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[Music] I don't want to R this song potato chips and coffee de never stop me woman Open Door learning to negotiate buying up some real estate and you know it's good cuz you go so fast I guess body is looking for a high that [Music] light so I'm soing up the sun all right it's a new day and it's a good day to get some things done I want to spend some time inside in my bedroom I want to spend some time outside just kind of resetting our patio and balcony area and then I also have some projects we are going to be redoing our coffee table I can't wait to share what we are going to do I asked you in I believe it was just last week's video whether we should retique it like we kind of recently did to our dresser or paint it with some Beyond paint like we've done all over the house we just have some various projects and things to do around the house so it's going to feel really good to get things done so let's do it together so we recently worked on on another step in our master bedroom makeover it's been like an ongoing process but it's coming together so far we've painted the bed we've done the bench changed out the nightstands the rugs refinished our dresser added in those shelves over there and like upgraded our olive tree with a little DIY project like just lots of different things but I was looking at our bed and we have not changed out our sheets in a really long time not like to new sheets but like gotten different sheets and I saw these on Instagram the other day I thought these were so pretty I haven't had actually printed sheets in a long long time but I believe these ones are cotton which I love and I thought it would just be fun to kind of change out the sheets give it a little bit of a refresh looking for some Hope just to find myself yeah been losing focus as soon as I saw these sheets like maybe a few weeks ago I have just been swooning over them ever since I think it's so fun just because I've definitely loved having solid sheets and having like my white sheets that you can really get clean but having prints on my sheets actually reminds me a lot of being a kid and just I feel like we always had prints almost like this when I was growing up and so it kind of made me reminisce about childhood a little bit having them but they're a little bit more you know cute I guess than probably the sheets that I had back in the 90s but anyway I don't know what it is about having new sheets it's just always an exciting thing I'm really excited to try these ones out they feel really really good and they also had good reviews so I'm feeling very optimistic about it but I also wanted to share this little tip so whenever you can see your actual sleeping pillow that doesn't have a sham or anything on it just like a regular everyday pillow case like this all you're going to do is tuck in the top piece and then almost like tuck the bottom piece into the pillowcase itself as well and that way it'll give you a really finished look while still just using a regular pillowcase so it almost could turn any regular pillowcase into kind of like a sham so anyway just a random little quick tip but I did want to share that now I'm actually thinking about kind of changing up our bedding a little bit more I want to get probably a different bed blanket like we have here we've just had this one for so long and I'm kind of wanting to change up the gray that it is I almost ordered a green one the other day I thought that would be so pretty in here it was like only $20 and when I went to order it it was all sold out so I'll have to keep my eye out for that one but it's just so much fun to do little changes here and there and it's even more fun when they really don't cost a whole [Music] lot and if I close my eyes it's all been a waste of time I was out driving every Mile and now I have one it's it's all been a waste of [Music] time it's all been a waste of time How could somebody oh and I almost forgot but my V mop is on sale right now so it goes on and off sale here and there but it's on it's really really good sale that I've only seen one other time but it is like almost half off so I will have it linked down below but this has been an incredible vacmop it's definitely not a necessary tool or anything but especially if you have a lot of hardwood floors it is going to save you so so much time because it vacuums and mops at the same time it has a selfclean function so it cleans the rollers itself you just have to like rinse out the canister of course every time just like you would with a regular mopin bucket or you know a carpet cleaner anything like that but it does very very well with dog hair cat hair little bits and debris and all this stuff and it cleans your floors really nicely so if you have been in the market for one definitely check this one out because it's normally like almost $400 and it's on sale for under200 right now so definitely a really great [Music] buy I can feel it waves of Crimson on my cheeks is it right or is it [Music] WR the way I meet you next to next to me midnight you pull me under your eyes up new colors my mind is going crazy baby maybe you've got all my attention living inside the tension my mind is going crazy baby I think I like it I think I like it I think I maybe might be diving into your oan no point try into the night or trying to fight it or trying to hide it after deed to ited tell me how all you everything you ever dreamed got me thinking is this love the way I meet you next