Jackery 1000 - Do you need it for Overlanding?

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what's up everyone i'm matt with ozark overland adventures and today i want to take a look at this big boy right here this is the jackery explorer 1000 and if you've watched this channel recently you know i did a video on the jackery explorer 500 versus the goal zero yeti 500 x and in that video we mainly looked at how long would these run a fridge for over landing you know putting the fridge in the back of your rig while you're out on the trail for for several days weeks months whatever how long if need be would these run a fridge all by themselves and in that video the jackery one hands down with the jackery 1000 this is a little different beast as you'll see it is quite a bit larger form factor is is identical um i mean they are basically the exact same this one's just a little more grown up this one has a 518 watt hour battery inside this one has a 1012 watt hour battery inside so this should do twice as much as this does this one also has a 500 watt pure sine inverter with a peak of 800 watts i think i i can't remember this one has a thousand watt pure sine inverter with a peak of 2 000 watts so if you've got things that run off of ac power this thing is going to be what you want as far as the comparison between the two real quick they both have ac outlets this one has three this one has one this one has three usb a type ports this one has two usba's and two usbcs one of these is a what's it called a power it's a pd port power distribution i think is what it's called it's a it's a little bit higher wattage unfortunately this one maxes out at 18 watts which is kind of a bummer because some of the competition like the goal zeros they have a usbc pd port that peaks out at 60 watts the blue yetis they peak out at 45 watts so if you want fast charging by usbc you know running your laptop that sort of thing unfortunately this one maxes out at 18 watts which is kind of a bummer one good thing that i do like on the jackery 1000 that uh was a complaint of mine on the 500 is they've got the little little dust cover and you know if this thing's rolling around the back of your rig get you know dusty environments maybe windy environments outside i like the fact that has a dust cover this just lets all the things get inside this one has an eight millimeter input port this one also has an eight millimeter but also has an anderson input port for some solar panels so that's really handy and we'll get into solar panels here in just a minute for whatever reason both of them also have these janky little led lights on the side i mean i don't know what you would use these for it's not particularly bright and this one is just i i mean they go now you have a 22 pound flashlight for for whatever that's worth um these these are not really very functional goal zero says meh we're not even gonna put a light on those blue yeti actually puts a a good usable light on theirs if you go back and watch the jackery 500 video that one ran our dometic cfx355im for 55 hours and 56 minutes so almost 56 hours well into two days we did the exact same test the exact same variables inside the house same temperature setting same ambient temperature inside the house uh two water bottles inside the fridge just to you know keep everything exactly even the fridge is pre-chilled down to 34 degrees and that's where the temperature will be set the ice maker is off the jaggery 1000 is at 100 and it is now 10 am on february 2nd so unplug that on the wall turn that on and we'll see how long the jackery 1000 while we're in the fridge it is 11 21 on tuesday the 4th so it's been over 2 days 40 about 50 hours and the jackery is at 44 well here's the dilemma every time i do these tests i think i'm going to start it later in the day or late morning and hopefully it'll end you know at a reasonable time however it's now 12 38 a.m on friday night well technically saturday morning february 6th and i've been waiting for two two and a half hours and the jackery's been sitting at two percent for that long i thought chili by now it would it would be dead but it's not so i'm either going to have to go to bed and then like set an alarm for i don't know 2am to see where it is or just stay up i don't really want to do either one of those but i do it for you it has finally died it is 7 21 on saturday the 6th and it's dead bridge is dead i do want to note that this thing spent almost nine hours between two and one percent i could have gone to bed a lot earlier last night this one ran the dometic for 93 hours and 39 minutes that's a whole lot of time just running your fridge no other power sources this thing did a fantastic job now this is purely opinion you know take it for what it's worth but if you are strictly you know over landing and that's all you want it for keeping your your laptop charged keeping your camera batteries your drone batteries your gopros keeping your fridge running when you're not on the move if that's what you primarily need this for honestly i think the 500 watt is the sweet spot these things have a great price on them right now and you know if that's what you need one for i think this is the way to go now if you need something more for over landing and car camping and that sort of thing maybe you want something around the house for emergency situations we actually had a massive snowstorm that came through arkansas a couple weeks ago and dropped a foot of snow on us there were a lot of people that were without power power companies doing rolling blackouts to conserve energy that sort of thing in that case i think this is what you want around the house and it can do double duty for your over landing trips your car camping and all that sort of