like ads down and stuff we've got a wind wall totem which is used for helping the raid take less raid less range damage I mean you've got cleansing totems to remove debuff so there's loads of different totems are extremely useful and it's basically them in the main unique selling point of our show it's all about totems and in PvP they can be seriously offensive and seriously strong by just helping warriors basically 1-shot the crap out of people with the Winfield Tilton let's talk about healing play style it depends on what kind of healing you're doing in inner vanilla basically you're ever going to be healing a tank are you gonna be healing everyone else and if you're hunting the tank you'd be sparsely healing the tank very slowly and steadily but what you're probably going to be doing as a shaman is a wee healing and Mele group so he probably casting lower rank chain heal and you're probably still top to the healing chance to be honest I'm chained hill on the melon group just focusing on keeping the melon group alive with the aue heels because you're doing one of the only classes that has a very sustainable and effective a we heel in the game apart from that you will be using lesser healing wave which is basically a flush heel to kind of heel spike damage on a raid when they kind of spread out and you can use chain heel so yeah oh and another thing obviously you can use perch which is very useful let's go under if you give me except a shaman the unique selling points first of all we've got an extra hearthstone on our half now well this is brilliant array but you can get around the map much faster with dust really know of an extra hearthstone to really easel you've got a self resurrection which is extremely useful when you're out doing solo content but also resurrecting a raid so they don't have to run tabacon I'll run back into the instance go ghost wolf like I said before can really useful the lower levels bought later level you probably will just mount and you're so able to sell it so low content pretty easily you know you've got weapon buffs you've got all the enhancement abilities so you can go on to the content and just you know do quests on your own and then you will eventually get power after just like one-shot mobs of Chain Lightning as well so there's about oh and you also have water walking which is another great perk and that's pretty much all the gimmicks of a shaman and everything but you need to know about a shaman the next class we have is the priest which is arguably probably the best healer in the game if we're only talking about healing then they probably are the best healer in the game first thing to note when you're playing priest is to take note of the racial that you know priests have so depending on what race you have you'll have different ratios for instance dwarf have a fee award for instance which is because it had the optimal choice so that's one things you can look up in your own time but let's you know talk about what the priests is all about leveling is kind of a fella he's one of the easier level level is in the game because it's at to quite fast basically most of the time you're going to be killing mobs with your wand and you're going to be benefiting from being a handsome man regeneration from spirit tap so whenever you get a killing blow your spirit basically starts with generating your mana faster which means you won't be stopping to drink often because you're as a front-load some damage and then just wander than the until they die but he do need to take more than one mob on once it is a good idea to pop the power Ward shield and which power wall shield actually stops you for your casts from being interrupted which is really useful evany can burst a crap out of some damage in shadow form and you know have some fun so when it comes to endgame you're both kind of a very good AOA healer and single target healer probably you know you're a good mix of both basically some classes are you know excel at private one you have a very good toolkit as a priest list so let's talk about you know the play style and toolkit first thing is fear ward there was even a dwarf that is extremely useful to point out and you've got to cool down for a big crit yield so I like it really good emergency heal you've got a really good fret reduction that you can put on yourself there's a spec what actually where you can put a specific really powerful buff on a single spell cast of DPS like a mage and I think it's called power infusion that is really useful you've also got the ability to remove buffs basically you can remove you can remove D buffs from target's friendly targets but you can also purge off enemy targets as well so you've got like a purge and debuff capabilities and a quite well you're quite stocky within a fire as well when for when you're soloing content you've got shackle and dead which is useful in some don't quite a few dungeons actually you know the kind of undead dungeons like straw form and stuff like that so that's very useful you've obviously got really good buffs as well to provide to the raid everyone's gonna be asking for your buffs you got a really good spirit book and which is a talented one depending they would you go for and obviously got the stamina buffer everyone's probably very familiar with and you've also got a capability to drain manner which can be useful few unique situations books it's extremely Lethal in just to drain people's minds a very offensive play style you've also got mine sieve which is an underrated ability you can skip entire mob packs and save a lot of time doing your dungeons and stuff like that that's very useful you've got a wee fear which can be an absolute lifesaver if control properly anyway and you've also got shadow resistance buffs which people are going to be asking for as well so let me talk about this specific playstyle of priests so priests have this talent where they can basically get and they can take advantage of their spirit stat and the regeneration furnace forest now while they are casting or within that 5 second window so basically you are going to be applying that 5 second window to kind of sparsely cast heal so you don't run out of mana especially even a single group on your own you know you can't