Should you Buy a Jackery Power Station? Super Easy but Super Expensive

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my next video today we're continuing our discussion of super cheap and super easy ways to get solar today we are looking at the jakhary 500 and the jakhary 100 watt solar panel now this is in fact a super easy way to get solar if you want the easiest possible way to have have solar power and and electricity in your in your van or your car this is it you just write it you just go to Amazon you buy this stuff and you're in business you just have to plug these two together and that's as simple as pie so it's easy but it's really really expensive the one thing I want you to see in this series is if it's super cheap and super easy it doesn't work all that well for absolute minimum Lee needs it'll be fine but for much more know the more you won't expect out of your electrical system as we go up the ladder be much more expensive it gets so this will probably meet most of your needs not all probably but most the average person this will meet their needs but it's not cheap this is $500 for a 500 watt hour 518 watt hour battery and it also has a 500 watt pure sine inverter that's nice that's really really nice this will meet your needs and this is a single 100 watt panel that works really well it's a good panel and it connects to this and it's $300 this is $800 for 100 watts and a five and a and a 500 watt hour battery this is not cheap this is extraordinarily expensive it if you're thinking I this is cheap you're mistaken it's easy but it's very expensive not only that but this jakhary does not use a lifepo4 lithium battery this is what you have to understand our different kinds of lithium batteries the chemistry inside a different lithium battery is always different lifepo4 which is iron and phosphate it's an iron phosphate it's Li is for lithium its Fe which is iron and it's P o which is phosphate and so it's life po lithium iron phosphate that will last you two thousand cycles and is the safest of all the commercial mainline chemistry is used but it'll ask you two thousand cycles this is not lifepo4 and it is rated at 500 cycles if you use the cycle a day it will last you about a year now if you used if you used a cycle every other day which most of us living in the car or van will it might last you three years so not only is this very expensive five hundred and three hundred eight hundred dollars for what you're seeing right here it's not going to last you long you'll be lucky if you get three years in fact that's the rate of life is about three years of this system so eight hundred dollars that you're replacing every three hundred three years now this what you won't replace you only replace this the panel should last you the rest your life although I found it the fabric on these things this is a fabric panel it it's a good one I mean I have no problem recommending this panel it's a very good panel but my experience has been the the fabric it doesn't isn't on rest of your life deal I would plan on getting some duct tape and duct taping around the perimeter and just all over the place doesn't start to fray it's just fabric fabric isn't a lifetime deal and aluminium solar panel is a lifetime deal it's never gonna wear out it's never going to rust unless you take a hammer to it or golf ball sized hail it's gonna last you forever this is not this this fabric is going to wear out on you and it's the cheap controller inside this thing so this isn't a rest your life but it's probably a good ten years easily and again so the panel is a good ten years I'm sure of life this is 3m axe and that is not enough for five hundred dollars I want something to last me more than three years but it's super easy you just buy them you spend all your money you plug them together and you're golden you go so if easy is worth that money to you if you have that money to play with them by easy then this is the answer I don't recommend this I mean not only that but if any one part of this fails so it's all in here it will allow the 12 volt charging it will allow electric 110 volt charging it will allow solar charging it has then the inverter to get the hundred ten out and it has the cigarette lighter plugs and the USB it's amazing they've packed all that stuff into this little box here's a problem any one part fails you throw it away or you don't throw it away you send it back to them you wait four months you pay them a lot of money and again if you but if you and we're next we're gonna look at a kit that is so much cheaper it's not easy anymore but it's so much cheaper again 100 watt kit 800 dollars now I'm gonna put up on the screen a renergie 100 watt kit that costs $200 and it's a hundred watt panel and it's a hard panel it'll last you 30 years that panels gonna last you 30 years it's a controller it's the feet it's the wiring it's at virtually everything you need you will have to buy another couple little pieces not much and they won't be expensive they don't include fuses and I don't know why but so it's $200 for a hundred watt system and it doesn't include the battery you go to Walmart and you buy $100 Walmart battery and you've got the exact same system for $300 that this costs for 800 now you still have to buy the inverter you still have to buy the things that you put on the terminals to get two 12-volt outlet and you don't you you don't