Shopify Tutorial for Beginners 2023 (FULL Store Setup Guide)

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- What's going on? My name is Simon, and in this video I'm gonna show you step-by-step how to create your own professional Shopify store. So we're gonna start from complete scratch, and we're gonna go over everything you need to know so that after watching this video, you'll have all the tools to build and launch your own Shopify store. I'll leave all the timestamps down below in the video description, so if you're looking for a specific part, you can just go directly there. So without wasting any time, let's get right into the tutorial. So the first step is to go to, or simply click on the first link down below in the video description. This will take you to my Commerce Coach Shopify signup page where you can claim an extended trial for Shopify so that after your free trial ends, you can keep using Shopify for an additional three months for only $1 per month. So make sure you use that link, and once you're here, what we want to do is just type in our email address. And then we're just gonna click on Start free trial. Then here, we're just gonna skip all these questions by clicking on Skip at the bottom. Then here, if you already know the name of your online store, you can just type it in here and then click on Next. But if you don't know the store name yet, don't worry, we can always come back to this later, so we can just click on Skip. Then here, just confirm your location and click on Next. Then we're gonna have to create our Shopify ID, so choose one of these four options here to create your account. I'm just gonna continue with my email. Then here, simply create your password and click on Create Shopify ID. And this will take us into the Shopify dashboard, which is basically just the backend of your store. Now, the first thing we're going to do here is choose a theme for the store, which is gonna give us the basic structure of how our store will look like. So what we're gonna do is just go to the left side menu, click on Online Store, and then go to Themes. Now, as we can see here, the default theme that is pre-installed with every new store is the Dawn theme as you can see here. but we also have the option to choose a different theme for our store. So let's scroll down, and here you can already see a couple of free themes that you can use, but what I would do is just Click on visit theme store here at the bottom right, and then you're gonna see all the different themes that Shopify has to offer. So here in the theme store, we can just check out different themes and see which theme would work the best for the kind of online store that we want to build. Now for this video, I'm just gonna stick to the free themes because the premium themes, they are actually quite expensive, they cost mostly over $300. So what I'm gonna do is just take the free filter right here, and then it just shows us the 11 free themes that Shopify just gives you out of the box. So from the free themes, the ones that I personally have used and really like are the Sense theme, the Ride theme, and the Refresh theme. I think these work quite well with most stores. But feel free to just browse the other themes as well, click on them, and then just click on View Demo Store, and then you can see exactly how this store would approximately look like. Obviously you can change all the colors, the content and so on, but it makes it a lot easier if you choose a theme that already has kind of the design that you're looking for. Now, for the example store I'm building in this video, I'm just gonna go with the Refresh theme right here. So once you choose your theme, you want to click on it here, and then you just click on Try theme here. And this will take us back to our Shopify dashboard where when we scroll down, we can now see that the new theme is now in our theme library. Now, to activate this theme we're gonna have to click on Publish right here, and then again confirm, click on Publish. And now as we can see here, the current theme has now been changed from the Dawn theme to the new one we have just installed, which is the Refresh theme. So now let's click on Customized here on the right to start customizing our theme and start building out our store. So this takes us to the Shopify editor where we can customize everything and design our store. Now, I'm gonna give you a quick overview of how this editor works. Basically here on the top, you can switch between the different pages of your store, currently we can see the Home page. Then here on the top right you can switch between different devices, so you can click on Mobile, and then you can see how your store currently looks like on a mobile phone. Now, in this video I'm gonna do all the changes on the desktop view. Then here on the left side, you can see the structure of the current page you're on. So it always starts with the header at the top, this is gonna be the same for every page on your store. And ends with the footer here at the bottom, this is also gonna be on every page on your store. And then what's custom to every page on your store is the content section, which is in between the header and the footer right here. Now, as you can see, Shopify has already added a couple of placeholder sections, and that we can now fill with content just to kind of make it easier for you to have an idea of how you could build your store. But obviously you can customize everything you want, and you can delete the sections if you don't want them. Now, to move these sections around, we can just go and hover over each of these sections that we want to move, and then just click on these six dots and just drag them wherever we want this section to be. If you want to delete a specific section, you can just click on it here, and then you can see this trash icon here on the bottom of the section, you can just click on this. Or you can click on Remove section of the section menu opening up here on the right. So to customize something, what you would do is just click on the section here on the left side, and then the menu here on the