just spam spells like you kind of retail you have to be conscious and just take a pause as now again you're probably going to be using renew quite a lot quite a lot but you're going to be using on petanque basically any target that is taking consistent damage in a raid very fast spike damage you are going to be popping hots on the tongue you've got power would shield which is basically only used in the emergency very manner inefficient actually probably got me using about much but it is an instant you know defensive ability you're also going to be spelled weaving a lot an experimenting with them you'll be doing this as any healer basically but you're going to be doing what's called spell weaving where you kind of mix around what rank heal but you're going to use depending on your stats and depending on the situation because what you're trying to do is you're trying to be the most efficient healer possible if you over heal like even like one point you you're wasting healing you don't waste healing in vanilla that's kind of what the play styles all about it's not like retail week and over heal you shouldn't be over healing basically it's all about maximum efficiency so you've also got steady greater heal for of a tank in other times taking a lot of damage you probably be asked to steadily use greater heals on the tank you got flash heal to again like ramp up your back spiked damage on space and spread out dps targets you've also got a holy knob no Nova you've got holy Nova which is the situation's what a raid has taking really high fast a we damage where you can't kind of counter that really high damage by casting V was the other spell called prayer of healing so you know if you've got it just delete you have no time to cast prayer of healing you've one very instant AoE healing ability which can also be used quite effectively to do solo AoE farming as well you can make it quite a bit of money I then heal the normal heal abilities more like uses a casual mare heal when you're trying to save mana in PvP you know you become more focused on using instant casting abilities to keep your team alive let the power work shield and bring you stuff so yeah uh let's talk about quickly gimmicks basically been giving four priests as mind control right which is ridiculously overpowered you can just solo ill elite zones and Ally quests you're really clever about how you do it and you can even solo dungeons if you're really skilled and yeah the basically just really good solo in content as well that's our last give me a half for you and let's jump onto the next class so next we have the Paladin which as I described before is basically another bard kind of style class it's less about the healing even though we actually are the best single target healer in the game it is more about the buffs so but they provide a lot of advantages to a rape because of their buffs let's talk about the leveling very briefly it is a little bit boring honestly a little bit slow the leveling as a paladin and but at least there's no downtime there's no downtime because you can cast self heals which is an advantage but most of it is you just buffing a weapon withered and with a seal I mean you're consuming a seal with a judgment and then you reapply the seal and to rinse and repeat like to Borden's pretty much all the way to level 60 unfortunately but oh well let's move on you basically as a paladin the best single target healer in the game and you would probably end up being the tank buddy the assigned healer who basically just looks after the tank right you have a really big tool kit when it comes to buffs so those different books are different situations you know more damage more health less fret damage reduction mana regen amplify healing damage transfer there's loads of different buffs should look at like proper spell list and you'd be surprised how many more how many more buffs are out in vanilla thunder is to retail you also got auras which can provide quiet advantage as well we've got auras which you know provide extra damage they provide resistance of a another good one is cast interruption reduction camera when it's cold be specific or but it's a very useful horror apart from that in your toolkit you've obviously got debuff removing you've got fear for a fully undead target so you've got a big crater called heal buff like the priests do you got a big CC long CC for humans you got a big quick heal or because I hold a shock you got like an instant heal for emergency situations you've got very useful storm hammer justice very underrated and you should be using it as a healer you can help out with damage as well which is another good thing if you you know running a little mono just pop see the wisdom and start whacking the target and get your mana back that's another good way to play you know in Dungeon and I think one of the biggest unique selling points we probably should have mentioned it earlier is all the ridiculously overpowered life-saving abilities up power didn't have they are just ridiculous right you've got Devine he divine shield you've got blessing a protection divine intervention which can prevent red wipes and the most overpowered ability am i in my opinion his lay on hands is basically like a cheat code you properly had hands you got instant health again but it's a cheat code that spells the Qi is on a one-hour cooldown though so yeah basically as a power then you can save the group or even the entire raid group more than a few times with your ridiculously overpowered abilities so let's talk about the gimmicks no sorry let's talk about healing play style basically this is the only class in the game back in spam abilities and that's because of the illumination talon basically whenever you get a critical heal you start Ryu basically refund at 30% of your manner which is really useful and which means you're gonna be a single target healing a lot and you just get half your mana back all the time so like I'm not saying it's infinite mana which is pretty close to infinite mana especially when you get really high geared and unfortunately with paladin it's all single target healing and isn't any way any AoE healing at all apart from maybe seal of light I don't know but probably no oh and just one last thing they