stuff for both of these in the box they come with this handy-dandy little storage bag and they come with your standard wall charger and it also includes a car charger which is really nice because like the goal zero they don't include this so that's real handy charge times on the jackery 1000 they say plugged into a wall outlet this thing will recharge from zero to full in about seven to seven and a half hours it says 14 hours when plugged into the card after that seems really long to me but i mean it's better than not being able to and on solar this thing can accept up to 125 watts of input which is handy and if you can get the max input into this you can recharge this between seven and eight hours now i know people are going to say in the comments but the goal zero it can accept 180 watts and that's true the gold zeroes can accept a lot more input than these can figo zeros are also a lot more expensive and don't have near the ac inverter that this has so yeah you're gonna pick your pros and cons and decide what works best for you the price point on this is actually not bad it's currently at 9.99 just the jackery 1000 or you can get it in a jackery 1000 kit that includes two of their solar saga 100 panels giving you that maximum input into this thing for i think 14.99 which is two solar 200 watt solar panels plus this for 1500 bucks that's actually a pretty good deal that's that's not bad at all so just for fun i wanted to see what all this thing would power so let's do that hair dryer i if you're like me i love it when my wife goes camping with me she doesn't have particularly long hair so she's never needed this on the trail although since we've got this she has said oh that would be really nice and we may actually take one with our on our trip to utah because we'll be gone for 10 days probably shower on the trail and uh she may like that but if your wife has long hair yeah it just takes forever to dry so let's see how this does add this on medium heat and we're going to go low speed and see what happens pulling about 420 between 420 and 430 watts with medium heat and low fan speed i mean that's not bad let's go high heat and keep it on medium fan all right we are up to 580 watts 572 585 definitely putting out some heat here that would come in handy the jackery 500 it will not run this now let's see what happens when we jump it up the high fan pulling 1400 watts 1422 1407. it's holding it right around 1415. i'll see if it will sustain that nope nope remember it's got a peak of 2000 watts but it can't sustain 1400 watts but high heat medium setting that'll work let's talk air pumps i've got this one when we take the kids out we need an air mattress this thing's super handy to have maybe you've got an inflatable kayak who knows all kinds of things but let's see if this thing will run this [Applause] oh yeah only 171 watts that's not a problem that'd be super handy to have what if you're out on the trail and have a flat maybe need to fix a wheel hub that sort of thing happen to have your electric impact wrench like this let's see if this would would work for it about 330 watts yeah yeah that that would come in real handy if you're out on the trail and need a need a repair what about a waffle maker i think it'd be pretty cool to have waffles at camp i've never had waffles of camp before let's see how that does starting off at about 812 watts 813 820 okay you can make waffles for the family with this that much wattage does make the fans come on i that may be a thing waffle's a camp what about a big old just normal house blender maybe you want to make margaritas at camp or whip up some salsa at camp that sort of thing let's see how this goes [Laughter] okay that was really loud i'm very impressed only about 360 watts out of this thing so you could actually run this off the 500 but you could run it longer off of this what about power tools maybe you work somewhere remotely and you know use battery-powered tools but those go out so maybe keep a backup like this will this run one of these let's find out so loud yeah had a peak of about a thousand watts but then dropped down to around 600 watts when i was running it so i mean yeah you can make that work we covered waffles what about pancakes starting out at 900 watts 999. let's pull a lot of power so 980 990 is about where that's settling i'm sure once it gets up to temperature it'll kind of level out there so you're only going to get i don't know maybe 45 minutes to an hour of run time you know for cooking pancakes but in a pinch maybe you lost your griddle for your stove maybe you ran out of propane while you're out camping um this could work i mean you can at least have pancakes everybody likes pancakes if there's no power what about using it to back up your home fridge let's see this is emergencies oh okay now obviously this is going to be cycling on and off with a compressor nope never mind our fridge just tripped the breaker i don't think this is gonna work of course it's gonna depend on what fridge you have yeah it's starting off popping up with the peak 1300 watts let's see what happens when the compressor kicks off right now it's sitting at 190 watts just open the door to the fridge okay i'm not sure what that initial spike is but it looks like the compressor is on in the fridge and it's pulling 194 watts so with compressor cycling on and off it might buy you a day let's see if this thing will power a toaster hey what you got four minutes okay i mean because if there's no power and you're freezing to death you would want some toast right okay about 970 watts you could make a good bit of toast with this i mean and if you're out on an overlanding trip and you just really have to have a toaster there you go as i was setting this stuff up i got to