SHOT Show 2019: 7.5 FK BRNO Field Pistol

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all right so the thing that I most people recognize about this gun for the real what they refer about is it's extremely expensive the question is what is it and how does it justify okay all right well first of all we have a six inch barrel that's heated three different times trees like a howitzer cannon barrel just to handle the pressure of the private area round that we shoot a 7.5 which is a 95 grade projectile coming 2055 P per second depending on elevation air pressure okay so very high muzzle velocity Roger that okay to my mind attenuating weight system and allows you would take a hand cannon like this would break your wrist at the time what does it ever equal 45 40 little sharper 45 45 this shoot basically like a rifle cost money and they did such great jobs on the finish and everything else it's just it's old-world craftsmanship to me and I the accuracy when you fire this you're gonna know why it cost seventy five hundred dollars you could do things with this pistol that you can only do with a rifle who is your target market for it my target market or the company's target market would be anyone that's possible with or shoot better or even let's say you're just gonna go to Alaska and you're gonna go fishing and you have to have a 44 Magnum or better to go into these barriers well now you can do something a little better a little faster more accurate doesn't defend yourself to but it's not meant to be but just like you know and I know people are going to use anything they want for their purpose so I think what I'm trying to do with this is say somebody wants to shoot they want one or two guns in their collection but that actually work that they can defend their life on this is it so you're saying there was something special about the sights right oh you want to site yeah this butterfly site the man that invented this is just a genius so what this does for military shooters is shot ARS and all that it's like a peak so your eye naturally centers circles you put that on the target and you're good out to 150 you can start pitching work all the way up to 150 and your eyes naturally going to center that pick that up quickly this butterfly sight it just makes it so much more accurate it doesn't scare the target at long range all right well let's take it out actually try it all right let's try it a check of the distance what distance you're shooting that Big Mac farm is 165 either yards or meters with those clays on it yeah okay so you gonna try and shoot those plays with this pistol eventually I'm gonna start on some of the targets a little closer okay cool 95 grains at 2055 feet per second is a low mass high velocity cartridge which it makes it very flat shooting he's not that far off when he compares it to M 1 to 30 carbine right okay would I interchange this for a 44 Magnum in bear country when you talk low mass you start losing penetration there's something very special about the reject though yeah is it just a standard maybe that's a skating I will point out that his comment about his target market is to me like a complete non-answer the target market is anyone they can convince to hand over 7,500 dollars of course what I was looking for was is this target shooters is this military is this police and we really didn't get man we didn't although he didn't point out the sights but I find it interesting that if you're gonna talk about very modern or very accurate sights on a pistol why wouldn't you go with a Red Dog yeah we have a suite system in here so there's no climb like when you say a wait simple what is it it's an actual weight board it's it's a three coal rod in the spring season okay so but it doesn't sit right up against the bill is a similar 911 so you don't have that increased cloth every time where you get the reset back into your hand every single time all right okay you're gonna if you want to get your side picture okay we're gonna use all the way out so you're saying there's a counterweight you explain that a little better okay let's see wait there yes they go encounter later okay that big counterplay is gonna keep that barrel down every second tier static mass to the front of the guns overnight okay right this is a reciprocating or moving - sweet move oh it does move yes like who collapses hot spring down oh that Bell is activating there every single time forward let's bring everything on top it back to the rear everything so it's keeping all that weight so you don't have that Motor Club pushing with energy of 44 max okay well but most most people know that if they shot at 44 Magnum you got it away to the full gun in order a corporate elevating so hot right so within us we going with this we've got a very lightweight frame frame is extremely lightweight you can feel it yeah it is lightweight I agree to the way to the forward part of the gun all right so that's the cz-75 with a weight under the barrel yeah in a proprietary high-pressure high-velocity low mass cartridge chip and yes it is their special fancy sight not on the gun that we actually shot it had stamp free standard three dot sights which is I think better because every time someone tries one of those your siteís aperture sight that actually works exactly the reason an aperture size works on a rifle is because it comes up to all the points of you bring it up to a consistent place right what are you're doing a pistol at length you're not gonna have that consistency not every time their content their comments about it being it is I shouldn't I shouldn't poop on this completely it seems to be a beautiful manufactured guy I agree with that without it's like the classic example of an answer that no one was asking the question about like his his statement of through their market was yeah clearly their market is anybody that they can convince to give them $7,500 like it's a gun for people who want a cool gun that's different there's lots of questions that come to mind if first of all if you want more accuracy out of your pistol sights you don't go with an aperture you go with a red dot yeah we know we're sure so why isn't already dead on that maybe there's too much reciprocating mass maybe it'll blow up a red dot that for all their talk about the wait deafening is snappy and jumpy and of course it is it's a over 2000 it was violent recoil yeah because it's a cz 75 with some weight on it and then they did show that little reciprocating weight under there but I mean okay maybe it'd be even worse without it yeah I would agree could always just tie up brick to the end of the rope do and if you have a lot less flip the classic Thompson thing you unhook the rear swings want to stand on that's the idea they just put a loop on the front so here's that if you own a court semi-auto yeah you'll love this oh yeah that's the mark that is the market yeah and then the ammunition where you gonna get it that's all for the love of God if you're going into bear country do not carry this instead of a 44 Magnum so mass means a law when it comes to penetration especially on something like a bear so all right interesting but any thoughts different than that no I don't think you convinced me to buy that for fifteen hundred dollars more or less $7,500 you can't get the mo no you're not gonna be able to sooner or later it'll go away because they're not gonna sell a lot of them and you're really gonna have to think you saying this might be a forgotten weapon I'll be really cool in a year or two when one of them comes up for secondary sale I'll do a video perfectly in the archive it'll be cool and you'll discover that when you look at the inside of it at least they're trying it's a beautifully made so and I'm not being facetious when I say if you have a court semi-auto you'll love this thing you absolutely will agree if you would have bought one of those Arsenal 2011's this is a gun for people who want I am gun if you their target market is gonna be probably people who have a nice collection of fancy watches rich gun hipsters yeah go to the final not that it wouldn't work yeah but it's not gonna be an ideal gun for anything except showing off how cool your gun is and velociraptors no I wouldn't want this fellow not even a velociraptor no all right well there goes that market cool
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 114,575
Rating: 4.9486437 out of 5
Keywords: FK BRNO, 7.5, BRNO pistol, fk brno field pistol, shot show, kasarda, mccollum, inrangetv, forgotten weapons, inrange
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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