to next to me midnight you P me under your eyes got new colors but mind is going crazy baby maybe you've got all my attention living inside the tension my mind is going crazy baby I think I like it I think I like all right before heading outside I want to say a huge thank you to Hungry root for teaming up with me in today's video so if you're unfamiliar with hungry root they are a meal delivery service but they're also like so much more than that cuz they do things a little bit differently so what you're going to do is you go on their website or app you just fill out a quick little quiz and that will give them a lot of information to kind of help you out with any goals that you have so that's going to tell them what you like to eat how you like to eat any dietary needs that you might have and then any goals that you have so are you wanting to eat healthier are you wanting to eat more veggies are you just kind of wanting to find new recipes are you wanting to save money whatever the case may be they can help you out with that and then you will start receiving weekly deliveries that will be full of different groceries for like breakfast and snacks and all the things but also they include 10minute recipes in here you can either edit your order yourself or you can have hungry root just like customize it for you and personalize it for you now this is not the first time that we've used hungry root you guys know I have struggled with Hashimoto for the last several years so I've tried a lot of different things and during that time we've used hungry root while I was eating AIP while I was doing paleo gluten-free and now keto and it's just been so helpful to kind of find new recipes and that's another thing that I actually love about hungry Roo is that they actually send full-size groceries so instead of like little packets of things you get a fullsize container or bottle of whatever it is and you're able to remake those recipes really easily and you're also able to find a lot of like brands in products that you really love also I've noticed that the longer you use hungry root the more personalized things get and it's just been incredible because it really saves you so much time and so much stress when it comes to meal planning and preparing simple meals for your family and kind of learning the recipes and all that stuff so we love hungry rooo and I know you guys will too but they are giving the first 100 of you 40% off your entire first order that is literally almost half so such a good deal I will have the coupon code and Link Down Below in the description box you can go ahead and check it out we are going to go outside next and get the patio set up but before we do that I am actually starving I've been doing like intermittent fasting and I haven't eaten anything and it's like past lunchtime so let's go ahead and make a quick quick lunch and then we'll head outside all right for lunch we're going to make the Mediterranean blackened chicken salad it sounds so good and it'll be really really quick it'll only take like 5 minutes it says [Music] may [Music] iind [Music] be so you took me by surprise oh yeah in my streams I didn't think we were destined to be and now you're laying next to me everything like yeah to give you of me I can't believe this is [Music] reality outside we have done like you know just little cleans out here wipe things down dusted stuff off all of that stuff I don't even think we pressure washed it last year anyway we were waiting for the monsoons to be done we did not get monsoon season last year like I don't even know if we had like a fullon monsoon the entire season it was so bizarre this year we're early enough that we can clean it up before the monsoons officially start so that's what we're going to do today we're actually going to pull out all the furniture pressure wash that you'll be amazed to see like how clean you can get your outdoor furniture just by pressure washing it and I feel like buy pressure washers for Fairly inexpensive now so anyway we're going to pressure wash the furniture and then pressure wash the actual pavement and it's hanging out and it'll just feel so much better and then I'm going to actually go upstairs and not probably pressure wash up there I don't know we'll see but we'll we'll do something to the balcony and just clean up up there too cuz everywhere everywhere in Arizona gets so so dusty yeah even in my wildest streets I didn't think we were destined to be and now you're laying next to me Everything feels like yeah when to give you every of me I can't believe this is reality and now you're laying next to me Everything feels like [Music] yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] yeah first things first we got to move all this furniture off the patio that way we can really get in all the nooks and crannies and just be able to really power wash or pressure wash everything I don't know about you guys but if you've pressure washed before it just is so satisfying one I feel like it's satisfying to watch but I actually have so much fun like every time we are pressure washing I'm like all right my turn my turn let me try this let me do this part especially if it's something really gross or really satisfying or just like you know something with a big stain because it's amazing to see all that you can get up with a pressure washer so when we get to the actual pressure washing you'll see me take over a little [Music] bit try to get some money for some stuff that I need swear the ATM machine