Shopify Print On Demand Step By Step Store Setup Tutorial 2021

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hey everybody justin cener here how's it going this is going to be one of the best videos you'll ever watch this is my brand new totally updated for 2021 shopify print on demand step-by-step setup guide and by the end of this video you're going to know every single step that you need in order to get started in the best business model online print on demand my personal favorite and you see the agenda on the screen we're going to go over everything i'm going to teach you exactly what print on demand is and then we're going to go over the shoulder i'm going to do some niche research and i'm going to build a store a niche store step by step live right in front of you you're going to see every single step to building to customizing to branding it then we're going to go ahead and integrate print on demand you're going to see the exact print on demand app and partner that i use we'll even get some designs and add in our first product and like i said by the end of this video you're going to have every single skill and every tool that you need to jump into print on demand which is by far my favorite business model online so let's jump into it right now so what exactly is print on demand with shopify well first of all it's my favorite business model and in my opinion it's the best ecommerce business model of 2021 right print on demand is going to allow you to start your own brand without ever touching a product or you could start a six or seven figure brand and never touch the products that you're selling that's how powerful print on demand is and you're gonna be able to sell millions of dollars of print on demand product without ever dealing with shipping you're never gonna deal with tracking numbers bubble mailers boxes shipping tape you're never going to have to deal with inventory you're not going to buy products up front you're not going to deal with having the right colors in stock or the right sizes in stock you're never going to have any product risk and this is exactly how print on demand works all you need is a design right you don't need any inventory you don't need a warehouse you don't need tons of employees you don't need a call center you simply need a design okay this is a design that would be advertised to people that love cats for example it says i work hard so my cat can live a better life right this is literally just a design file a dot png file that's on my hard drive but with print on demand we get to turn this design into a purchasable product okay and i'll start with t-shirts as an example but definitely understand print on demand has evolved a lot a lot since it started with t-shirts right now there's over 500 different products i'll talk more about that later but again we have the design you see this is just a design file on the left i'll show you where to get designs i'll show you how to get designs later on in this training but you got your design file and that becomes a purchasable product in your store right that t-shirt now keep in mind that t-shirt does not exist anywhere it's not in a warehouse it's not in your garage it's not in your closet it doesn't exist right with print on demand exactly in the name right this product will be produced when it's ordered it will be printed when it's demanded i'll show another example then i'll dig a little bit deeper into that because that's obviously the magic and that's the reason why we love print on demand the fact that these products here is another here's an example of a hoodie right you can go ahead and buy this hoodie on one of my stores but it doesn't exist i haven't paid for it i haven't placed any orders i haven't gone and done wholesale i haven't you know received a thousand pieces and put them in a storage facility i haven't sent him to a fulfillment house this hoodie does not exist but i can get paid for it right now and again it's not just apparel right here's another one right this is obviously advertised to people that love dogs a house is not a home without paw prints this can be turned into a massive thick canvas print and these sell for hundreds of dollars so we're talking about a design file that can be turned into a t-shirt it could be turned to a hoodie it could turn into hundreds of different pieces of apparel it could be turned into art it could be turned into posters how about this one again dog lovers a rescue dog stole my heart right we have this design file and it gets turned into a print on demand face mask right i mean it's it's literally that simple this face mask does not exist it won't exist until someone orders this product and there are over 500 different print on demand products that you can customize with any design and the real amazing part about print on demand is that they're always new products coming out right it started with just t-shirts just apparel then we got into artwork now we have all these crazy different products and i'll go over some in a bit but it's really just evolved into pretty much an entire brand can be run just on print on demand and that's really the power of it right we're going to be able to sell over 500 different products that are produced when ordered right print on demand the product is printed when it's demanded okay that's print on demand and you know you can think about the old way of doing things right you would have to go to a wholesaler or a supplier you'd say okay i want to get i want to start a uh let's say a t-shirt store so you're going to about go okay i have to buy 500 pieces minimum for them to start printing your designs and then you got to start worrying about what sizes to get and what colors to get right you want to keep the most popular ones in stock but do you want to offer other colors as well right you have all these questions all this risk gets introduced because you need to pay up front right you need to make those inventory decisions you need to buy that inventory and then you need to store it as well right and you also obviously have to ship it and maybe you thought that this is the only way to start a business going with wholesalers paying upfront right having all that risk this is the old way of doing things this is the way before print on demand and like i said print down demand is the best business model online right now it eliminates all of this risk it literally eliminates all of these steps right so we're never going to have to do this again we're not interested in doing the old way we're going to jump into the new way this is the print on demand way of doing things you're going to create designs right you can create them yourself you could get a freelance graphic designer to buy to do them you could buy them from print on demand design sites a lot of different ways you just need to get the design right and let's say you're going to create designs for dog lovers right you build a dog store you build a cat store you build a niche store you build whatever type of store you want and with your designs you simply select print on demand products right you're not ordering them you're not getting a thousand pieces you're not hitting minimum order quantities you're simply selecting where the design should be placed uh and which products should be offered right there's over 500 different options you don't need to you're definitely not going to offer all of them right maybe you go with mugs maybe you go with t-shirts maybe you go with wall canvas maybe you do a combination right you get your designs and then you select which products should have those designs then through your print on demand partner app you add these products into your store and obviously this is going to sound like a stupid simple question but what happens to products that are in your store well hopefully they get bought right but in no step here did we talk about paying for a product buying inventory hitting minimum order quantities there's none of that that's the old way with print on demand if you want to have or sell a shirt to people that love playing chess for example just something i randomly thought of all you need to do is go ahead create create that design select the print on demand products that you want add it to the store there's no product cost there's no costs in terms of getting uh you know that product in hand you don't need the product in hand because it's printed when it's demanded so this is the print on demand product process and it's really all about this right here's your design you select which product you want to be on and you add it to your store right starts with a design has ends with a purchasable product right but let's talk a little bit further right what happens once it's in a store right so you're going to go ahead and your create your designs right and this this is the magic of print on demand this is why print on demand is so amazing okay you're going to create designs or you'll get a you'll buy a pack of designs pre-made whatever it is you're going to have designs ready to go okay you're going to add them to your store okay we're going to literally build right in front of you live today i'm going to build a brand new print on demand store you're going to see all these steps in action but we're going to add those designs to our store we're going to pick print on demand products maybe we decide to just do apparel maybe we we decided to do just homewares maybe we do accessories who knows right 500 different products we could do whatever we just add them to our store okay next