thinking you know we have our camper and on top of the camper is an air conditioner the air conditioner on the camper will not work off just battery power alone you have to be either plugged into a generator or plugged into shore power to use the air conditioner and the heater inside and so it got me wondering will the air conditioner run off of this because if so that will be a game changer let's find out but that right there i'm going to plug the shore power cord into this with an extension cord and i'm going to turn the air conditioner on and see what happens this is awesome right now it's on low cool and it's pulling 113 watts so if we're camped out maybe in utah in the desert and it's hot at night and we're sleeping in here we can run the air conditioner all night long and be very comfortable let's turn it up to high on high it's pulling about 170 watts 163. this is gonna be awesome what about the heater all right the heater's on 1500 watts i don't think it's going to go staying about 1500 watts nope nope it tripped it so it will run the air conditioner on both high and low but it will not run the heater because that just draws too much power but i'm super excited that this thing will run the air conditioner all right i've got both solar saga 100 panels out they're in direct sunlight temperatures about 60 degrees so it should be ideal let's uh let's plug one of these in and see what kind of input we get and then let's plug both of them in and see what happens that one's putting out 79 watts to 80 watts which is really what you would expect so at 80 watts if the jackery were completely drained you're looking at what 15 16 hours to fully recharge this all right let's plug both of these up together and see what we can get jackery says this has a max input of 125 watts which should recharge it in about eight ish hours and for this purpose they give you this adapter to plug both eight millimeters in and then you can plug in to the anderson port let's see what happens here we're climbing we're settling in at about 120 watts 123 122 so almost right there at that 125 watt max input going with two panels is definitely the way to go if you need maximum input if you don't need maximum input maybe i'd just go one panel but you know if you need the maximum input to recharge this thing two panels is definitely the way to go now i think there may be some efficiencies like it was a cloudy day right now maybe i would get stick with that closer to 125 watts input with less input into the panels i'm not sure how that works i'm new to solar so this is just me checking this out but there may be some benefit there but it does give you what jackery says it will so in about eight-ish hours i can have this thing recharged if it was completely drained that's pretty handy well i hope you found that helpful walking through the specs of the jackery checking out the solar panels doing some real world tests on what you can run off this thing but what it all boils down to is which one should you get the 500 watt or the 1000 watt and that's just gonna depend on what you need do you only need it for running your fridge keeping your electronics charged and everything running while you're on the trail if that's the case i'd go with the 500. but if you have higher power needs maybe running the air conditioner on your camper maybe you're running some power tools maybe running you know the hairdryer for your wife maybe you know bringing some home appliances like a blender and stuff to make margaritas at camp then you want the 1000 this one just can't handle all that bottom line it depends on your needs but i am super excited to have both because with this one i can throw in the back of my jeep hit the trails for a long weekend or whatever and know that this thing's going to keep my electronics charged and other lights and stuff like that running but really glad to have this one because when we're out in utah for 10 days this summer this puppy's going with us and i think there's definitely a case for this as far as you know home disaster emergency power outage that type of situation so they're both fantastic whichever one you should get really just depends on your needs i'll let you make that decision jackery does have great prices on both of these right now there is an affiliate link in the description if you would like to buy one of these from jackery's websites or from amazon hit that up because by doing so it helps the channel and helps me keep making these hopefully helpful videos for you but anyway if you found this video helpful give it a like if you're not subscribed to the channel please do so i've got more tests like this coming out i get a lot of feedback saying that these things are incredibly helpful i'm not an electrical guru i'm not going to dig into all the wattages and voltages and inputs and outputs of these things i'm just going to give you real world examples of what they can power how long they'll take to charge what you can do with them that sort of thing so hopefully that's helpful to you but anyway thanks for watching i appreciate it bye you
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 24,517
Rating: 4.9504814 out of 5
Keywords: overland, overlanding, off roading, jackery, jackery 1000, jackery explorer 1000, jackery solar generator, portable power, solar generator, solarsaga, solar, solar panel, solar power, jackery test, jackery review, jackery 1000 review, jackery solar panel, overland solar, portable power station, van life, jackery 500, jackery portable power station, portable power station reviews, portable power station comparison, jackery solarsaga 100, jackery solarsaga 100w solar panel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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