was laughing at me your girl been running on empty but I don't let it affect me there are days that I consider moving back home but every day I do my gu keeps telling me know you're girl been running on day dreams but that's just how my brain be I don't need your nope I don't need [Music] your so once we got everything cleared off we actually needed to start setting up the pressure washer which doesn't take a whole lot of work but we needed to grab our hose and attach that to the pressure washer and maybe like a month or two ago we actually got this little hose reel thing I don't know the exact term for it but it has been a game changer in our yard it's helped us so much it makes watering anything so easy the kids are always playing with the hose and it's nice because it just like retracts automatically it has a little spray nozzle that you can use it's just made the whole process so nice we actually just got this run from Amazon so I will have a link down below if you guys are also in the market for one of these we actually put this off for a long time and then eventually we just caved and we were like all right that's it we just got to get one of these and now we're kicking ourselves for not getting it sooner cuz it's just helped us so [Music] much to give any stress it's only Good Vibes Good Vibes so what I can't pay the r oh my gosh do you see these stains just come up with a pressure washer this is what I'm talking about it's so satisfying to watch and just to see those stains just release I don't even know how it's possible cuz as I was getting the before shots of all the furniture and all the fabric and everything I was thinking H I hope these after shots are going to be good because some of these stains look really set in some of them look really intense and I just as good as the pressure washer is I don't know how well it's going to work on all of these and it just took care of everything like no problem it ends up making your furniture look brand new so if you have some old stained up Furniture ask some friends if they have pressure washers or go pick one up yourself but it is one of the best outdoor tools that you can have you can wash your car with it you can wash your patio driveway all the surfaces and of course all your furniture and things like that you can even wash your house or Windows whatever like this thing is just incredible so I have to say I love all of our patio furniture except for this particular couch SL bed thing one of the sides actually came broke on this and so Kyle ended up just kind of screwing it in and it holds like it's sturdy now but it doesn't recline like the other side can actually lay down and become a bed and it seems like this really cool thing but in the end it actually just is not near as comfortable as like our swivel chairs or the big egg chair or anything so if I could do it over again I probably would pass on this one I think it's so pretty I think it looks really fun but in the end it's just one that like nobody ever goes to unless if there's no other spots on the patio to sit so anyway you live and learn and it's not a huge deal like it works for what we needed it for but if I could go back like I would totally just get two extra chairs or something [Music] out in the west [Music] coast almost [Music] like now this table on the other hand we love so much during the summer during the Spring and fall we are out here all the time like even in the hot summer because we have fans out here we have misters and things like that to kind of keep it cooler but we are out here eating dinner all the time and so this table gets a lot a lot of use and also like in that middle area is actually a fire pit so when it gets a little bit chillier in the spring and fall we are able to just turn that on kind of warm up with it but this table I believe we got from a Home Depot several years ago we got it on one of their sales and it has just been so incredible it's nice cuz it's like a little bit higher of a table but it's not one of those really high up like high tops so it's easy for all the kids to get on to and everything but it's also high up enough that you can really look out into the yard and just watch everyone play it's just been one of our favorite pieces falling into the night I think we should stay we don't need a CH this was one of my favorite Parts was actually getting over the rug we kind of debated on whether or not we should move the rug and the fire pit but it's like a whole thing cuz we have the propane cord going underneath the rug and all this stuff so we decided to go ahead and just clean it off this way and we were able to kind of lift up the edges of the rug and scrub underneath it and wash the rug that way so it all worked out but if you look closely at the rug as I'm kind of spraying it off you see like these little I don't know what it looks like exactly but basically it's a bunch of dog hair because of our dog Emma her hair just takes over out here but you can see her hair has just gotten like embedded in the rug and it does this every time that we come out here in clean each here but all it takes is a pressure washer just going over it just with water and it just like shoves all of that hair right out of the fibers and it's really gross but also really satisfying just to see it like push out so anyway that's what I was doing was just kind of clearing that off before Kyle actually started cleaning and like actually scrubbing the patio and the rug and everything but tell me is this