are very good at soloing content particularly a we fund because you're increasing your spell damage with healing gear when you pop consecration which isn't a we holy damage effect you starting a lot of damage with that thing so you can D go out into the world may we farm quite effectively the last class we have is of druid basically the druid is with jack-of-all-trades that's how most people describe it you're basically playing a priest a rogue a warrior and a mage pretty much all at once right form swapping is an extremely fun playstyle he keeps a playstyle fresh you bought a one-finger you can just cast are doing another totally new thing right you are just an unstoppable shapeshifter that's one of the really good things about playing druid is you every time you switch form you everything's kind of reset you'd like your movement speed deep books and everything so let's talk about the leveling briefly you're going to level as a cat there's no other way effective way to level really and and is quite fast you basically just play as a rogue it's basically just like leveling a rogue with even less downtime as a rogue because you can just swap out off you know cat form and just heal yourself like it's basically like having access to every single class in the game is the kind of play style druid house and it also means you can tank like if you're you know leveling up and you're looking for a group you can actually jump into a group as a tank or a healer alright which means finding groups as a druid is really easy when you're leveling up so that's another pocket perk pork another great poor part of Jesus Christ and proper nerve glitching now another perk is a travel form and because that massively increases well sorry decreases your leveling time and you've also got stealth stuff as villain to raid you can get in and out of things very easily and kind of avoid basically it just provides a massive time saving us number of situations while I love lino so let's talk about the playstyle I talked about you know the kind of toolkit that Druids have they are considered the worst healer in the game if were only talking about healing again classes bring all their advantages that shouldn't be ignored and classes have offer value than tanking DPS and healing in vanilla and that's an important thing to take notice of so that's one of the first unique selling points is being able to buff the manner of other healers so if you've got someone on your team who's basic just isn't that good a man at being a man or efficient then you can pop it innovate on them you or another thing is you have the only combat res in the game which can literally save wipes you know combat raising a tank is extremely useful you have really good buffs gift if a wild is you know it's pretty much a full-on olsat buff which is very useful if also got forms which is underrated dira to use it more often you should definitely pop that on the tank because first of all increases the overall group damage but also increases the tank algorithm has helped a tank out quite a lot phones is a very good both especially stuck with the inverse fire shield from the warlock another thing obviously you can swap in and out of forms to use different abilities so like you need to catch up we've attended because he's like out of the way you can just pop into cat form pop - sprint around and you can pop into bear form and use a stun or you can use a debuff with the demoralizing raw spell and another thing you know you can use reduce the aggro range a bit like mine Steve on these targets with a super animal spell you can debuff enemies and you can also stop them from stealthy and reduce their armor so here there's a lot of a lot of nice stuff like that deeper from evil obviously you're one of the only two classes and again that can remove curses right so that's why you're really useful in the raid actually because some curses are quite nasty and it's only a mage the majors I just don't have the mindset of let's help off a players right they just wanted tunnel vision damage and stuff they always forget to remove curses you've also got nature's graphs which is one of the best escaping abilities in the games definitely useful in a outside content so let's talk about healing playstyle the very similar to the others I'd say it's fairly similar to priests you know you use big heals sparsely on the tank you'll put a hot on the tank to it you know counter fast consistent spike damage you'll also probably use your regrowth which is another good spell to heal spike damage from other targets but it is a little mana hungry so you're probably using it that much you also have a really good a we heal you have tranquility which is actually better used to as a preamp preemptive maneuver to counter big AoE well imminent AoE damage so that's a good thing and yeah that's there's also a swift melt build that's something advanced or if they look that up in your own time with the Swift mail bill better your populist spell which makes your hots heal faster so it's you know for some jurors using some druid um as I looked at up when you decide to play through let's look at all the gimmicks obviously you can teleport to moonglade you basically have you're in your own zone randomly light it's a bit unfair real here's a pic class sister than in drew is getting her entire zone but it is a pretty dreary boring zone to be honest you probably only go on an only gonna go for there for a few quests and what else do we have you are basically the best flight carrying game as well you are very useful in PvP because yeah you just won you're immortal and you're just out you're escaping ability is literally limitless and there's loads of different perspectives from earth for PvP so if you get bored of one you can pick another like there's so many different optimal specs that you can try out for PvP so yeah give that a go anyway guys I'm gonna interview over because I've taught long enough for my throat is dying to hurt my name is a medical into my next video sure
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 68,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: YQwoSJBs96Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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