I tried every FREE website builder. This is the best

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guy like me I've spent too much money on websites I'd pull out that credit card for web hosting I'd throw Canadian dollars at tools and buy too many domain names for bad business ideas but I'm tired of spending money my next website has to be free as in 0 I don't want to spend a dime the website is for good harvest my super popular gardening Channel on YouTube I don't need anything special just a simple onepage website is fine it needs a splashy photo a spot for a few videos and I ran out of space but this is a contact Section could I do it could I translate this into a free website like this stick around this is the story of how I did just that to start I did some research and I found seven free website tools that seem to be recommended most often the first one I tried was Wick Wix seem to be recommended everywhere all right took me about a half hour but I've been able to design my site on Wix I think it looks pretty good so now let's publish it but when I hit publish I knew instantly Wix wouldn't work for me G so it looks like free websites on Wix have this ad that scrolls with the website it's kind of a deal breaker and on top of that check out the URL they gave my free website I wasn't able to get rid of this part of the URL which kind of sucks I could deal with this but not this I'm giving Wix one star ugly ad ugly URL so that's just to know from me and remember I'm just rating wix's free plan not Wix as a whole actually like Wix as a website builder if you use the paid plans seeing how bad wix's free plan was got me suspicious because when I had Googled best free website builder tons of people had been suggesting Wix they never even mention mentioned the big ugly ad instead they praised Wix for super arbitrary things so I was feeling skeptical when I tried my next tool wordpress.com not WordPress but wordpress.com they're two different things wordpress.org is the open source CMS you can download for free and upload to any web host wordpress.com is a separate hosted service so don't get them mixed up and don't come at me in the comments and say you should have tried wordpress.org no it's not free I mean technically it's free but you'd also need a word Press host and I'm telling you there are no good free WordPress hosts anyways wordpress.com was also a disappointment so I'm just setting up my free site and they say I need a Premium plan to change fonts and colors come on I know it's a free product but that's that's corny I was able to design my website to look how I want it but to be honest it took me a while I found wordpress.com confusing I mean look at how the interface keeps switching and Chang changing as I navigate through it that's just kind of odd and once I published my website I noticed that like Wix wordpress.com also put a big ad on free websites so wordpress.com gets one star two big ad hard to use and can't change colors I mean come on at this point I started to worry was every free website builder going to include some dumb little limitation designed to annoy and frustrate me enough so that I'd go for their paid version cuz guess what the next two that I tried Jim do and youthcraft both had annoying ads here's jimdo and here's ukraft I can't have ads like this I'm a big time YouTuber but seriously these ads just look amateur and they're even worse on mobile Jim do and ukraft you both get two stars too okay okay I know I'm not blaming these companies it's a free website what right do I have to complain I just think we can do better than this so let's keep going fortunately next up was square and they were better even if you don't know Square you've probably used their checkout at like a coffee shop before they're a Payment Processing Company which means they help businesses take payments they offer free websites in hopes that you'll sell things on the website and then they can process payments which means they're especially focused on e-commerce websites which doesn't really matter to me I got nothing to sell overall my Square website looked pretty good the ad was really small and hidden at the bottom of the page I like that unfortunately this editor is just oddly limited for example I can't seem to get this white to be black so Square had these style options I could choose from but none of them let me have just a black background and white button weird weird and I can't remove the header I don't need a header remember I'm just building a onepage website Square clocks in at a solid three stars small ad but weird design limitations next up was canva canva was definitely the runner up typically I think of canva as a graphic design tool not a website builder but I've been pretty impressed I was able to get really close to the design I wanted and when I finally hit publish I was pleased to see the ad was small and hidden on the footer the only downside I'm not crazy about this URL they give free websites I'd much prefer it to be like this plus they've added a weird white bar um that I can't get rid of on mobile I could be doing something wrong I honestly don't know in any case canva gets a solid four stars small ad good design kind of lame URL so Cano was pretty close to what I needed what could possibly be better well you probably haven't heard of this next tool card and it was my winner it's for building onepage websites which is exactly what I need okay so card is looking like a perfect fit I've been able to get the design looking exactly how I want and when it came time to publish they let me choose my own URL which was great almost every other website Builder just automatically assigned me a URL plus see if you can spot the ad it's really small right here that's the smallest ad of any tool I tried so I'm really happy with card and also look how nice it looks on mobile that's perfect overall card is a perfect five stars tiny ad great design and a great URL thanks card so here's what surprised me I was able to design something pretty similar to my original mockup with all of the tools for me the main differentiator was the annoying ads they put on free websites and the URLs example this is just not great I much prefer this turns out there are lots of free website tools out there but it takes some effort to find the right one for you I mean I had to make the same website seven times before I found car and even then it doesn't mean card is the best free website builder it just means card was what worked best for me in this particular case for example if I had needed a free e-commerce website I'm guessing Square would have worked better but that's just theoretical all I know is that card was what I needed today now I have a beautiful free website for my little YouTube channel and I can proudly say it didn't cost me a dime
Channel: Steve Builds Websites
Views: 25,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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