not like the most satisfying thing to watch I don't know I feel like I could just watch this all day it's just so so fun and I could definitely power wash all day like it is just so so satisfying to [Music] me [Music] see all right this is a foam cannon that you can use on pressure washers what I use typically for soap is Car Wash which isn't perfect for this but it Foams really well so I just use car wash solution spray it down scrub it with the brush and then we'll just rinse it off they're not that expensive 10 15 bucks on Amazon we'll see if we can link it on there and you've had it for years I've had it a long time you can tell it's kind of nasty actually but you just hook it up to the pressure washer you have a water volume adjustment here your spray volume adjustment here that kind of changes the width and that's it it's pretty straightforward [Music] 3 4 You only make you feel like you could never leave do the same we can't go back CU it's all we need follow me to make believe and make your dreams come true this like forever and so does me and you we say we love we say we love we gave it all we gave it all we say we love we say we love but we were just interesting until something better came [Music] along while Kyle was going ahead and just scrubbing the actual floor and the rug and all the stuff I decided to take advantage of this time and just clean our Windows outside now I will say this didn't clean our Windows the best it left some water marks so I have to go back later on with my e-cloths and get them fully cleaned but actually my main reason for doing this was because I wanted to clean the screens I feel like the screens are just an area that are a little bit tricky to clean and so actually being able to scrub them with this little scrubber SL squeegee thing really made a difference in making the screens look and feel nice and clean we actually need to go through and just redo the screens like put new screening material on but it's one of those things that's so far down on our list like it's not even close to being on our radar right now I don't even know when it'll happen so we'll just go ahead and get it clean and call it a day we love we say we [Music] love we gave it all we gave it all [Music] we say we love we say we [Music] love but we were just until [Applause] [Music] something these branches are broke Kyle's pulling them down was there like a bad storm a while ago that broke them or you think they were just heavy this tree is kind of weird it like overloaded itself this year and that's Princess Peach our Peach Tree going to be like 6 feet several bushel a year is what they say it should be 6 feet which is about here by 4T so we'll see [Music] I don't need that type of drama and trying to be tough all the day you try to make yourself feel better by taking me down once I fell but now I'm strong I'm ready for the shoot me down don't you know I get up yeah baby I will fight no there ain't nothing stopping me I'm bulletproof I won't fall I'm bulletproof go B and shoot me down up again once we got everything power washed and all of the soap and everything kind of rinsed off as best you can I feel like you can go and go for hours and you'll still find some soap or you'll still you know find some dirt or something but at some point you just have to call it so anyway we got it as best we could we let this dry for like literally only 30 minutes and if we live back in Utah or something we would have just left our furniture out in the sun for longer but here in Arizona it just does not take long with the dry air to go ahead and dry these so even though the furniture was still a little bit drippy we just went ahead and put everything back on the patio and it will be dry by tomorrow I can guarantee it but it's amazing to see the difference in your home when you spend time cleaning it I feel like a lot of times we always think we need to rush out and get new things we need to do know all these changes and all this stuff and yes those things can make a difference for sure like I'm not going to deny that however just decluttering just cleaning or organizing your space can make a massive difference in your home and how it feels and how it looks and I feel like this patio is the perfect example of that on this day we're not adding anything new to this patio all we are doing is just cleaning it up and it looks incredible it looks as good as it did the day that we all set it up and the only difference is a lot less dirt and a lot less stains and all that stuff so spend a little time on your home if you're feeling not very motivated or you're not feeling very inspired by your home give it a little TLC and I guarantee it's going to make a world of difference where are you looking at me so cold one's love is [Applause] now you try to make yourself feel better about Tak me down once I fell but now I'm strong I'm ready for the REM me down don't you know I get up yeah baby I will fight no there ain't nothing stopping me I'm bulletproof I won't fall I'm bulletproof go B with you be down I will always get up again [Music] all right today is a new day and we are going to be focusing on refinishing the coffee table in our living room I kind of shared about this in last week's video but basically when we got our coffee table it was back in 2021 when a lot of furniture was kind of hard to come by I think you know everything was just getting backed up and so it was really difficult to find something in stock that wasn't going to take you know 6 