right side will open up, and we can just adjust everything here. So what I like to do before starting to build a new store is just to delete all these sections here that are already preloaded for us, and then we just get a better overview of what is actually on the page. So I'm just gonna click on each of these sections, click on the trash icon. The next one again, trash icon, and I'm gonna do this with all of these sections here in the content area. And then we're gonna end up with just one section that we can't delete because Shopify doesn't allow us to just have nothing in the content area. So what we can do is just click on the eye icon here, and then it will just make it invisible and we don't have to worry about it. We can delete it later once we have added some more content. Great, so now that we have a bit of a cleaner starting point, let's start customizing our homepage. I would like to start by adding a logo to the top of the website, which is the header. So to edit the header, what we're gonna do is either select it right here in the sections overview, or you can also just click on it here in the preview section. This will open up the menu on the right side for the header, and then here we can see LOGO, and it says edit your logo in the theme settings. So we're just gonna click on the link here, and then it will open up the theme settings here on the left side. By the way, you can also get to the theme settings by just clicking on the paintbrush icon here on the left side. And then here, as we can see, here we can upload our logo, so we're gonna click on Select image, then upload an image, and then I'm just gonna choose my logo here, click on Open, then click on Select. And now as you can see, our logo is now visible here at the top. We can also change the width of the logo by just dragging this bar right or left. And once we're happy, we're just gonna click on Save at the top right. And now to go back to the sections overview, we're just gonna go to this icon right here at the top left, and then we can see our overview here once again. Let's move on with the announcement bar, which is this bar right here at the top, which is a good place to just put some promotional messages. Like for example, you can advertise a coupon code or you can just say something like, Free shipping for the United States or just something like that. I'm just gonna add free shipping worldwide. Obviously make sure that what you say here on the announcement bar is actually true. If you wanna remove the announcement bar altogether, what you can do is just delete everything, and then the announcement bar will just disappear. But I'm gonna keep it, I'm gonna use free shipping worldwide. And again, once I do some changes, I always like to click on SaVe to just make sure the changes are saved. Great, so next, let's start building our hero section. So this is gonna be the first thing that people see when they visit your store, your homepage, which is the first part. So we wanna make sure that this is looking very good, and it represents your brand very accurately. So we're gonna click on Add section here in the content area, Add section. And then we can see some different section types that we can use for different ways of displaying content. So for the hero section specifically, I recommend you either go with an image with text section, an image banner, or a slideshow. If you have a lot of good content, a lot of images, then you can go with the slideshow because you can put all those images in the slideshow and you can show multiple images just in the first area of your page. As I don't really have many images for this example store, I'm just gonna go with something simple and use the image with text section. Once we click on it, it will just fill in the placeholder content here to the content area. And then what I like to do is just look at the menu for our new section here on the right side, and just go from top to bottom and play around with all the settings. Now, here first we're gonna have to select an image to add an image here to this section, so we're gonna click on the Select image. And then you can either upload one, which is probably the thing you wanna do because you should have custom images for your store. but I don't really have one for this example store, so I'm just gonna click on free images here and then type in something that is related to my store. I'm gonna create a headphone store here for an example, so I'm gonna type in headphones and then I'm gonna choose this image right here, click on Select, and now Shopify has inserted this image. Then I'm just gonna move on from top to bottom in this menu. So the image height, I'm gonna do Medium. Then the desktop image with, I'm gonna do Large. For desktop image placement, I'm gonna choose Image second to just switch around the places of the text and the image. And then desktop content position, I'm gonna do Middle. And desktop content alignment, I'm gonna leave on left. And then content layout, I'm gonna do Overlap. And then change the color scheme to Background 2. And then we can also edit the text by just clicking on the text element here, the heading. And then the menu for this heading will open up on the right. We can just change the text here, and then change the heading size to small, I think that looks a bit better. And we're gonna do the same thing for the paragraph here. I'm just gonna add a small paragraph here, and replace this one like this, and then click on Save. Now, if you need more space for your text here, what you can do is just click on the section and then change the image width from large to medium, and then this block will be a bit larger. Or you could also just go to the theme settings on the top left, and then go to Typography, and change the font size scale from 110% back to 100% like this, and this will also decrease the font size a little bit. And then the last thing I want to do here on the Hero section is change the button text. So I'm gonna click on the button, and then I'm gonna change the text here from Button label to Shop now. And we also need to link this button to a