Unrealistic Body Armor Tests - Shot Stop Armor

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hey guys it's Hollywood and I'm joined today it's been a long time but the Marlin 1895 killer over here you haven't seen him for a minute Caucasian and he got a lot of heat man for your uh your shooting of the 4570 there don't be a girl yeah a little bit so he's been gone for a minute where you been so I've been I got a job up there in Chicago I lived downtown for about a year file him a job I talked him until allowed me to work back home remotely but I will be flying back every once in a while welcome back to freedom domain I'd say I miss it I miss all my babies I it's the first night I got home I got to sleep with all my babies next to me he's Nicks my pillow and stuff for those if he means his guns exactly not just not his babies mamas all right so anyway welcome back dude glad to have him back man videoing is so much easier when you have a partner in crime and so glad to have them back so today we're gonna be shooting some pretty cool stuff there's a company called shot stop they make armor they've been around for quite a while they are here in the US everything I'm gonna show you today is us made so I know a lot of you and I reviewed armor in the past that has been a point of contention for you we're gonna do some simple level 3a stuff just this is a backpack insert and they make some pretty bold claims about their level 3 plus stuff and we're gonna put that to the test so this little guy here is rated for m855 or ss109 green tip and we're gonna we're gonna beat this guy up this other plate here is also a 3 plus and they claim that it can stop up to 30 rounds of standard 55 green FMJ so we're definitely gonna see if that claim is true without any further ado let's get to it all right this is 30 rounds of standard 55 grain Full Metal Jacket on a level 3 plus plate right it's turning sideways let's reset it [Music] please reset it again alright let's go check it out there might be one pastor so it bulged really good right here when I hit it on the side that's way too close to the side most the time you're not supposed to shoot armor that close to the side but it did stop it bulge the hell out of the back but you would have survived it and we did have one pass through but if you look all of my rounds with the exception of this guy right there pretty much in there and that one pass-through is right there in the middle so I hit it with 30 rounds there's no telling which one out of the thirty did that damage if I would have spread them out a little more and had rounds like out over here it probably would have survived that pretty impressive all right so let's talk about what you're seeing in here it's basically sheets of polyethylene which is kind of a plastic composite and they layer them in there so as the bullet hits it goes in and all of these sheets just catch it as it's trying to rip through this one actually also I can see right here here's the trauma pad this one has a trauma pad built into the back of it that's probably a quarter inch of trauma pad back there you can see on the front there's nothing but the polyethylene and right there you can see a good quarter inch trauma pad in the back there and there is your m855 we're gonna go ahead load twenty rounds all right up next the one that stops the green tip ammo what I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot one round go up check it make sure it kind of lives up to what it's supposed to do and then in groups of five I'm going to shoot go check and we'll see where these caused it to fail [Music] all right so there's our one shot there you can see no pass through all right four more and we're going to go check [Applause] yeah that's that man that's cool see if it went through no pass through it's hardly even deformed I mean a little bit that's five rounds let's keep going all right round six through ten [Applause] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten still no failures wow that one's bold is pretty good that one broke the plastic sticker but nothing has broken through let's keep going alright eleven through fifteen I'm gonna predict it fails here it's taking a little bit of a beauty [Applause] may have missed that last all right I think a few of these actually went in the same hole there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I know I missed the last one so I'm thinking two of these might have went in same holes which probably translates to the two pass throughs there and there's definitely one there now on the side here I hit real close on the edge and blew out the side almost not even fair to call that because you're not really supposed to test it based on the the edge but it definitely failed between rounds 11 and 15 okay and now they're level three a backpack insert so I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna shoot it with one round of Underwood 10 millimeter first these are 1,300 feet per second it's gonna be a little bit slower coming out of a Glock 29 but it is what it is and we'll verify make sure it didn't go through I'll shoot two more rounds verify make sure it didn't go through and then I'm gonna hit it with three rounds of 450 smc if you haven't seen my videos on this I'll post some links in the description below it's basically a superhot 45 ACP a lot of people been comparing it to 45 super but it's got a safer casing anyway less on that and more on this so we're gonna see how many rounds of these it takes for this to fail one round 10 millimeter underrated green Underwood ammo let's turn it around broke the plastic on the back you can see it did not pass through that's a hell of a dent now this is cedar it's pretty soft but no pass through all right let's do two more up a little bit higher all right we missed that third shot there go ahead and do one more dead center there you go all right so we have two right here that's so close together one right there peel that off the back definitely no pass-through on that one and these two I can feel the two bulges right there but nothing passed through some good dancing that would sweep three rounds double tap or 50s MC [Applause] got one down low here and these are your two new ones so you got all three peel that off and this thing is all bold stuff you can tell it might have one pass through we'll see no here hold that for me nope there zero pass-through so we've got three rounds of ten millimeter and three rounds of 450 SMC so we inflicted way more damage on these than anybody would ever sustain in a you know in a gunfight so to speak 29 rounds did not make it through this one did but there's so many in one spot right there in fact look real close I think that's the ones that went through there's literally two not even eighth of an inch apart from each other so stop 29 rounds and I don't remember how many this one stopped but eventually did pass through but that's a tall order stopping that m855 and the best part about this is the weight this guy right here is 3.3 pounds it is so lightweight this one here the full-size version of this which is obviously what you buy is 4.6 pounds so super lightweight if you've ever worn a r500 steel plates they can be 10 to 12 pounds each so the fact that this is 3.3 you can literally wear three of these for the weight of you know a single front plate of ar500 steel that's pretty impressive as far as I'm concerned it obviously well surpasses standards and they live up to their claims nobody's going to take this many rounds so you can buy these and rest assured that they offer the protection that they say they offer so I'm gonna post a link in the description below where you can get them guys thank you for watching if you like this video do me a favor hit that subscribe button below got a lot more videos to come and we'll see on the next one [Applause] [Applause]
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Views: 3,699
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: review, test
Id: uA45pAuaqYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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