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today we are here at camp pendleton where fitness influencers will be facing off against the us marine on team fitness influencer we have magnus bitbow adam sowoff and myself and on team marines we have cortez jupiter and martinez each team will be taking the marines combat fitness test in whichever team scores the highest will win the competition let's head on base and get this started alright good morning everybody welcome to the cft we're gonna start our very first event this is the movement to contact which is an all-out 880 meter sprint so if you are ages 17 to 20 you're going to be shooting for 240 for this if you're 21 and 25 238 and then 31 to 35 just you you're going to be going for 242. everybody line up with the cone again you're going to be stopping at the cone 880 meters down that direction on my mark get set go right away adam decided to gun it at the start and took the lead for like five seconds and then magnus and martinez passed him up magnus kept a really strong lead and was pretty much carrying our entire team since i was dead last and adam was gassing out quickly what made this challenge even more difficult for everyone was that we didn't know where the finish line was not even the marines which made it very difficult to pace ourselves properly this caused adam to gas out completely taking last place as i passed him i guess martinez was neck and neck with magnus the entire sprint but towards the end he passed up magnus and took first place magnus finished in second shortly after and cortez took third place that's brutal it's so much better than you think with only one person on team influencer finished i knew i had to push myself right when i saw the finish line i gave it everything that we ain't take it out what 327 how's that slow guys you killed that dude he went so fast i just see your hair just going crazy for the times uh let's start with the marines first cortez you got 244 jupiter 332 martinez 233 that gives you max points and then for y'all magnus you got 100 points as well you got 239 which for your age group is incredible oh we got brandon 327 and adam 356 best of the day the gopro weighs a lot it weighs a lot next portion of the combat fitness test is going to be your ammo can lift um for the ammo can lift you are going to be doing as many repetitions as you can in the course of two minutes so in order to execute a proper ammo can lift you need to lift your arms up all the way you can extend them above your head or you can go out a little bit that way to make it a little bit easier as long as it's a full extension in order to achieve a perfect score on the ammo can lift you need to do 120 lifts in those two minutes does that make sense to everybody fantastic we all picked one marine to face off against and waited for the countdown since we were currently down by over a hundred points we knew we had to push ourselves on this event [Music] oh the ammo can lift felt easy for the first 50 reps and then it really started to hit halfway there my shoulders were fatiguing out and i couldn't get the proper technique down to use my momentum magnus and adam were both struggling to do the same the marines on the other hand were absolutely crushing this event by the end of the two minutes my shoulders were fully burnt out and i did a total of 85 reps and cortes crushed my score with 138 reps jupiter finished with 100 reps beating my score and magnus got 107 reps and lastly adam got 127 reps and martinez with a whopping 162 reps that was a lot harder than i thought ah i got to his shoulders a little bit more god good your biceps feeling my shoulder biceps all right everybody this is your third and final event this is the maneuver under fire this is two to three minutes of some of the hardest things that you can do starting with a sprint you're going to sprint 25 yards you're going to crawl another 20. you're going to get up do some zigzags you're going to buddy drag you're going to pick up your buddy carry ammo cans throw a grenade do push-ups it's so many different things don't worry one of us is going to be right there with you the entire time this was it the hardest event in our last chance to beat the marine if we wanted to get 100 points we had to complete the event in under two minutes and four seconds i decided to go first along with cortes i was feeling nervous this event seemed brutal and i was hoping that i'd be able to keep up with cortez and score our team a hundred points if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for good luck cause we're gonna need it up until the buddy drag i was feeling good but the fatigue really started to set in as i was running with magnus on my back i was slowing down and cortez took the lead let's go magnus i'm doing this let's go almost there it's okay let's go let's go cortez was now 30 seconds ahead of me and showing no signs of slowing down and just as the two-minute mark approached he crossed the finish line running with the ammo cans felt terrible my legs were burning and all i wanted to do was stop and catch my breath but with everyone cheering me on i got an extra boost of energy and sprinted towards the finish line [Applause] next up was adam and martinez martinez was moving fast and was on pace to score a time under two minutes on the other hand adam was behind by quite a bit and also started tiring out by the time he got to the buddy carry all the way all the way right here all the way come on before adam could get to the grenade throw martinez finished with an insane time of two minutes left so tired throw it's on fire let's go let's go push up get down get down five although adam had very little left in the tank he finished strong with the encouragement of the marines [Music] magnus was our last hope with how fast he ran the 880 meters we had a good feeling he'd speed through this event by the 30-second mark magnus was already at the buddy drag but jupiter was right behind it let's go let's go oh with the two minute mark approaching this was it the home stretch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was my fastest time i was really surprised by that damn everyone gave this competition their all and after the scores were calculated it was time to announce the results all right everybody hey good job today it was a really really motivating experience for everybody you guys did a phenomenal job the marines have achieved an overall combined score of 885 points out of a possible 9. the influencers have achieved a total score of 705 points i want to give a huge thank you to the marines for hosting this competition today although we lost we still gain something a new appreciation for all the blood sweat and tears that the us marines put in day in and day out to protect our country
Channel: Brandon William
Views: 9,032,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon william, fitness influencers vs us marines, fitness influencers vs us army, fitness influencers vs us army who is stronger, fitness influencers, us marines, marine combat fitness test, army combat fitness test, camp pendleton, us military fitness test, marines training, us marines training, 880 meter sprint, ammo can lift, maneuver under fire, magnus midtbo, cft, pft, competition
Id: -5i-iCUOmc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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