specific page, so we just click here, and then I'm gonna choose Collections, All collections, and then click Save. And now the button is active and when people click on it, they will go to the collections, which we'll set up in the next part. So the next thing we're gonna add to our homepage is a collection list showcasing different types of products that we sell on our store. So to add a collection list, we'll again go to the sections overview, click on Add section, and then we're gonna choose the Collection list right here. Now, so that we are able to actually show some products here in the collections. We need to go ahead and add our products to our Shopify store, and that's exactly what we're gonna do next. So to add our products, we need to go back to the Shopify dashboard. So what I like to do is just hover over the Exit button here on the top left, right click, and then click Open Link in a New Tab. And this way we can keep this editor open, but we can still work in our dashboard at the same time. So once we're here in the dashboard, what we're gonna do is click on Products here on the top left. And then here we can start adding our products. Now, if you don't know yet what kind of products you want to sell on your Shopify store, then I recommend to watch my Shopify drop shipping tutorial, which you'll find here in the cards or down below in the video description, which includes a complete guide on how to find products to sell. And for those of you who already have products to sell, let's click on Add your products. So here we just wanna go from top to bottom and fill in all the information about the product that we want to add. So I'm gonna just add an example product Earbuds Pro 7 for my headphone store. I'm also going to add a description here at the bottom, and then I'm gonna add some photos as well. So here under Media, click Add Files. And then I'm just gonna add a couple of photos, so a couple of different variants as well. And then here you can also choose a main image, which is gonna be the first image. So you can just drag the main image here to the front. And I also have some other images, it doesn't really matter, this is just an example. And yeah, you can just add some images that make sense and communicate the benefits of your product, and also showcase your product in the best light. Then under price, you can obviously say how much people need to pay for buying this product. So I'm gonna sell this let's say for $79, and then the compare at price is a price which will be displayed next to the actual price, like with a strike through. And it then says it's on sale, and it was actually more expensive. So let's say this was 99 and now it's 79. Then you can also add your cost per item, this is just for you, so you can see kind of your profit margin. Then under inventory, we want to say how many of those products we have in stocks. Let's say we have 200, but be careful when this number goes to zero, then your product will be displayed as out of stock on your store, and people won't be able to buy it anymore. If you don't want this to happen, you can just tick this box here, continue selling when out of stock. And then you don't really need to worry about this number, you just will have to make sure that your customers will actually get the products that they have bought. Then under shipping, you can add a weight for that product, that's more if you want to charge shipping based on the weight of your product, but I'm gonna leave this empty for now. And then if you have different variants for your products, like I do, for example, I have three different colors for these earbuds, then we want to obviously add some variants. So I'm gonna click on Add options here. And I have different colors, so I'm gonna choose color here and then I can add some values. So I have white, I have orange, and I have black I believe, so I'm gonna add black then click on Done. And then here we can also specify how many of these variants we have on hand, so let's say we have 100 of these, 100 of these, and maybe 50 of these, then let's click Save. And then we want to scroll back down to the variants, and also add the correct image to the correct variant. So for the white one, we're gonna choose the white image. For the orange one, the orange one. And then the black one as well. And if you want to, you can also adjust the prices for each variant separately, but I'm gonna just leave it as it is for now. Then for search engine listing, you just wanna look at this link here, specifically the last part and see if it looks clean. If it doesn't, you can click on Edit and then you can change the last part of the URL for the product page specifically. I think it looks fine, so I'm just gonna click on Save. Then let's go back to our product list, and now as you can see, we have added our first product to our Shopify store. Now, you can repeat the same process if you have multiple products, just click on Add product here on the top right, and then just go through the exact same process again. So I've just added a couple more products just so we have a bit more to work with for this example store. Now, the next thing we can can do is sort and organize these products into different collections. So let's say for this example, we could create a headphones collection, and a earbuds collection, and maybe a best sellers collection for all these different kinds of products. So to create these collections, we're gonna go to the left side menu and click on Collections. And then as we can see, there is already a homepage collection set up. Now, I don't need this, so I'm just gonna tick it and then I'm gonna go to the three dots and click on Delete collection to just get rid of this one that is already set up. Now, I'm gonna set up my own collection. So I'm gonna click on Create collection here, and then we can give this collection a name. So I'm gonna create a collection, let's say for earbuds, which is a type of product that I'm selling here on the store. Then we can also add a description if you want. And for the collection type I'm gonna change this to manual, so I will be