well like i said if there are products on your store you should hopefully have customers coming ordering those products and what happens when someone orders they pay okay so again there's no part in this where we've acquired any inventory there's no part where we've made any orders with our print-on-demand partner but the best part right now the customer orders we receive the payment our job is done there's nothing else for us to do right and this isn't because i'm lazy this isn't because i've created some really great system this is just what print on demand is our job is done right print on demand the product is printed when it's demanded when is it demanded when someone orders well okay you see that the customer orders and pays but with print on demand our print on demand partner is doing all of the work so we collect a profit our job is done the order continues and now automatically our print-on-demand partner receives the customer information right what did they order what color did they order what style what size uh you know what options obviously what shipping address all of that information is sent directly to our print on demand partner through shopify we don't pick up the phone we don't email them we don't copy and paste we don't forward the order email our job is done right there's nothing there's literally nothing for us to do even if we wanted there's nothing that we can do we can't walk down to the warehouse and go and find the order we don't have the the uh we don't have a warehouse we don't need a warehouse we can't go and load the shirt into the printer and print it ourselves because we don't have a printer we would never want to have a printer right that's why we have a print-on-demand partner so our job is done but what happens next is really the magic right automatically the print-on-demand partner receives the customer information so if it was that example of that print-on-demand mask right they would receive the information that their they need to print a mask they would receive the design file and they would receive the customer information automatically next they go ahead and literally create the product right this is the print on demand part this the product doesn't exist yet right i've already been paid i've profited customer got their order confirmation email they're just waiting for the product now in the background of all this i'm sitting back relaxing counting my profits print on demand companies doing everything automatically they literally go ahead and create the product they put the product in a bubble mail or in a box they print out the shipping label they ship the product they even provide the tracking number on your behalf to the customer okay and then of course the cycle just begins again and it's all starting with designs we're talking about files on your computer we're not talking about any physical inventory to build an entire brand an entire brand starting with design files and no inventory that's why print on demand is so incredible and there's over 500 different print on demand products over here we've got basically non-apparel items and then i've got all these apparel items as well and you're probably more used to seeing the apparel ones like i said print down demand started with t-shirts um you know i think there's very few print-on-demand stores that are only t-shirts and that's because a lot of these other products hoodies for example you just make more profit right sweatpants leggings wall canvas shower curtains dolls ornaments right these are higher margin products give us a little bit more profit in our pocket but all of these products are print on demand of course this is just a small selection of over 500 different print on demand products all of these match this business model where we'll never have to touch any of them we won't order them up front we won't have them in a warehouse we won't have them anywhere these will only be produced when they're ordered so with print on demand you simply create product designs and sell them on your store your print on demand partner does all of the work automatically after you get paid your job make the sale your job get the products in your store right you're going to be an online entrepreneur you're going to build a brand that people love right your job as an entrepreneur is not to run the printers or to figure out shipping rates or to uh figure out what ink is going to you know create the nicest canvas print right leave that to people who are who do that for their for a living right that's what print on demand partners do they have the printers they have the know-how they have the relationships with the shippers you focus on being an online entrepreneur build a brand print on demand allows you to do that without getting bogged down in all of the kind of annoying back office headache type stuff that you know would involve any type of physical product so let's take a look at a real life example this is it's a shopify print on demand store for animal lovers and this is a really great example you can take a look through this entire site every single product on here is print on demand you see hats and tank tops t-shirts all these different products out there we take a look at some of their uh dog shirts and hoodies and these are just simple designs right here is every dog matters designed placed on a t-shirt right here is anti-social dog club design just placed on a t-shirt here you have it placed on a hoodie here you have a place down a tank top right it just and here's a hat right you could see all these different styles here's a print on demand mug right the idea is that you have a design and it goes on top of your print on demand product and this was just the uh you know they focus a lot on apparel here but there's you know really any other example you could do wall canvases you could do shoes you could do bedding sets you could do shower curtains i mean the list goes on but this is a great example of a print on demand site that's out there right now and doing a pretty good job this is the power of print on demand create a brand and sell millions of dollars of product without ever touching them right you literally saw an entire brand built just on print on demand and i think this is going to be a really good kind of uh visual example let's play a little game right it's called is it print on demand and i'm going to show you a site selling products and you'll guess if it's print on demand or not okay let's start off with and they focus on canvas art right they have these big framed posters they have these nice thick canvas prints see all different types of designs over here starting at 90 and they go a lot higher depending on the size that you get so do you think that iconic is a print on demand store or how about rip and dip or rip and dip clothing dot com this is a nice brand based on a cool cat logo and you take a look through all their different products here and you see long sleeve and t-shirts do you think that rip and dip has print on demand products and now you're looking at really popular brand in the kind of rave slash edm niche whatever you want to call it and they have really popular face masks do you think that the electro threads catalog is print on demand the answer is it doesn't matter right and i wanted to show you this to kind of illustrate the point that you may not know if any brand is print on demand all you know is that as a customer is you're ordering something online based on a visual representation of the product and then you're going to receive it in the mail right so electro threads is print on demand iconic is print on demand i don't think rip and dip is print on demand but again as a customer how would you know you as a customer you don't even know what print on demand is it all happens behind the scenes so your favorite brand the biggest brands out there they could be print on demand it's just their inventory style it affects nothing else in terms of how things work online for customers they're gonna go they're gonna shop the store they're gonna buy the product and it really this entire business breaks down into four simple steps right step one you're going to open up a shopify store and you're going to choose a print on demand partner you don't need any code you don't need any experience you don't need to hire a developer you don't need to learn html there's nothing technical when it comes to shopify and of course i'm going to be showing you all these steps over the shoulder as we go through this video step two you're going to create or acquire designs right i'm not a designer so i never create designs i go and get graphic design packs i get uh print down to man packs i work with print-on-demand freelance designers i get those designs and then i place them on print-on-demand products sometimes i focus only on apparel other times i focus on really crazy stuff most of the time i'll just mix you know mix and match whatever makes sense for that store we're going to add this product to your shopify store via the print on demand app that you choose so whatever print on demand partner you pick they're going to have a shopify app and this is what allows you to have all that automatic back and forth between shopify and the print on demand app without you needing to ever pick up the phone or copy and paste anything so to print on demand partner app will be connected to your store you'll add the products then you'll be an entrepreneur are you going to market and advertise your store this is really your only job making sales all