FK BRNO 7.5 FK -vs- Glock 19 in 9mm

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hi everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus today we're going to introduce you to the fk brno psd chambered in the proprietary 7.5 fk round since this handgun and cartridge are so new to everybody i thought it'd be interesting to compare it to the ballistics of just a normal nine millimeter handgun later we'll compare it to other calibers based off what you and the viewer want to see all right welcome back taoflederm folks jeff and officer greg out here with you today with something a little bit different actually it's quite a bit different than what we normally do we're recently contacted by fk burno fk berno is a company now in gainesville florida they asked if we would test out one of their new 7.5 psd pistols you've probably seen this in some other youtube videos it's not the first one released in the us but we're definitely one of the early ones to get it and test it on film brno factory has been making firearms in czech republic since 1918 and they're a very old firearms maker they've been making high quality rifles and shotguns all over europe and africa for 102 years but they've started making a what they call their psd pistol and they started importing them through their their company in gainesville florida so they sent us this pistol to test out it comes with some wild little rounds here these little 7.5 millimeter rounds it's kind of like a little rifle round it's essentially a 10 millimeter round that's been squeezed down to a 30 caliber bullet and they're advertising the ballistics on this thing to be similar to what you would get out of one of those short little ak-47 pistols so they're saying that this round's traveling downrange at 2 000 feet per second that it's hitting at 100 yards at 1500 feet per second so it's staying very hot very far and that it's hitting downrange at 850 foot-pounds of energy that's crazy that's better than our 10 millimeter rounds here it's hitting hotter at 100 yards than 10 millimeter does even at the at the muzzle and it's uh it's gonna be a great hunting or backpacking or whatever kind of pistol he wants pistol is not a small pistol it's not for concealed carry as you can tell it's a rather large frame and a large handgun i brought out here with me today two of my largest guns i have a glock 20 and 10 millimeter and you can see there that it's it's bigger than the big old fat glock 20. it's longer longer in the nose longer in the butt and then i also have with me a smith wesson 45 m p 45 also a big gun and you can see that it's this 7.5 fk pistol is bigger than that so not a tiny little gun but again this is not made for concealed carry this is kind of designed around being able to take it out hunting or for personal protection the route was actually designed the pistol was actually designed for uh security contractors in the middle east who wanted something between their sidearm and their rifles to engage targets out to 150 yards a round that still had a little oomph downrange and uh so this thing way out performs a nine millimeter and a 45 but it's not as ungainly as holding a full m4 style rifle so that's kind of the niche they're trying to fill with this round here's a cool feature about this pistol with the very easy removal of the slide you can swap out barrels they send with this pistol a 10 millimeter barrel so 10 millimeter is widely available in the us and even better 40 caliber rounds you can find them everywhere i happen to have quite a few 40 caliber rounds they can be shot out of this 10 millimeter barrel safely the factory act advertises that glock says don't shoot 10 millimeters out of there don't shoot 40 calibers out of their 10 millimeter barrels but i do it all the time fk so fk brno says you can go ahead and shoot 40 caliber out of our 10 millimeter barrel all day long for cheaper practice and we're gonna compare it with a nine millimeter i have a glock 19 out here with me today that's got some hollow point rounds so we're going to shoot some of these 7.5 millimeter hollow point rounds right alongside the glock 19 and then see how the the damage downrange compares so stick with us and uh i think you're going to like it all right we're going to test and see what a nine millimeter jacketed hollow point does to this one-inch aluminum plate donated by ray k thank you ray nine millimeter over here on the left and then we're going to compare it to one of the 7.5 fk rounds on the right let's give it a try okay nine millimeter when you are ready i'm ready okay i'm ready so nine millimeter made a little mark on there on the on the aluminum plate we didn't expect it to do a whole lot and it didn't look at that 7.5 fk round that thing dug in there pretty deep okay let's see what this looks like filmed at 9 000 frames a second here comes the 9 millimeter a nine millimeter is certainly no slouch of a round now this is traveling around 1150 feet per second let's compare that to the 7.5 fk this is traveling 2 000 feet per second it is a lighter bullet but at that higher velocity does a lot more damage [Music] let play world's famous world famous world famous pea soup okay nine millimeter on lead plate hit it nine millimeter here we go okay fk bruno i'm ready i'm ready pretty much put