have a hundred and ten volt charging so it's not exactly the same but it's it's so much cheaper this is $800 to get at ease and this kit that I'm showing you is 200 for the controller and the solar panel and and and the entire kit to array it it will last you and last you and last you and my goodness it's it's the something breaks you just replace it one little piece they're all cheap all the parts on this thing are cheap that's why it's only $200 Ren Jie has a good support they'll support you they'll if you have a problem with it they'll help you fix it if it's under warranty they'll just send you a new one renergie is a great company okay now I'm putting up another panel another kit this is made by by a co were echoed worthy look at the price 130 799 for a hundred watt panel the controller the wiring just about everything you need again you'll have to buy your own fuses and there are a few other little pieces you're gonna have to buy but it's a hundred and thirty-five dollars as opposed to 800 for this jakhary and then you still have to go out to Walmart and buy a hundred dollar battery or you can on Amazon you can buy a universal battery hundred amp hour again a hundred amp hour this is only 50 amp hours it's it's double the size of the battery of the jakhary and you can get that for a hundred and seventy dollars so yes three hundred dollars for the entire kit including the battery a 100 amp hour AGM what you're looking at now including a battery a 100 amp hour AGM battery again twice as big as the battery as the as the jakhary is only 300 dollars 170 for the battery and a hundred and forty so it's it's three hundred and ten dollars for the kit and I know Ecco worthy I know they're make good stuff you're not going to get the support you're gonna get with renergie and so it man renergie has been very very very good to the community they have supported homes on wheels Alliance they donated well at greatly reduced price 40 kits we already had the solar panels they provided everything else which we gave away to 4040 nomads in need which we donated them homes on wheels Alliance the 501c3 did I'm a big big fan of Rena G and they have a much no one has as good a support system no one's gonna back you up was good after the sale you have a problem with any of the part they're gonna help you and get you squared away so I'm a big big fan of energy but I do want you to know you can save a lot of money if you go with a little more off brand name but is that worth it to you maybe not I think I would definitely go with the $200 Energy kit because I want to be able to call them if I have a problem I know what I'm doing and I could probably figure it out but if you don't know what you're doing having someone you can call is really really important now you call jakhary and all they're gonna tell you to do is send it back that's all they're gonna do is send it in we repair it for you it's under warranty it'll be free you mean still I don't know if you have to pay shipping or not does it matter this thing's big and heavy and so it's going to be expensive to send in and you'll probably pay one way I don't know I don't know what Jackie's policy is at any rate and that's only wonder why it's under warranty and it doesn't last for very long and then you're out on your own you have a problem with their answer is oh yeah send it back we'll fix it for you but it's only a good three your battery anyway and so isn't even gonna be worth sending it in I don't know so those are your choices at the top end it's this for 800 it's super easy very very expensive or a kit that you have to install yourself and it's not easy at all it's not that hard folks isn't that hard I think everyone here can do it themselves but maybe you can't maybe you don't have the tools it's just too scary you don't have physical limitations you just can't do it well maybe you can find someone else to pay to install it I would hope so if not then it's one of these other options that I've shown you then you just spend the $800 for this and there are bigger kits this is a 500 watt 518 watt hour jakhary makes a thousand sawaki makes a thousand they all bunch of people make the 1000 watt hour batteries and I did a test on that compared to the sawaki and their energy and we chose the renergie as the winner so if you're looking for a really big system very very just outrageously expensive system then I do recommend the range you go look at that that's beyond what we're talking about here super cheap super easy though this is very very expensive okay so that's it now let me put them all together and I'm going to summarize what we've shown you and what we've talked about [Music] [Applause] did you know that cheap RV living has a patreon page check it out at wwk tree on Comm / cheap RV living for bloopers behind-the-scenes photos and videos as well as a place to ask your questions prior to the live feed also there's short videos and longer more in-depth interviews with Bob as well as just inspiration for your life on the road and some drone footage of camps and beautiful places so check it out at wwth on comm / cheap RV living I'll see you down the road
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 127,565
Rating: 4.8636994 out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: gFOZ6aetIPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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