right go ahead and make sales find those perfect customers make money because step four is collect your profit sit back and relax once you make the sale there's literally nothing else for you to do your print-on-demand partner does it all i often joke with my students say okay next step here is sit back relax drink a beer right there's nothing else that you can do you can't go down to the the facility you don't you don't you know pick up the phone and you know talk to your warehouse staff all that happens automatically with your print-on-demand partner that's really just the magic of this business and really all defined in just four simple steps back to the agenda now we talked about print on demand hopefully i explained the kind of overall concept of why it's so amazing now we want to talk about niche selection right niche is going to be you know the actual subject of our store are we going to have a cat store are we going to have a dog store a tennis store are we going to have a store focused on selling canvas prints or bedding sets right we want to go ahead and figure out what niche we're going to select and we're going to use a free tool from facebook it's called facebook audience insights we'll go over the shoulder right now 100 free tool from facebook and it's going to allow us to figure out all that we need to know about niches you're looking at facebook audience insights and we're going to use this tool to answer two questions about the niche first of all number one we only want to select niches where people are passionate about the subject okay so we're not going to pick something like going to the dentist or doing your taxes people aren't passionate about that but they're passionate about their family their pets their hobbies their jobs right different things like that will be very very easy to sell to because people are passionate about it already and if you see people talking about it on social media sharing things on social then you know that is a really really great and probably a super passionate niche so to use this tool we need to find out if there's passion and then we need to find out if there's enough size in terms of passion right it's really just kind of a judgment right it's pretty uh should be pretty obvious if people have passion in a subject if you really have to think too hard about it then probably doesn't have a mass appeal as you pick a passionate niche if that's number one one a would also be picking something that you personally have a passion in just is a lot easier for you to walk the walk talk the talk but once you have a niche in mind you literally just come in here let's say you want to do cats you just go ahead and type it in cats going to show you how many people and this is just the united states how many people are into cats on facebook 60 to 70 million people every single month are into uh cat related interests on facebook right that's massive we typically want to see a couple million or more so you know really if you're doing a niche like cats or dogs or fitness right you know that there's going to be more than a couple million people in the niche right but you can come in here and literally do anything right maybe you want to start a tennis store come over here and put tennis right and you want to make sure that we're coming up with interest not with demographics or employers so you see what happened over there here we want interest 10 is 20 to 25 million people per month right and how about we do a little smaller one right maybe you want to create a store about scrap booking right 1.5 to 2 million right so that's still big enough for us to jump into right we want to have a big enough upside so we want to pick a passionate niche and we want to pick one with a big upside and for today's video we're going to be building a print on demand store in the dog niche so i'm going to come over here in dogs and again this is probably just a waste of time because we know that millions and millions and millions and millions of people love dogs right 70 to 80 million people every single month on facebook just in the united states like dogs so obviously this is a very passionate niche it's definitely big enough so we're going to move forward with it and choose this for our store niche which means we're going to be selling products to dog lovers and we're going to be focusing on getting those dog lovers to our site as the perfect customer back to the agenda now that we picked our niche and we know how to choose and research niches it's time to actually set up our shopify print on demand store so i'm going to go over the shoulder and you're going to see step by step every single step that you need to open up your own shopify print on demand store and you see over here under the important links they finally thought i was cool enough to have my own branded link senior cener this is going to give you an exclusive 14 day free trial so we'll literally go over here so i can get this 14 day free trial for this store that i'm literally going to build right in front of you right now so you see senior it's going to get you that 14 day free trial literally all that you need to do is enter in your email so i'll do that right now it will then ask you to just create a password and a store name you could change this later i'll just call it dog training video store again no one's going to see that then we'll press create store it's going to ask us for a few more pieces of information they're going to create the account and they're actually going to build the store in the background so we'll just pause this and now it's actually loading the store dashboard if we come and click this little eye icon we can actually take a look at our store right now and sure it doesn't look pretty it's you know ugly there's nothing on it but it's something worth kind of taking note and this is why shopify is so great we already have a fully functional ecommerce site right we're going to customize this entire theme you see different banner sections different product sections home page banners and titles and navigation and shopping cart right all this works out of the box and a couple years back before shopify really you know became what it is today it would have taken you months and tens of thousands of dollars working with a developer just to get an e-commerce platform that you have right out of the box right now we haven't even spent a single penny yet on it with shopify so that's why shopify is the ultimate platform the only platform that you're really going to want to consider especially if you want to integrate with print on demand so we're going to take this theme and we're going to customize it and to do that we don't need to look at any code or anything like that we just need to come and click on online store and then you're going to see over here debut theme is our current theme and we're going to click this customize button and this is called the visual editor or the theme customizer and you see that these are mirror images of each other and we get to do what you see is what you get editing so literally we'll come over here if we click on the header for example and we could change different things for example an announcement bar checking it it says announce something here and if we change you see it changes live we change the color right we just point you want to do blue right changes live okay we click save and when we come back over to our store we click reload and we see the changes live right no uh no nothing needed in terms of code no servers no hosting everything is done through here and we're gonna run through this entire panel and we're gonna customize the look and feel of our store but we're not just going to do it randomly right we picked our niche to be dogs and that means we need to build a store we need to build an environment that screams out hey if you like dogs you're in the right place right our brand loves dogs you love dogs we have dog products take out your wallet put in your credit card details and give us money right that's that's what we need that's the environment that we need to build that's the goal of web design it's not to get something super nice that you could print out and give to your mom and she'll put it on the fridge and say oh this looks really cool no it's about conversion rate it's about making money it's about building that site and that storefront that screams out to your perfect customer hey you're in the right place and we're going to do that just literally by going through all of these different sections inside of the theme panel now because we're doing the dog niche we want to pick a dog related color scheme and luckily this niche is so big we could literally pick any color that we want but what you do is just literally go into google and go to google images just type in your niche and take a look at what comes up just scrolling through taking a look at the overall colors we see a lot of brown and beige but again this is such a popular niche we've seen brands in pretty much every color so we want to have a niche color scheme that resonates with the niche unless you have a niche that like i said and this one is so big you could do anything you want so we're going to go into the header first and we're going to have the logo section here and you're going to want to get a logo designed by a logo designer or design it yourself if you're good at that and before this video i got a couple different things done i got the logo from a designer just a nice simple logo using a blue color scheme that's going to