that one right on top you're too accurate that's your problem yeah that's it you want to do a side-by-side comparison you just took it a little too early one side yes yeah the top one was a nine millimeter and i kind of ruined it by putting the 7.5 right on top of the nine millimeter but you can still see the difference in the depth nine millimeter dug in there i don't know what is that quarter inch or so and that's 7.5 that thing burrowed in there but three quarters of an inch deep but it gives you a a pretty good appreciation for that big hole there from our uh you know alexis extreme penetrator slug it shows you handgun stopping power versus a 12 gauge yeah and the things that a 12 gauge will get through when trying to get to a bad guy versus a pistol too so and then we happen to find here on the ground a still warm 7.5 fk round all squished up now the biggest difference between the nine millimeter and the 7.5 fk is the 90 millimeter more or less put a dent in the plate whereas the 7.5 fk dug in a lot deeper cratering the plate and ejecting a lot of lead fragments from the plate [Music] okay kevlar what nine millimeter versus 7.5 on kevlar okay i'm ready all right here we go left side of the range word there okay gotcha i'm ready so we smacked him where we wanted to the 7.5 fk round is advertised to be able to penetrate level 3a body armor even out to 100 yards that one made it right through this level 3a vest wow there's nothing there this was a uncompromised portion of his t-shirt where where'd the nine-millimeter go i mean well before we forget about that nine millimeter hit right here actually it's right underneath there in this test we can clearly see the differences in velocities between the two bullets the 7.5 fk arrives much sooner it would have been really interesting to see how their f5 solid copper bullet would have performed against the vest but i think they forgot to send us a box of the f5s to demonstrate okay let's see what a nine millimeter does to a pumpkin i'm ready all right here we go whoa get some inside water the 9 millimeter jacketed hollow point actually did quite well against our water filled pumpkin it created a lot of hydrostatic shock which just ruptured the pumpkin [Music] okay fk bruno ready when you are oh there's flies we're gonna see some flies launched oh goody you ready i'm ready what now that was a surprise what the heck what the heck happened we're a little surprised i guess because the round this was a jacketed hollow point round but remember it's flying at 2 000 feet per second versus the 9 millimeter so i think it just hit him so fast and hard that it passed right on it was full of water i i filled it up myself yeah it's still mostly full of water but it exited out the back of his biscuit right there yeah what if he shot really low or so i know it was full i'll try it lower but here's also what we're going to try the fk the the 7.5 fk rounds also include this uh what they call it nose discarding it's a 95 grain all copper nose discarding around so this is supposed to shear off those petals and send a cord through himself okay okay give that a try and see if it does anything different yeah and she you know she maybe shoot the mouth not much is leaked out of it right it's so full of water got most of his water in there okay we got a lot of flies self-sealing pumpkin guys really like that yeah they like pumpkin spice mike to see some fly uh gymnastics ejecta now i guess if you want to blow up pumpkins 90 millimeter is the caliber you want to use the 7.5 fk traveling so fast for whatever reason just did not create that same hydrostatic force that we saw in the nine millimeter but the pumpkin was full of water and it had enough force to kick that little plug out fortunately we have enough pumpkin left to do another test using the fk 7.5 f5 round all right here we go here we a little more go up above the bullet tore a little bit bigger hole in there get these weird pumpkin fibers in there and of course we got an exit wound out the backside a little more tearing with that round that was the nose discarding all copper round yeah and that flew out there in the background somewhere but i think because they're moving so dang fast they're just not walloping that fluid yeah it's it's if we tried well we've done this before with a slug 45 rounds i mean big giant splash so it's just zipping right on through yeah man there's a lot of flies over there [Music] it's pumpkin fly season oh okay in this test using the f5 cartridge we had a little better results kind of similar to the nine millimeter but boy we were really hoping to send pieces of pumpkin in a 50-foot radius i guess we've gotten a little spoiled after testing so much 12-gauge exotic ammunition [Music] okay so we got a pork shoulder butt i don't know how that works in anatomy nine millimeter on the left yep okay ready right through this piece of velociraptor here we hit it with a nine millimeter right here and because it's frozen in the center i was able to slice right down the middle of the wound track and you can kind of see the nine millimeters little path through there and it exited right out the back okay did not hit any bones or anything i don't know if there's any bones in there all the flies are really happy over there but so now that this piece