PC Crap Hunting On Amazon.com...

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today we're heading back onto amazon to do some crap hunting and as is tradition with one of these videos it follows a different video idea that ended in complete disaster so yeah we're doing this instead uh now bear in mind i may buy some of this stuff so let me know down in the comment section below if you find any of this interesting and would like to see me do a video on it other than just me pointing and laughing at it on the internet uh yeah so let's get into it [Music] now we're going to start out nice and easy we're just going to do pc components and um yes there is immediately something interesting we've got a zuz nas anime computer case now as you know i am immediately drawn to pc components with anime characters on them for some reason even though i don't really watch much anime so it's pretty weird but i guess it's just because it's different uh and this case with hatsune miku on it is definitely different uh there's some not much airflow going on here now this picture doesn't have doesn't have hatsune on it so i i wonder do do we get hatsune or not i mean it says it's anime computer case so i'm assuming the ladies gonna be on it uh there's one review of it oh they didn't say anything about it they just said three stars okay um this looks like a terrible case for two hundred dollars so please please don't ask me to buy this because that's that's more than i'm willing to spend on a case that looks like it costs three dollars to manufacture uh let's go back and see what else we can find uh started off strong there oh more more weird cases this pyramid case did isn't there like a linus tech tips a video on this thing or did they did they build just this case from scratch i i bet he'd be really annoyed to find out that that you could have just bought it straight off amazon it is 300 which is obscene oh look at all these azar cases this company is just look at this thing it looks it looks like the borg cube i actually quite like i quite like the look of this one um again it looks like it's got the airflow characteristics of a hermetically sealed door but you know i'm sure it'll be worth it considering the rgb through the glass effect that you've got going there missing parts or not included accessories defective fan housing that's a weird thing to be defective uh the led fan is loud and terrible it turns on and off or reboots until it gets going okay the blades are just enough too large that they scraped the fan housing wow that is yeah i'd call that a defective fan you know i'm getting some mixed signals here because cole lock really hates the case but david perks seems to really like it uh amazing case finally a modern looking case that isn't simply a vertical box oh look at this thing this thing looks like a v12 you know you get you know you get those like when people convert like an engine into a coffee table or whatever that's kind of what this case looks like although it does seem like it's not available which is a shame maybe we could find it on on aliexpress because that looks really cool oh look at how it opens yo that is an amazing looking case oh so the the the motherboard kind of mounts in here oh so this would be yes you can put three 60 millimeter radiators over there so this is like the ultimate liquid cooling case that's really cool i like the look of that thing you can buy a grey's anatomy pillow which for some reason is listed under under aza does aza make grey's anatomy as an art what that's pretty cool so they make pillows and computer cases we've got what looks very suspiciously like a fake graphics card i mean you know you know that it's a fake graphics card when it's from a seller called the best life and um yeah this is definitely a fake card oh okay so it's good to see that you can still find these on amazon that they've not gone anywhere let's have a quick look at what the graphics card space looks like at the moment um graphics cards okay never mind let's have a look at something else let's have a look at cpu coolers because that this is where the the random crap companies really sneak in a ventrue u6 that actually looks pretty cool it's only got it's only got like three and a half stars yo so this is like a wannabe golden field manufacturer here because look they've got the the crap orb and all of these terrible coolers that that golden field also sells so that's interesting i wonder if like making terrible cpu coolers is like the easiest entry into becoming like a pc hardware manufacturer so you start off making bad coolers and then you become down at some point with there's definitely steps in between but you know that's how you eventually get there oh wow corsair still makes the a500 i thought they were shamed off the market with this with this product yo it's actually rated really well 4.3 out of five i was not expecting that i was expecting people to tell me that it set their firstborn children on fire or whatever big package small performance cheap brackets too much weight and then everyone else really loves it uh return to form from corsair you know this is another just random company that makes cpu coolers like how much of a market is there for this stuff pc cooler that's another different company sahara is another company up here to be fair i feel like the same thing goes for power supply companies as well because it's just everybody and their dog also makes power supplies maybe i should start making power supplies maybe we should have david does power supplies really stick it to lttstore.com you have water