manually adding products to this collection later on. What we do want to do is add a collection image, which will be displayed when people see this collection. So I'm gonna click on Add image here, and then I've prepared an image for this collection. So I'm gonna choose this image here, click on Save. And now when we go back here, we can see that we have set up a collection. Now, you can set up multiple collections just by going to create collection again on the top right, and then go through the same process again. So I've added a couple more collections, and what we can do now is go back to our products and tell Shopify what collections these products belong to. And an efficient way to do this is to just take all the products that belong into one collection. So let's say the headphones here, and then I'm gonna go to the three dots, go to Add to collections, and I'm gonna choose the headphones collection. Click on Save, and now these two products are in the headphones collection. And you can just repeat this for the other products as well until all of your products are in the correct collection. And by the way, you can also have multiple collections for one product. So the earbuds could be in the best sellers collection and also in the earbuds collection. Then once that's done, let's go back to our editor, which we still have open in the other tab here. And now what we can do for our collection list that we have just added, we can assign what kind of collections we want to display here. So just click on the Collection, and then click on Select collection here. And then we can choose one of these collections we have just created. So I'm gonna start with headphones for the first one, then for the second one, I'm gonna choose earbuds. And for the third one, I'm gonna choose the sport collection. Then I'm also gonna change the text here, so I'm gonna just select the section and then I'm gonna change the text here to find your perfect headphones. And then I'm gonna change the heading size to small and click Save, and that's it for our collection list. Now, when people click on these collections, for example, the headphones collection, they will get to the collection page where they can see all the products that are in the headphones collection. So let's switch back to our homepage and add some more content. So below our collection list, I wanna add a bit more content talking about the benefits of the products that we sell. So what I'm gonna do is click on Add section below the collection list, and I'm gonna add another image with text section. And I'm actually gonna duplicate this section twice, so I have three times the image with text section. And I want it to be image on the left, image on the right, image on the left. So for the middle section, I'm gonna just do a desktop image placement, and I'm gonna go to Image second, and then the image will be on the right side. Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just add my benefits, so one of the benefits, let's say of the headphones is that they're noise canceling. So I'm just gonna click on the text, change the text here, noise canceling. Then for the second one, I'm gonna do a wireless. And then for the third one, I'm gonna just type in perfect sound. Now, if you're having a hard time coming up with good text content for your site, what I recommend is to get a bit of help from AI, specifically from ChatGPT. So you probably heard of ChatGPT before, it's an AI-based chat bot that can help you with different things, and it's very good at creating a text. So what I would do here is just ask ChatGPT, write me a paragraph about noise canceling for my headphone online store. Then hit Enter, and then ChatGPT will write me a paragraph. Now, what we can do is give it feedback, so I think this is a bit too long, so I'm gonna just ask it, make it shorter, let's say max three sentences. And then let's see. Now, we have a shorter version, so I'm fine with that. So I'm gonna just copy this, obviously read it and see if it makes sense, and then we can just paste this in here. And just like that, we have a nice paragraph for this section. So you can save a lot of time using ChatGPT, that's what why I wanted to show it to you. Then obviously we also wanna add a picture, it works the same way as we've seen before. Just click on the section, then click on Select image, and then upload your image here, or just add it from the free images if you find one that fits. So now I've also done the same thing with the other sections here and generated some text from ChatGPT, and I've also changed the button text to Shop now and linked it with the collections page. Now you can go ahead and add even more content to your homepage. Simply go to Add section, and then play around with all these different sections and create the homepage that you want to have for your store. You could, for example, add a feature collection and then click on Select collection here, and just showcase your best sellers on the homepage. You're really free, it just takes some time to just play around with all the different types of sections you have, and then you can build the exact homepage that you want. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna move on to the footer of our website. Now, here is where we want to display our policies for the online store. This is gonna be our terms of service, privacy policy, shipping policy, and so on. Now, let's first make sure to save the changes, and then we need to go back to our Shopify dashboard. So I still have it open here in another tab, but if you don't, just right click the exit button, click on Open in New Tab, and then the Shopify dashboard will open up. So once we are here, we want to go to settings on the bottom left, and then scroll all the way down and go to Policies. Now, the cool thing here on Shopify is that you can create policies from a template, so we just have to click on Create from template, and then you will get a default refund policy made by Shopify. But this is just a template, so you're gonna have to go through it, and also change what's in the brackets here and make sure