of meat's compromised let's go over here and try a 7-5 on the right side okay good luck flies okay 7.5 and those are the regular hollow points right yes back to a jacket at a hollow point okay gotcha wow that's a big difference there this thing was up like this seven five round hit there you could probably tell better than we can on the slow motion but it blew this entire piece of meat back here almost blowing the whole back of the chunk of pork off so a lot of damage right through there you can almost see the glass as it tore its way through and exited out the skin side so we could assume that this is going to be pretty good for hunting uh wild boar deer yeah they have a bunch of different types of bullets too right yeah they have three different types of bullets that are commonly found in the us the fk berno factory advertises this round as point of aim point of impact at 100 yards that's why when we're aiming today they're actually striking a little bit low because these are designed to be a hunting round out at 50 7500 yards so pretty impressive to have that kind of energy that far downrange for hunting purposes so if you're in europe and you're watching when you buy this pistol it actually comes with a little arm brace that snaps on in the us you'd have to buy that separately where legal but in europe if you buy this same pistol it's going to automatically come with a little snap-on arm brace to make it almost like a small rifle yeah that'd be very very useful yeah definitely helps in those long range shots so yeah pretty dang cool let's try some clear ballistics gel and see if we can i'm going to wash this table off because there's why there's nothing on it millions of flies i think you'll agree that a meat target is a more realistic real world target the nine millimeter jacketed hollow point federal hst round penetrated completely [Music] but the 7.5 fk jacketed hollow point penetrated completely and just tore the heck out of the meat huge difference in damage okay nine millimeter versus gel i'm ready mind you we're filming at the diesel range today you may he'll hear some diesel in the background it's the ven diesel the van diesel memorial shooting range yeah he's not even dead that's pretty impressive hey so we were firing some uh 124 grain federal hst big deal right og we hit the uh gel block jeff found the fully expanded round out the back out there in the dirt had just enough energy to squirt out the back and then then it landed about 20 feet back there made a perfect little expanded round there is a nine millimeter round so that's okay so right through there it's actually pretty impressive for the nine round uh let's try the 7-5 round in there we don't expect that this gel block's going to catch it right i mean it may blow up and and go in this far or something you know could put some folded kevlar back there and see if it'll catch it but this this block of clear ballistic gel is the right size for like nine millimeter 40 foot you know for testing that for the some of the 12 gauge stuff it's just it could be you know three times bigger and still not big big enough but you can also slice off pieces of it make a sandwich too well yeah it's a little chewy though hard to digest 7.5 i'm ready all right here we go i think we had detonation on that one like a diesel engine going off pretty neat nine millimeter up here seven five down below and i mean look at that wound trap that thing's crazy yeah maybe flip it around and see if we can get some better angles to show the the viewers and it's clear-ish you know maybe looking down on it you can see it here yeah i don't know got some little smooching marks um though the nine millimeter leaves a very white track through here down here below let me pull it out in the sun a little more no no no no i can see it really good i'm trying to cover cover the reflection with my body as long as that's the only thing you're covering with your body yes down below it you can see a a decent i mean a huge size wound track with little tiny there's there's a copper jacket and lid in in the wound track and then it's zipping out here a nice bright piece right here and exiting but let's man let me show you what's kind of cool okay the entrance of this thing here's a nine millimeter or actually i'm sorry here's that nine millimeter round yeah this was a twelve gauge yeah that's the seven five perfect little pencil hole okay that's where the smoke was like ejecting out yeah farting a little smoke yeah top fender mouse first yeah and then over here that's its little exit hole okay that's nine millimeter over here little little tail and then it never hurts to get a little tail when you're out here and then look at this this is exactly how we found this we haven't touched this that's seven to five this is the first one i think we've captured intact can you pull it out of there in the wild okay the in the water the um the copper jacket came off of the lid core so there's your copper jacket and there's your lead core so it's small it's uh it almost looks like a well it almost looks like a 32 because those are almost the exact same dimensions yeah there's the base of the round smaller than a nine millimeter but impressive make it through there and get stopped by yeah four layers of uh kevlar yeah four layers of 3a which