bottles i have power supplies um okay but i think we should head to the crap space that i am the most accustomed to which is the pre-built space oh so it seems that the pre-built space at the moment is kind of dominated by a combination of skytech and cyberpower i've never had a look at skytech before but i get real mixed signals from them some people tell me that they're just the best thing ever and then you get people who it murdered their dog or whatever a thousand dollars is quite a lot though considering that that lenovo pc that i did a video on recently has a 3600 in it and a 1660 super and that was like less than that so i wouldn't really say that that's a great deal uh but yeah let's see what else we've got here oh so this is the top pick so this is the system that amazon recommends now funny story i may or may not actually have one of these in a storeroom because this is the best selling gaming pre-built on amazon so i'm curious to see how this thing holds up uh there yeah like i said there may or may not be a video coming on this next wednesday no os wait what so this system c uk straight stratos micro gaming pc that they sell without an operating system in it it's got a ryzen 3 3200g oh at least it's got 16 gigs of ram in it but that's so weird that they wouldn't sell it with an operating system on it 182 customer ratings on this system so that means like a bunch of people have bought this system and it's from a company called the computer upgrade king store a weird combination of systems here because they've got like oem stuff that they put their own name on the the the omen i don't know i feel like that belongs on a different piece on a different website we've got some msi um this is such a weird shop oh here's an omen system i actually get asked to do videos on on the omen systems quite a lot because people seem to really like them um yeah like a lot of people tell me to buy them as like an example of a good pre-built i mean that airflow looks pretty crazy like i've seen one in person at a best buy and they look pretty worrying although oh look at that they seem to have a non-proprietary motherboard in them i mean okay aside from the airflow situation this may be decent so maybe maybe one day we'll have a look at one of those yo they've even got really high-end versions so you you can get oh but they they changed the case up a little bit okay so because it's a higher end variant you can see that there's some more attempt at airflow on the side which would make sense oh look at this thing yo look at this this looks like you're strapping an early attempt at a flying car to the bottom of your laptop i wonder how much this thing would actually help the temperatures of a gaming laptop um i mean just going by fan surface area it looks it looks highly impressive maybe yo look at this one look there is look at that this is like an undiscovered market of ridiculous laptop accessories look at that thing it helps with back pain as well so not only are you strapping six fans to the bottom of your laptop it also helps with back pain i mean what more do you want this one comes covered in ice it looks like the same one though is it by a different company oh no no it's the same company this one is just the ice model this one's got a phone charger on the side of is it a charger or just a holder six core super super cooling yo i need to buy some of these i i have to buy some of these things to do a video on this one's got rgb on this side and it's a six core laptop cooler 4 500 rpm this thing must sound like a 747 others others actually do nothing whereas this one because it's got afmat in it whatever that as has temp drops to the point of madness yo okay this is this is an untapped market of stuff to buy six core deep cooling 360 millimeter all-round dynamic cooling what are these what are these marketing terms lcd screen display lights in fact just it has it has a screen on it what this one also fixes your back you can see that it's got it's got back fixing technology in it no way i really want this i i this this looks look at how much money they put into making graphics for it oh it makes it it puts your baby to sleep as well that's also very it's got a free usb cable that comes in it highly recommended okay here's somebody actually did a video review of this it works pretty nice cooling stand good pad for gaming or non-gaming everybody loves this thing yo i need to buy some of this stuff what is that thing new generation productivity tool the ultimate tool for creators applying for image video what is this oh i guess it's for like video editing software maybe i wonder if i wonder if you could use this like video editing tool thing to like game on or this yo imagine playing tarkov with this you like walk with the one wheel and then you aim with the other one and then you like that would be amazing yo just one of these okay i actually think i'm gonna end it there i feel like we tilled some new ground with this video uh we may need to get some laptop stands in and see see what they do but yeah thank you very much for watching this video if you do want to see that most popular gaming system on amazon video do do subscribe to the channel if you haven't already that video will be coming on wednesday thank you very much for watching and yeah until the next video [Music] bye you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 275,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, amazon.com, random, pc parts, computers
Id: _DD7TlbVn20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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