to adjust it to your own business. You can do the same for the privacy policy, and the terms of service. And then you want to also add a shipping policy specific to your shipping, and also a contact information. And then once that's done, let's just click on save. And now all of our policy pages are created. Let's close this window here. Now, we also need to add those pages to our website footer. So to do that we're gonna go to Online Store, Navigation, and then we're gonna click on Footer menu here. Now, first I'm gonna delete the search link, so I'm just gonna click on Delete here. And then I'm gonna click on Add menu item, and then here on the right side we can go to Policies, and then add all of the policies that we have just created. Then once that's done, let's click on Save menu and then we can go back to our editor. And then we should see all these links here at the bottom of our store. Now, if you don't see it yet, just reload the page and then they should appear. Now next, I'm just gonna delete the About section here. And for this text block, I'm gonna change the text from our mission to contact us. And then I'm gonna just paste in the contact information here. And then for the image, I'm gonna actually add the logo once again. So I'm gonna click on Select Image, and then I'm gonna choose the logo that is already uploaded. Select, make this a bit larger like this, and then click Save. And now we're done with our store footer. Now, let's scroll all the way to the top and look at how we can change our main menu here at the top. So to change this menu, what we're gonna do is go back to the Shopify dashboard and then go to Online Store, Navigation. And now we're gonna click on Main menu. And then here, just like like we've done for the footer menu, we can just delete all the links that we don't want. So I don't want the home link, the catalog link, I'm gonna leave the contact link, but I'm also gonna add a couple of links to some collections. So I'm gonna choose some collections here. Let's just add a link to our best sellers. And then I've also added the headphones collection and the earbuds collection. Now to change the order of these links, we can just drag these around until we're happy. So I'm gonna have first headphones, then earbuds, then best sellers, then contact. Then click on Save menu. And then when we go back to the editor, we should be able to see the new menu here at the top. And if you don't see it yet, just reload the page and then it should appear. Now, let's also look at the theme settings, which controls the overall style of our website. So to get to the theme settings, we're gonna go to the paintbrush icon here on the top left, and then we can just go from top to bottom. So let's start with the logo, we have already added the logo before, but we haven't added a Favicon image yet. A Favicon image is basically just this little icon that you can see here in the top of your browser. So what you wanna do is just create a square version of your logo, and then just upload it here. So I'm gonna choose this one and I'm gonna just upload it, then click Select. And now when I click on Save, and then go to the three dots right here and click on View, then it a new tab opens up, which is the preview of our site. And now we can see this little icon we've just uploaded at the top of the browser, which looks a lot better. It's a lot more branded compared to just the Shopify logo. Then let's also go to Colors, here is where you can change all of the colors across your entire website. So you have accent colors, you have background colors, text colors, and so on. If you wanna change one, you can just click on the color here and then just add the color code, or you could just change it to whatever you want, like this. And then you can see the changes will be visible live. So I'm just gonna undo this and leave everything as it is because I think it looks pretty good. Then under Typography, you can also change the font, so play around with different font for your website. And then you can also look at all the other options here, I usually don't really mess with these settings. But under social media, what you can do is just add your social media links here, just paste them in here. And then where they will show up is at the bottom of the website in the footer. So right here you can see a Facebook and an Instagram icon, and when people click on it, they will get to your social media pages. And one thing I also wanted to show you is that for the checkout page specifically when we go to checkout here, here we can also add our logo. So here I'm gonna click on Select Image, and then I'm gonna upload a dark version of my logo because it will be displayed on a white background as I'm gonna show you in a moment here. So now we can change from the homepage to the checkout page, and then here we can see the logo. So make sure you use a dark version of your logo for the checkout page. And then also for the button colors, by default it's always this blue on Shopify, they don't adjust it to the colors of your theme. So you're gonna have to manually go in here and change this to your accent color as well, if you want all the colors matching up across your entire store. And you can do that here on the left side under Colors. So now we are done with our homepage, and we've also gone through the theme settings. What we wanna do also is now go through all of the other pages of our store. For example, the product page is one of the most important pages, so we're gonna switch from the homepage to the product page, and then we have the default product page. So this is what people will see when they click on a specific product, or if you send them directly to the product page using TikTok ads, for example. So for the product page, the first section of this page is always gonna be the product information, which is gonna be taken from what we've entered before when we've added our products. So here are the images that people can skip through, then the name, the price, the different variants. When people change these, they can see the image as well because we've