or 7 months to get which I know sounds crazy but that's just how it was so I ended up finding this table and I love the style of it I love the size of it I wasn't crazy about the color just because I wanted to kind of lighten things up in here a little bit and the other thing about dark wood it shows everything not only just like crumbs and dust and all that kind of stuff but it shows every little scratch every little scrape everything every imperfection but you can just absolutely tell that it needs to be redone a little bit it's a particle board piece or something like that like it's sturdy and it's really nice but it's not full solid wood so with that being said that means I cannot sand it and you know refinish it restain it like that so I am left with either painting it or doing something like retique it which is what we're going to do today so if you saw my it was episode 3 in our bedroom makeover series that we're kind of slowly working on we used retique it on our dresser which was previously like a full-on farmhouse style dresser and now it looks so different it looks so pretty it's like a dark oak stain to kind of go with some wood that we put in there but in here I wanted it to be a little bit lighter so I actually ordered a different stain from rtia so this is is the wood and primer this is like your base coat you're going to do two coats of that and then once that's fully dry then you're going to add on the gel stain alternative this is in the color pecan and you can also add another step and make it more rustic and have like the wood grain showing through but I really liked the they call it a smooth texture I felt like that looked really pretty in our dresser and so I want to kind of do the same thing in here and I want to modernize it just a little bit too so anyway we're going to go ahead and do that the first step is of course to wipe the table off just with water just make sure it's nice and clean and then I'm actually going to move the coffee table over to like an open space back behind our couch it's a little warm outside and I don't want to go out and spend a long time out there but this actually comes together I think pretty quickly and the cool thing about this too is it actually has I think like 60% of it is like wood wood pulp or something so anyway I have no idea how exactly they made this work but it's it's really really cool so let's get to it I do have a little bit left of the wooden the wood and primer so I'm going to grab that just so that I'm using up all of that before I open a new one and if you didn't see the Vlog this is the new dresser that we got for our guest room so this is like just kind of where I've been keeping that so this is that one see I have a little bit left [Music] really quickly I wanted to share the new Bloom towels summer launch you guys know I love my Bloom towels so much and they came out with a brand new collection and these ones are so much fun as soon as I saw the little sneak peeks on Instagram I knew I was going to love them and trust me they are even cuter in person I love the pops of color I love like the beachy summer totally vibrant Vibes for summer I feel like it's so perfect they are hands down the best kitchen towel they're super absorbent really oversized they are double-sided and they have a woven waffle nip so if you're wanting to pick some of these up use my code Amanda and it'll save you some money on your order and also there was a little delay in restocking the towels that I designed but those will be coming pretty soon too so I'll reshare those with you guys once they restock I hope you know I never let you go all I do is your and fly on baby please just go your is the ocean and I can't touch the floor so full of emotion I can't keep anymore all we had a time where we be swallow don't give up on us now when of us will have to take a bath [Music] so when you're taking it and putting on that first coat of the paint in wood or wood and primer whatever they call it you're just going to paint as normal you want to make sure that you use a brush and do long full Strokes because I'll kind of talk about it a little bit later but basically you are going to be kind of creating faux graining like in the wood so you want to make sure that your Strokes are long and [Music] feel you there where I once had you all alone in the back of my mind I'm under your spell I can't get out my heart Falls Five Below and I'm still here I'm freezing cold but I will wait I hold my breath till I turn blue [Music] now if your piece that you're refinishing has wood grain then go ahead and follow that wood grain you just want to kind of mimic that however if you are doing this over a different kind of material because they say that you can use this on all different kinds of materials including metal even you can go ahead and make up your own wood grain you know make it go however you want but just be mindful of the direction that you're creating those wood grain all right the first coat is on and the this is always the part that looks the scariest because everything is uneven but whenever I did the dresser it looked this exact same way I will say this is a little bit more tedious just because mostly just underneath and then also the top surface is a lot bigger so kind of having to even that out but the second coat last time it went on really really easy so I'm expecting the same from this so I'm going to go ahead and just do the same thing again start from the bottom and kind of work my way up to