Shot Stop Stops Shots: Duritium lvl III+ composite body armor plate test

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hi Andrew here so today we're gonna do something a little different for tfbtv which is going to be some armor testing to the best of my knowledge I don't think we've done that before a company called shot stop sent me some of their armor samples one of them being their level 3 plus composite plate now it is not NIJ certified there's some reasons for that one of them is that the NIJ is about to release an updated standard that we're going to be moving from the zero one zero one zero six standard to the zero one zero 1.7 standard which should hopefully fill in some gaps there is a tremendous amount of performance gap between NIJ zero one zero one zero six level 3 versus level four level three plates are only required to stop m87 62 by 51 147-grain at around 2,800 feet per second level four plates have to stop 30.6 m2 AP which if you know much about ammunition that is a beast of around to stop so there's a ton of room in between and if you're familiar with armor in general you know that there are some level three plates out there that don't stop some pretty common ammunition for example a lot of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene plates won't stop m855 green tip a punch right through on the other end of the spectrum level three steel plates are often defeated by m193 55 grain Full Metal Jacket which is a really really common round and for the most part even out of a 16 inch barrel at 50 feet or less oftentimes a punch right through it so there's a ton of room in between NIJ level 3 at NIJ level 4 hopefully this new standard will fill in some of that space this particular plate is billed as being a level 3 plus plate because it does dramatically exceed NIJ zero one zero one zero six level three standards as confirmed I independent laboratories but it does not currently hold an NIJ rating although we should expect an NIJ rating to be pending fairly soon now in testing it for a YouTube channel there's a few things that we have to bear in mind one I'm not a laboratory so what I do isn't as repeatable and I can't control variables quite as well as a laboratory plus it's just not fun to watch a video of laboratory testing it's also worth noting that as an independent tester I have the opportunity to shoot the plate with a whole bunch of stuff that it's not really rated to do so we're gonna start with a few threats that should fit well inside of the rating for this plate so this plate is specifically rated for m855 green tip so we're gonna of course start with that make sure that it does what the manufacturer claims that he can do we're gonna hit it with m855 Lake City 62-grain Full Metal Jacket from an 18-inch ar-15 if it does well with that we're also going to hit it with m193 Lake City Full Metal Jacket and curvy partisan 75 grain boat tail hollow point all of those should be well within the rating for the plate and if it does as they claim all of them should be stopped well let's get out to the range and take a look all right so far outstanding performance stopped everything there's a bit of back face deformation but nothing really serious most importantly there's no perforation however this wouldn't be very interesting test if we stuck two things that the plate is supposed to stop so I want to hit it with some things that kind of fall outside of the norm I hand loaded some reduced velocity m855a1 if you know much about this projectile you know that it is an absolute honey badger and when it comes to getting through obstacles it's also really really good in terminal performance but when it comes to perforating all sorts of light obstacles as well as even armor in some cases it does a fantastic job it's not technically armor-piercing ammo but it does punch through some amazing stuff so we're gonna start with a reduced velocity load and if that does well we're gonna bump it up to legit real m855a1 from an 18-inch barrel and see how that does is really impressive so here's the front of it this was 75 grand pervy partisan this was m855 this was reduced velocity m855a1 this is m193 and this is full power m855a1 absolutely incredible every one of these were stopped alright in all honesty I really expected this to defeat that plate m855a1 really jacks up other level three plates and out of an 18-inch barrel it's got some ass behind it so I didn't really plan on using anything else on that plate but I did have an mata one projectile loaded into a 300 blackout case so I figured I'd go ahead and give that a shot because mata 1 also being the same design but in 30 caliber is a total beast of course it's reduced velocity being 300 blackout but increased mass so let's see how that does out of an 8-inch ar-15 300 blackout mata 1 EPR against the level 3 plus shots top plate Wow still stopped that's incredible here's where the 300 blackout mata 1 hit nothing has come out the back so you can see that there is a bit of fragmentation that made it to this gel block on the side but I mean you can see that that's well under an inch remember that a calibration BB penetrates at least 3 inches and a ballistic gel okay so it stopped that - this is outstanding performance remember multiple hits lots of different types of loads all in 5 5 6 except for that one 30 caliber hit really really good performance now you notice that there was some fragmentation that made it out of the side into the gel block that I place next to it honestly it may not even break the skin after passing through clothing and a plate carrier and all of that not nearly life-threatening fragmentation and holy crap the rounds that that plate was able to stop but it is something to bear in mind overall the performance of this plate was absolutely outstanding now you might expect me to say that the plate did really really well because the armor company gave me the plate that's a fair criticism I've done a lot of testing with armor on my other crappy channel the chopping block and one of the things that I do is first I want to set out to establish that the plate does or does not do what the manufacturer claims and then I try to find things that I can defeat the plate with that's my usual modest operon day and I'm usually pretty good at doing that and I honestly expected that m855a1 to do that job that's what I brought it along for I thought if nothing else does it EP are will jack up this plate good so I'm sorry I failed to accomplish what I set out to do if you have something else that you would like to see me shoot it with within reason I don't know the 50 BMG and we all know that that'll punch right through it 30.6 m2 AP will obviously punch right through it it's not designed to stop that but as far as something that's reasonable to put up against this plate I'd love to hear your thoughts on it there's not a lot of room left but if you have something really interesting you'd like me to test it with I will go ahead and give it a shot as it were thanks for watching if you have the time head on over to our sponsors website Ventura munitions see what they haven't stopped they've got a lot of different types of ammunition and a lot of different calibers and really great deals on it and they are what make these videos possible as always if you have any questions or comments definitely leave a post below I would love to hear your feedback especially about whether you want to see future armor testing like this don't forget to Like share and subscribe it's not just something that we say at the end of YouTube videos it makes a difference as far as what you see on youtube if you like seeing content like this make sure you engage with the video and YouTube will know that you want to see more videos like this have a great day [Music]
Channel: TFB TV
Views: 24,739
Rating: 4.8218265 out of 5
Keywords: guns, gun, firearm, tfb, shooting, tfbtv the firearm blog, gun show, demolition, shoots, second amendment, crime, shot, right to bear arms, ccw, gel test, Ventura, proxibid, ammo, ammunition, ballisti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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