assigned the images to the variants. And then we have the Add to cart button, the Buy button, and then the description that we have added. Now, we can customize everything here on the product page as well, just click on it and then go to the trash icon, for example, if you don't want that share button. And as you can see here on the left side, Shopify has also added some sections just as placeholder content, just give us an idea of how we could structure our product page. So each of these sections below the product information section, these will be visible on every single product page, no matter the product. So you want to make these applicable to all of your products because they're gonna be displayed for every product. So if you don't want these sections, again, you can just click on Delete here and then they will be gone. And you can also build out other sections just like we've done on the homepage. And then once you're done with your product page, you also want to go through all of the other pages here that you have on your store, and make sure they look the way you want them to look. Now, specifically for the Contact page, we're gonna have to go to Pages and then click on Contact page. And this is gonna be a form that people can fill out to contact you. Now, if you want to, you can add a bit of a text here just under contact, but we're gonna have to do this in our Shopify dashboard. So to do this, we're gonna go back to the dashboard, go to Online Store, Pages, and then you can see your contact page here. Click on the contact page, and then you can just add the text right here. Then click Save, and now when we go back to the editor, Save and then reload, we can see the text here and we can also click on it and then change like adjust the bottom padding just we have a bit of a padding here at the bottom. If you want to add a new page to your store, you can also do that back in the dashboard. You would just go to Online Store, Pages, and then you're gonna click on Add page on the top right. So let's say we want to add a FAQs page, then we can just add the content into this field here, and click on Save. Now, to also add this page to the menu, what we're gonna do is go to Navigation, then go to Main menu to add it to our main menu, Add menu item. Link, Pages and then choose the page we've just created, which is the FAQ page, click on Add and Save menu. And now when we go back, this page should show up when we reload the page here. There we go, now we have the FAQs page in the main menu. Now, the next thing I wanna show you is how to add apps to your online store because at some point you might want to add a feature to your store, but it's not really included in the basic Shopify functionalities. So what you're gonna have to do is look for an app that does the thing that you want to add. So when we go to the Shopify dashboard, we can go to the left side where it says Add apps. And we click here, and then we can go to Shopify app store here at the bottom. And this is the app store just like on your phone, so you can search for whatever you're looking for. So for example, if you want to showcase your Instagram feed on your store and have it updated live, you can just type in Instagram and see what kind of apps are available for this specific feature. So you're gonna have to be a bit careful when adding apps to your store because a lot of them are based on a paid subscription, so the monthly cost of running your store could go up quite fast if you add a lot of apps. So let's see what we have here, so we have Instafeed, they have a free plan, so this looks pretty good, let's click on it here. And then we could just click on Add app, this is just similar to downloading an app to your smartphone. Then we have to click on Install app here. And now this app asks us to set everything up. So in this case, we're gonna have to connect our Instagram so they can show our feed on the store. So I'm gonna quickly do that, and then I'm gonna come back when everything is set up. All right, so I just had to quickly connect my Instagram account with this app, and now I can go back to the editor and we can add a section here. And then we can see under apps, we have now Instafeed app, which is the one we just installed. And now when we add this app, then we can see that this will show our live Instafeed directly on our page. So there are a lot of things you can do with apps, this is just one example. So whenever you want to do something that isn't included in the basic Shopify features, look if there's an app that can do what you're looking for. Now, what I also recommend that once in a while you just change from the desktop view to the mobile view to see how your page looks like on mobile as well. Now, usually you don't need to change much on the mobile version because Shopify works with a responsive editor, meaning everything will automatically be optimized for mobile phones as well. However, for some sections you do have specific controls that just control the mobile version. So for example, for this image with text section, you can scroll down here, then you can MOBILE LAYOUT, and we can change this from left to center. And then here the text changes to be aligned in the center. So I would just go through all the pages on mobile and then see if there's something that you want to change. Perfect, now we're almost done setting up our new Shopify store. We just need to look at a couple more settings in the backend of our store. So let's go back to our Shopify dashboard, then go to Online Store, and then Preferences. So here you wanna make sure to just add a homepage title, and also a short description just so people can actually find your page on Google. And then you wanna scroll down to password protection, here we need to disable the password so that people can visit our store because currently it's password protected. But in order for us to disable the password, we're gonna have to choose a plan, a Shopify plan. So let's save the changes, and then let's click on pick a plan. Then here I'm gonna choose the basic plan, which has all the features that we need. And we