be our main color and then i got a couple of banner images created and sized correctly you could do this in photoshop if you know how and this is just free imagery that i got from unsplash you go to it's a free stock image site type in dogs you literally see this image right here this is the exact image that i have just with a blue overlay over here to give me the kind of color scheme that i want so we have all of that ready to go and now we can go back into our actual theme panel here and take a look at the header section so we have logo and you see that we have our kind of ugly store name there we're going to change that and we're going to take our logo file we're simply just going to drag it right over here you're going to see it immediately updates in this section and we could change the width i like typically going all the way to 250 if it looks good and now we have our logo up here okay and what we're going to do is really fill out all of these different entries and create our our branded site next we have the announcement bar right we already checked this to make sure that it shows we want to uncheck this box so it shows on every single page and we're going to put something like free shipping on orders over 50 okay now we have this light blue color right doesn't match our color scheme that was just in there for an example what we want to do is match our blue as best as possible or you could literally just take the hex code your designer will give that to you get in photoshop and that's the exact same shade of blue right really big in terms of design we want to match the same shades we don't want to have a light blue and a dark blue and a royal blue all these different things okay we're going to keep the text as white because that's just easy to read and we're going to save this and we're just going to simply move on to the next section okay and this is where we're looking at the layout of our home page and if you thought that you might need a developer or a programmer or you need to look at code to edit the layout of your home page well get that out of your head right now you don't need to do that right we have our banner section right here and you see it says image with text overlay and it says that over here as well we can replace this we'll come back to this in a second okay but you see all these different sections okay we have a little image with text section so you're thinking okay well i don't really want that okay no problem well you could do a couple different things over here you could just turn it off in terms of hiding it or if you wanted to just completely delete the section come right over here and remove section and literally it's just gone okay we have these three column text section okay you say i don't really want that okay no problem just remove it okay and i like keeping my my homepage all about selling by the way i don't really want to have too much generic information i want to get to the products very quickly so i'm going to come over here i'm going to remove the testimonials this will be a great section if you know we were an existing brand i'm going to remove the gallery down here and i'm going to actually add another section so i have my top banner my featured collection another banner here's my footer now i want to add another section we have all these different sections we can put here logos uh newsletter an individual featured product uh featured collection which i'm going to add here again so we could have multiple sections in fact actually i'll do uh i'll do featured product over here so we'll have feature product here instead okay so we have the sections for our homepage and again if you don't like any of these if you want to add more if you want to even rearrange right let's say i want to bring this featured product up to the top i could literally move it up here and now it's on the top of course i'm not going to do that put it back down here we typically want to load up with a nice banner image over here this is the layout of our home page and again we'll press save on this important to note also over here if we click on this icon on the top right we have different views and it's very important to be switching back and forth and looking at how it looks on mobile because you're going to see at least 80 percent of your traffic from facebook and social media coming through mobile so if your site doesn't look good on mobile it doesn't look good period so we can switch back and forth kind of just making sure that all the changes that we make still look good on the different device sizes whether it's desktop tablet mobile etc so now we want to actually come ahead and customize this okay you see this gray background image we're going to go ahead and add a banner image and again i got a completely free one over here from all right totally free there's a lot of different free stock image sites on there and i obviously just search the niche dogs and you're going to see how great this looks when we add this on top of our site we just literally drag the file in it's going to upload right over here and now we have our little section we got our nice blue so we're having a corresponding color scheme we could change the different options here so we want to make it a little bit smaller kind of like doing that we can change how the image is aligned if we want to be on top i want to make sure that we have full control over what this image looks like now we come over here we'll give a little bit of text here this is actually important for seo search engine optimization so we'll put in our main keyword dog lovers store and then we can put something like the uh perfect place to shop for dog lovers okay and of course you can change that have full control over that you might want to spend a little bit more time thinking about what you're going to put in there but just a nice little banner over here to give us some consistency with our theme to give us the look and feel that we want again we're trying to build an environment that says hey if you love dogs you're in the right place at any time we could just click over literally just take a look at our store reload it and we'll see the changes that we are making appear in real time so here's our live store here is the theme panel and we're just going to continue moving down here we're going to go to the featured collection section and we'll be able to select a collection collections are otherwise just known as categories right how are you going to categorize your product and by default you'll have the home page collection i just have a little sample product in here just so you can see and you can control how many products are going to get shown per row how many products or how many rows and all these extra buttons that you could add in here fully up to you in terms of customizing that so we'll save that section over here we'll come back image with text overlay see this is just simply another bandage banner area so we'll come over here we'll take our other banner image and you can have as many banners as you want you can even turn this into a slideshow just have more images over here but you see we're just literally adding more image we have our um our dog related imagery we have our color on top we can put something like here okay we just put a little guarantees a little bit of marketing language here we don't always need to have a subtitle changes over here i mean you can literally put anything you want here by the way it doesn't matter uh fast shipping every day all right whatever you want you put whatever you want here it should be something that's going to help add trust help you kind of make the sale help you make that connection with the customer it's all about marketing on here we got our featured product another section again if you don't want this section you simply just turn it off right you say i don't want feature product in here it's totally fine you could add any section you could delete any section there's never any code we'll come over here i'll just select this little sample product that i put in here just for the sake of showing things we'll have different options over here for example the quantity selector right of course we're going to want to show that my people might want to buy more than one so we'll get that checked we don't need to show the vendor it doesn't really matter social media button is totally up to you on the homepage i'll probably just won't show that dynamic checkout button i always turn that off and then everything else is fine we have our image zoom automatically on there that's kind of built in so we'll save the changes here and now take a look at the footer section and we have our quick links section over here that's going to be our footer navigation and then we have our newsletter you could add content as well you could potentially make it uh you know more uh more columns or anything like that right you see a third column come up over here again if you don't want something over here you simply just go ahead and remove it and that is what our footer looks like typically we'll launch something that is going to either match the color scheme or is very easy to read so gray white black or your primary color so speaking of colors we're going to come over and actually look at the theme settings now you know we've we've configured the home page but we want to configure things like overall colors and that's going to really affect things like buttons which are super important for uh call to actions and for conversion so i'm over here in the