Shooting 100 Arrows EVERY DAY for 30 Days --- "The Improvement Experiment"

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I think it's important that you take a close look at these two shots because I want to assure you that did not start there [Music] don't ask me how that happened hey guys it's Kramer thanks for joining me today for awhile I've been wanting to improve my archery and I've been wondering how much do you need to practice to improve I've actually probably only shot a hundred errors in the last month so I wanna see how much I can improve over 30 days if I shoot a hundred arrows a day I'm gonna track that is by this target here the center is just gonna be worth five why it's four three two the black one outside of that is zero I'm gonna take my shots from 20 yards for the entire time we're gonna see from day one to day 30 if I improve and if I do how much I improve today is day one let's shoot a hundred shots to put this target into perspective here are the measurements but all you really need to know is that the bullseye is the same size as the cap of a milk jug with his tied the first ring that's the size of a small pancake and the size of the outer black ring is the size of a paper plate [Music] the mark of an unexperienced Archer inconsistency that's my first five now I just got to do that 19 more times today you see I make those I make bow strings I make videos for a living but I have never shot archery for a living and actually ever since I started making bows more seriously I have barely even shot my bow but I'm not okay with this whatsoever I want to be really good at archery I love to aim so this is my own challenge to kickstart my archery skills I'm also shooting this whole challenge with wooden bows that I've made this how day one ended a pretty typical group for me so there's a couple thing I realized on day one one I'm really inconsistent too I'm not that strong I got tired after probably 40 or 50 shots and I started seeing wild shots three I slapped my face because my face is getting so are four I think it's really hard to heat focus for a hundred shots straight I seem to stay focused for three or four shots per group and then one would fly way out or something and so I had difficult staying focused I hope this will improve over the entirety of this experiment but that's day one took me 40 minutes to shoot a hundred shots I continued shooting wild shots for the entire first day and most of the second day but then this happened it's really cold out on day two but check this out that's a little more consistent huh let's go and then right when you feel like you're pulling it together so I keep all my scores on this notepad and then I enter them into like an excel sheet on the computer so that I can see how I'm scoring [Music] [Music] okay so I just finished shooting for today and I think it's around day ten and I think I had the best day of shooting yet I realize a lot of my problem is the inconsistency I have because sometimes I incur in different spots I realize normally I've been having like a really low anchor I put my my front finger bottom lit and so what I started doing is I started playing around with my anchor point which I know I probably shouldn't be doing as I'm trying to just like get consistent but it just wasn't feeling right whatsoever so I started anchoring up here and back a little further the only problem is I started cutting my face a lot like the string keeps running off my face and I keep getting these little cuts there don't know if you can see that but it's kind of hurting so I changed it to up high in front of my cheek about there instead of pulling it past my cheek and letting it cut my cheek off so I made that change my arrows feel like they're being much more consistent than they've been so far I just hope I can stop this problem of cutting my face because when there's pain when you're shooting there's no fun at all this is my last group of five here today and I changed my anchor for the fort as I was saying I was thinking about doing and I quit cutting my face so much and I think I shot better than any day yet shot number one [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's the springtime or weather's inconsistent yesterday we had like 75 degree weather today it's in the 30s and I think when it's colder I find it's it's harder it's a little harder to shoot for some reason maybe it's uncomfort maybe it's the clothes maybe I'm just not relaxed enough it's been three days of declining shooting today will be day 20 in shooting and so far I've been getting my personal bests every two or three days I haven't got a personal best in three days I was able to get three rounds in a row over 300 but the last three rounds I've been under 300 so today it's really nice out I'm gonna see if I can get another round over 300 and hopefully get my personal best the reason I think I haven't been able to get a new personal best is because I've been changing around my release I doesn't feel right and I know my forms not great and so I know I'm plucking it and I'm plugging the string but here's the thing that I'm realizing here on day 20 I've got like 10 days left and I just need to shoot what's comfortable for now and work on form later it's kind of like basketball used to play basketball and you can see somebody with awful form but if they're consistent in it they can hit the same mark they can make their shots over and over and there's even people who make the NBA that is just like are you kidding me how do you shoot like that so I'm assuming archery is relatable and that my form may not be perfect I know it's nothing close to perfect but I can work on my form later but for the rest of this experiment I'm trying to see how much I can improve and that's the goal is improvement within 30 days so I'm gonna shoot what is comfortable for now and then later I can change my form but we're gonna see how high we can get what if we could get a score above 350 now that would be crazy that's gonna be the goal from here on out shoot comfortable form focus on the target let my body naturally release the arrow don't think about the form whenever I think about the form I shoot I have wild shots all the time focus on that bull's eye release the arrows let's see if we can have the best day yet [Music] [Music] so it was nice out and now it's thundering in the background so we better [Music] I gotta get you out of here [Music] [Music] alright back on the shelf I didn't get to what I'm gonna introduce real quick well it's not good to 58 I knew it wasn't a very good day but that's really bad the last time I did that bad was 12 days ago you know there's something that I noticed I've looked at some of that slow-mo footage and the arrows are just whack like not tuned at all to the bow so I'm gonna do a little work on my setup my side ups not the problem on the problem but maybe that can give me confidence and help me out a little bit we'll do better tomorrow I also need to reface my target and turn it around and paint on the other side fresh start tomorrow we need to we need to break our record kinda hit that point a couple days ago where I was like I can't believe I'm shooting this good and I was scared to like kind of continue because I didn't think I could keep improving but I realized that mindset that I had is hindering me from improving because I was thinking I was at my max as good as I was able to shoot slap that mindset out of my head we're gonna improve in the next five to seven days we're going to improve we're gonna break our PB [Music] this is day 27 three days left this is real time shooting real speed shooting and this is pretty much how this day went it went fantastic everything just felt on this is one of those magical days that you really enjoy shooting but even with a day of shooting 349 out of 500 possible points I thought I could still do better and hit my goal of shooting a 350 here's a side-by-side comparison of my worst day day 3 to my best day day 27 you can see how my errors are so much more consistently and concise than the beginning I am so pumped for how much I've already improved so far it's a beautiful morning here on day 30 today I'm gonna try to beat 350 on my score the targets falling apart I'm down to three arrows but it's a beautiful morning let's get right to shoot [Music] that's two in there sleeping at the third one let me show you this not bad that's three fours for the start I'll take a four inch group any day [Music] I don't know if the day will go the distance but this is the last three shots it's been a good day overall hell yeah not I mean watching meaning the pressure you give me this is all right so this is real life how it actually went highly disappointing for me on the last three shots it looks like I've had a cuddle one down there on the bottom right there there - were in there there's just a lack of focus and frustration gosh I okay so I'm gonna put these numbers in a real quick that looks pretty good I'm it's gonna be close we're gonna see the last four days ago I got my PB at 349 and then I got 316 and 320 so it dropped quite a bit we're going for 350 see if we go 100 I have three more shots I have three more shots let's calculate this up real quick 325 so three more shots even if I get fives it might be 340 all right let's hit down the last three shots 334 man I was really hoping to be able to end up going with a bang where I could be like 331 yeah [Music]
Channel: Kramer Ammons
Views: 684,770
Rating: 4.9118023 out of 5
Keywords: shooting 100 arrows a day for, Shooting archery, archery shooting, arrows, archery, shooting archery, improving at archery, traditional bow shooting, how to shoot a traditional bow, how to shoot traditional archery, shooting traditional archery, shooting traditional bows, kramerammons, shooting bows, getting better at archery, how to shoot archery, archery improvement, archery shot, archery test, better archery, getting better with a bow, bow shooting, improving with a bow, bow
Id: ASCQ4m7lz5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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