is 12 aaa mathematically okay oh my gosh so that was neat yeah i'm glad we it was the first time we ever caught a detonation going off it's uh like like i said a diesel engine expands come out because that big hole it made sucked in enough air went in on a compression stroke there was still enough heat there to detonate it in it you can hear it you can hear it in the background still yeah it's echoing now our block of clear ballistic gel is showing its age but it's still very useful for testing the 90 millimeter just managed to make it through that 16-inch block and created a nice temporary wound cavity now by contrast the 7.5 fk created a temporary wound cavity nearly twice the size of the nine millimeter and then we saw the detonation occurring there and it created us another temporary wound cavity normally you would only see that with higher velocity rifle rounds and even that doesn't happen very frequently all right this is a highly scientific test here folks we're gonna shoot two cans of bob ross positive energy drink with one with a nine millimeter and one with the seven five fk round this one's already started to uh leak a little bit it tastes like liquid toothpaste or something i don't even know what that is was it loaded with quaaludes or something blue yeah it's probably loaded with clays look at that guy they made that my daughter's boyfriend sergio got me these after uh after a certain video over on the og's danger show and uh said we need to blow these things up so let's put them down range and see if it gives us an idea of the explosive energy of a nine millimeter versus a seven five okay i'm ready all right i'm gonna try and hit bob ross all right here we go hopefully we can get bob in the nose wow big difference quite a difference big difference let's just vaporize that thing now i admit this is kind of a silly test but it also shows you the difference between the hydro shock or the hydrostatic shock of a nine millimeter and compare it to the hydra shock of a 7.5 fk the nine millimeter did pretty well we saw a lot of larger size droplets but the 7.5 fk by comparison just vaporized the fluid in that can now we like to keep things fun and maybe bring a couple laps to you and hopefully teach you something all right i don't know about you guys but we were pleasantly surprised with this pistol not only is it a pretty amazing uh weapon here but a very amazing around uh for what it'll do for the package it'll come in so we wanted to compare it today to nine millimeter because that's a very common round that everybody around the world is kind of familiar with so we wanted to shoot it side by side with a nine millimeter today but we want you guys to tell us down below some things this is gonna be a long-term cast member here it's gonna be back for a lot of videos so if you have any suggestions of what we should shoot it against side by side remember it'll shoot 40 caliber rounds it'll shoot 10 millimeter rounds and uh give us some ideas of what we should compare it to for uh damage and power and all that so overall we're very impressed with the fk brno we thank very much mr elvis ray for sending this out to us to test and uh we plan on keeping it around and putting it through its paces out here so oh now i believe i heard that you're gonna do a comprehensive kind of review about it maybe on your channel as it turns out jeffrey i have filmed if you're if you're more interested in the pistol and less interested in blowing up pumpkins i have filmed a very uh detailed video about disassembly and what makes the thing work and all of its features over on og's danger show we also shoot some stuff over there of course but if you want to know a little bit more about this pistol and its history might go into the history of the of the factory and the history of the country and uh the history of this pistol and how it came to us so be sure to check out the fk brno 7.5 psd pistol video over on og's danger show when is that going to come out by the time you see this folks it will be out okay we don't want we know no waiting you can just go over there right now you won't be able to you won't poop you have to poop yourself don't stop this video yet wait till it finishes but the very next video before you get the desecration ranch or edward sarkissian's grandpa's lamborghini maybe go over there and check out the uh the fk video um yeah it's it's gonna be fun it's gonna be a fun pistol i have around it's a very useful pistol i'm a backpacker and uh will shortly be living in cross-country ski area and for something like this to be able to be you know mounted in a pouch or something for for hunting or backpacking that's a that's a badass little pistol so we very much appreciate them sending it out we appreciate you guys watching i hope you liked it it's something new something a little different and uh we'll shoot it against some other calibers here very soon we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: undefined
Views: 130,283
Rating: 4.9511952 out of 5
Keywords: world's fastest, new invention, camping, hiking, hunting, handgun, slow motion camera, glock, taofledermaus, demolitionranch, hickok45, 7.5 fk, 9mm, fk brno psd
Id: 61GLGhjnSCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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