theme section i'm sorry theme settings section and we're going to come under of course colors and what we want to do here is replace any color that is not uh part of our color scheme except for black and white right we could always have white text we could always have black text we could always have white backgrounds that's just kind of best practice for design stuff right we don't need to worry about that but when we have other colors or when we have backgrounds when we have buttons and decision making assets like add to cart buttons we need to change those so headings and links body text we'll keep that right we don't want to make that hard to read but no reason that we should have read in our theme so anytime we have a sale we're going to change that to blue okay now our primary buttons these are super important for example add to cart we're going to come over here primary and you see recently selected this is just the blue that we've been using throughout so we can very quickly add to that now we have our color scheme implemented on our buttons as well right exact match to our logo that's super important right this is the most important button on the page and it gets even more important when we come over and take a look at the product page which i'll show you uh we'll customize that in a second as well but of course we want to see that big blue button here and there's some things that we'll need to change but coming back to the colors here we have secondary labels and borders again we could change this to our blue we want to have blue basically everywhere okay borders we don't need gray we'll do blue okay now image overlays if we have any we'd want them to be in blue and you take a look at how that changes all of our images right really gives that exact match to look like our color scheme so you know let's say your color scheme is red you do that with red as well it doesn't matter right whatever your color is borders and lines we'll go with our color as well right so we're really just implementing our color scheme from top to bottom this is going to affect every single page topography you could change the fonts i really like helvetica it's probably the most popular font out there a lot of other options as well for example social media so we'll come down here you notice there's no social media icons i'm just going to put in a facebook and an instagram and you'll see automatically in the footer these icons will automatically appear so inside of your settings you'll want to configure social media you can set up your fav icon which is just a little icon that shows up over here now checkout is an important section that we want to update not much that we can do there only two things really we want to upload our logo of course so we're going to put our logo and then we need to up update the color scheme we see that they just use a random blue of course we want to be using our main blue errors we can keep as red that's just kind of universal but we're adding our logo and we're updating our colors right and that would be for the actual checkout page not shown on here because it's a page that isn't totally customizable this is literally all that you can do just add an image which is your logo and set the colors okay theme style you don't need to worry about this is basically just defaults if you're not going to customize anything and you can really just run through these not much that you need to do here right really just kind of personal preference in terms of how you want your site to operate but this is the main section of what we're going to be customizing and here's the home page again i'll come over here and take a reload and we'll see how everything is really kind of looking put together now right still an empty site right we only have a sample product on here but this is starting to look like what we want to look like and we want to go over here now and actually go to the product page and we'll do the same thing right here to bring up the product page options and all these other pages we really don't need to worry too much about because they're going to be driven by the header the footer and the colors so we don't necessarily need to edit the cart page it's already got our color scheme on there we don't necessarily need to do our collection page it's already got our colors see here's the blue lines right our black text which is what we've kept but we do want to come over and go to a product page and we have some options here okay so of course the header is still the same as before the footer is still the same as before but we're on this product page section we definitely want to show quantity selector that's a must okay you see that it literally just appears i'm going to uncheck this box show dynamic checkout button okay i don't want to show that first of all i don't like how the color scheme flips when you have that on take a look at this again the button turns white right we want the button it's the most important button on the page we want this to be blue okay so we'll have this on here as your product description right you'll be able to of course edit that out we have image zoom on or off if we want sizes of the imagery as well of course we want to have a nice big image we could choose to hide or show these social media icons and then we have product recommendations this is just basically the related products section we only have one product in the store so it's not showing anything but right over here would say you may also like and of course you could change that to just say let's say related products if you want and it will show different products over here of course we only have one but that will fill automatically so not many changes that we did here we really just updated the uh the button make sure this uploads there you go so there's the uh there's the change here's our quantity selector that we added here's our add to cart button here's our cart look right everything is kind of driven off the same template so really not rocket science here you know this site didn't even really exist just a few minutes ago and we're already well on our way to a nice looking site i really think you know looking fuel wise of course again it's empty right but just looking at the top right first impression i think is pretty strong if you're a dog lover you come here you know we'll want to fix the navigation in a few minutes but it looks pretty uh you know pretty legit and that's the goal right we we might be a a 15 minute old store or we might be a 15 year old store the goal is still the same when people get here we want to look legit we want to look trustworthy and in the instance of niches we want to make sure that we resonate with the passion that people have for those niche or those niches in this case the dog niche so this is all under customized theme again i think it's really important when we're over here to be peeking at how it looks on mobile just making sure everything still fits nicely everything kind of aligns nicely you see how everything kind of shrinks down to its one column view when we go this way we'll go to the product page as well you see everything kind of fitting nicely it's all centered we'll have the related products there uh once we actually get there so always keeping the mobile view in mind that's super important and we're going to continue uh editing the site you see online store is password protected you can go ahead and disable this password if you want and this is really just because we're you know we're a brand new testing store we're not live yet coming over here are pages this is an important one and we're gonna see on our navigation we have catalog which is just simply the all collection this is gonna show all of our products okay but we wanna add some things to our navigation right we need to look legit we need to be a legitimate store so we need to add pages and the first thing we're going to add is contact us really really easy to do this contact us every theme has this section over here called a page template we're going to select okay and what this is going to do is literally add the contact form right we can go ahead and take a look at how this page looks and i didn't code this in or anything it just works and by the way our color scheme is there blue outlines blue button okay so this page exists but no one knows about it yet so we need to add it to our navigation so literally right over here it says add to your store's navigation or we could just come over here on the bottom left click on navigation over here in the middle left i should say and we have two menus main menu and footer menu and if you know you really couldn't figure out which is which you could just look and see okay menu items home catalog well that must be this one and the footer menu here just says search so that must be that one so we're going to edit the main menu and you see it's literally just point and click so we could rearrange this if we wanted we're going to click add menu item and we're going to come over here and click on pages and of course contact us is in there we'll save that menu okay i'm going to come back over here i want to create another page right over here add page i'm going to call this faqs and we'll of course just add content later on just for the sake of showing you here we're going to add it to the store's navigation add menu item we got pages sometimes it takes a second to upload there we go faqs i'm going to rearrange this so contact us is last that looks good another thing that we could do let's say we want to