Should women wear Trousers??? - Dr. Abel Damina

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people read the book of deuteronomy and read their own beings into it look at it let me just do a little excitation because that's that's that's something people keep asking me all the time and they keep asking me on dressing dressing oh dr damina why do people wear trousers in power city ah dr damir it's because you are not understanding the bible that's why you're having problems with our dressing deuteronomy 22 verse number five the woman shall not wear that which patented unto a man nana put on a woman's garment for all that do so an abomination unto the lord thy god so people read that including even professors and doctors who are phd holders in the university and then when they read a number of opinions are formed when words are lifted with total negligence or neglect of the surrounding text when you neglect the surrounding text and you cherry pick a verse out of its context you have killed the verse the life of a verse of scripture is within its context once you plug it out of this context it is lifeless it is the surroundings of that context that gives the context life so when they read a verse like that they pick it out and they form their own opinion and this scripture has suffered in the hands of religion in this scripture it is assumed the assumption they have is that which patented to a woman will be escaped that's an assumption and that which pertains to a man will be trousered there's an assumption scared and trouser is not in that verse the verse didn't say scared the verse didn't say trouser the verse only says that which pertained to a man and that which maternity woman without any specific classification but religion will block it out of his context and read its own opinion on it which is an abuse of the intent of the author because that verse doesn't have everything like frozen or scared but if we read the text without any preconceived notion or opinion we will observe that there is no scat and no trouser was actually mentioned in that text that idea is only by men's additions it means moses's audience we are not thinking of sketch and trouser when they were giving that instruction they were not thinking of that they were not thinking of that and that has become a huge issue in the body of christ there are churches where if a woman wears a trouser she will not enter their church but for example in the old testament men were wearing skirts skirt is a man's clothes maybe i should wear escape next sunday should we try because i will wear it wear a shirt and a tie and look like a scottish man i should do it one of these days i'm sure i'll be on front page of acquiring newspapers and the paper will sell the man of god that we are scared to church deuteronomy 22 30 put it up deuteronomy 22 verse number 30 a man shall not take his father's wife not discover his father's cat his father's cat not his mother's cat because fathers we are scared are we teaching here i give you another one chapter 3 verse 9 let me arm you with weapons rule chapter 3 verse 9 and he said who are dow and she answered i am root then handmade spread therefore thy sketch over than hand me for down at a near kingsman spread she was telling a man to spread his cat over her the man should spread his cat over her so that means his maxi sketch you know maxi correct long skirt not mini sketch first samuel 1527 and as someone turned about to go away he ladle upon the skirt of his mantle and it rent so the prophet was wearing scared and he was about to go they held the sketch of the prophet and they tore it so man of god sketch is anointed cloth for men of god i don't know if i'm teaching good this morning i'll give you another one psalm 133 verse 2 overwhelming evidence psalm 133 verse number two it is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the bread even aaron's bird that went down to the sketch of his garment so aaron a priest was wearing scared in the four gospels and in the epistles which is the new testament we have the evidence to show that men walk gown gown that one is beyond scared at least cat is from waste down but in the new testament they they updated it men were wearing gown gown in the bible let me show you a few can i give a few matthew chapter 3 verse 4 and the same john had his remnant of camels here and he let him gadgle about his loins a living ghetto that's a gown and his meat was locals and wild honey so john the baptist was wearing a woman's gown long gown john the baptist the prophet the greatest prophet of the bible his cloat was a gown a gown okay look at acts 21 11 acts 21 verse 11 and when he was come unto us he took paul's ghetto and bound his own hands and feet and said those sayeth the holy ghost so shall the jews at jerusalem bind the man that honored this ghetto a ghetto is a gown and shall deliver him into the hands of the gentiles so in deuteronomy 22 verse 5 he was not expressly asking them that sketch is for women and trauma for men rather the focus of that law or instruction was to guide or to guard them against cross-dressing or bisexuals he was telling them where you're going there are homosexuals so be instructed and the way to instruct them was in telling them don't wear what belongs to a woman or what belongs to a man giving them an idea that where you're going men and men behave like men and women so be careful when you get there so you don't start dressing like homosexuals but there was no specification because it was not about dressing it was about knowing that where we are going there are bisexuals is it clear that was what moses was communicating that was what moses was communicating in that law and this law was given to people that were going to a country a promised land which will be unethical and unnatural use of the body bisexuals but you know we must understand that when it comes to what a man or woman wears the decider will be culture what is the culture of the people cultures or tradition of the day decides what men or women wear that will vary from culture to culture even from generation to generation dressing varies from generation to generation are we in the building here you know for example there are churches in nigeria where they insist men must wear trousers we memorize we are scared but those same churches in their branches are broad the women are wearing trousers and the same church is running double standard churches that if you come with trousers as a woman they will drive you from the gate but in america women in that same church are wearing trousers the first time i went to one of those churches in south africa i thought i was going to see the same thing they do in nigeria i went there and the women were wearing trousers and i called the person said are women here permitted to dress like this you say yeah we don't have any problem is there any problem with that i said in nigeria your headquarters women don't wear trousers there if they do they don't allow them in he said oh really we are not aware of that i'm teaching good it's not about trouser or sketch it's not about trouser or scared it is dependent on culture and even the culture changes from generation to generation while culture should not determine the choice of your addressing the governing principle should be from scripture scripture because the word of god is final authority but even in the scripture on the issue of dressing all a believer is supposed to do is to dress with soberity be sober in your dressing
Channel: Wozer Tv
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Keywords: Abel damina, abel damina sermons, abel damina christocentric meal, abel damina 2019, wozer tv, christocentric meal, abel damina teachings, Dr abel damina 2021 sermons, dr abel damina 2021 messages, abel damina on tithing, 2021 top sermons, should women wear trousers, how should women dress, women wearing trousers, why women should wear trousers, dress code for women, the bible and dressing, should women do makeup
Id: xepw0bxfvhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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