the top one thing I will say is when you are painting your wooden primer you're basically creating the wood grain even if you're not doing the graining tool like you're still creating little ridges which is what the stain is going to kind of sink into and make it look like real wood so what you want to do is you want to make sure that at the end you're doing really long continuous strokes and if I accidentally you know over paint onto here then this one is going to look like this and then all of a sudden it's going to turn and that's not going to be looking real if that happens which it will happen is you just want to then go back over those areas in the correct wood grading and just kind of make it as smooth as you can so that's also like why I'm wiping the top because then there's going to be like a buildup on the edge and you don't want that thankfully I'm in my paint clothes but basically you just want all the graining to go the correct way so make sure that you're treating your paintbrush like that I couldn't fake this I wouldn't know where to start you've got your Flag stuck okay and we're on to the very top section and then we'll get to staining but when I'm with you there's nothing I have to prove s Castle in s castles in Jew no clowns overhead and nothing to block the few castles in Jun s castles in Jun no time for right now no one but me and you all right quick little tip if you have cats uh put them in a different room because because I had finished with all of this and then I was like washing out the paintbrush and I look over and our cat Benji was sitting on top of the coffee table jumped off and like scratched it so I had to put another coat on top I got it to where you can't see it but that was definitely an annoying thing but now it's all dry so we're going to again like start down here and you it literally just kind of feels like sanded raw wood so now this is the point where we're actually going to add on the gel stain alternative you can put one to three coats on it with every coat it does get darker but you don't need to like wipe it off or anything so one thing that I learned last time was to be kind of liberal when you're putting it on and then you can kind of buff it out but it works better to put on more in the beginning than to add more later so I'm just using this little cloth you want like a lintree cloth or an old t-shirt or something like that that's not going to like leave any little bits and then I'm just going to cut in half and dip this into my stain and I'll start kind of wiping it on and it'll look like magic it's [Music] incredible I couldn't take it I wouldn't know what to do if you ever decided it was too good to be true loving is easy when you've gotes H this was about the point that I started thinking this is so light and I might end up actually kind of painting it or restaining it I mean a little bit darker color once it all dried and everything I did end up ordering a different stain from rtia it's just a little bit darker it's kind of like a medium tone between what we did in our dresser and what I did here but I haven't done it yet I'm still waiting for it to arrive so you guys will have to let me know do you think that we should leave it this really light color or do you think I should go a little bit darker I'm kind of leaning darker but we'll [Music] see all right it's done or it could be done I think I'm G to go over it one more time just to make it slightly darker it's a little bit lighter than I was kind of hoping for although look how much brighter that's going to make the living room it's going to be so pretty in there it looks like wood you can see like the graining not like regular wood grain but it just has like so much variation in it it's not splotchy at all it's like very continuous which you get from the paint strokes and the stained strokes and like ah it looks so pretty but I think I am going to go ahead and try to darken it maybe one shade and we'll see how that [Music] goes pick up my shoes and to see out about the of you and me wish I was but I'm not pretending I'm just for a happy end the I can highly breath between a dream and reality check out the way this heart ising it actually ended up matching the tops of the chairs like almost perfectly like it's a different style wood obviously but like the same tone for sure I love this and that also ties in with the drawer fronts on that dresser over there that we did like a year ago all right well that's what it is for now like I said I haven't decided quite yet if I'm going to make this darker but I'm kind of leaning towards that but definitely let me know your thoughts in the comments also a reminder to make sure to use that 40% off coupon code to try out hungry root for yourself thank you so much for hanging out with me today and I will see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: This Crazy Life
Views: 70,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, home refresh, house projects, patio refresh, patio, outdoor clean with me, clean with me 2024, cleaning motivation, 2024 clean with me, 2024 cleaning motivation, Retique it, furniture diy, furniture flip, pressure washing, patio cleaning, this crazy life, speed clean, speed cleaning, homemaking, homemaking motivation, homemaker, cleaning videos, real life clean with me, home reset day, deep cleaning motivation, home reset, spring deep clean, spring cleaning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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