have something like featured product so we give it the label featured product come over here click on products and you'd see all of your products okay now we have featured product and i'll drive that over here into the middle you can even create drop down menus if you want see how it goes in like that that would actually create a drop down menu which is pretty cool and we'll just put things back to normal here and that's saving we should be able to come back over here and reload and see our navigation on top okay immediately looks a lot more trustworthy right you don't typically see a website with just two links right so we want to be legit right we want to look legit of course we're going to fill this out faq is all about just answering questions that you anticipate getting so really starting to look nice starting to look like a developed store here we're going to come through over here we have the domain section i want to point out that you can never ever ever go live with this domain don't ever promote this domain don't ever tell people about it you never want to show url this is very untrustworthy what you want to do is come over here and click buy new domain you can do this directly through shopify and over here we're calling it best dogs plus so we'll see if bestdog plus is available if it is we could buy it directly through shopify but it's unavailable and i'm glad this kind of showed as an example okay so what are you going to do are you going to buy a dot store or a dot shop or a dot info no you need a com okay so we want to find other things we could add store to the end that's going to become available right we could add shop that's going to be available i bet okay we could add brand all these different variations you want to get a dot com okay if your if your full name dot com is taken ad brand ad shop adco ad store add something so you can get the com you click buy and you'll be able to buy it directly through shopify i'm not going to do that just because this is a training webinar but once you do it will replace this url automatically okay so you'll never have to see this ugly url again it's going to be you know in this case or whatever you know whatever your store name is making sure you get okay preferences this is pretty important over here you can set up your uh page titles you see the things that kind of show up over here says dog training video store right we want to uh we want to replace that and we'll be able to do that right over here another good opportunity to put in some seo so best dog plus the ultimate dog lovers store check out best dog plus for the best dog related products online today okay this little description is what's going to show up in google under the description this is going to be the actual page title you'll see as i reload this this page over here the title will change to what i put bestdog plus the ultimate dog lover store so we have that taken care of we have our social media sharing icon we can customize this if we want otherwise just going to pull the logo these two sections are super important okay number one google analytics you're going to go to analytics you absolutely want to have google analytics installed totally free so just simply sign up it's going to give you a code you copy and paste the code inside here very important even more important is the facebook pixel this is the most important in terms of advertising you're going to come over here click set up facebook and what it's going to do is allow you to make a connection between your store and your facebook account more importantly your facebook ads account okay and this is going to basically have your pixel installed correctly you just walk through these steps when you click add sales channel very easy to do but also very important so on this page making sure we hit the title and meta description the google analytics and the facebook pixel this is where you're going to be able to turn off your uh your password we'll move forward over here into settings i'm coming over here general we're going to see our ugly store url again we're going to change this so here we'll put bestdog plus okay you can update your uh your information and all that great stuff your address blah blah blah coming back over here we'll want to go into payments okay payments is going to be about how you're going to get paid obviously we need to set that up and shopify has shopify payments um this is the the preferred way to do it if you're in the u.s if you're in canada i want to be using shopify payments and paypal okay some people might not have access to shopify payments there's lots of other different payments out there like amazon and all these different third parties like stripe and bottom line is you want to be able to accept these four major payment methods visa mastercard american express and paypal those are the four that matter you want to make sure that you get them whether it's shopify payments or paypal you want to make sure that you're offering those we have different sections over here that you want to run through here we can have things for example like checkout do you want to have people creating accounts are they optional i typically set that to optional and again you could run through here and take a look at all the different setups and settings uh that you can run through taxes should be automatically set up for you it's gonna be based on uh pretty much where you live in the united states or your uh you know whatever your local tax liability is shipping and delivery this is important this is gonna depend on what you're doing with print on demand uh some print-on-demand companies will dictate what rates to uh showcase here some will actually add rates for you depends on print down demand but bottom line about shipping is that you always want to make sure that you're making a little bit of profit or at least breaking breaking even on your shipping cost so a lot of things to just kind of run through you could add different users over here let's say you have a partner or you have a virtual assistant you can set them up with accounts over there but really everything in terms of getting started the look and feel is inside of the online store section and i'm going to reload this page because you know really just a couple minutes ago this site did not exist and you know we're going to go back to the agenda and take a look at adding product and integrating print on demand but just with a sample uh product right now uh and a you know a basic implementation i think this site looks pretty good it's going to look even better with full suite of dog print on demand products but if you're a dog lover and you land here or you click on an ad because you're interested in this mask or in a t-shirt or in a wall canvas that we sell you're going to think yourself okay i'm in the right place i think you're also going to think subconsciously okay this is a trustworthy looking site right we got trust icons we got social media integration we've got faqs very easy to contact if there's any issues we've got a professional logo we've got a color scheme that makes sense right all these different things are subliminal subliminal messages to our customers telling them okay i'm okay to check out here i'm okay to become a customer here so definitely not rocket science right it might take you a little bit longer than you know it took me just i built a few million stores at this point but you understand the process here you understand the steps especially in the customized theme panel to getting a nice looking trustworthy store that really screams out hey if you love dogs or whatever the niche is you're in the right place so we are back at the agenda we did our shopify setup we have a nice trustworthy dog lover store up and running and now we're moving on to the next step the print on demand app this is where we need to pick a print-on-demand partner and this is super important don't just think of this as your vendor this is the entire back office of your business this is the warehouse the shipping team the product team everything it's very important so you need to pick a good print on demand partner and a good print on demand app and you see the link over here we're going to go to it together this is the only app that i recommend and you'll see i'm going to actually build products using this app so we'll click over here and open this up you're looking at tsunami print on demand and this is the print on demand app that i use this is the print on demand partner that i use that i recommend that i trust and i'm gonna show you how to connect this app and it's totally free to install this app it's totally free to make the connection here between shopify and print on demand to allow you to kind of work the magic of this business and tsunami is a great app it does a lot of different things it also allows for personalization live product previewing really great margins they have a huge amount of products and a really huge network of printers to make sure that products get sent out quickly and at high quality really great support team as well and you can scroll through this page again this is for the tsunami app scroll through here take a look at the video if you want read through some of their great reviews take a look at the screenshots or whatever but i'm going to show you the main important part we're going to come over here and click add app and this is going to send us back into our store and it's going to allow us to basically make a connection between shopify and our print-on-demand