also get an additional three months for only $1 per month. So click Choose Basic, then here we can decide on our billing cycle, if you want to pay monthly or yearly. If you want to get that extended trial, you're gonna have to go with the monthly option. Then confirm billing cycle, fill in your business address and your payment method, and then click on Start plan. Once that's done, let's go back to Online Store, Preferences, then scroll back down to Password protection, and now we're able to untick the password protection and click on Save, and now people can actually visit our store. Next, we want to go to the settings on the bottom left, and then under Store details, click on Edit and type in your store name right here. Make sure everything else is correct, your email, your address, the store currency is very important, and also the units. Once that's done, click on Save. And then we're gonna move on to payments, this is also very important otherwise people won't be able to check out on your store. So we wanna set up Shopify Payments, this is the best option. So click on complete account setup, and then you just wanna go through all of these forms that you have to fill out, make sure it's filled out truthfully so that you can actually get paid to your bank account. Once that's set up, then people can check out using a credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and so on. Then you should also know that by default, PayPal Checkout is activated for your store. And if you don't want people to be able to check out using PayPal for whatever reason, you wanna go to Manage here, and then click on Deactivate PayPal Express Checkout, so that people will only be able to check out using a credit card or any of the other options I've mentioned before. Now, let's move on to shipping and delivery. And then under Shipping, let's click on Manage. And here is where we can manage the rates that we want to charge for shipping our product to the customer. Now, by default there are already some rates set up for the United States and also international shipping for other countries. So these are shipping zones, you can define specific shipping zones. For example, you can have a zone for the United States, you can have a zone for Canada, a zone for the rest of the world, however you want to set it up. And then for each zone, you can define specific rates that you want to charge based on different variables, so based on weight, or based on the amount of items, or based on price, so you can set it up however you want. Now, I'm gonna set it up very simple for this example store, I'm just gonna do free shipping for the United States only. So I'm gonna first delete both of these shipping zones, international as well. And then I'm gonna click on Create Zone here, and I'm gonna name this zone, just US. And then I'm gonna look for the United States, then I'm gonna check the United States, click on Done. And now I've created the shipping zone specifically for United States. And now we're gonna click on Add rate, and choose the shipping time here, let's say it takes three to four business days. And I'm gonna leave the price at zero because I wanna offer free shipping, then click on Done. And now we have created a shipping zone with free shipping just for United States. Now again, you can create as many shipping zones as you want, and also add as many rates if you want. But I'm gonna leave it at this for now and click on Save. Then you also want to think about taxes, which you can set up here under Taxes and duties. Now, this really depends on your situation, where you're located in, where you're selling to. So I can't really give you any instructions on how to set this up. Just get informed of what the situation is for you, and then set up any taxes that you need to collect here under Taxes and duties. And then we wanna move on to domains. So currently our website is under a domain, which is very unprofessional. So we want to change this domain to our own custom branded domain. So if you already have one you can click on Connect existing domain, or if you don't already have one, you can buy one directly through Shopify. You can just click on buy New Domain here, then look for the domain that you want, and then you can buy it and it will be automatically connected to your Shopify store. And once that's done, we can close the settings and we are almost ready to launch our store. We do want to test our store thoroughly before we start to launch it and send people to our website because you don't wanna spend money on ads or something, and then realize that your website is in fact broken, and you've lost all that money and you didn't get any sales. So to test our store, we're gonna go to Online Store and click on the eye Icon here. And then we just want to go through every single page of your store, make sure everything works. Also, click on the products, Add products to the cart, go through the entire checkout process and see if everything works. And if people can actually check out, if the currency is correct, and if they even can check out with all the payment methods that you have set up. So congratulations on setting up your Shopify store. If you want to learn how to promote your new Shopify store using TikTok ads, then you wanna make sure to watch this video here, which will teach you step-by-step how to set up your TikTok ads for your Shopify store. Make sure you like, subscribe, and comment. And I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 107,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shopify Tutorial for Beginners, shopify, shopify tutorial, shopify dropshipping, shopify store, how to start shopify, online business, how to create a shopify store, how to build a shopify store, ecom, ecommerce, shopify training, complete shopify tutorial, shopify course, how to create an online store with shopify, how to build a shopify store from scratch, how to set up a shopify store, set up shopify store, ecommerce tutorials, metics media
Id: UO2AzfkRbrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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