partner and earlier in this video i talked about how important that connection that's how everything is going to get sent over automatically right when that order comes in so we're gonna come over here click install app totally free to install this app not gonna be paying anything upfront of course the magic of print on demand and it's just gonna basically have us accept the terms and we just click on that agree button and we get sent in to the tsunami dashboard and you can get here anytime you want now by going under apps and tsunami is going to bring us back over into our dashboard here and this is where we're going to be able to do a lot of different things print on demand you can read through kind of what's going on here what some of the different things that they offer you can even take a look at their facebook group they have some great support over there but everything that is kind of going to go on here is going to be done inside products orders and image library and now we get into their massive print on demand product library and it's really really powerful because we have merchant design we have pre-designed we have pre-designed promos all these different abilities for you to get product in your store asap it's incredibly powerful and over here well nothing will show up right now but this is where you'll see all of your orders again tsunami will be able to talk directly with shopify automatically so all the orders all the information will get placed in this section you'll be able to see kind of what's going on with your print on demand orders as they get sent off to the customers image library this will actually go ahead and upload our designs right the designs will be then be placed on these different print on demand products speaking of products this is what tsunami does so well and of course they have the typical apparel items but pay attention to these three tabs these are merchant design these are basically the typical print on demand products where you're going to add your own design on top of these all right so maybe you want to do and these are the best seller category you want to do a mug or maybe you want to do a grocery tote or you want to do of course they're super popular canvas prints or you want to do earbuds i mean literally everything here they have so many different personalized options a lot of different jewelry here as well really high quality of course they have the best sellers another thing they have is pre-designed so basically these designs just come as is some of them can be customized but literally this beach towel with the candy skull design you can just go ahead and add this product to your store they have a huge selection of pre-designed products and there's some promos as well again the canvas prints are always super popular especially this time of year but you see these different promos that are going on right now but this is a massive catalog of print on demand items right backpacks nice high ticket item blankets especially those fleece blankets nice high ticket items you have so many different things a cheese board cutting boards mugs of course key chains tons of different home office things like a mouse pad bookmarks i mean you could build an entire brand just based on the really cool products inside of tsunami look at the speakers right bluetooth speakers wireless speakers things for your car so massive catalog and that's what that's how you win with print on demand you're gonna sell your staple products like t-shirts hoodies apparel and then you're gonna offer all of these super super unique print on demand products from tsunami high ticket mid ticket low ticket you're going to have every single type of product in here and the catalog is just growing and growing and growing so huge opportunities when you do print on demand with tsunami so you've got all of these great print on demand products ready to go accessible to you inside of the tsunami app now you just need designs right the designs are going to go on top of the print on demand products right they'll be the actual design of the shirt the design of the mouse pad the design of the tote bag whatever you decide to offer print on demand you just need the design so in order to build your first products we need to get designs and i'll talk about the different ways that you might get your designs number one you might be a very artistic person and you can draw or create them on photoshop or illustrator and you create your own illustrations right there's probably not too many of you out there that's definitely not me i'm not very artistic in fact i think that this powerpoint green background combination looks really good like that was hard enough for me to make so i'm not really interested in kind of going down the artistic route because that's not really my strong point so if you're not artistic you could either work with a freelance graphic designer you can find them on or you can buy pre-made design bundles and that's what i'm going to show you here today because it's by far the easiest way to just get started right to just get products in your store especially if you are focusing on popular niches like dogs or cats or politics or hobbies really anything right you want to have these pre-made ready-to-go design bundles and you see the link on the screen we'll come over here and click on that link and go ahead and check it out this is this is the quickest way to get your designs in pretty much any niche and the way that it works is you pick a different bundle each bundle represents one popular niche and there are 50 print on demand designs in each bundle so if you pick the cats one for example you get 50 cats designs if you pick the dog one you'll get 50 dog designs obviously that's relevant to what we're doing right now we're going to be using one of the dog packs here to fill our store up with print on demand products featuring these designs and literally so many different niches on here just scroll through here you see again the link is bundle dot print on demand stores just 47 for 50 design so basically a dollar per design and there's all these different niches about 50 different niches out here we're going to be using the dogs pack or dog pack number one which i already have ready to go and we'll be uploading those files inside of the tsunami app to create those products but very very straightforward here you pick your niche you get 50 designs then you add those designs in the tsunami app which is what we're going to do right now now i'm back over here in the tsunami app and here are a couple of the designs that were inside of the dog pack and i'm going to be adding these three designs into the tsunami app to create those print on demand products and i'm going to come over here and press upload and i'm going to go ahead and add those three files those ready to go print on demand files into my image library okay i've got all three uploaded you could preview them see how they're gonna look make sure that they're good quality as you expected and again you can upload all 50 from your design bundle over here i'm just adding a couple just for example sake and now we could actually start taking these designs from our image library and start building products any print on demand product we want we can add those designs onto of course you can get your t-shirts and apparel but everyone shows you that and of course you should have those in your store you could add those as well but i'm going to show you some really cool unique products that you could add with tsunami how about we add canvas canvas prints are just super popular high margin high ticket really easy and you see the different sizes here 8 by 10 11 by 14 12 by 12 and you have all these different options in terms of where you're going to go we'll go with this one over here and of course what we're going to want to do is have our standard print on demand where we're going to go ahead and create a new design and as we open this up we're going to actually see the canvas right over here right and it's got a little mock-up or here's a little background or the wall that it's hanging on see the little shadow i really love the fact that we're building the mock-ups as we build the product so we have some really great imagery as well that will go on top of the actual product page so we have those images that we added before and it's as simple as literally dragging it directly on to the screen and we can resize it we can make it smaller we can make it bigger until it fits right nice and perfect see it looks really good we have the ability to do that with any design that we want if we click create design we're going to see that this image is now added as a mock-up into our product right this is just the sample one of course we can get rid of this one we don't need it this is our new product image based on the design right if we want to change the design or if let's say we didn't like how it looked or we wanted to reposition it or we wanted to make it smaller or bigger you know whatever you wanted to do you just come right back in here you could add add more images on here you could drag in more files if you want to create a complex piece of artwork everything is ready to go just inside here this is very simple you pick the product you add the design and that's how it is for every single product you can come through here want to customize this product description if we want it already comes pretty much good to go this is such a big plus for shopify for print on demand making sure that your products actually ship from the usa really huge benefit of working with tsunami but you see everything over here you could even set the selling price over here so if we wanted we can come over here set this to 99.99 take a look at our numbers here with the 69 dollar profit on this uh sales price we really love selling canvas because uh you know the high ticket of here so we could preview it in our store we can give it a title over here we'll call this a rescue dog canvas 11x14 take a look at everything else looks like we're pretty much good to go we could preview it but i'm confident in that we're just going to press publish to store and we'll be live press ok here and in just a matter of seconds we'll be able to come back over it says product is added successfully i'll open this in a new tab come back over to our products you'll see a couple the ones i tested but here's the a rescue dog canvas just like we had created and we can come over here now we don't need this image anymore so we could delete that and we'll come and actually take a look at our product on the website on our store and of course we can categorize it just like any other product we'll come over here add it to the home page category and we have it as active coming over here we can take a look and literally this is how it's going to look on our store right and we can come back in here we can make changes let's say we wanted to change the price or uh we needed to change the weight in terms of setting up our shipping rates or if we wanted to change the seo titles and descriptions we could do all of that this is just inside of the product section so that's no problem right we come and do it right inside here anything that we want to change we could change here we could even customize this description put whatever you want in here and then we just simply save the product so let's come over here and take a look at our store and here is a product over here our canvas print right looking real good we have the exact description as we entered we have the price we have the title now we see our related products because we have a couple products in there and this is how you build a print on demand store but you can imagine the next steps would be filling out this entire store with more print on demand products and how are we going to do that well we're going to come right back inside here we're going to come into the tsunami print on demand app we're going to head right back into products and we're simply going to select another product i'll just pick one randomly okay keychains and i'll do this keychain because i like the cat on here i'll do standard print on demand we'll add in a design file you could try something like this literally dragging that in there looks real nice fits nicely we'll leave the back blank we could also add a back design if we want click create design and there you go we see our product ready to go over here we could set our pricing say we want to go 1999 and we could set our product description everything is already ready to go right we have our title give it a nice little title again we can preview it if you want i'm confident in terms of how these have been turning out adding them right into our store literally just takes a couple of seconds and now we have another product so come back over here take a look right here's our home house pause keychain come and take a look over here we can delete this image if we want we can change the categorization if we want i'll add this to the home page as well um you know we can even change things say okay you know i want to charge a little bit more okay no problem you set the price to whatever you want we have that over here the image is ready to go ships from the usa just like all of tsunami's products another huge uh benefit and we'll come over here to our store again and guess what's going to show up we have our little key chain here and all the description the pricing just like we set up and you see that we're starting to build a nice little store and we have more designs so we're gonna come back over here and we'll go and look at some more product and this is the entire print on demand business you're simply adding your designs to cool unique print on demand products inside of the tsunami app and this is how you build that big branded niche store right about an hour ago this store didn't even exist now we have a nice environment that screams out hey dog lovers spend your money here and as they scroll through and look at product we have all of these print on demand products ready to go ready to be ordered and you don't need to do any more work you don't need to print this out you don't need to worry about shipping you don't even need to pick up the phone and call the print-on-demand company if someone orders this shopify automatically tells the tsunami print-on-demand app about the order about the customer about all of that information and then they are ready to go you sit back you relax you count your profits because print on demand there's nothing else for you to do except make the sale so you add your designs to those print on demand products inside of the tsunami app you get them on your store you make those sales and your job is done print on demand takes over after that and it doesn't matter if it's a key chain or a t-shirt or a hoodie or a canvas print any print on demand product it works the same once the sale is made your job is done you now have everything you need to build your own shopify print on demand store and i always love saying money love speed don't just pat yourself on the back because you watch this video go ahead and actually do something with these new skills that you've just acquired right every single step and you can watch this video a hundred times if you have to just keep going over it step by step this is how you build a shopify print on demand store this is how you jump in to what i believe is the best business model that's out there right now for ecommerce my personal favorite for sure shopify print on demand step by step go through this entire video and make sure you get into this business because it really is one of the best opportunities online right now and if you ever need help if you want to show me your ads or show me your store or show me your products or have me look at any type of thing inside of your business then you need to check out my 2021 e-commerce mentor program and there's over 650 student success stories that have gone through my mentoring program and it's really based on two huge components number one you're gonna get direct access to me i'm gonna become your e-commerce mentor anytime you have questions if you want me to look at something in your business in your ad account whatever it is you have direct access to me for mentoring for coaching support motivation you get access to my private mentor facebook group where i'm in there all day answering questions it's really me it's not an assistant or it's not someone pretending to be me i'm in there all day long helping you grow your business and that mentoring and coaching goes hand in hand with all of the video training boot camps and inside of my 2021 mentor program you're gonna get all of my video training courses of course the print on demand and t-shirt boot camp that's going to teach you all about this incredible business that you just watched in this webinar right i'm going to go in depth teach you the exact steps of how i do over six figures a month selling print on demand products with shopify and it doesn't just stop there you're going to get all of my video training courses that go in conjunction with that direct access to me so print on demand shopify facebook ads drop shipping instagram influencers click funnels wall canvas facebook google ads instagram ads youtube ads messenger bots i mean i literally teach you every single thing that you need to know in the e-commerce world you get it all and you get the direct access to me for the mentoring for the coaching i've helped over 650 students start successful profitable shopify stores following the exact step-by-step strategies that you're going to learn inside of my mentor program so i really hope you join you see the link on the screen it's camp dot justin senior dot com c-a-m-p dot justin senior dot com it's a one-time payment and again direct access to me all of my video training programs free updates all the time i always update videos if actually you joined in my first mentor program you'd see now over three times the amount of videos in your members area and those updates are always free so there's no program like this this is not just a course direct access to me i know you're gonna love it and i hope to see you on the inside again you see that link on the screen and i hope you check it out thanks a lot and i'll talk to you real soon you
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Keywords: step by step shopify setup, print on demand store setup, shopify print on demand, shopify print on demand facebook ads, shopify store setup tutorial, how to start a shopify print on demand store, how to start a shopify store, print on demand store, print on demand shopify, print on demand tutorial, print on demand shopify tutorial, print on demand shopify store step by step, shopify setup 2021, print on demand 2021, shopify print on demand 2021, shopify 2021, shopify pod 2021
Id: jjdlguUVD1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 47sec (4127 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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